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Keyword: clintonism

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  • Harvey Weinstein Hosts Hollywood Stars for Hillary Clinton Fundraiser [JUNE 2016]

    10/08/2017 1:36:56 AM PDT · by Enchante · 25 replies
    Free Beacon ^ | June 20, 2016 | Brett Schur
    Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein will be hosting a star-studded fundraiser for Hillary Clinton on Monday night in New York City. The Democratic donor, who owns the Hamptons house next door to the $50,000-a-week vacation home the Clintons rented last summer, has already maxed out to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and contributed up to $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation. His latest favor for his Hamptons pal will be hosting the likes of Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew Broderick, and climate change hero Leonardo DiCaprio at his Manhattan home for a fundraiser benefitting the Hillary Victory Fund, according to the...
  • The Death of Clintonism

    12/30/2016 9:11:05 PM PST · by Beave Meister · 44 replies
    Politico ^ | 12/30/2016 | TODD S. PURDUM
    In September 1963, two months before his death, John F. Kennedy mused aloud to his old friend the journalist Charles Bartlett about the prospects for the 1968 presidential election, in which, he presciently worried, his brother Robert might run against Lyndon Johnson. “He gave me the feeling he wasn’t pleased,” Bartlett would recall years later. “He wanted a record of his own. I sensed that he wanted the Kennedy administration to be Jack, and Bobby was going to turn it into a succession thing. Jack didn’t want a dynasty, although I am sure his father would have wanted that.” By...

    10/09/2016 2:46:38 AM PDT · by broken_arrow1 · 101 replies ^ | OCTOBER 9, 2016 | Self
    A sense of Rebellion is brewing amongst the ranks. If you have seen the latest on Yahoo and CNN, the libs and #NeverTrumpers are out for blood, but have unleashed the angst of the unwashed masses - The BASKET of DEPLORABLE! We are mad as hell and won't take it anymore!
  • Trump Recorded having Extremely Lewd Conversation about Women in 2005 (BFD).

    10/08/2016 1:19:37 AM PDT · by broken_arrow1 · 118 replies
    The Washington Post ^ | October 8, 2016 | David A. Fahrenthold
    (Washington Post) Donald Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone — saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it” — according to a video obtained by The Washington Post. The video captures Trump talking with Billy Bush of “Access Hollywood” on a bus with Access Hollywood written across the side. They were arriving on the set of “Days of Our Lives” to tape a segment about Trump’s upcoming cameo on the soap opera. The tape obtained by the Post includes...
  • Clintonism - The Bill and Hillary problem.

    12/26/2007 7:22:14 PM PST · by neverdem · 9 replies · 285+ views
    National Review Online ^ | December 26, 2007 | Rich Lowry
    December 26, 2007, 0:00 p.m. ClintonismThe Bill and Hillary problem. By Rich Lowry It is the curse of Clintonism that it is associated with the Clintons. A centrist-oriented Democratic politics that is pragmatic and economically literate is better than the alternatives: a fluffy politics of hope (Barack Obama) and angry politics of anti-corporate zeal (John Edwards). At least on paper. For the champions of this otherwise preferable approach are Bill and Hillary Clinton. As individuals, they have their strengths and weaknesses, as do any talented, but flawed, politicians; as a team, they tend to be a roiling mess, with...
  • Contact Your Local Rush Limbaugh Radio Station Today! (vanity)

    10/05/2007 9:29:49 AM PDT · by pillut48 · 34 replies · 1,401+ views
    10/05/07 | pillut48 is calling for people to call/email their local radio stations that carry Rush Limbaugh's show to encourage those stations to remove him because of the phony phony soldier fatwa against him. I say, yes, let's contact our local Rush Limbaugh station today and PRAISE them for carrying Rush's show and for supporting Free Speech in America today!! I've already contacted mine ( and it only took about 5 minutes. I think we need to FReep our radio stations and commend them for keeping Rush on the air! BTW--isn't breaking the rules for a 501c by promoting this sort...
  • Online Slime Machine Media Matters Co-Founded by Hillary Clinton

    10/03/2007 1:48:50 PM PDT · by Baladas · 24 replies · 1,553+ views
    FOX NEWS ^ | October 02, 2007 | John Gibson
    I want to talk about an online slime machine known as Media Matters for America. It is a tax-exempt organization which states its purpose as countering conservatives in the media. I have said before that Media Matters was started with help from Hillary Clinton and took George Soros' money. Media Matters has written to me and all my bosses saying my charge is a lie, that it is an independent organization which plays no political favorites and has never received slime machine cash from Soros-funded Democracy Alliance. Here are the facts: Media Matters was started in offices provided by the...
  • No expense spared for Chirac, the Teflon president

