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Keyword: evolution

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  • [Catholic Caucus] Pope Pius XI refuted Darwinism 100 years ago, but his lessons have not been learned

    01/31/2025 9:44:31 AM PST · by ebb tide · 5 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 31, 2025 | Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation
    [Catholic Caucus] Pope Pius XI refuted Darwinism 100 years ago, but his lessons have not been learnedIn assessing natural selection, spontaneous generation, and the evolutionary mechanisms expounded by Charles Darwin, Pope Pius XI found they fail under scrutiny, highlighting gaps and debunking falsehoods created by its proponents to prop up the evolutionary theory.Editor’s note: This article is Part 2 of a four-part study of Pope Pius XI’s understanding of the Catholic doctrine of creation as opposed to the modern scientific proposition of the evolution of mankind. Part 1 can be found HERE.(Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation) — Having...
  • Scientist challenges 'out of Africa' theory with new origin for modern humans

    12/31/2024 2:52:41 AM PST · by Adder · 32 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 12-30-2024 | Matthew Phelan
    An evolutionary biologist has challenged the long-held theory that suggests the first humans emerged from African. Dr Huan Shi, from China, proposed evolution began in East Asia where fossils predating the Africa timeline have been found. Evidence of genetic diversity is at the heart of his 'out of East Asia' theory, based on a concept called 'maximum genetic diversity' (MGD) that states complex species are more likely to have less genetic diversity.
  • Man as God: The primordial heresy and the evolutionary science of becoming God

    12/14/2024 2:38:43 AM PST · by spirited irish · 24 replies
    Renew America ^ | 12/13/24 | Linda Kimball
    “Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever” Genesis 3:22From the days of Adam right down to our own time, the devilish belief that man is God has danced across history, seducing millions in its path:“In this way, even by magic, which is…a second idolatry, wherein they pretend that after death they become demons, just as they were supposed in the first and literal idolatry to become gods.” Tertullian...
  • The King of the Dinosaurs just got even BIGGER! T. Rex was 50ft long and weighed up to 15 TONNES - 70% heavier than previously thought, study claims

    07/25/2024 6:05:07 PM PDT · by SunkenCiv · 38 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | July 24, 2024 | Xantha Leatham
    With 60 razor-sharp teeth and jaws so powerful they could crush a car, the King of the Dinosaurs would already have been a terrifying sight.But if that wasn't enough, the T. Rex may have been 70 per cent heavier than previously thought – weighing up to 15 tonnes – according to a study...The palaeontologists found that the largest known T. Rex fossils probably fall in the 99th percentile – representing the top 1 per cent of body size – but finding one would require excavating fossils for another 1,000 years...Meanwhile, a separate study suggests that the T. Rex may also...
  • Evolution: Was your grandfather an otter?

    Hominids sucgh as the Neanderthal should be an evolutionists last choice for a 'human ancestor'
  • Richard Dawkins’s Unlikely Nemesis -- One of his own doctoral examiners at Oxford

    06/05/2024 9:15:18 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 20 replies
    Evolution News & Science Today ^ | 05/30/2024 | Daniel Witt
    Back in 2016, The Guardian ran a glowing piece for the 40th anniversary of the publication of Richard Dawkins’s influential book The Selfish Gene, which argued that organisms (like humans) are merely the vehicles that genes use to survive and propagate themselves. The author of the piece, evolutionary biologist Adam Rutherford, wrote that the book’s fame would last forever, for “as long as we study life, it will be read.” Yet even in 2016, Dawkins’s selfish gene model had begun to come under attack from other scientists. Since then, the cracks in the theory have grown. Leading the charge against...
  • How Scientists Discovered the Staggering Complexity of Human Evolution

    05/06/2024 8:22:32 PM PDT · by kawhill · 117 replies
    Scientific America ^ | September 2018 | Kate Wong
    Of Homo sapiens, Darwin made only a passing mention on the third-to-last page of the tome, noting coyly that "light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history." That's it. That is all he wrote about the dawning of the single most consequential species on the planet.
  • Creationism vs. the Theory of Evolution

    04/30/2024 11:21:10 PM PDT · by Texan4Life · 15 replies
    The Charlie Kirk Show ^ | April 30, 2024 | Dr. Randy Guliuzza
    Creationism vs. the Theory of Evolution The Charlie Kirk Show Dr. Randy Guliuzza: There is No Solid Scientific Evidence for Evolution Dr. Randy Guliuzza Discusses Tucker Carlson's Viral Attacks on Evolution Dr. Randy Guliuzza Unpacks Scientific Observations Supporting the Authenticity of the Bible Is Evolution Real? Dr. Randy Guliuzza Debunks Darwin
  • Long threads about evolution.

