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Keyword: johnavlon

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  • Liz Cheney-endorsed Democrats lose their House races, including three-term Pennsylvania incumbent

    11/06/2024 11:49:17 AM PST · by Red Badger · 73 replies
    Just The News ^ | November 06, 2024 | Greg Piper
    Democrats looking for a boost in crossover voters might want to politely reject endorsement by former Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., who became a Democratic Party surrogate after endorsing nominee Kamala Harris in September. Cheney-endorsed Susan Wild and John Avlon lost their closely watched House races to a Republican challenger and Republican incumbent, respectively. Pennsylvania three-term incumbent Wild made a series of blunders in her campaign, including sending contradictory letters to pro-Israel and pro-Palestine constituents and mocking a Republican stronghold in her district in a leaked conference call with fellow Democrats, the Washington Free Beacon reported. An allied labor union even...
  • President Trump Goes There: Retruths that that Haley is not constitutionally eligible to be president because her parents were not US citizens when she was born in South Carolina.

    01/09/2024 3:41:30 PM PST · by Macho MAGA Man · 61 replies
    CNN ^ | January 9, 2024 | John Avlon
    CNN — It was only a matter of time before former President Donald Trump went birther on Nikki Haley. After all, the former South Carolina governor and UN Ambassador is a pioneering candidate, the daughter of immigrants from India, and she’s rising in the polls. It’s not only concern about his electoral prospects that’s driving him; Trump’s massive yet fragile ego also feels threatened. So he reached for the most reflexive slur he could find via the far-right news site Gateway Pundit, reposting on Truth Social the false claim that Haley is not constitutionally eligible to be president because her...
  • VIDEO: CNN's John Avlon Hilariously Jumps the Gun with "WORSE THAN WATERGATE"

    04/02/2022 11:05:08 AM PDT · by PJ-Comix · 12 replies
    Rumble ^ | April 2, 2022 | DUmmie FUnnies
    VIDEO"WORSE THAN WATERGATE!!!"Oh how the media loves to blurt out that worn phrase out every time there is a supposed conservative or Republican scandal. And among those was CNN's John Avlon who loudly proclaimed this to his dozens of viewers on March 30 in regards to a supposed gap in President Trump's phone log on January 6, 2021. Avlon and the rest of the media had already declared Trump guilty of something when just two days later Avlon's own network made a fool out of him and the others when on April Fools Day they issued a report that declared...
  • 'You Have to Let Them Be Gross': Bill Maher Rips School Mask Mandates for Children

    02/19/2022 8:17:54 PM PST · by lightman · 8 replies ^ | 19 February A.D. 2022 | Landon Mott
    Real Time" host Bill Maher warned of the lasting impacts school mask mandates could have on children and argued that children need to be exposed to the world's germs. During Friday's installment of the show's "Overtime" segment, the panel discussed the recent recall of three progressive school board members who were ousted for prioritizing woke initiatives, like renaming schools named after former presidents, over the wellbeing of students. Maher asked former assistant San Francisco district attorney Brooke Jenkins, who is leading the recall effort against current DA Chesa Boudin, if it was time to stop masking children. "Having a 5-year-old...
  • 'Boom!' CNN's Avlon Excited By Unlikely Scenario That Could Kick Trump Off Ballot

    02/09/2022 7:18:59 AM PST · by governsleastgovernsbest · 6 replies
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    Don't look now, but the "Democracy In Peril" channel is breathing heavily about removing "insurrectionists" from the ballot, starting with Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina, and then, in the ultimate dream, Donald Trump. Avlon admitted it was a "long ball" to get Cawthorn removed from the ballot. Leftists are trying anyway (note CNN chyron just calling them "Activists.") Then he enthusiastically discussed how this could be used to prevent Trump 2024. Get the rest of the story and view the video here.
  • CNN producer is accused of luring mom and nine-year-old daughter to his Vermont ski home to 'train' the minor to be sexually submissive telling them a 'woman is a woman regardless of her age'

    12/11/2021 6:17:01 AM PST · by dynachrome · 91 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 12-11-21 | James Gordon
    John Griffin, 44, of Stamford, Connecticut has been arrested charged with enticing minors to engage in unlawful sexual activity From April to July of 2020, Griffin allegedly used online messaging applications to communicate with people purporting to be the parents of minor daughters He allegedly attempted to impress ideas, that a 'woman is a woman regardless of her age,' and that women should be sexually subservient and inferior to men Griffin who was a producer with CNN is alleged to have sought to persuade parents to allow him to 'train their daughters to be sexually submissive' In June 2020, Griffin...
  • Analysis: New congressional map helps GOP protect their power (CNN Crying over Redistricting) Schadenfreud alert!

