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Keyword: nebraska

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  • Pro-life win: New Mexico Supreme Court invalidates local pro-life ordinances but acknowledges validity of federal Comstock Act

    01/19/2025 4:21:40 PM PST · by Morgana · 1 replies
    Catholic Vote ^ | January 17, 2025 | Susan Berry, Ph.D.
    The attorney representing the cities of Hobbs and Clovis, New Mexico, says he is “thrilled” with a ruling issued January 9 by the New Mexico Supreme Court that invalidates his clients’ local ordinances outlawing abortion. Jonathan F. Mitchell of Mitchell Law PLLC explained in a statement what might appear on the surface to be a surprising reaction to the loss. “This is the first court to hold that an ordinance requiring compliance with the federal Comstock Act prohibits the shipment and receipt of abortion-related paraphernalia in states where abortion remains legal,” Mitchell wrote. “We look forward to litigating these issues...
  • Watching a Hoax Perpetrated in Real Time

    01/08/2025 7:28:00 AM PST · by DeweyCA · 11 replies ^ | 1-8-25 | David Strom
    I would have written about this one yesterday, but I was enjoying the experience of getting a colonoscopy. But the story is still timely and, more importantly, a perfect example of how the Democrats and the Pravda Media create a nasty hoax out of an innocent event. I am speaking of the Great Handshake Controversy of January 6th. It was, according to the left, a very dark day in American history. Scott Jennings snarkily called it the High Holy Day of January 6th. This time the horror that must be expressed was not the storming of the Capitol building but...
  • Ouch: Husband of Nebraska Senator Deb Fischer Leaves Kamala Harris Embarrassed After Rebuffed Handshake (VIDEO)

    01/06/2025 10:43:53 AM PST · by Macho MAGA Man · 80 replies
    Gateway Pundit ^ | January 6, 2025 | Margaret Flavin
    Bruce Fischer, the husband of U.S. Senator for Nebraska Senator Deb Fischer, had an awkward exchange with Kamala Harris during the one-on-one ceremonial swearing-in of senators with their families. Following the oath, Harris tells Senator Fischer congratulations and shakes her hand. She then turns to Bruce, who took part in the ceremony by holding the bible for his wife, and extends her hand. Bruce declined the opportunity to shake hands with Harris, who awkwardly quipped, “I won’t bite.” Fischer declined the handshake and put his hands in his pockets. Harris looked surprised and smiled awkwardly.
  • Two major banks leave UN Net Zero Banking Alliance in two weeks

    12/21/2024 10:43:47 AM PST · by george76 · 13 replies
    Center Square ^ | 12/21/ 2024 | Bethany Blankley |
    Not soon after the general election, and within two weeks of each other, two major financial institutions have left a United Nations Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA). This is after they joined three years ago, pledging to require environmental social governance standards (ESG) across their platforms, products and systems. According to the "bank-led and UN-convened" NZBA, global banks joined the alliance, pledging to align their lending, investment, and capital markets activities with a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, NZBA explains. Since April 2021, 145 banks in 44 countries with more than $73 trillion in assets have joined NZBA, tripling...
  • 11 State Attorneys General, Led by Ken Paxton, Take on BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street in Groundbreaking Anti-Trust Lawsuit Over Coal Market Manipulation

    11/27/2024 10:29:08 AM PST · by DFG · 8 replies
    Gateway Pundit ^ | 11/27/2024 | Jim Hoft
    A groundbreaking lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas accuses financial giants BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street of colluding to manipulate the U.S. coal market. The case, spearheaded by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and supported by 10 other state attorneys general, alleges that these firms have used their substantial ownership stakes in major coal producers to suppress competition and artificially raise energy prices. The states listed as plaintiffs are” Texas Alabama Arkansas Indiana Iowa Kansas Missouri Montana Nebraska West Virginia Wyoming According to the 108-page complaint, BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street collectively...
  • The Trump team’s plan to resuscitate a dead oil project [XL]

    11/21/2024 6:04:21 AM PST · by Red Badger · 22 replies
    Politico (Yeah, I know) ^ | November 20, 2024 | Ben Lefebvre
    The company behind the project cancelled it and the steel that was in ground has been removed, but it’s on the president-elect’s energy to-do list. Donald Trump is looking to revive the Keystone XL oil pipeline on his first day back in the White House, according to three people familiar with the president-elect’s plan, even though no companies are trying to build it anymore. Trump believes declaring the 1,200-mile Canada-to-Nebraska crude project back on the table would drive the pro-oil message he delivered in his campaign, said people involved in the transition team discussions about the idea. Trump also wants...
  • Students for Life: Pro-lifers must keep fighting after election victories

