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Kerry VEEP: Hear hillary (White-House Zipper-Hoist2 Attempt?)
| Mia T
Posted on 03/08/2004 5:31:39 AM PST by Mia T
- Kerry VEEP: Hear hillary
(White-House Zipper-Hoist2 Attempt?)
- by Mia T, 3.8.04
NEW! hillary talks: DEEP VEEP
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
missus clinton's REAL virtual office update
- by Mia T, 3.7.04
Uber Democrat Sen. Hillary Clinton is warning all-but-certain presidential nominee John Kerry to back off if he's thinking about replacing party chairman Terry McAuliffe before the election.
Asked about rumblings that the Kerry camp wanted to toss McAuliffe over the side, Clinton told the New York Times on Friday, "Terry has helped the Democratic Party move into the 21st century to compete against the incredible interlocking institutional powers of the other side."
"A lot of plans have been laid, a lot of infrastructure put in place, and I want to see us follow through," she insisted.
Hillary Warns Kerry: Hands off McAuliffe
issus clinton says she doesn't think she will be asked to be John Kerry's running mate.... and doesn't think she would accept, in any case. "Think" seems to be the operative word.... (or is it "doesn't think?")
Susan Estrich had it exactly right when she said missus clinton is unelectable. If hillary clinton wants to occupy the Oval Office, she must perforce either marry the president (been there, done that) or ascend to the throne; that is to say, missus clinton must zipper-hoist.... (We will leave means of ascension to your imagination and her devices. Suffice it to say, John Kerry would be wise to sharpen the ol' peripheral vision.)
For her entire adult (such as it is) life, zipper-hoisting has been missus clinton's principal means of upward mobility.
Zipper-hoisting has proved to be a sticky wicket for missus clinton, owing not to antithetical feminist ideology, as one would expect -- feminists willingly sacrificed feminism on the altar of clintonism -- but to zipper choice, her rather injudicious attachment early on to a certain zipper habitually on the downslide.
Look for missus clinton to switch zippers. And sooner rather than later. (Note: Kerry's zipper is the current default choice; missus clinton would have much preferred the General's.)
What zippers are to missus clinton, heiresses are to John Kerry. As comptroller of the Democrat coffers, missus clinton is the de facto Democrat "heiress," (Teresa Heinz without the ketchup, if you will).
Thus, what we have here is the perfect symbiosis, the perfect playing into proclivities, the lowest common denominator, the perfect pair.... |
copyright Mia T 2004
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posted on
03/08/2004 5:31:43 AM PST
Mia T
To: All
posted on
03/08/2004 5:42:17 AM PST
To: jla
posted on
03/08/2004 5:49:29 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: Mia T
Heading up health-care reform was the only major administrative job she has ever tried to do. And she was a complete flop at it. She had neither the grasp of policy substance, the managerial skills, nor the political smarts to do the job she was then given. And she wasn't smart enoughAll true, but we need to be careful not to assume Little Hi'ry will be as stupid the next time out.
Hi'ry aches for a national, Marxist healthcare plan in this country and come hell or high water she is determined to get another shot at it.
posted on
03/08/2004 5:57:23 AM PST
To: jla
True. By hook or by crook she'll dispense with that pesky unelectability issue...
I think de Long isn't arguing that missus clinton could not get there; he is warning us that she must not get there; and he is doing this precisely because he believes that she can get there.
