Keyword: jamesriady
JAKARTA, Indonesia - The closest most people will ever get to remote Papua, or the operations of Freeport-McMoRan, is a computer tour using Google Earth to swoop down over the rain forests and glacier-capped mountains where the American company mines the world's largest gold reserve. With a few taps on a keyboard, satellite images quickly reveal the deepening spiral that Freeport has bored out of its Grasberg mine as it pursues a virtually bottomless store of gold hidden inside. They also show a spreading soot-colored bruise of almost a billion tons of mine waste that the New Orleans-based company has...
U.S. coal-fired power plants shut down at the second-fastest pace on record in 2019, despite President Donald Trump’s efforts to prop up the industry, according to data from the federal government and Thomson Reuters. Power companies retired or converted roughly 15,100 megawatts (MW) of coal-fired electricity generation, enough to power about 15 million homes, according to the data, which included preliminary statistics from the Energy Information Administration and Reuters reporting. That was second only to the record 19,300 MW shut in 2015 during President Barack Obama’s administration. The replacement of coal with power generation from natural gas and renewables has...
Expect the president to ride an economic tailwind to victory, with the S&P topping 3400 by Election Day [SNIP] U.S. economy could accelerate in 2020 Keep in mind that in 2020 the U.S. will have an impeached president running for re-election, with a record number of people working and unemployment near 50-year lows (see chart). I know everything is not perfect, but historically, a good economy has been an electoral advantage for an incumbent. My job is not to make political statements but to interpret how policies affect markets and help clients to profit from those facts. So far, what...
At a campaign rally, President Donald Trump mocked concerns about global warming, saying that oceans would rise just “[o]ne-eighth of an inch within the next 250 years.” Although Trump’s comment may have been a joke - and not intended to be a prediction of sea level rise - his figure is many times lower than scientific estimates. Trump’s remark came in Hershey, Pennsylvania, during a section of his speech bashing wind power - one of his favorite topics at rallies. This time, the president also jokingly referenced global warming, poking fun at people who are concerned about sea level rise....
Democrats' Platform: Ban All The Things!
The Democratic debates tonight and tomorrow will likely stick to the familiar script from the first ones, with candidates tripping over each other to see who can promise the biggest tax-spend-and-regulate agenda. This doesn't make for compelling television. President Trump nailed the description of the first round with his one-word tweet, "BORING!" To make the debates more exciting to watch and to provide voters with a glimpse of reality into Democrats' fantasy-world policy proposals, the CNN moderators must press the candidates on the consequences of their proposals. A good place to start is by challenging their uniform support of the...
Sunday on NBC’s “Meet The Press,” Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan said President Donald Trump’s style of “harum-scarum” was exhausting the America people. Noonan said, “Do you remember on the Ed Sullivan show when we were little children? There was a guy who came and balanced plates. There would be a stick, put a plate up, get it going, get another and then he would run back and forth just trying to keep them all up. Balancing plates is part of the tone of this administration and of this president.”
The Trump administration has targeted an Obama-era regulation credited with helping dramatically reduce toxic mercury pollution from coal-fired power plants, saying the benefits to human health and the environment may not be worth the cost of the regulation. The 2011 Obama administration rule, called the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, led to what electric utilities say was an $18 billion clean-up of mercury and other toxins from the smokestacks of coal-fired power plants. Overall, environmental groups say, federal and state efforts have cut mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants by 85 percent in roughly the last decade. Mercury causes brain...
**SNIP** Climate activists expressed disappointment. "Without a mandate to create a plan and a requirement that its members don't take fossil fuel money, we are deeply concerned that this committee will be just another of the many committees we've seen failing our generation our entire lives," said Varshini Prakash, the Sunrise Movement's spokeswoman. The push reflects the increasing power and visibility of liberals on Capitol Hill. Poised to be the largest of the values-based caucuses next year, the Congressional Progressive Caucus has already received a jolt of energy from members such as Ocasio-Cortez, whose political celebrity and regular posts to...
MOUNT LAUREL, New Jersey–The Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF), a leading Republican super PAC, continues to lead the charge to deploy the Republican grassroots to defy history and hold the House Republican majority, as seen by their efforts in New Jersey’s third congressional district and documented by Breitbart News. The Congressional Leadership Fund, the super PAC endorsed by the House Republican leadership, announced on Saturday that they held their fourth “Super Saturday” to reach a record number of Republican voters across the nation. CLF is using its 40 field offices to engage with over 500,000 targeted voters in key congressional districts...
