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TERRI SCHINDLER SCHIAVO CALLING ALL FREEPERS Pt2 Disabled FL woman given Death Sentence by FL Courts
| pc93
Posted on 09/21/2003 12:13:53 PM PDT by pc93
Terri's Call to Action Part 1 is over 5000 posts. If you don't want to get caught up to speed at Part 1:
Simply visit Terri's official web site at:
There are contact numbers at her web site for her core media team, legislators, media and for press updates.
See flash movies of Terri interacting with her mother, responding to a physician and see for yourself that she's not in PVS "persistant vegetative state").
In addition to access a text file with a lot of information see:
If you want to join Terri's fight, it's important for us to CONTACT BUREAUCRATS, THE MEDIA and also your friends and family. It's up to you how you choose to Help Terri.
Pinellas Pasco Judge Greer set October 15, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. for her feeding tube to be removed. There's something wrong with Florida's exit protocols and the way the courts handle new information re: criminality (misrepresentation, attempted murder, etc.) affecting a case. There was no living will, only the assertion of a very suspect, so-called husband, his brother, etc. that Terri would not want to live on life support. Terri is not on life support, she is not comatose or PVS and she is not living "artificially". She does get sustenance from a feeding tube but only because she has been denied rehabilitation by her so-called husband after he won a malpratice lawsuit three years after her collapse (cause unknown but probably due to strangulation or physical abuse, or both) which is why Terri needs an army of supporters to spread her story from coast to coast. Terri has retained rights that are being sidestepped because she is disabled and has been denied rehabilitation! The technologies of rehabilitation have greatly improved exponentially yet Judge Greer has not let Terri have a chance to learn to eat or to be able to learn to speak/communicate again. Also new information bearing on the case which shows criminality on husband's side has not been considered by the 2nd District Court of Appeals who handed down Mandate for termination of Terri's feeding based upon testimony of criminal husband and brother as above stated. Who is next?
Let's make a difference! Thank you for your efforts.
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KEYWORDS: actiivism; activism; actnow; ada; attemptedmurder; attorneygeneral; berniemccabe; birthright; charliecrist; civicresponsibility; constitution; corruption; corruptjudge; courts; crime; deathsentence; defendersoffreedom; dehydration; disability; disabled; doj; drdeath; euthanasia; everyman; exitprotocol; federaljudiciary; feduciary; felony; felos; florida; flsupremecourt; freedom; georgewbush; goodwilltoman; guardianship; hospice; jebbush; johnashcroft; legislators; legislature; liberty; malpractice; massiveactions; mediaoutlets; michaelschiavo; murder; politics; premeditated; president; pvs; rally; rehabilitation; representation; responsibility; retainedrights; righttolife; semantics; skullduggery; speakout; starvation; statejudiciary; supremecourt; supremecourts; terri; terrischiavo; terrischindler; terrorism; terrorize; thegoodfight; therapy; ussupremecourt; wardofthestate
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To: yesnettv
oh yes you are! hahahahhaa We can do anything! lol
To: All
John Sipos, radio presenter in Tampa, wants to discuss this on his program Monday evening, but he would like to either stream it or Shoutcast it. The radio station is not yet setup to handle a streaming server. Does anyone out there have a way to lend a hand? If so, please private response to this. Thanks.
posted on
10/11/2003 4:54:41 AM PDT
To: lakey
Yes, the Clinton judge did come down on the side of "states' rights." But states' rights are no more. He would have come down against states' rights had that been the necessary strategy to bring about the starvation of this poor soul. This judge, like the infamous George W. Greer, has no soul himself. He could not bring himself to apply the 14th Amendment in this case. Otherwise, he would have applied the 14th Amendment at the drop of a hat. It's all just plain evil, and the people of FL either support this or they must do something to correct the tragedy. I think it is the former.
To: MarMema
It sounds like that Cruzan was himself sadistic, doesn't it? America does produce some bizarre people with sick motivation.
To: Ohioan from Florida
then I wish someone would make Michael (the oh-so loving husband) hold Terri's hand and spend every last minute with her so he could witness first-hand how she will suffer.
Wouldn't work. Michael Schiavo is not interested in the suffering of Terri or the Schindler family. He is the cause of their suffering. Michael Schiavo is interested in Michael Schiavo, his concerrns, his pocketbook, his sense of power. Woe, the day the Schindlers brought that "prince of darkness" to FL!
To: MarMema
has already happened in Oregon
Yes, OR is another one of those misgoverned and mixed-up states. I wouldn't be surprised what happens their either. People there have an almost inherent belief in the capacity of government to do "good." They don't understand that the fine line between good and evil passes through every human heart.
