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Keyword: gayplague

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  • 2025 HIV and AIDS Awareness Days

    02/07/2025 11:10:13 AM PST · by fwdude · 18 replies
    POZ ^ | Jan 6, 2025 |
    Awareness days help educate the general public and specific communities about HIV and AIDS.
  • California confirms first case of even more deadly mpox strain

    12/10/2024 11:46:41 AM PST · by fwdude · 32 replies
    HIVPlusMag ^ | November 18, 2024 | Donald Padgett
    California has confirmed the first case of a new, more lethal strain of mpox in a man who recently traveled to Africa, and public health officials now want to speak with anyone who may met the person. The new mpox clade I strain has a higher mortality rate than the earlier clade IIb strain that caused a global outbreak in 2022 and greatly impacted gay men. The World Health Organization declared a global public health emergency over the spread of the clade I mpox strain in August after the number of cases exploded in Africa.
  • N.Y. doctors report first U.S. cases of sexually transmitted ringworm

    11/01/2024 11:19:15 AM PDT · by Red Badger · 33 replies
    UPI / Health Day News ^ | October 31, 2024 | Ernie Mundell, HealthDay News
    Doctors in New York City are describing the first known U.S. cases of sexually transmitted ringworm, which can cause a nasty rash that can take months to bring under control. Photo by A. Caplan/MMWR/HealthDay News Doctors in New York City are describing the first known U.S. cases of sexually transmitted ringworm, which can cause a nasty rash that can take months to bring under control. Despite the name, ringworm isn't any kind of worm but instead is a fungus, Trichophyton mentagrophytes. It's more commonly known as jock itch (when it affects the groin area) or athlete's foot, and can produce...
  • Can this innovation change the way people think about HIV?

    10/22/2024 10:37:30 AM PDT · by fwdude · 13 replies
    UNAIDS ^ | 16 October 2024 | 16 October 2024
    In 2020, a gay Thai man living with HIV sparked controversy with a Facebook post. He was on antiretroviral therapy and had gotten lab tests to check the level of virus in his blood. Since his viral load was undetectable, he wrote, he was going to stop using condoms. The public responded with a mix of contempt and disbelief. How could he? So selfish! So reckless! The resulting debate spilled from social media onto national radio and TV. “There was a huge backlash,” remembered Dr Nittaya Phanuphak, the Executive Director of the Institute of HIV Research and Innovation (IHRI). She...
  • VIDEO: Doctor Fauci Monkeypox PSA from the Alternate Humorverse

    09/29/2024 11:09:38 AM PDT · by PJ-Comix · 6 replies
    Rumble ^ | September 29, 2024 | DUmmie FUnnies
    VIDEODr. Anthony Fauci delivers a PSA warning about Monkeypox as well as a new virus it mutated into as a result of gain of function research.
  • Mpox patient had 75 sexual partners in 21 days before developing symptoms, study finds

    07/02/2024 11:12:38 AM PDT · by algore · 90 replies
    One of the 229 people diagnosed with mpox in Ireland during the recent outbreak had 75 different sexual partners in the 21 days before they developed symptoms of the disease, a new study has revealed. The review of cases also found that 96.5 per cent of confirmed infections had been sexually transmitted. All but three of the infected patients were men, and 98.6 per cent identified as gay, bisexual or men who have sex with men (gbMSM). The youngest patient was 16 and the oldest was 68, and more than one in four (28.3 per cent) were HIV positive, according...
  • AIDSVu Adds Visualized Data on Stigma

    06/17/2024 6:24:07 AM PDT · by fwdude · 4 replies
    HIVPlusMag ^ | June 13, 2024 | Laura Schmidt
    With a goal of reducing and tracking the stigmas that act as a barrier to HIV prevention, treatment and care—as well as a hindrance to better overall health outcomes—AIDSVu recently added a new online feature, the JHU Stigma Dashboard that offers visualized stigma-related data. Currently, the dashboard tracks sexual behavior stigma in Georgia, New York and Maryland. Specifically, it includes data on men who have sex with men in those states. Additional data and geographic areas will be added to the dashboard in future phases.
  • National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 2024