    11/30/2021 3:12:24 PM PST · by Michael.SF. · 26 replies
    CNN (Via You tube) ^ | 11/15/21` | John Avlon
    Video at link
  • In Heated CNN Interview, Avlon Fights Defense Lawyer for Capitol Riot Defendant

    07/20/2021 7:28:57 AM PDT · by governsleastgovernsbest · 31 replies
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    In a heated interview on CNN's New Day this morning, Joseph D. McBride, the lawyer for Capitol breach defendant Richard 'Bigo' Barnett—famously seen with his feet on a desk in Nancy Pelosi's office—condemned the conditions of detention for the defendants, labeling them "D.C. Guantanamo Bay," and repeatedly accused the authorities of "torture." Snide and smirking substitute host John Avlon took repeated shots at McBride, claiming that McBride's various arguments "make absolutely no sense," and are "utterly unbased in fact." In a parting shot, Avlon sanctimoniously said, "I had hoped you would have a more of a fact-based conversation with anything...
  • CNN's Avlon Slams Climate 'Deniers' Like Trump: 'You Need to Have Your Head Examined'

    09/20/2020 11:00:14 AM PDT · by rktman · 27 replies ^ | 9/19/2020 | Brad Wilmouth
    On Thursday's New Day on CNN, the show presented a pre-recorded "Reality Check" in which liberal analyst John Avlon excoriated President Donald Trump for being a global warming skeptic, and asserted that "you ought to have your head examined" if you disagree with the left's fearmongering and alarmism about climate change. After meteorologist Chad Myers discussed the current threat of hurricanes, co-host Alisyn Camerota introduced Avlon's "Reality Check" as she pivoted:
  • CNN's Avlon: Lamar Alexander Must Vote for Witnesses to 'Save Republic'

    01/30/2020 12:11:12 PM PST · by governsleastgovernsbest · 26 replies
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    Was this a remark by a CNN commentator, or a floor speech by Sen. John Avlon (D-NY)? You'd be forgiven for being confused. On CNN's New Day this morning, "senior political commentator" Avlon engaged in some hysterical hyperbole. He implied that the "republic" would literally be lost if Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) voted against allowing witnesses in the impeachment trial. [snip] "No. And so I think a lot is going to be determined by Lamar Alexander. Sort of, you know, will the headline be, Lamar Alexander saves the republic, or saves the Republican party?"Get the rest of the story and...
  • CNN's Avlon: Bolton Testimony 'Equivalent of Nixon Smoking Gun Tape'

    01/29/2020 8:02:22 AM PST · by governsleastgovernsbest · 24 replies
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    How desperate is the liberal media to bring down President Trump? Desperate enough to resort to the most absurd analogies to make their supposed impeachment case against the president. Take CNN "senior political analyst" John Avlon on this morning's New Day. Avlon actually offered the preposterous proposition that John Bolton's prospective testimony at the impeachment trial would be "the equivalent of Nixon's smoking gun tape."Get the rest of the story and view the video here.
  • CNN Slams Republicans 'Avoiding Uncomfortable Facts' on Impeachment by Watching Fox News

    01/27/2020 12:17:11 PM PST · by rktman · 23 replies ^ | 1/27/2020 | Kristine Marsh
    CNN is grasping at straws to explain away Americans' waning interest in the impeachment trial. On Reliable Sources Sunday, host Brian Stelter and his CNN colleagues Oliver Darcy and John Avlon blamed it on the “Fox [News] firewall” which apparently keeps the right ignorant of Democrat arguments. Besides dismissing conservatives as indoctrinated, the liberal panel also attacked the Trump administration was “flabby snowflakes” who were used to preferential media treatment. That last statement was in reference to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calling NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly a “liar,” last week. The panel also brought up CNN reporter Manu...
  • What? After Stelter Defends Media, Blow Admits Smollett Could Be an ‘Insane’ ‘Psychopath’

    02/18/2019 4:32:21 PM PST · by hole_n_one · 66 replies
    Media Research Center...NewsBusters ^ | 2/18/19 | Curtis Houck
    CNN’s New Day provided more tone deafness Monday morning on the part of the establishment media in reaction to reports that actor Jussie Smollett orchestrated and staged an early-morning attack against him last month in Chicago. But there were some surprising takes, most notably New York Times columnist Charles Blow admitting that, if reports are true, that makes Smollett an “insane” “psychopath.” Co-host Alisyn Camerota went into damage control on behalf of the media in the 7:00 a.m. hour, stating to America’s “hall monitor” Brian Stelter that she recalled how, “in the hours right after this happened, that CNN —...
  • CNN Mocks Trump for Eating Omelet During Border Emergency