To: pc93
To: sfRummygirl
I, for one, loved your rant! I never voted for a democrat in my life, but I came to your conclusion 3 years ago. The people who are doing this to Terri and to all of us, don't care who we vote for. They choose the candidates. They have from our founding. The Truth will set you free, and probably get me thrown off FReepublic. The alternative is that we continue to follow man instead of God and we all go down like Jerusalem in 70 AD. THAT IS OUR CHOICE. Christians ARE the Israel of God, ALL of them, whatever race they are, whatever part of the globe they live in. Genealogy does not save, only faith in Jesus Christ does. But those 10 tribes went somewhere, and I believe America was the final destination for the vast majority of them. I believe America has a high composition of the mongrel children of Jacob. Our history is a repeat of the history of the first nation of Israel. If we do not learn from that history, we are doomed to repeat it.
God Said I WILL rule over you: Please read the whole chapter. This was given to us for an example, and this is what God is saying to us today. He's PLEADING with us to turn back to Him, to trust HIM. This is so hard with Terri's life hanging in the balance, but because of us, because we decided to follow man's way, WE have gotten Terri and others like her, and ourselves in this predicament. We SHOULD have stood up when they murdered 44 million babies in our midst. We didn't. God loves the little children. Those babies were to be His. He hates the shedding of innocent blood. Satan on the other hand loves it. Satan hates God and Satan hates man, because man was created in God's image and will spend eternity in God's presence, while Satan will spend eternity in hell.
God was always taking Israel into the wilderness to plead with them, kind of like some fathers taking their sons behind the woodshed.
He also took them into the wilderness on the wings of 'a great eagle'. There are two eagles in the Bible. How much do you all want to know?
posted on
10/11/2003 6:25:12 AM PDT
( Gen. 32:24-32 'man'=Jesus
To: sfRummygirl
Screw the GOP. I hope they crash and burn.
For a long time, the GOP has used its Christian conservative base merely to get elected. It rarely has time to address the concerns of that part of the base.
Similarly, the Democrats use their black base to win elections. The blacks say nothing improves, but they mindlessly keep on voting Democrat anyway.
To: Theodore R.
Thank you. That's 3 of us in agreement.
posted on
10/11/2003 6:36:45 AM PDT
( Gen. 32:24-32 'man'=Jesus
To: sfRummygirl
Governor Jeb Bush -> Executive Office of Governor Fax: 850-488-9810 <- would like to get your vote.
Voice: 1-850-488-7146
Fax: 1-850-487-0801
FLORIDIANS, LOOK UP YOUR DISTRICT and call your local legislator. They're probably in your phone book govt. pages.
posted on
10/11/2003 7:01:40 AM PDT
To: sfRummygirl
I am so sorry that you have learned these awful realities in such a demoralizing way. You are right about the GOP. They aren't doing beans to help Terri's situation improve.
Keep in mind that the liberals (Democrats) champion these pro death issues. The GOP has never supported abortion rights and euthansia. The GOP still has a pro life platform. I know. What the hell are they doing now?
Sadly, nothing and it troubles me as well.
The cowardly Christian community lacks conviction as a whole. I called a church here in my hometown, one that I was considering joining and asked them to assist this cause. This church has over 4000 members. I emailed the senior pastor who never returned my emails. I called to speak with him and set up a meeting with him but was 'politely' given lip service by another associate pastor who I genuinely believe is nothing more than a feel good phony hypocrite. I even attended a service and personally delivered some of Terri's flyers to this senior pastor after the service while he was 'grinning and gripping' with all of his phony shine the seat with my @$$ members of his congregation.
It is maddening. It is excruciating. It disgusts me.
I called Christian radio. HIS radio and was ignored. another Christian radio station. Emails phone calls. Nothing. I have racked up several hundred dollars of long distance and cell phone charges and it has all been a fruitless exercise in futility. I hate it. It s*cks the big one, BIG TIME.
To: Theodore R.; All
You and I will never find ourselves on opposite ends of a barroom brawl. Have you ever considered posting on Ann Coulter's forum? You have a lot of wisdom that would fit in nicely there. I have a Terri thread there and there is fair amount of sympathy for what is happening with Terri there.
One member of that forum even used to work for Terri's legal team back in the early 1990s and is very supportive.
You should consider joining there Theodore R.
You have a lot of wisdom.
I wish we could all be personal friends because everyone fighting to save Terri is someone with a heart of pure gold. I am touched by this outpouring of love for her and the Schindler family.
To: pc93
Felos actually said in the Federal court today that Terri said "No tubes for me."Felos' mantra.