    02/09/2024 6:47:02 AM PST · by fwdude · 18 replies
    POZ ^ | February 7, 2024 | Trent Straube
    Wednesday, February 7, marks National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (#NBHAAD) 2024. This year’s theme is, “Engage, Educate, Empower: Uniting to End HIV/AIDS in Black Communities.” Search the hashtag online to fine countless awareness campaigns, educational events and other happenings. Several examples are included throughout this article.
  • How to Challenge and Overcome HIV Stigma

    07/31/2023 7:59:17 AM PDT · by fwdude · 16 replies
    Comanche County Memorial Hospital ^ | July 18, 2023 | CCMH Community, Community Health, Healthy Living
    July 21 has been chosen as Zero HIV Stigma Day, a national observance that globally raises awareness about HIV stigma. Living with HIV can be challenging on its own, but the added burden of societal discrimination and stigma can make life even more difficult for those affected. The aim of Zero HIV Stigma Day is to empower individuals living with HIV, their loved ones, and the wider community to engage in open, honest conversations, challenge misconceptions, and create an inclusive society free from stigma.
  • “It Felt Like I Was Having an Out-of-Body Experience” - Larry Davis reflects on the day he was diagnosed with HIV.

    07/26/2023 9:18:32 AM PDT · by fwdude · 58 replies ^ | July 26, 2023 | Larry Davis
    Rock Hudson died of AIDS on October 2, 1985, and my fate came 10 days later on October 12, 1985. My life changed forever that day—a gorgeous fall day with a brilliant blue sky. As I drove to the health department to get my results, I remember thinking, Oh, my test will come back negative, and I’ll be fine. After all, this is North Carolina and AIDS is only hitting big cities like New York and San Francisco.” As I pulled into the parking lot, I became nauseous, feeling like I couldn’t breathe. I sat in the car for what...
  • Don't say mpox! Florida poised to be the US epicenter of the viral outbreak this hot gay summer

    06/19/2023 5:18:08 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 38 replies
    MSN ^ | 6/15
    Gay and bi men in some counties in Florida may be at greater risk of a resurgence in mpox (formerly known as monkeypox). It appears that only a minority of gay men in the state received both doses of the mpox vaccine. Since the mpox outbreak of last summer, 30,000 people in the US have been diagnosed with the infection, with the majority of infections among gay and bi men. There have been around 40 deaths. Just over half of those were in people with advanced HIV and compromised immune systems. In recent weeks, there have been concerns of a...
  • Biden's degenerate Monkey Pox Czar doesn't seem to understand what his job is

    06/18/2023 6:33:43 PM PDT · by NetAddicted · 13 replies ^ | 6/18/2023 | Bonchie
    Search... Remember monkeypox? Given how quickly the panic involving the transmissible disease came and went, you may not, but back in 2022, the panic got so bad that California declared a state of emergency. Further, the White House decided to appoint a monkeypox czar. He’s a controversial figure, to say the least. Demetre Daskalakis is his name, and he has a checkered history, having served as Deputy Commissioner of New York’s Division of Disease Control. Apparently, he did so a great job formulating one of the worst COVID responses in the country that he earned a job in the White...
  • WATCH: Biden’s Occult-Obsessed Monkeypox Tsar Takes BDSM Strut onto Vegas Biomedical Conference Stage.

    05/22/2023 9:44:19 AM PDT · by Red Badger · 39 replies
    National Pulse ^ | JAKE WELCH
    Recent footage shows the White House’s National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator, Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, strutting onto stage at the annual Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit last month wearing bondage straps around his waist and shoulders. Dr. Daskalakis – the disturbing habits of whom The National Pulse first reported on last year – can be seen walking in front of two half-naked men. The Vegas HIV summit was sponsored by Gilead, Janssen, Mistr, QCare, and ViiV Healthcare. VIDEO AT LINK.............. An Appreciation of Satan. First reported last year after his White House appointment under Biden, Dr. Daskalakis is famous for his obsession...
  • FDA proposes easing blood donation restrictions based on sexuality