    11/08/2024 12:55:40 PM PST · by Morgana · 5 replies
    Catholic Vote ^ | November 8, 2024 | Rachel Quackenbush
    CV NEWS FEED // In the wake of the 2024 election, the president of Students for Life is calling on pro-life advocates to remain engaged, emphasizing that despite recent victories, the movement still faces significant challenges ahead. In a November 6 letter, Kristan Hawkins celebrated one of the biggest wins for the pro-life movement, which came from Florida. The state’s extreme abortion amendment was defeated, an outcome anticipated to save tens of thousands of lives this year. This victory was hard-won, Hawkins reported, with support from Governor Ron DeSantis and key contributions from pro-life groups. Other pro-life measures succeeded too,...
  • Nebraska Defeats Radical Measure Creating Right to Kill Babies in Abortions

    11/06/2024 10:18:58 AM PST · by Morgana · 2 replies
    Life News ^ | November 6, 2024 | Steven Ertelt
    Nebraska voters voted pro-life on two key measures in last nights presidential election. Nebraska voters rejected an extreme abortion ballot proposal, Initiative 439, and simultaneously passed pro-life Initiative 434. First, Nebraska voters rejected the “Protect the Right to Abortion” amendment, which would enshrine abortion as a right in the state constitution – defeating it on a 51.2-48.8 margin. Secondly, they voted for a pro-life measure that would ban late-term abortions, adopting it on a 55.3-44.7 margin. Nebraska Right to Life and other pro-life advocates joins other members of the Protect Women and Children coalition in celebrating passage of the ballot...
  • Republicans To Control Senate

    11/05/2024 8:55:18 PM PST · by TBP · 38 replies
    TV | Now | Me
    Fox News just projected Deb Fisher beats Osborn in Nebraska. With Justice winning in West Virginia and Bernie Moreno winning in Ohio, this means the Republicans hold at least 51 Senate seats, giving them a majority.
  • Nebraska softball star hits back at criticism after appearing in pro-life ad: ‘We just aren’t afraid’

    10/31/2024 5:47:14 AM PDT · by KierkegaardMAN · 16 replies
    Fox ^ | Paulina Dedaj
    Jordyn Bahl, a two-time national champion and standout on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) softball team, is firing back after facing criticism for taking part in a political ad campaigning for a pro-life ballot measure in Nebraska. Bahl, 22, was one of six athletes from the university who appeared in a series of commercials encouraging Nebraskans to vote on two competing abortion measures that will be on the state’s general election ballot Tuesday, Initiative Measure 434 and Initiative Measure
  • Women athletes fight Nebraska’s pro-abortion ballot measure in new ad campaign

    10/30/2024 1:22:57 PM PDT · by Morgana · 4 replies
    Catholic Vote ^ | October 30, 2024 | Elizabeth Kidney
    CV NEWSFEED // Protect Women and Children on Monday released two new ads to encourage Nebraskans to vote on two major abortion initiatives on the state’s November ballot. The ads are in favor of the pro-life Initiative 434 and against the pro-abortion Initiative 439. The 30-second and 60-second ads feature female athletes from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln: UNL volleyball star Rebekah Allick, a Catholic, and UNL softball players Malia Thomas, Hannah Camenzind, Lauren Camenzind, Jordyn Bahl, and Abbie Squier. The athletes shared their thoughts on the initiatives. “With out-of-state activists lying about the radical Initiative 439, my teammates and I...
  • Nebraska Pro-Life Voters Should Vote Yes on 434 and No on 439

    10/24/2024 3:14:33 PM PDT · by Morgana · 1 replies
    Life News ^ | October 21, 2024 | Nebraska Right to Life
    Pro-lifers should vote FOR Initiative 434, and vote AGAINST Initiative 439. (Vote for “four” and decline “nine”!) Contrary to some well-meaning, but erroneous misinformation, initiative 434 DOES NOT create a right to abortion in the constitution. We’ve heard a few say that they are going to vote against 434 or simply abstain from 434. Avoid these key mistakes and make your pro-life vote count! Here is what Initiative 434 DOES : * Protects babies in the womb from abortion in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, except in cases of medical emergency, sexual assault or incest. * Preserves the many pro-life...
  • Do Maine and Nebraska Have it Right?