    02/18/2019 9:27:39 AM PST · by governsleastgovernsbest · 66 replies
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    To prove that there's a border emergency, President Trump must stop eating omelets! Ridiculous, you might say. And yet, on this morning's New Day, CNN's John Avlon, Alisyn Camerota and Jeff Toobin mocked President Trump for eating an omelet, somehow suggesting it debunks the existence of an emergency. After displaying a photo of Trump at a Mar-a-Lago omelet bar, the trio engaged in this banter: JOHN AVLON: While 'emergency' is not defined in this statute, the dictionary definition of emergency certainly doesn't fit this. And this weekend, he's at Mar-a-Lago at the omelet bar, also not exactly communicating urgency.CAMEROTA: Nothing...
  • CNN's Avlon Suggests Ann Coulter Speaks From Hell

    01/16/2019 9:19:48 AM PST · by governsleastgovernsbest · 11 replies
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    John Avlon is CNN's snarkiest commentator. I sincerely believe he stays up nights working on sarcastic quips designed to get him noticed. But this morning, it was an apparent ad lib that is of note. On New Day, Alisyn Camerota asked why President Trump hasn't accepted a deal that would end the partial government shutdown. Co-host John Berman, referring to a statement by Ann Coulter, offered an explanation, saying he had "a sign, a word from up above." Avlon interjected: "Whoa, whoa: directionally off!"Get the rest of the story and view the video here.
  • CNN's Avlon: Don't Give Trump 'Medal' for Not 'Screwing Up' H.W. Passing

    12/06/2018 9:33:35 AM PST · by governsleastgovernsbest · 34 replies
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    God rest the soul of George H.W. Bush. But God forbid that President Trump should receive credit for according H.W. all possible honors and conducting himself with grace during the funeral service. That latter, ungracious, thought was on John Avlon's mind this morning. The CNN commentator, on New Day, reacted to a statement by former Bush 43 aide Scott Jennings, praising President Trump's handling of the passing of H.W. Sneered Avlon: "I don't think you want to give out too many medals for not screwing up a presidential funeral. The President was on best behavior this week, but that's a...

    09/14/2018 9:08:13 AM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 20 replies ^ | Sep 14, 2018 | Grabien News
    Trump is ‘actively making the problem worse’ Hurricane Florence is now bearing down on North Carolina, and the media is looking to score political points. On MSNBC, host Chris Hayes invited meteorologist Eric Holthaus on to argue global warming is making hurricanes worse, and that President Trump is to blame. "We have a president that is denying the impacts of, you know, this hurricane season last year and this year and actively making the problem worse by, you know, not addressing this root cause of worsening storms,” Holthaus told to a nodding Hayes. On CNN, political analyst John Avlon, in...
  • CNN Boosts Left-Wing Campaign to Censor Breitbart; Approves ‘Blacklisting’

    09/03/2018 11:13:15 AM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 13 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 3 Sep 2018 | Joel B, Pollak
    CNN swept aside journalistic ethics on Sunday by endorsing a blacklisting campaign with a glowing interview of Matt Rivitz, the founder of Sleeping Giants, a failed effort to censor Breitbart News by harassing and intimidating companies whose advertisements may (or may not) have appeared on the website. The interview took place on Reliable Sources, a Sunday morning show that once focused on analyzing the media, but which in recent years has been turned into the editorial mouthpiece of CNN president Jeff Zucker, voiced through host Brian Stelter. Sunday’s program was helmed by substitute anchor John Avlon, in for Stelter...
  • CNN’s Avlon on McConnell/SCOTUS: “Cocaine and Champagne Mitch on a Bender”

    06/28/2018 4:06:22 AM PDT · by governsleastgovernsbest · 12 replies
    FinkelBlog ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    When it suits the liberal media, they will adopt even the worst slurs of those on the right. Take John Avlon on CNN this morning, who recycled failed Republican WV Senatorial primary candidate Don Blankenship’s characterization of Mitch McConnell as “Cocaine Mitch.” Avlon was commenting on the past maneuvers McConnell had made that now put Republicans in a strong position to confirm President Trump’s nominee to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. Said Avlon: “So much for being the institutionalist that McConnell pretends to be here. Let’s just call the hypocrisy out. This is Cocaine and Champagne Mitch....
  • CNN’s Avlon Rips Ivanka’s Olympic Trip: “Freelancing in a Fur Coat”

    02/27/2018 5:07:37 AM PST · by governsleastgovernsbest · 21 replies
    FinkelBlog ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    I’m convinced that John Avlon stays up nights before his CNN appearances, working on snarky one-liners that will get him noticed. So part of me hates falling for his shtick. Even so, I’ll report the shot he took at Ivanka this morning. Commenting on a report that chief of staff John Kelly didn’t think that Ivanka was qualified to represent the US at the Winter Olympics, Avlon said: “This is serious stuff, and simply freelancing in a fur coat ain’t going to cut it.” Get the rest of the story and view the video here.