    01/27/2023 12:22:12 PM PST · by Oldeconomybuyer · 22 replies
    UPI ^ | January 27, 2023 | By Doug Cunningham
    Jan. 27 (UPI) -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Friday proposed loosening restrictions based on gender and sexual orientation for blood donors in the United States. Under the proposal, current time-based deferrals for men who have sex with men and women who have sex with them would be eliminated and replaced with a "gender-inclusive, individual risk-based" screening to cut the risk of transfusion-transmitted HIV, the FDA said. All prospective donors would answer a revised questionnaire about new or multiple sex partners in the past three months and a prospective donor who does not report new or multiple sex partners...
  • Remember The 80's? Fauci, AIDS, and the Anti-Gay Backlash

    12/11/2022 9:41:00 AM PST · by RandFan
    Substack ^ | Feb 8 | Mark Hyman
    As we witnessed with the COVID-19 pandemic, the onset of the AIDS epidemic caused widespread panic. It was especially tragic in the early days when, like with the coronavirus, there were unanswered questions about the virus’s origin and the manner in which it could spread. Initial reports found nearly all who contracted AIDS were homosexual men, intravenous drug users, hemophiliacs, and Haitians. About 700,000 Americans have died from AIDS since the disease was first reported four decades ago. In the early 1980s, there were sporadic reports about a serious flu-like illness affecting otherwise healthy, young gay men. There were also...
  • Blood donation: Gay couple 'thrilled' after rules change [U.K.]

    06/14/2021 9:39:22 AM PDT · by fwdude · 41 replies ^ | June 14, 2021 | BBC
    Until now men who have sex with men had to wait three months before donating. From Monday, gay men in sexually active, monogamous relationships can donate for the first time. Anyone who has had anal sex with a new or multiple partners in the past three months will have to wait three months to donate - regardless of their gender. It follows a review by the Fair (For the Assessment of Individualised Risk) steering group, which concluded switching to an individualised, gender-neutral approach was fairer and maintained the safety of the blood supply. The review's recommendations are to be implemented...
  • Alarming Surge in Drug-Resistant HIV Uncovered

    07/31/2019 11:39:30 AM PDT · by C19fan · 53 replies
    Scientific America ^ | July 30, 2019 | Emiliano Rodríguez Mega
    Health authorities have uncovered an alarming surge in resistance to crucial HIV drugs. Surveys by the World Health Organization (WHO) reveal that, in the past 4 years, 12 countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas have surpassed acceptable levels of drug resistance against two drugs that constitute the backbone of HIV treatment: efavirenz and nevirapine. People living with HIV are routinely treated with a cocktail of drugs, known as antiretroviral therapy, but the virus can mutate into a resistant form.
  • Tanzania threat to list gay people

    02/20/2017 6:47:31 AM PST · by tekrat · 19 replies
    BBC ^ | 2/20/2017
    The threat to publish the names of suspected homosexuals in Tanzania has been defended by the deputy health minister in a fierce row on Twitter. Homosexual acts are illegal in the East African nation and punishable by up to 30 years in jail. Those who advertised homosexual activities online would also be targeted, the politician warned. Tweeters accused him of homophobia and infringing on the right to freedom of expression online.
  • U.S. opens door to a change in blood donation policy for gay men

    07/26/2016 8:08:34 PM PDT · by PROCON · 63 replies
    reuters ^ | July 26, 2016 | TONI CLARKE
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration opened the door on Tuesday to a change in its blood donor deferral recommendations, which currently prohibit donations from gay men for a year following their last sexual encounter in order to reduce the risk of transmitting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. In December the FDA overturned a 30-year ban on all blood donations from men who have sex with men, saying the change was based on science showing an indefinite ban was not necessary to prevent transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus. The FDA is now signaling it may go further. Gay...
  • Clive Davis and male bisexuality: Is the black community ready to accept it? [Forcing sodomy]

    03/05/2013 8:05:02 AM PST · by SoFloFreeper · 18 replies ^ | 2/26/13 | Feminista Jones
    Clive Davis, the music industry legend known for discovering Whitney Houston and Alicia Keys, recently announced (at 80) that he is bisexual, sparking conversations in many circles about the legitimacy of bisexuality among men. Even as we see an increase in the acceptance of people who identify themselves in terms that don’t include “heterosexual” in entertainment and politics, this tolerance isn’t afforded to everyone. There’s still a huge negative stigma about bisexual men, particularly within the African-American community after the “down low” hysteria of the late 1990s. From HIV transmission fears to religious ostracizing to outright social rejection, Black bisexual...