    10/20/2006 5:42:58 PM PDT · by MadIvan · 7 replies · 591+ views
    The Scotsman ^ | October 21, 2006 | Staff
    A LEGENDARY bon viveur, president Jacques Chirac endears himself to the French with his jet-setting charisma even as his excessive taste for the good things in life repeatedly lands him in hot water.Critics have accused Mr Chirac of living as a high-roller at the taxpayers' expense. In 2002, he was accused of using the public purse to pay for scarcely credible self-indulgence, after a leaked document revealed that he and his wife Bernadette had run up a £1.4 million personal grocery bill during eight of the 19 years that he spent as mayor of Paris. A formal investigation was launched...
  • Nary v. Hennesey/Hallinan/State of CA(Youth Sexually Assaulted on Pelosi & Friends'Watch)

    10/15/2006 1:43:40 PM PDT · by WmShirerAdmirer · 14 replies · 1,210+ views
    Amicusveritas.Org ^ | Unknown | Amicus Veritas Staff
    Nary v. Hennesey/Hallinan/State of California (Youth Sexually Assaulted on Pelosi & Friends'Watch) Chronology of the Case February 21, 1995: First San Francisco reporting of violations of rights of military veterans and their wives and widows. May 1995: Steven R. Nary enlisted in the U.S. Navy at 17 1/2 years of age. With this, the Navy became a substitute parent when Steven Nary came under the UCMJ (Universal Code of Military Justice); 10 USC 813/ 814/ 32 Code of Federal Regulations 720.6/ 720.9. Nary did his basic training at Great Lakes Naval Training Base at Great Lakes, Illinois. After basic training,...
  • Be like Bill, or the party's over (Barf alert - Say a prayer it's over.)

    06/20/2006 3:39:35 PM PDT · by neverdem · 38 replies · 843+ views
    Minneapolis Star Tribune ^ | June 16, 2006 | Al From and Bruce Reed
    Why haven't Democratic elites embraced Clintonism, given the former president's success? As the 2006 and 2008 elections loom ever nearer, Democrats are racking their brains for a political philosophy that can return the party to power. Everywhere, we hear the same lament: If only Democrats had a proven formula for winning elections and governing the country. Fortunately, we do: It's called Clintonism. By any logical standard, Democrats of every stripe ought to be embracing Clintonism and its central tenets -- providing people with more opportunity while demanding more responsibility, and being willing to try new methods to realize progressive ideals....

    06/07/2006 8:38:43 PM PDT · by Mia T · 148 replies · 7,930+ views
    Hannity & Colmes | 6.08.06 | Mia T
    I'll SEE ANN COULTER'S 'BILL CLINTON RAPE CHARGE' 1 AND RAISE HER 'ONE HILLARY CLINTON' 2 by Mia T, 6.07.06   New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton lashed out at Ann Coulter for a "vicious, mean-spirited attack" on a group of outspoken 9/11 widows.... Perhaps her book should have been called 'Heartless.'" the senator said.... The New York Democrat and former first lady said she found it "unimaginable that anyone in the public eye could launch a vicious, mean-spirited attack.... The senator spoke after delivering a speech on protecting children from exposure to sex- and violence-saturated media. Hillary lashes...
  • 'UNITED 93' vs. 'MUNICH' (Paul Greengrass--thank the stars--is no Steven Spielberg)

    05/09/2006 1:38:59 AM PDT · by Mia T · 61 replies · 2,625+ views
    5.09.06 | Mia T
    'UNITED 93' vs. 'MUNICH'Paul Greengrass--thank the stars--is no Steven Spielberg by Mia T, 5.09.06   hereas both 'United 93' and 'Munich' derive their initial tension not from uncertainty but from what we already know, one movie remains scrupulously true to the facts--art in the service of history--while the other quickly devolves into a verisimilitudinous contrivance in the service of a director's political agenda. Paradoxically--poetic justice in its purest form, some would say--the honest movie is the one that ultimately delivers the powerful political message. Spoken by its heros--our heros--as they prepare to rush the cockpit, shortly before the plane...

    02/12/2006 3:15:46 AM PST · by kronos77 · 3 replies · 253+ views
    The London meeting of the Contact Group, which launched the negotiations toward defining Kosovo's status (Interfax, February 1, 2), is being assessed by the post-Soviet secessionist leaderships cautiously. They do not seem to assume that the outcome in Kosovo would necessarily set an international precedent to legalized secession. This is Russian President Vladimir Putin's professed assumption. On January 30-31, Putin called for the post-Soviet enclaves' international recognition and came close to promising Russian recognition if, as expected, Kosovo is granted independence (see EDM, February 2, 6). In the Contact Group's meeting, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov reiterated Putin's...
  • Dissent over Kosovo in Contact Group

    LONDON -- Wednesday – Ministers of Foreign Affairs and members of the Contact Group, agreed that a solution for Kosovo should be reached through negotiations, after their meeting in London yesterday. The Contact Group members advised Belgrade and Pristina to co-operate with UN special envoy Martti Ahtisaari in the search for a solution. Among the problems that plague Kosovo today, the Contact Group listed freedom of movement, links between local communities in Serbia and in Kosovo, the issue of missing persons and protection for religious communities and sites. The Minister’s agreed that decentralisation was of key importance for the future...
  • US backs Kosovo incentives for Serbs