Has anyone approached the anti-death-penalty folks or Amnesty International?
posted on
10/11/2003 7:26:44 AM PDT
(Prankin' Al Franken said---My letter to Ashcroft was not a was a prank. 9/7/03 to H Kurtz)
To: syriacus
SPEECH GIVEN BY GERALD KOGAN FORMER CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE FLORIDA SUPREME COURT TO THE AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL SOUTHERN REGIONAL CONFERENCE ORLANDO, FLORIDA, 23 OCTOBER 1999You know, its one thing to convict somebody of a crime they didnt commit, put them in prison, lock the jail cell. If you discover a mistake, well, at least you can go there and open up the prison door. You can let them out and you can say to them, Well, file a claim with the State Legislature and maybe we can compensate you for the mistake that we made. But it doesnt work that way in a capital case. You dont dig up a coffin, open up the lid and then tell the accused, Oops, sorry. We made a mistake. Just go on home, go on about your business. It doesnt happen that way. And its because of the finality of this particular punishment, more than any other, that causes judges to be super careful.
posted on
10/11/2003 7:37:51 AM PDT
(Prankin' Al Franken said---My letter to Ashcroft was not a was a prank. 9/7/03 to H Kurtz)
To: floriduh voter
Alrighty ! Your 'my comments' page is fixed ! ...
posted on
10/11/2003 7:42:29 AM PDT
(Check out the Texas Chicken D 'RATS!:
To: syriacus
posted on
10/11/2003 7:48:58 AM PDT
(Prankin' Al Franken said---My letter to Ashcroft was not a was a prank. 9/7/03 to H Kurtz)
To: sfRummygirl
Your anger is misplaced by placing blame on all Republicans. I can understand your frustration, but putting a label on ALL the GOP is the wrong way to get your point across.
To: MarMema
Before I get myself thrown off FR, I want to say that that was a beautiful article you provided a link for: UNDER THE HEAVEN TREE
I learned how far I have to go to be like Him. You and some others on here are so far ahead of me on that score, I'm not sure I'll ever catch up.
I ran across another article the other day, which is the one I was waiting for God to drop in my lap. I never understood the Trinity, and it is a stumblingblock to the Muslims and the Jews, and some passages in the Bible made me wonder if Jesus, was in fact, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. I have been hoping for more time to search out that answer. This article makes me realize that I am not the only one who has puzzled over this. Maybe this is common knowledge for some, but it was a revelation for me. This article seems to confirm what I am coming to believe, and it goes back to my post somewhere on the Terri thread(s) about Jesus appearing to Jacob, Hagar, Abraham, etc. as a "man" or "Angel of the "lord". My only disagreement is that the author seems to think that this was not God in the flesh. I believe Jesus WAS God manifested in the flesh in those passages where it said Jacob and others saw God. The only way my little pea brain can explain it is like this:
Jesus sometimes likens himself to water: I AM the fountain of life; I AM the living water; He who drinks from Me will never thirst; etc. Water exists in three forms: liquid, solid, and gas. The Bible talks about Jesus being "in the bosom of the Father". The best way for me to explain this mystery to myself, and it's kind of crass, is that God is like the great big LIQUID ocean, from which comes the SOLID iceberg or ROCK, Jesus and the GASEOUS cloud or Holy Spirit. But it is all one, just in different forms, like the water cycle. I believe when Jesus was talking to God He was setting an example for us, about how we were to approach the throne. I have a friend who cannot accept Jesus because she went through 5 horrible miscarriages and 9 months in bed to have her only child, and she cannot understand how a Father could let His child die in that manner. I admit she had me stumped. But I believe this is how. God WAS the Son. He manifested Himself in the flesh, and it was HE who died on that cross for us.
One of my favorite passages is John 8:58-59. I believe it shows God in all three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. That I AM statement refers directly back to that great I AM statement in Exodus 3:14: So if I should get kicked out of here for something I may say today, I would like to leave that with you. I think this is the key to the whole world being one in His hand again. Genesis 3:15 will be completely fulfilled. At that time there will be One LORD over the earth [ ],
and the terrible thing we are witnessing on this thread will never happen again.
posted on
10/11/2003 7:56:12 AM PDT
( Gen. 32:24-32 'man'=Jesus
To: syriacus
What if we did something like Amnesty International does?:Print up and mail postcards, but with pictures of Terri on them.
Write a message in "magic marker" on the back so it will be visible to anyone who handles the post card.
From the AI website---Send a Postcard
Send a one of the cards below to a friend to let them know about this site and how they can get involved and make a difference.
posted on
10/11/2003 8:00:06 AM PDT
(Prankin' Al Franken said---My letter to Ashcroft was not a was a prank. 9/7/03 to H Kurtz)
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