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Keyword: lauriemylroie

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  • the new york times rediscovers weapons of mass destruction in iraq

    10/17/2014 8:22:13 AM PDT · by lasereye · 29 replies
    American Spectator ^ | 10.17.14 | Laurie Mylroie, Ph.D.
    What a difference a decade makes! When it was first reported in May 2004 that Saddam-era chemical weapons shells had injured U.S. troops, the editors of the New York Times dismissed that, “Finding some residual weapons that had escaped a large-scale destruction program would be no great surprise and if the chemicals had degraded, no major threat.” Now, a major New York Times report on the issue has been followed by an editorial warning of “A Deadly Legacy in Iraq”: some 5,000 chemical shells have been discovered over the years in Iraq by U.S. or U.S.-trained Iraqi forces. Many more...
  • Saddam's WMDs and Connection to Terrorism

    04/17/2012 8:59:42 AM PDT · by april15Bendovr · 7 replies
    Administrators for this page so far include Joseph Shahda- jveritas Laurie Mylroie Christopher S. Carson Mark Eichenlaub- Ikez78 Buzz Patterson Chris Donohoe- April15bendovr
  • A Compilation Of Material On False Identities In Islamic Terrorism

    09/20/2001 5:11:26 AM PDT · by angkor · 2,681+ views
    Various | September 20, 2001 | Compiled By Angkor
    Is Iraqui Intelligence Involved?Please read in particular Laurie Mylroie's article at the end. There is significant evidence that Ramzi Yousef, a.k.a. Abdul Basit Karim - the key individual in the WTC bombing of 1993 - was likely Iraqi agent. Some Hijackers' Identities Uncertain By Dan Eggen, George Lardner Jr. and Susan Schmidt Washington Post Staff Writers Thursday, September 20, 2001; Page A01 FBI officials said yesterday that some of the 19 terrorists who carried out last week's assault on New York and Washington may have stolen the identities of other people, and their real names may remain unknown. Saudi ...
  • The Man Who Elected Barack Obama

    04/05/2010 6:08:23 AM PDT · by RobinMasters · 98 replies · 3,356+ views
    The American Spectator ^ | APRIL 4, 2010 | Joseph Shattan
    When I served as a Senior Speechwriter in George W. Bush's White House, Karl Rove was the bane of my existence. The rule was that no speech could ever go to the President without its first being reviewed by Mr. Rove, and since Karl was an extremely busy man, he often didn't call in his comments to the Speechwriting Office till eight or nine in the evening. By the time these comments reached me, they often seemed hopelessly cryptic and unintelligible, yet somehow I had to figure out a way to work them into my draft without offending all the...
  • Myths and Facts Online:A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict

    08/26/2002 10:00:34 PM PDT · by jjreilly · 1 replies · 342+ views
    UK Guardian ^ | August 19, 2002 | Brian Whitaker
    World dispatch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US thinktanks give lessons in foreign policy Brian Whitaker reports on the network of research institutes whose views and TV appearances are supplanting all other experts on Middle Eastern issues Monday August 19, 2002 A little-known fact about Richard Perle, the leading advocate of hardline policies at the Pentagon, is that he once wrote a political thriller. The book, appropriately called Hard Line, is set in the days of the cold war with the Soviet Union. Its hero is a male senior official at the Pentagon, working late into the night and battling almost single-handedly to rescue...
  • Laurie Mylroie: Writing Blind - A response to Andy McCarthy.

    05/06/2008 4:47:07 PM PDT · by neverdem · 14 replies · 864+ views
    National Review Online ^ | May 06, 2008 | Laurie Mylroie
    May 06, 2008, 4:00 a.m. Writing BlindA response to Andy McCarthy. By Laurie Mylroie In a mixed review of Andrew McCarthy’s Willful Blindness, I criticized the book for slighting the role of states in terrorism. McCarthy’s outsize response — a 3,000-word pejorative/adjective-laden assault in National Review Online — suggests the review hit upon a significant and sensitive point. Extensive name-calling typically obscures a weak argument, or at least attempts to do so, even as this debate involves the national-security issue of the day, including why the United States is engaged in its most serious military campaign in three decades...
  • Laurie Mylroie: Mystery of the WMDs

    01/29/2008 10:20:47 AM PST · by neverdem · 34 replies · 321+ views
    The American Spectator ^ | 1/29/2008 | Laurie Mylroie
    George Piro, a personable and handsome FBI agent, appeared on 60 Minutes Sunday to tell us Saddam Hussein's secrets. The 36-year-old Lebanese-American was Saddam's interrogator. In addition to whatever the show disclosed about Saddam, it also revealed a lot about how the U.S. media and bureaucracies have handled and stoked the controversies over Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) -- basically, afflicted by chronic Alzheimer's. The events relevant to understanding OIF go back nearly 18 years -- to Iraq's August 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Few people worked on Iraq all those years. Still, those doing so now ought to know that history....
  • PBS video What Laurie Mylroie stated before and after 9/11