    10/18/2024 4:21:30 AM PDT · by MtnClimber · 39 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 18 Ost, 2024 | Dennis Lund
    Democrats, still hurting after two losses in which their candidates won the popular vote but not the Presidency, have been making noise about eliminating the Electoral College (EC). Recently Tim Walz came out in favor of eliminating the EC, but he was quickly cautioned to not say the quiet part out loud again. Many believe this to be sour grapes, another ploy to obtain the real desire; a one-party Democrat nation. Short of actual takeover by a foreign nation, or a nuclear holocaust, there is nothing that would be more damaging to our nation. There exists a constitutional alternative worth...
  • 19 States Have Shifted to Donald Trump in Past Week—Nate Silver Model

    10/13/2024 2:43:56 PM PDT · by MinorityRepublican · 42 replies
    Newsweek ^ | October 11, 2024 | Martha McHardy
    Former President Donald Trump has made gains in 19 states in the past week, according to a major election forecast. Pollster Nate Silver's forecast shows that the Republican presidential nominee has made marginal gains in six swing states during the past week and in Florida, Texas and New Mexico. Trump has also made gains in New Hampshire, California, Montana, Washington, Massachusetts, Indiana, Missouri, Maryland, Rhode Island and Nebraska, including in its 2nd Congressional District. Nebraska does not use the "winner takes all" system for awarding Electoral College votes. Two votes are awarded to the winner of the statewide popular vote,...
  • Grooming Allegations Against Tim Walz By Former Student on Sat Night Livestream

    10/06/2024 12:32:38 PM PDT · by xxqqzz · 58 replies
    bitchute ^ | October 6, 2024 | Saturday Night Livestream
    My guest tonight makes shocking allegations against Dem. VP nominee, Gov. Tim Walz…
  • Walz’s claim that he was in China during Tiananmen Square protests undercut by unearthed newspaper reports

    10/01/2024 8:52:13 AM PDT · by blueplum · 24 replies
    CNN ^ | 01 Oct 2024 | Aaron Pellish
    Newly unearthed reports contradict previous claims made by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz about his travel to China, including a claim that the Democratic vice presidential nominee traveled to China for a teaching position in 1989 during the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests... Walz had previously said he visited Hong Kong in “May of ’89,” weeks before the Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing. ... But contemporaneous newspaper reports first resurfaced by the Washington Free Beacon, a conservative news outlet, place Walz in Nebraska around that time. An issue of the Alliance Times-Herald dated May 16, 1989, features a photo of Walz touring...
  • Tim Walz Said He Was in Hong Kong During the Tiananmen Square Massacre. He Was Home in Nebraska.

    09/30/2024 3:53:45 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 28 replies
    The Washington Free Beacon ^ | September 30, 2024 | Alana Goodman
    At a 2014 congressional hearing held to mark the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, Tim Walz, then a congressman representing Minnesota’s first district, recalled being in Hong Kong when the Chinese Communist Party crushed the student protests that had roiled the country since mid-April of 1989. The unforgettable crackdown came on June 4 of that year."I was just going to teach high school in Foshan in Guangdong, and was in Hong Kong in May of ‘89," he said. "And as the events were unfolding, several of us went in. And I still remember the train station in Hong...
  • State senator thwarts GOP effort to lock down all of Nebraska’s electoral votes for Trump

    09/24/2024 12:04:20 PM PDT · by RandFan · 26 replies
    By Associated Press / POLITICO ^ | Sep 24 | By Associated Press
    A Republican effort to lock down all of Nebraska’s electoral votes for former President Donald Trump appeared doomed Monday when a state lawmaker denied backers his crucial support for the move. GOP Sen. Mike McDonnell of Omaha said in a statement that he opposes awarding Nebraska’s five electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, like 48 other states do. Nebraska and Maine give two electoral votes to the candidate who wins statewide and one vote to the winner in each congressional district. McDonnell’s position means Republicans don’t have the two-thirds majority they’d need in Nebraska’s unique, one-chamber Legislature to pull off...
  • State senator thwarts GOP effort to lock down all of Nebraska’s electoral votes for Trump

    09/23/2024 5:49:12 PM PDT · by tkocur · 22 replies
    Politico ^ | 23 SEPT 2024
    A Republican effort to lock down all of Nebraska’s electoral votes for former President Donald Trump appeared doomed Monday when a state lawmaker denied backers his crucial support for the move. GOP Sen. Mike McDonnell of Omaha said in a statement that he opposes awarding Nebraska’s five electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, like 48 other states do. Nebraska and Maine give two electoral votes to the candidate who wins statewide and one vote to the winner in each congressional district. McDonnell’s position means Republicans don’t have the two-thirds majority they’d need in Nebraska’s unique, one-chamber Legislature to pull off...
  • How One Man’s Vote in Nebraska Could Change the Presidential Election

    09/21/2024 12:11:40 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 21 replies
    The New York Times ^ | Sept. 20, 2024, 8:16 p.m. ET | Jonathan Weisman and Reid J. Epstein
    In Eastern Nebraska, far from the presidential battleground states, a drama is playing out that could, in a perfectly plausible November scenario, have history-altering repercussions for the nation’s future and the next president — and it may all come down to one man. A single Republican state senator from Omaha, Mike McDonnell, has so far stood firm against a push by former President Donald J. Trump, national Republicans and the Nebraska G.O.P. to change Nebraska from a state that divides its electoral votes by congressional district to one that awards all of them to the statewide winner. Maine is the...