    03/22/2024 8:32:09 AM PDT · by bluescape · 46 replies
    Does anyone remember those long threads about evolution a few years ago? There was one poster that was always jumping on to argue, I think in favor of it. Can't remember their name or I could look some up. If you could post link to one I'd like to read some.
  • Hominid==>Human Evolution...

    01/03/2024 8:25:08 PM PST · by ganeemead · 35 replies
    For any hominid to have evolved into a human, he'd have needed to lose everything he needed to live, including:1 His fur while ice ages were happening 2 Nearly all of his night visiion while surrounded by large carnivores that could all see quite nicely in the dark 3 Nearly all of his sense of smell while trying to make it as a land prey animal 4 Nearly all of his musculature, in an age when muscle mattered That's a really stupid plan. Who dreams that sort of thing up??You could devise a new eligion by taking the single stupidest...
  • Video: Answers in Genesis: Evolutionists, YOU Support Systemic Racism

    12/31/2023 1:34:56 AM PST · by spirited irish · 11 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | 12/23 | Answers in Genesis
    Calvin Smith explores the unsettling ties between some interpretations of evolution and systemic racism. Highlighting misrepresentations that linked ethnic groups to primates, he advocates for a biblical worldview, emphasizing that all humans are divinely created in God’s image, promoting unity and respect across races.
  • The Powers, Spiritual Warfare, the World’s Evolutionary System, and Reason for Condemnation

    12/27/2023 3:13:41 AM PST · by spirited irish · 9 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | 12/23 | Linda Kimball
    “The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion,1 which seeks to promote understanding of the natural sciences to Christian believers, has supported the publication of a new book aimed at children (7–14 years). Regrettably, God’s Cosmic Cookbook: Your complete guide to making a universe is directed towards the teaching of millions-of-years and evolution to children. A sizeable 192 pages, it has been written by Elizabeth Cole, with colourful cartoon illustrations by Patrick Laurent, while the Institute has “helped in every part of the process to ensure our science and theology are in line with current understandings and discoveries.” Andrew Sibley,,...
  • How would you respond to this argument: "Since science cannot prove or disprove the existence of God, then it's possible he exists"?

    12/10/2023 12:53:16 PM PST · by daniel1212 · 188 replies ^ | Updated 12-10-23 | Daniel Hamilton
    Partly, by responding that scientific discovery and knowledge does not warrant the premise that the universe and everything therein can (at least someday) all be attributed to purely natural processes.Meaning that the atheist/antitheist position claim that there is no Creator/God, is one lacking in evidential warrant and requires great faith. For it can only presume that an exceedingly vast, systematically ordered, intricate universe,* exquisitely finely tuned for earthly life with its extensive diversity and astounding complexity, came to be by known (or potentially known), purely natural demonstrable powers, as if it was Divine, without any supreme supernatural intelligence behind it.And...
  • [Video transcript] Can Scientists Answer These Questions? RNA, Abiogenesis, Chemical Natural Selection & more Dr. James Tour. [More of his videos here].

    11/26/2023 11:45:43 AM PST · by daniel1212 · 14 replies
    Dr. James Tour ^ | 8-24-2023 | Dr. James Tour
    [Video transcript] Can Scientists Answer These Questions? RNA, Abiogenesis, Chemical Natural Selection & more Dr. James Tour. [Video. [More of his videos here]. [Note: this is from a synthetic organic chemist at Rice University and who and what he presents here is way out of my league, and read just a little, but think it is worth posting. Thus I used to format this* provocative transcript from the YouTube video, which was a giant wall of text.] Note also that the main body of the transcript is here, but Question number 3 was evidently mistakenly listed in the vid...
  • Modernist Evolutionary Christians in a Little God-Man Centered Universe: Scientific Neutrality and Biblical Deconstruction

