Free Republic 4th Qtr 2024 Fundraising Target: $81,000 | Receipts & Pledges to-date: $11,664 | |||
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Woo hoo!! And our first 14% is in!! Thank you all very much!! God bless. |
Posted on 04/22/2009 1:10:08 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
It's been said that conservatism has different meanings for different people. It may not be textbook, but without a whole lot of navel gazing, here's what it means to me and what Free Republic is all about:
In a word, Freedom! In two words, Preserving Freedom. In a handful of words as stated by our Founding Fathers, to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity!
America was founded on the proposition that all men are created equal by God and that our unalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness are granted directly by God and that no man, no government, no power on earth has the legitimate authority to deprive us of same or to redefine them out of existence. All down through history, tyrants of every stripe have tried to do so. All eventually fail. Man was created by God to be free, and so shall he be!
Today, our American heritage, our traditional American way of life, our American freedom itself is under constant attack. The enemies of freedom are daily eroding away our rights, forcing their repugnant evil ways onto our society and our children and trampling our constitution. Abortionism, homosexualism, extremist environmentalism, militant feminism, socialism, Marxism, government enforced atheism, paganism, perversion, cowardice, overreaching abusive government intrusion, etc, are all antithetical to conservatism and antithetical to continued freedom.
As a conservative site, Free Republic is here to defend, preserve and protect our rights, our religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, the right to keep and bear arms, private property rights, the right to life, the right to have a traditional family and to raise and educate our children as we see fit, the right to free enterprise and free markets, the right to corruption-free government, the right to constitutionally limited government, the right to self-government, the right to self-defense, and the right to live our lives free of government supervision, intrusion or intervention.
We empower our government to perform certain defined tasks, such as defending our rights, defending our borders, defending our nation, establishing courts, establishing certain standards for trade among nations and states, etc., but we do not empower them to run our lives, seize our property, indoctrinate our children, poison our society, trample our constitution, stomp out our religious freedom, tax us out of house and home, force themselves upon us or otherwise have their way with us. King George learned the hard way that you DO NOT TREAD ON US!!
History has a way of repeating itself.
Keep your powder dry.
If you are of like mind and believe that our unalienable rights are not negotiable and would like to see Free Republic continue in its mission of conserving our freedom, please consider making a donation today.
Thank you all very much!!
God bless!!
Woo hoo!! Over 35 percent!! Way to go FReepers and Lurkers!! Thank you all very much!!
I donate monthly, but haven't sent a note to don-o yet...
_19th_Society | FairWitness | NonValueAdded | |
~Vor~ | Fiddlstix | NormsRevenge | |
3D-JOY | Flashman_at_ | notaliberal | |
4woodenboats | Former War Criminal | nothingnew | |
50mm | FreedomPoster | NY Attitude | |
adm5 | freekitty | NY Attitude | |
afnamvet | FreeperMania | NYTexan | |
Aggie Mama | freespirited | oceanperch | |
Alamo-Girl | george76 | OKIEDOC | |
Allegra | gidget7 | ol hoghead | |
American Quilter | GitmoSailor | Ole Okie | |
American72 | glock rocks | Owl_Eagle | |
AmericanGirlRising | goosie | pax_et_bonum | |
angelsonmyside | GovernmentShrinker EdReform | Peacekeeper357 | |
Angelwood | Grampa Dave | pelican | |
angkor | GunsareOK | PerConPat | |
avacado | HairOfTheDog | Pete-R-Bilt | |
babble-on | harpo11 | Pharmboy | |
Bahbah | hattend | plsjr | |
bamabound | HiJinx | politicalmerc | |
bamahead | holly go-rightly | primatreat | |
basil | holly go-rightly | processing please hold | |