    12/31/2007 2:05:30 PM PST · by april15Bendovr · 60 replies · 309+ views
    If you have the time these two interviews with Laurie Mylroie on Charlie Rose PBS program are very interesting. When Bill Clinton's name is brought up in the 2002 video Charlie Rose gets very uncomfortable? wonder why. Compare and contrast the statements of Laurie Mylroie before and after 9/11. Charlie Rose: October 10, 1994 57 min - Feb 20, 2007 Charlie Rose: January 30, 2002 56 min 54 sec - Mar 7, 2007 Laurie Mylroie earned her doctorate in Government from Harvard University, with a specialization in the Middle East. She also studied Arabic in Egypt, at the...
  • PBS, NY Times & Scott Ritter promoted false history in Iraq

    08/19/2007 11:06:49 AM PDT · by april15Bendovr · 41 replies · 2,041+ views
    Town Hall ^ | 8/19/07 | Chris Donohoe
    PBS, NY Times & Scott Riter promoted false history in Iraq Have you seen this CNS news report posted at Laurie Mylroie's website? If you havent yet its time you should CNSNews Report: Saddam Had WMD, Extensive Terror Ties By Scott Wheeler The senior government official and source of the Iraqi intelligence memos, explained that the reason the documents have not been made public before now is that the government has ‘thousands and thousands of documents waiting to be translated Quote from the article “M14 is a reference to Iraqi intelligence directorate of special operations. The Iraqi documents obtained...
  • A mail to me from Laurie Mylroie : Iraq linked to 9/11, anthrax letters

    05/30/2007 5:01:33 AM PDT · by drzz · 40 replies · 1,646+ views
    My blog ^ | 05 30 2007 | drzz
    From : Laurie Mylroie Sent : Sat, 07 26 2007 18:54:48 To : drzz Subject : Re: Thank you for your fight for truth Thank you very much for your extremely kind note. You can be sure that Iraq was behind 9/11--and the anthrax letters that followed. The FBI has yet to explains, six years later, who was responsible for the anthrax letters! Thanks for sending the videos. Unfortunately, I'm traveling now and don't have a very fast internet connection, but thanks again for your note. Laurie Mylroie
  • Al Qaeda's Hidden Roots

    09/25/2006 2:55:48 PM PDT · by april15Bendovr · 44 replies · 1,203+ views
    Frontpagemagazine ^ | September 25, 2006 | By Laurie Mylroie
    Al Qaeda's Hidden Roots By Laurie Mylroie The American Spectator | September 25, 2006 Cyrus Nowrasteh, scriptwriter for ABC's docudrama The Path to 9/11, defends the film's controversial, invented scenes, noting that the first attack on the World Trade Center occurred one month after Bill Clinton took office, and eight years passed in which Clinton did little to thwart the growing menace. Nowrasteh makes a crucial point, but it is not necessary to resort to fiction. Our understanding of the terrorist attacks -- going back to the 1993 Trade Center bombing -- has become loaded with errors obscuring Clinton's fecklessness....
  • At Home in Baghdad

    08/09/2006 10:44:05 AM PDT · by ikez78 · 10 replies · 562+ views
    The American Spectator ^ | 8/9/2006 | Laurie Mylroie
    Abu Abbas, head of the Palestine Liberation Front, was captured in Iraq shortly after the fall of Baghdad and died of natural causes in U.S. custody the following year. Notorious for the 1985 hijacking of the Achille Lauro, Abbas's most deadly terrorist attack actually occurred in 1974, when a PLF assault in northern Israel killed 36 people. Abbas was also behind a foiled attack on a Tel Aviv beach in May 1990, when the U.S. was first trying to establish a dialogue with the PLO. Abbas's assault interfered with those efforts, and Iraq's invasion of Kuwait two months later halted...
  • Origins of the Iraqi Insurgency

    04/28/2006 9:17:28 PM PDT · by neverdem · 41 replies · 1,127+ views
    The American Spectator ^ | 4/28/2006 | Laurie Mylroie, with Ayad Rahim
    Among the Iraqi documents released to the public, at least five deal with the construction of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). One such document (CMPC-2003-005914) is a ten-page worksheet.* The first two pages are entitled, "Annual Plan for the Mechanical Workshop, Sheen-27 -- 1999"; the last eight are entitled "First Season Report of the Sheen-27 Work Plan for 1999." The report of the CIA's Iraq Survey Group explains that "Sheen-27" was a section of the Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS) responsible for producing explosives. It had a Chemistry Department, which "developed the explosive materials for the device," an Electronics Department, "which prepared...
  • Who is Mary McCarthy? [The Great One, Mark Levin, weighs in...]

