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Keyword: oregon

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  • A creepy example of state governments itching to steal your money (Oregon)

    02/06/2025 10:51:42 AM PST · by SeekAndFind · 3 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 02/06/2025 | John Woods
    We have so many different movies and TV shows that illustrate how the Mafia and others ran their protection racket: the Godfather series, The Sopranos, and The Equalizer, to name a few. T he protection racket usually said, “It would be a shame if your business caught fire due to greasy kitchen pipes.”Now let me provide some information about the law in Oregon called the “Tax Kicker.”Bing explains, “The Oregon surplus credit, known as the ‘kicker,’ is a unique way for the state government to return some of your taxes when revenues are more than predicted. The kicker comes from...
  • Senate Republican leader pitches increased state scrutiny of Oregon Food Bank

    02/05/2025 10:25:35 AM PST · by hiho hiho · 7 replies
    Oregon Capital Chronicle ^ | Feburary 4, 2025 | Julia Shumway
    For years, legislative Republicans have argued that the Oregon Food Bank strayed from its mission of eliminating hunger by weighing in on political debates. On Tuesday, the top Republican in the Oregon Senate made his case for increased legislative scrutiny of the food bank and other nonprofit organizations that receive state funding. Sen. Daniel Bonham’s Senate Bill 644, which would create a legislative committee to audit the food bank, had a skeptical reception in the Senate Human Services Committee. Democrats who make up the majority on that committee and in the Legislature questioned the need for that bill, as the...
  • Current Klamath River Levels - Northern California

    02/04/2025 9:57:53 AM PST · by cuz1961 · 28 replies
  • Lay’s recall upgraded to highest risk level [death]

    02/03/2025 12:07:09 PM PST · by Red Badger · 21 replies
    The Hill ^ | January 31, 2025 | Ashleigh Fields
    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says a previously announced recall of certain bags of Lay’s potato chips in Oregon and Washington now falls into “Class I” status, its highest risk level. The FDA’s update means the agency found “reasonable probability that the use of, or exposure to, a violative product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death.” Frito-Lay issued a recall of a limited number of 13-ounce bags of Lay’s Classic Potato Chips in December due to undeclared milk in the product, after being alerted through a consumer contact. The original recall announcement said, “Those with an allergy...
  • ‘He’s a liar.’ Green outraged after Kennedy denies

    01/30/2025 2:08:40 PM PST · by Jyotishi · 26 replies
    Hawaii News Now ^ | January 29, 2025 | Daryl Huff
    [Video] Robert F. Kennedy Jr. denied Gov. Josh Green’s allegation that he caused many deaths in Samoa by discouraging the measles vaccine. HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) -- Gov. Josh Green was in the U.S. Capitol hearing room Wednesday while Robert F. Kennedy Jr. denied Green’s allegation that he caused many deaths in Samoa by discouraging the measles vaccine. Green responded with profanity on national television. Speaking on CNN and MSNBC cable outlets after the hearing, the governor was clearly angry. It was understandable because during his confirmation hearing, RFK Jr. basically called Green a liar. Kennedy, who was nominated by President Donald...
  • Scientists Find Something Totally Unexpected Hidden Under Six North American Volcanoes

    01/30/2025 9:22:00 AM PST · by Red Badger · 73 replies
    The Debrief ^ | January 30, 2025 | Christopher Plain
    Scientists studying six North American volcanoes situated along the continent’s Cascade Range have found active magma underneath both active and dormant volcanic sites. Previous research has suggested that volcanoes lose significant magma volume when they erupt, and any remaining magma dissipates over time. The scientists behind the discovery argue that a better understanding of the conditions underneath volcanoes could answer several enduring questions about their lifecycles, including whether or not all dormant volcanoes contain pools of magma underneath. The researchers also believe a better understanding of these magma-filled chambers could help inform efforts to prepare for potential volcanic eruptions. Even...
  • Portland Police Chief Blatantly Refuses to Help ICE, Enforce Laws

    01/30/2025 4:29:55 AM PST · by george76 · 70 replies
    PJ Media ^ | January 29, 2025 | Catherine Salgado
    The Portland police chief is brazenly defying federal authorities and refusing to cooperate with Donald Trump and Tom Homan’s plan for deporting illegal alien criminals. Sounds as if it’s time for the feds to investigate and perhaps arrest the police chief. Portland police chief Bob Day issued a community letter on Jan. 28, proudly affirming Portland’s unconstitutional sanctuary city policies, announcing his determination to flout federal law enforcement arresting criminal illegal aliens, and therefore publicizing as much as possible his corruption and illegal activities. Considering that ICE is currently focused on deporting the most dangerous illegal alien criminals, including murderers...
  • Scientists predict an undersea volcano eruption near Oregon in 2025