Baynative | hotshu | proud2beconservativeinNJ GrandmaPatriot | |
bazbo | I_be_tc | Publius | |
beandog | illiac | Quilla | |
beandog | ImpBill | RabidBartender | |
Bergen | Jack Deth | rabscuttle385 | |
betty boop | JacksonsDaddy | Raffus | |
Betty Jane | JacksonsMommy | RandallFlagg | |
BIGLOOK | Jacvin | Randy Larsen | |
Billthedrill | Jazusamo | redhead | |
blam | jch10 | RedRover | |
BlessedBeGod | JDoutrider | Repubmom | |
BlueLancer | Jean S | rface | |
Bommer | Jeff Gordon | Rheo | |
BooBoo1000 | Jemian | RichInOC | |
BoxerDawgs | JMJJR | RightField | |
Brad's Gramma | John O | RobFromGa | |
brityank | Judith Anne | Rushmore Rocks | |
brityank | Just another Joe | SamAdams76 | |
BuckeyeTexan | Just another Joe | saminfl | |
Bush_Democrat | JustaNobody | Scarpetta | |
ButThreeLeftsDo | Kathy in Alaska | scott7278 | |
Cable225 | katnip | ScottHawaiian | |
Caipirabob | katykelly | scripter | |
calex59 | Kay Ludlow | seekthetruth | |
CaptRon | KeepingFaith | SFConservative | |
cedarswingman | Kitten1 | SFConservative | |
Chairman_December | Lady Jag | Shelayne | |
chesty_puller | LadyNavyVet | shetlan | |
Chode | LadyPilgrim | Sir Hailstone | |
Chode | LakeLady | sjeann | |
CholeraJoe | Laura Earl | Slicksadick | |
Chuck54 | leadpenny | Slip18 | |
CindyDawg | Letitring | SnarlinCubBear | |
Clint N. Suhks | Little Bill | sneakers | |
commonguymd | Lonesome in Massachussets | Stentor | |
concentric circles | lonevoice | steveegg | |
concretebob | Lucius Cornelius Sulla | SunTzuWu | |
Conspiracy Guy | LuigiBasco | SwatTeam | |
crager | lula | Tarpaulin | |
crazy aunt in the attic SubMareener | LUVW | Tax-chick | |
CyberAnt | M0sby | TaxRelief | |
dalereed | M1911A1 | texas booster | |
DancingMyRainbow | Maceman | texas booster | |
davidosborne | Mad_Tom_Rackham pgkdan | The Right Stuff | |
daybreakcoming | Magnolia | the_charge | |
Diamondhead | Mama25 | thefactor | |
DirtyHarryY2K | MarineMom613 | ThePythonicCow | |
Ditter | markomalley | Tijeras_Slim | |
Ditter | Max Monroe | toddlintown | |
dixiechick2000 | McGavin999 | toldyou | |
do the dhue | McLynnan | TomServo | |
Don Carlos | Mean Maryjean | truthkeeper | |
don-o | MEG33 | Tuscaloosa Goldfinch | |
drc43 | MindyW | twin2 | |
duckbutt | Minute Gal | Two-Bits | |
dutchess | Miss Behave | umgud | |
dynachrome | MizSterious | upsdriver | |
eastforker | mnehrling | UpstateNYRouser | |
Eddie01 | Mo1 | usflagwaver | |
ElkGroveDan | Moiraine | vandy | |
EllenM | mojo114 | Verbosus | |
Ellesu | mollynme | Vermonter | |
Empireoftheatom48 | Momaw Nadon | Vermonter | |
Eric Blair 2084 | mountainfolk | vetvetdoug | |
estrogen | Mr. Smorch | VirginiaMom | |
Exit 148 | musicman | w1andsodidwe | |
exit82 | NCMOM | wireplay | |
eyedigress | NewLand | WorkerbeeCitizen | |
F.J. Mitchell | nina0113 | WVNan | |
facedown | NinoFan | xcamel | |
Fair Paul | noexcuses | X-FID | |
xzins | |||
Hope that is helpful to you.. 8^)
Mom’s doing much better. My sister was talking to her on the phone earlier last evening and all of a sudden, she wasn’t making sense. Mom has a history of TIA’s or ‘mini-strokes’. She hasn’t had a serious incident for four or five years. They keep her blood thinned pretty good to avoid this. No idead what brought it on....
So my sister hung up on her, called 911 and raced over there. Luckily, she’ only 5-6 minutes away. They took her to the ER and got her stable and that’s when my sister called me and told me what was going on. Spent a couple of hours in the hospital last night and most of today. Looks like she’s going home tomorrow with a new tweak on her meds....
Thanks for the prayer support....Mom sez hi!
Glad she’s ok and going home! Hi to Mom!
Woo hoo!!
And this just in:
$20 from Indiana
$10 monthly from Tennessee
$18 from Washington
$20 from California
$100 from Colorado
$20 from New York
Thank you all very much!!
Please check your FReepMail
Welcome back. Glad your Mom is doing better. Tell here “Hi” too.
Woo hoo!!
And this just in:
$20 from Indiana
$10 monthly from Tennessee
$18 from Washington
$20 from California
$100 from Colorado
$20 from New York
Thank you all very much!!
If she can do the crossword puzzle in the paper tomorrow, she gets to come home...
$20 from me for the cause.
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