    04/22/2006 12:03:40 PM PDT · by Uncledave · 134 replies · 3,818+ views
    NRO ^ | 4/22/2006 | Mark Levin
    Who is Mary McCarthy? Well, as of this morning (Saturday) most of the big media don't care. They're fixated with the weather and gas prices — and anything else that will divert the public's attention from the stunning revelation that a Sandy Berger crony has apparently been leaking top-secret information from her high post at the CIA. The media will continue to downplay this story as they cover-up their own role in exposing our nation's secrets, including the supposed existence of CIA prisons in Europe. She'll be called a "whistleblower" and praised as some kind of patriot (a patriot, in...
  • The Paper Trail [Saddam/terrorism/WMD]

    03/26/2006 9:57:04 PM PST · by Jim Robinson · 70 replies · 2,692+ views
    Wall Street Journal Online ^ | March 27, 2006 | By LAURIE MYLROIE
    After substantial prodding -- including from this paper -- the U.S. government has finally begun to release its captured Iraqi documents and is posting them at the Web site of the Army's Foreign Military Studies Office. This material will take considerable time to absorb and analyze, but it may yet contribute significantly to our understanding of the nature of the threat Saddam Hussein posed. Most dramatically, an Iraqi intelligence report, apparently written in early 1997, describes Iraqi efforts to establish ties with various elements in the Saudi opposition, including Osama bin Ladin. Until 1996, the Saudi renegade was based in...
  • Saddam's WMD's: The Syrian Connection

    02/22/2006 9:04:28 PM PST · by bd476 · 21 replies · 1,209+ views ^ | February 8, 2006 | Dr. Laurie Mylroie
    Saddam's WMD's: The Syrian Connection By Laurie Mylroie | February 8, 2006 The New York Sun is doing yeoman’s work in explaining why the latest group-think—that Saddam Hussein had no proscribed WMD—may be very wrong. Ha’aretz has lent its support, reporting that Israeli officials believe “[m]aterial was transferred to Syria in the dark of the night, on the very eve of the war,” and “[t]he Americans are the ones who are making the mistake now." That is also the view of retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. James Clapper, who headed the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. The little...
  • Mylroie: "..the source of the near-universal belief that Iraq had WMD

    10/25/2005 1:01:51 PM PDT · by Matchett-PI · 35 replies · 2,289+ views
    Iraq News newsletter | 10-25-2005 | Laurie Mylroie
    From: Laurie Mylroie Iraq News Tue, 25 Oct 2005 15:04:26 -0400 Robert Kagan [link below] reminds us of the origin of the view that Iraq retained large quantities of weapons proscribed by UNSCR 687, the formal cease-fire to the 1991 Gulf War. Following that war, it was long believed that the bulk of Iraq's WMD was destroyed in the month-long bombing campaign that began the U.S.-led assault to drive Iraq out of Kuwait. It was further assumed that the UN weapons inspectors, UNSCOM, were merely mopping up what remained. But in August 1995, as Iraq was pressing UNSCOM to...
  • The Third Terrorist

    08/18/2005 6:26:37 AM PDT · by ceoinva · 16 replies · 911+ views
    The Third Terrorist ^ | 08/18/05 | ceoinva
    "When the full stories of these two incidents (1993 WTC Center bombing and 1995 Oklahoma City bombing) are finally told, those who permitted the investigations to stop short will owe big explanations to these two brave women (Middle East expert Laurie Mylroie and journalist Jayna Davis). And the nation will owe them a debt of gratitude." Former CIA Director James Woolsey "The Iraq Connection" Wall Street Journal
  • Iraq's Complicity in Terrorism

    08/12/2005 5:18:07 PM PDT · by Enchante · 27 replies · 1,802+ views ^ | Issue Date: 6 / 2004 | Laurie Mylroie
    In 1992, when Richard Clarke assumed the counterterrorism portfolio in the White House, terrorism was not a serious problem. Libya's downing of Pan Am flight 103 four years before had been the last major attack on a U.S. target. Yet when Clarke left his post in October 2001, terrorism had become the single greatest threat to America. Clarke would have us believe that this happened because of events beyond anyone's ability to control and, moreover, that the Bush administration has adopted a fatally wrong approach to the war on terror by targeting Iraq in its response to the September 11...
  • NY Times: Qaeda Letters Are Said to Show Pre-9/11 Anthrax Plans! [5/21/2005]

    05/21/2005 12:52:15 AM PDT · by Southack · 131 replies · 5,626+ views
    NY Times ^ | 5/21/2005 | ERIC LIPTON
    Qaeda Letters Are Said to Show Pre-9/11 Anthrax Plans WASHINGTON, May 20 -Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan began to assemble the equipment necessary to build a rudimentary biological weapons laboratory before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, letters released by the Defense Department show.... The letters are among the documents recovered in late 2001 after the invasion of Afghanistan that United States intelligence officials have frequently cited as evidence that Al Qaeda was working to develop biological weapons.The letters...detail a visit by an unnamed Qaeda scientist to a laboratory at an unspecified location where he was shown "a special confidential room"...