    01/27/2025 7:34:17 AM PST · by BenLurkin · 23 replies ^ | December 27, 2024 | Rachel Berkowitz
    For the past decade, a suite of devices have been monitoring Axial’s every action — rumbling, shaking, swelling, tilting — and delivering real-time data via a seafloor cable. It’s “the most well-instrumented submarine volcano on the planet,” says Mark Zumberge, a geophysicist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, Calif., who was not involved in the work. But in November, a particular milestone caught Chadwick’s eye: Axial’s surface had ballooned to nearly the same height as it had before its last eruption in 2015 — fortuitously, just months after monitoring began. Ballooning is a sign that magma has accumulated...
  • Inside State-Run 'Bias-Response Hotlines,' Where Fellow Citizens Can Report Your 'Offensive Joke'

    01/24/2025 1:04:19 PM PST · by karpov · 25 replies
    Washington Free Beacon ^ | January 22, 2025 | Aaron Sibarium
    In January 2020, the top law enforcement agency in the state of Oregon launched a "Bias Response Hotline" for residents to report "offensive ‘jokes.’" Staffed by "trauma-informed operators" and overseen by the Oregon Department of Justice, the hotline, which receives thousands of calls a year, doesn’t just solicit reports of hate crimes and hiring discrimination. It also asks for reports of "bias incidents"—cases of "non-criminal" expression that are motivated, "in part," by prejudice or hate. Oregonians are encouraged to report their fellow citizens for things like "creating racist images," "mocking someone with a disability," and "sharing offensive ‘jokes’ about someone’s...
  • Antifa Launches Attack on Portland ICE Detention Center

    01/22/2025 9:26:56 AM PST · by cuz1961 · 107 replies
    Truth Press ^ | 1/21/2025
    ....Antifa militants targeted an ICE detention center in Portland, Oregon, on Monday night, just hours after President Donald Trump was sworn into office.... .......... No arrests were made...... The group responsible for Monday night’s incident vowed to continue similar attacks, according to social media posts. The militant who posted the clip on X wrote in a follow-up post, “For anyone just joining the chat now in 2025…Yes, this is the same building…Yes it can be set on fire.” The post included an image of the ICE facility set ablaze.
  • BREAKING: Oregon arsonist, climate educator couple arrested for impersonating firefighters in LA

    01/21/2025 12:01:49 PM PST · by george76 · 23 replies
    Oregon Roundup ^ | Jan 20, 2025 | Jeff Eager
    Dustin Nehl was previously convicted of arson in Woodburn; Jennifer Nehl was highlighted by federal NOAA for climate education for incarcerated youth in 2023 ... An Oregon couple was arrested Sunday for impersonating firefighters in the area burned by the Pacific Palisades near Los Angeles, California... the couple as Dustin Nehl, 31, and Jennifer Nehl, 44. Mr. Nehl’s social media accounts say he lives in Woodburn, Oregon; Mrs. Nehl’s say she lives in Jefferson or Scio, Oregon. The couple allegedly drove a full-size firetruck emblazoned with “Roaring River Fire” into the recently burned area, claiming they were volunteer firefighters. Police...
  • Suspects allegedly posing as firefighters in Palisades had fake fire engine

    01/19/2025 6:15:34 PM PST · by BenLurkin · 54 replies
    KTLA ^ | Jan 19, 2025 | Josh DuBose
    LOS ANGELES (KTLA) – A man and a woman from Oregon were arrested over the weekend for reportedly impersonating firefighters as they attempted to enter a Palisades Fire evacuation zone in what appeared to be a legitimate fire engine, officials announced Sunday. In a news release, officials with the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department said the suspects, identified as 31-year-old Dustin Nehl and 44-year-old Jennifer Nehl, were spotted by LAPD patrol officers on Jan. 18. Not believing the fire truck was legitimate, police relayed the information to sheriff’s deputies, who caught up to the suspects. LASD said that when they contacted...
  • Oregon Sent 60 Firetrucks to Help Los Angeles but...