    11/15/2023 1:45:36 AM PST · by spirited irish · 24 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | 2023 | Linda Kimball
    En-darkened modernists claim scientific neutrality as a general operating assumption. Two applications of modernist thought evidence this: deconstructionism (destructive criticism/critical theory) and evolution (anti-creation account/relentless change/relativism), an inverted exegesis that deconstructs and reduces man in the spiritual image of the Trinity to evolved ape. Along with evolution, deconstructionism is a form of relativism or nihilism that for more than eighty years has been spilling into and contaminating our moral and culture sustaining institutions from seminaries and Biblical scholarship to academia, law, media, arts, and politics, thence our minds, individually and collectively. (2)The origin of the neutrality principle is the Garden...
  • Starfish 'Arms' Are Really Something Else Entirely

    11/04/2023 4:19:05 PM PDT · by BenLurkin · 20 replies
    cientists have been scratching their heads for some time on how echinoderms—ie, starfish, sea urchins, and other creatures with bodies split into five equal sections—evolved from the "bilaterally symmetric" body shapes, which feature two mirrored sides, that most other animals have. Adding to the confusion is that starfish begin life as larvae with twofold symmetry, then morph into their grown-up versions. Researchers found that genes switched on in the outermost layers of one particular type of starfish, known as Patiria miniata, matched genes in acorn worms and vertebrates that are activated in those creatures' heads. Thurston Lacalli of British Columbia's...
  • Is Jesus Christ the Creator God? Genesis vs Big Bang

    11/02/2023 1:22:08 AM PDT · by spirited irish · 25 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | 2023 | Russell Grigg
    The Bible affirms in several places that Jesus Christ is the Creator God. For example, “All things were made through him” [the Word, in Greek ὁ λόgos, = Jesus Christ] (John 1:3), and “For by him [Jesus Christ] all things were created” (Colossians 1:16).If this is true, we should expect to see some parallelism between what happened at creation and the works of Jesus during his ministry on earth. What do we find?First let us consider what kind of evidence we are looking for.Some of the essential and distinctive elements of creation, as revealed in Genesis chapter 1, as well...
  • “Do You Have to be a Creationist to be Christian?” A Tactical Question that Avoids the Real Issue.

    10/28/2023 1:23:39 AM PDT · by spirited irish · 140 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | 2022 | Gary Bates
    This question often comes up, particularly during QA sessions at ministry events. In my experience, the type of person that usually asks this question is not, what we would call, a biblical creationist, and has subscribed to some sort of view that adds millions of years or some evolutionary process to the opening chapters of Genesis. For example, I was once invited to speak at a Christian high school as part of an origins series. Those with differing views were invited to share opinions on the creation/evolution debate. The teacher leading the meeting said that the purpose of exposing students...
  • Genesis Impact (2020) | Full Movie [text transcribed using AI Scripted exchange btwn science museum teacher and student challenging him. See comment]

    10/22/2023 1:46:00 PM PDT · by daniel1212 · 14 replies
    [Video : Lead Actors: Reggie McGuire, Hannah Bradley. Secular museum docent (Reggie McGuire) presents his best case for evolution at the natural history museum, but little does he know that Christina (Hannah Bradley) has a few questions at the end of his talk that turn the tables…... Length: 67 Minutes [McGuire, beginning at 3:41 mark of vid] I encourage you to visit the exhibits that will help you visualize what we've discussed today. These exhibits should be marked in the maps that we provided for you. First, we have a wonderful exhibit that shows that apes and humans share about...
  • Dr. William Lane Craig and the Conundrum of Compromise

    10/06/2023 1:17:49 AM PDT · by spirited irish · 21 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | 2022 | Joel Tay
    Dr William Lane Craig is a well-known and respected apologist cited by many prominent Christians. So, it is shocking, for many, to hear that he is also an avid anticreationist. Craig tries to reconcile evolution with Genesis by categorizing Genesis as mytho-history—a type of theological fable that is not meant to be understood as real history. In an online interview with Sean McDowell, Craig said:“My greatest fear is that the young-earth creationist might be right in his hermeneutical claim that Genesis does teach those things that I described earlier. And I say that would be a nightmare because if that’s...