    01/30/2006 1:54:34 AM PST · by kronos77 · 43 replies · 793+ views
    he US yesterday made the case for offering Serbia incentives to reach agreement in negotiations over the final status of Kosovo, while setting out the possibility of independence for the province if the ethnic Albanian majority accepted compromises to accommodate its Serbian minority. Nicholas Burns, undersecretary of state, told a Senate hearing the US was neither championing independence nor autonomy for Kosovo. But diplomats said his testimony was a clear signal the US looked favourably on independence, under certain conditions. In what diplomats also called a significant policy statement, Mr Burns made clear the US had no objection to independence...
  • Bush Beats LBJ on Spending [a report from Cato Institute]

    10/09/2005 7:59:30 AM PDT · by alessandrofiaschi · 145 replies · 5,754+ views
    In the latest Cato Tax and Budget Bulletin, Stephen Slivinski uses revised data released during the summer by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to make side-by-side comparisons of the spending habits of each president during the last 40 years. While the data show that all presidents presided over net increases in spending, George W. Bush is shown to be one of the biggest spenders of them all, even outpacing Lyndon B. Johnson in terms of discretionary spending. An excerpt from the report: "The increase in discretionary spending - that is, all nonentitlement programs - in Bush's first term was 48.5...
  • Arkansas - 'Billgrimage' has Clinton's Hope birthplace back in the black (Barf Alert)

    05/27/2005 8:59:40 PM PDT · by HAL9000 · 2 replies · 468+ views
    Associated Press | May 27, 2005 | David Hammer
    LITTLE ROCK (AP) -- The summer travel season is here, the Clinton Presidential Library is drawing more than 1,500 visitors a day, and 115 miles away in Hope, the director of Bill Clinton's birthplace museum is seeing a new tourism phenomenon: "Billgrimage." "People are coming from the library saying they're making a Billgrimage to Arkansas; it's so cute," giggles Crystal Altenbaumer. She has a right to delight in this new word: These pilgrims to all-things-Clinton are helping to resurrect the Clinton Birthplace's suffering bottom line. Internal Revenue Service documents show donations to the nonprofit Clinton Birthplace Foundation were down...
  • Clintonism, R.I.P.

    01/21/2005 3:43:28 PM PST · by Tom D. · 16 replies · 980+ views
    The Atlantic Monthly ^ | January 2005 | Chuck Todd
    Clintonism, R.I.P. How triangulation became strangulation by Chuck Todd ..... With the 2004 election past and the losing party's ritual period of self-appraisal about to yield to George W. Bush's second term, the Democrats appear to have learned two small lessons and to have missed a much larger one. Of the two small lessons, one follows naturally from the other: first, the election demonstrated that the Democrats are becoming less competitive in much of the country, and second, it suggested that they cannot hope to regain the presidency or control of Congress until that changes. The reason they've lost ground,...
  • the left's over-the-top "over the top"

    11/29/2004 3:17:35 AM PST · by Mia T · 21 replies · 1,591+ views
    11.20.04 | Mia T
    the left's over-the-top "over the top" by Mia T, 11.29.04 It's time for the 2004 awards for over-the-top rhetoric. Cameron Diaz said that if you think rape should be legal, you should not vote on November 2.... Comedian John Leguizamo said that Hispanics who pulled the lever for Bush would be like roaches voting for Raid. According to Sen. John Edwards, "I'd say if you live in the United States of America and you vote for George Bush, you've lost your mind." So, according to these... sages, on Election Day 44 percent of Hispanics revealed themselves as roaches who...
  • cinéma-vérité NOT:AUTEUR KERRY'S MOVIE (self-confessed war criminal morphs into self-promoter hero)

    07/29/2004 1:56:56 PM PDT · by Mia T · 21 replies · 1,485+ views
    7.29.04 | Mia T
    new movie! in 4 (self-loading) parts UNFIT #9-JOHN KERRY: DEADLY OPPORTUNIST SELF-CONFESSED WAR CRIMlNAL MORPHS INTO SELF-PROMOTER WAR HERO includes KERRY'S cinéma-not-so-vérité BATTLEFIELD REENACTMENTS COMMENTARY BY NIXON, KERRY'S COMMANDERS, CREWMATES, ETC. JOHN KERRY IS UNFIT SERIES: taking the measure of a would-be commander-in-chief by Mia T, 7.29.04   (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) missus clinton's REAL virtual office updatehttp://hillarytalks.blogspot.comhttp://virtualclintonlibrary.blogspot.comhttp://demmemogate.blogspot.comhttp://www.hillarytalks.us  COPYRIGHT MIA T 2004   THE DEMOCRATS ARE GONNA GET US KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES 2KERRY-DEMOCRAT CONTEMPT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY[annotated]THE DEMOCRATS-ARE-GONNA-GET-US-KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES1dox in sox on lummox...