    01/10/2025 7:15:27 AM PST · by TigerClaws · 94 replies
    Lars Ultra MAGA Larson @LarsLarsonShow Those 60 engines sent yesterday to the Cali fires are not on the fire lines...yet. They've been ordered to submit to a DOT inspection in Sacramento that's scheduled for 4:30 pm today. If they clear the inspection, they'll THEN be able to drive 400 miles to Pacific Palisades. Talk about "looking a gift horse in the mouth." Then, on the way home, they get inspected again, and if they get red tagged, it's "fix it before you can return." Does liberal stupidity know no bounds? (I'm still waiting for a return call from @OSFM...
  • Train trestle collapses in Corvallis; cars carrying urea go into Mary's River

    01/05/2025 5:00:07 AM PST · by EBH · 43 replies
    KATU2(ABC) ^ | 1/5/24
    CORVALLIS, Ore. (KATU) — Corvallis Police and Fire responded to a train trestle collapse near Avery Park on Saturday afternoon. “Initial investigations show the trestle collapsed while a freight train was crossing. At this time, there are no known injuries, but it is still an active scene and investigation,” Corvallis Police said in a post on Facebook. "At approximately noon today, a Portland & Western Railroad (PNWR) bridge outside Corvallis collapsed while a 19-car train was traversing over it, derailing a railcar carrying urea into Mary's River," a spokesperson for PNWR tells KATU News. The spokesperson says that environmental agencies...
  • Teachers Will No Longer Need To Pass Basic Reading, Writing And Math Test For Certification In This Blue State

    01/01/2025 9:49:55 AM PST · by george76 · 59 replies
    Daily Caller News Foundation ^ | December 30, 2024 | Jaryn Crouson
    A New Jersey law that removes a requirement for teachers to pass a reading, writing and mathematics test for certification will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2025. The law, Act 1669, was passed by Democratic New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy as part of the state’s 2025 budget in June in an effort to address a shortage of teachers in the state... Individuals seeking an instructional certificate will no longer need to pass a “basic skills” test ... Just months earlier, Murphy signed a similar bill into law that created an alternative pathway for teachers to sidestep the testing requirement....
  • Scientists predict an undersea volcano eruption near Oregon

    12/31/2024 5:13:43 AM PST · by Twotone · 104 replies
    Betsey's Earth News Blog ^ | December 30, 2024 | Betsey Lewis
    An undersea volcano is likely to erupt sometime in 2025 off the coast of Oregon. Such a volcanic eruption could trigger the Cascadia Subduction Mega Fault and produce a mega-thrust earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0. This much advance notice is a big deal, because forecasting eruptions more than hours ahead is “pretty unique,” says geophysicist William Chadwick. But 470 kilometers off the Oregon coast and over a kilometer beneath the waves, a volcano known as Axial Seamount ticks all the boxes that hint at imminent activity, Chadwick and his colleagues reported December 10 at a meeting of the American...
  • Two men found dead after searching for sasquatch in national forest

    12/29/2024 2:15:34 AM PST · by Libloather · 92 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 12/29/24 | Samantha Rutt
    Two Oregon men who ventured into the woods of Washington state on a Christmas Eve hunt for Sasquatch have been found dead, authorities confirmed on Saturday. The 59-year-old and 37-year-old, whose names have not yet been released, tragically failed to return from their expedition, sparking a frantic three-day search across the rugged Gifford Pinchot National Forest. The men's deaths are believed to be the result of exposure to the harsh winter conditions. With no signs of foul play or injury, authorities speculate that the pair's lack of preparation for the extreme weather may have led to their deaths. The Sheriff's...
  • Satisfying punishment for University of Oregon worker who told Trump voters to commit suicide after Kamala lost (overweight pig gets fired)

    12/24/2024 12:12:07 PM PST · by vespa300 · 69 replies
    Daily Mail UK ^ | 12/24/2024 | Lauren Taylor
    A University of Oregon staffer who told Trump voters to kill themselves has kissed his job goodbye. Leonard Serrato is 'no longer an employee,' the university said in a statement to, after he was placed on leave after making the dark remarks in a video posted right after Trump was declared winner of November's election. The school cited the reason for his dismissal as 'personal' and did not elaborate on why he no longer holds the position.
  • In the coming age of prosperity, Oregon chooses poverty

    12/19/2024 8:20:06 AM PST · by SeekAndFind · 9 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 12/18/2024 | John Woods
    On November 5, 2024, there was a seismic event of immense magnitude: Donald J. Trump was elected president of the United States. Trump won both the Electoral College and the popular vote. The Republicans won control of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. Most of the country moved right, but Oregon, with its broken, corrupt election system, moved farther left into the New Dark Ages. There were thousands of illegal registrations in the election, without any resolution on whether or not these illegal ballots were used to vote. But Oregon’s governor and secretary of state certified the election with...
  • Pilots Report Mysterious Lights ‘Moving at Extreme Speeds’ Across Oregon

    12/15/2024 4:52:14 PM PST · by airdalechief · 115 replies ^ | Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 07:30pm | Posted by Leslie Eastman
    We have been reporting on drone sightings along the East Coast and our military installations in the United Kingdom as well as this country. Adding to the mystery comes new reports from Oregon. Pilots report seeing strange lights and objects in the skies over Oregon, particularly near Eugene.