posted on
03/08/2004 6:11:53 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: WorkingClassFilth; jla; doug from upland; StarFan; Republic
Zipper-hoisting has proved to be a sticky wicket for missus clinton, owing not to antithetical feminist ideology, as one would expect -- feminists willingly sacrificed feminism on the altar of clintonism -- but to zipper choice, her rather injudicious attachment early on to a certain zipper habitually on the downslide. NEW! hillary talks: DEEP VEEP |
"Who is Juanita Broaddrick? I've never heard of her!" cried Betty Friedan, the founder of modern feminism. Friedan's outburst came at last Fridayís conference, entitled "The Legacy and Future of Hillary Rodham Clinton." Held at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington. D.C., the event offered a chilling microcosm of an angry, divided America. For nearly an hour, a five-woman panel had been debating whether Hillary qualified as a "feminist heroine." I thought Broaddrick's claim of having been raped by Hillary's husband had some bearing on this point, so I broached the subject during the question-and-answer period. Friedan's dyspeptic denial followed. Was Friedan telling the truth? Maybe. And maybe all those millions of Germans who professed ignorance of the death camps were telling the truth too. The problem is, having admitted her ignorance, Friedan showed no interest in exploring the matter further. And that was the problem with the Germans too. Totalitarian impulses flourished at the conference. Taking a page from Soviet psychiatry, some Clintonites suggested that Hillary hating might be a mental illness. . . Richard Poe The Hillary Conspiracy
I had one of the first subscriptions to Ms. magazine. I was actually quite sorry to see feminism take the nosedive it did, to watch it commit intellectual suicide with its support for Clinton. If they like the guy, he can do anything. But if they don't--if it's Bob Packwood--they kill him. It revealed the intellectual contradiction. At least that's my reading of it. Michael Crichton Author Crichton (Jurassic Park) Tells the Truth About Clinton and Feminists Entertainment Weekly Magazine 11/29/2002 Benjamin Svetkey (interviewer)
- There is reason to believe that he is a rapist ("You better get some ice on that," Juanita Broaddrick says he told her concerning her bit lip), and that he bombed a country to distract attention from legal difficulties arising from his glandular life, and that. ... Furthermore, the bargain that he and his wife call a marriage refutes the axiom that opposites attract. Rather, she, as much as he, perhaps even more so, incarnates Clintonism
eyes wide shut (she knew
she raped, too) the movie (requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
EPILOGUE: (ADDITIONAL AUDIO) Hear Christopher Shays: "The bottom line: HE DID RAPE BROADDRICK."
(playing audio requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) thanx to Wolverine for the audio
- In a novel twist of logic and reality during the First Rapist's impeachment trial, the co-rapist portrayed the endless string of clinton rapes as significant clinton public policy, euphemistically dubbing chronic clinton predation "ministering to troubled young girls."
Mia T, First Rapist's Rose-Garden Escape: The Full Story
When Alex kills a woman during a rape, Alex is sent to prison. When clinton rapes women, girls, his country and God knows what else. . . and kills? --- check out those fourscore-plus deaths, please! And don't forget the wag-the-dog, desperately-seeking-a-legacy bombings, or the cold-blooded Ricky Ray Rector execution--- not clinton but society is imprisoned, imprisoned in clinton's besmirched, semen-stained, feckless presidency. A risible and repulsive result; yet not even the punch line. While Alex is conditioned in prison with aversion therapy, transmuted into a moral robot who becomes nauseated by the mere thought of sex and violence, bill clinton and his Thought Police, in a perverse reverse aversion, have conditioned society's collective brain into not mere acquiescence but twisted admiration. In the end, if clinton's arrogant, ruthless, reckless nature is restored to him, it seems the joke will be on all of us, for it will be a victory for infinite victimhood and irresponsibility, for seduction, for violence, for nihilism, for anarchy. We will have set apart clinton as the hero by making his victims less human than he; we will have allowed clinton to carefully estrange us from his victims so that we can enjoy the rapes and the beatings as much as clinton himself does.
Q ERTY8 The Real Danger of a Fake President: Post-9/11 Reconsideration of The Placebo President The Placebo President: How a Rapist can be a Policy Feminist missus clinton's REAL virtual office update Q ERTY3BUMP |
posted on
03/08/2004 6:14:38 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: Mia T
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!! That is horrifying! I just got up and that full-screen cackling witch is one of the first things I've seen. Frightning.
I'm awake now!
posted on
03/08/2004 6:18:51 AM PST
To: Mia T
For her entire adult (such as it is) life, zipper-hoisting has been missus clinton's principal means of upward mobility. NEW! hillary talks: DEEP VEEP |
- I'm not sitting here as some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette.
hillary clinton 60 Minutes
Thank you, Gavin McNett, for your tribute to the incomparable Tammy Wynette. (TAMMY WYNETTE, 1942-1998) Too many pundits, usually leftist and privileged, sneer at country music. To these critics, any music created by poor, Southern whites (at least those poor, Southern whites who didn't attend an Ivy League university) must be held in contempt, along with its correlatives: incest, racism and trailer parks. Hillary Clinton? Who would even know her name were it not for her attachment to a man? Where would she be now if she as a child had to pick cotton from sun up to sun down? Tammy Wynette stands alone, a legend; and she will be admired wherever people appreciate the honesty of the human experience. Human beings are vulnerable. We all should be thankful to any artist courageous enough to bare her soul on the public stage so the rest of us who are listening and know whereof she speaks might benefit. Sean Smith Fresno, Calif. hillary talks: ON STANDING BY MY MAN
hillary talks: ON STANDING BY MY MAN (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) missus clinton's REAL virtual office update
posted on
03/08/2004 6:22:45 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: WorkingClassFilth; jla; Gail Wynand; Brian Allen; Lonesome in Massachussets; thesummerwind; ...
posted on
03/08/2004 6:28:27 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: All
- In the end,
- if clinton's arrogant, ruthless, reckless nature is restored to him,
- it seems the joke will be on all of us,
- for it will be a victory for infinite victimhood and irresponsibility,
- for seduction, for violence, for nihilism, for anarchy.
- We will have set apart clinton as the hero
- by making his victims less human than he;
- we will have allowed clinton to carefully estrange us from his victims
- so that we can enjoy the rapes and the beatings
- as much as clinton himself does.
posted on
03/08/2004 6:50:43 AM PST
To: Mia T
I think it was Gloria Borger yesterday on the Chris Mathews Sunday Show who described the "new" DNC this way: That McAuliffe would concentrate on finances, and someone else would assume the more visible face of the DNC. She said she wouldn't be surprised if Max Cleland became the new public spokesman for the DNC.
Which makes this Georgia girl sick to her stomach! If it happens, this signals more lies about why Cleland lost his senate seat to Saxby Chambliss.
Get this straight. Cleland lost his senate seat because he stopped representing Georgians, in order to kowtow to the Clintons. Nobody in Georgia called Cleland "unpatriotic"!. Georgia went for Dole in 96, did NOT vote for Clinton's re-election. The handwriting was on the wall for Cleland, but dumb, dumber Cleland still voted against the Boy Scouts on the gay issue, still voted NOT to impeach Clinton, and on every issue, voted the straight Clinton line, just like the yankee uber liberals. Even Georgia Democrats were offended!
Cleland's corn pone homolies were no substitute for intelligent legislation. When the C-Span camera caught Cleland napping during committee hearings, when he couldn't ask a single question without reading verbatim notes, Georgia said "ENUFF".
That mackeral in the moonlight was Max Cleland!
posted on
03/08/2004 7:14:45 AM PST
(@Makes Me More Than A Little
To: All
I dare missus clinton and her husband to prove they didn't participate
in the 1978 rape of Juanita Broaddrick in Arkansas
and the 1969 rape of Eileen Wellstone at Oxford.
The clintons should produce bill clinton's Oxford records explaining
his sudden, (seemingly AWOL) post-Wellstone-rape departure;
the clintons should release the Ford building evidence detailing
their rape of Broaddrick; their reflexive abuse of women.
The clintons could solve this very easily by coming clean with the American people
and letting them know what they did and didn't do.
The truth is, the Democrats brought this on themselves
. They had the clintons dress up as feminists.
The plain fact is: the clintons don't serve women--they rape them.
posted on
03/08/2004 7:26:44 AM PST
To: Mia T
"A lot of plans have been laid, a lot of infrastructure put in place, and I want to see us follow through," [Hitlary] insisted.I'll bet they have!
posted on
03/08/2004 7:34:04 AM PST
To: YaYa123
Kerry is an opportunist and exploiter. He and the rest of the dems are obviously exploiting Cleland. They are despicable.
posted on
03/08/2004 8:12:30 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: expatpat
posted on
03/08/2004 8:13:09 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: expatpat; Mia T
< wry smile >
posted on
03/08/2004 9:45:43 AM PST
To: Mia T
"The Durango-95 purred away real horrorshow - a nice, warm, vibraty feeling all through your guttiwuts. Soon, it was trees and dark, my brothers, with real country dark. "This little autotransport Durango 95 was equipped with onboard navigation and my brothers, get this, a picture phone and handy onboard computer
"We fillied around for a while with other travellers of the night , playing hogs of the road. Then we headed west, what we were after now was the old surprise visit. That was a real kick and good for laughs and lashings of the old ultra-violence."
posted on
03/08/2004 9:59:31 AM PST
(The Media Elites and DNC nearly cost us Our Country)
To: Mia T
Missus Clinton:
"Terry has helped the Democratic Party move into the 21st century to compete against the incredible interlocking institutional powers of the other side." Uh, you mean like Judicial Activists, Mrs. C ?
posted on
03/08/2004 10:01:35 AM PST
To: jla
posted on
03/08/2004 11:58:03 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: Mia T
Hitlery is truly psychotic.
posted on
03/08/2004 12:02:40 PM PST
(The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.")
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