Cruel: A spokesman for a prominent Native American tribe is blasting uber-Left-wing politicians in deep blue coastal states for using onerous EPA regulations to deny his people the opportunity to coal, gas, and other forms of energy. The Daily Caller reports that officials in a small number of coastal states led by Washington are essentially denying Crow Tribal members the opportunity to earn a much better living. CJ Stewart, a Crow Tribal member and co-founder of the National Tribe Energy Association, told the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Thursday that his people are dependent on producing energy to...
President Donald Trump ridiculed windmills as a source of energy on Monday, professing his appreciation for coal instead. The president spoke about energy during a fundraiser in New York, pointing out that coal was an “indestructible” form of energy, but it was easy to destroy a windmill. Why Windmills are the Worst — by @realDonaldTrump — Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) August 13, 2018 “Bing, that’s the end of that windmill,” Trump said, imitating someone shooting a windmill. The president pointed out that windmills also kill birds. “They kill so many birds, you look underneath some of those windmills, it’s like...
“No one in modern politics, male or female, has had to withstand more indignities, setbacks and cynicism. She developed protective armor that made the real Hillary Clinton an enigma. But if she was guarded about her feelings and opinions, she believed it was in careful pursuit of a dream for generations of Americans: the election of the country’s first woman president.” That would have been the nut graf of The New York Times story about Hillary Clinton’s historic victory that would have run under the headline “Madam President” spread across six front-page columns, according to reporter Amy Chozick’s new book,...
An ad released Thursday by Hillary Clinton’s campaign makes the case that Donald Trump is the candidate of racists, white supremacists and neo-Nazis. “The reason a lot of Klan members like Donald Trump is because a lot of what he believes, we believe in,” a robed man identified as the Imperial Wizard of the Rebel Brigade Knights of the Ku Klux Klan says at the top of the video, followed by images of a Confederate flag fluttering in the wind, Trump waving after a speech, and a man performing a Hitler salute at what appears to be a Trump rally....
Although she didn't win on Election Day, Hillary Clinton ran an extremely memorable campaign. There were scandals, feuds, and federal investigations, but the former Secretary of State also made history on multiple occasions. In July, she became the first female presidential nominee for a major party, and in November she became the second most voted-for presidential candidate in the United States after Barack Obama — more than any white man to ever run for president. In addition to breaking glass ceilings, Clinton also left a trail of memorable quotes and moments behind. Clinton has never been a natural performer, which...
KDKA posted the transcript: Delano: Can we bring back coal jobs as Donald Trump says? Can we bring back steel jobs? Clinton: Well, we can certainly bring back steel jobs because once we really handle the unfair trade practices that have undercut our steel industry causing layoffs and plant closures, we’re going to make it really clear to the rest of the world we’re not sitting by and watching our steel industry go any further down. Delano: But what about coal? Clinton: Coal is a different issue because we’ve got to figure out — is there a technology that can...
Former DNC chairman Donna Brazile says she doesn't think Hillary Clinton would have remarked that half of Donald Trump's supporters belong in a "basket of deplorables" if she was in "better health." Brazile reveals in her just-released book Hacked that she saw Clinton right before she made the "basket of deplorables" comment, and it was the first time she noticed "Hillary did not look well." Brazile "noticed her face was puffy," "her skin looked pale and papery," and "her eyes were glazed." She approached Clinton about her health before the speech and observed her to be "wobbly on her feet"...
Following the announcement from Bill Clinton that large segments of the American  electorate are “coal people“, you know ‘THOSE PEOPLE’ – in the ‘US’ -vs- ‘THEM’ world, those simpletons, too uneducated to properly evaluate the magnanimous magnificence of the Clinton family, Hillary jumps into the foray with her own specific ridicule. Secretary Hillary Clinton telling her donors at a fundraising dinner that Donald Trump supporters are “deplorableâ€. Watch: Hillary Clinton: Half Of Trump's Supporters 'Racist, Sexist, Homophobic'... (9/9/2016) It’s the same condescending framework she used earlier in the day when granting an interview with an Israeli News Outlet: The “deplorable American’s†remark is at 02:00 below: 9/8/2016...
Hillary Clinton has made a string of gaffes as she works to fend off rival Bernie Sanders in a slate of primaries on Tuesday. The first came late last week when the Democratic presidential front-runner applauded Nancy Reagan’s response to HIV and AIDS in the 1980s. Two days later, Clinton touched off a political firestorm when she said, "We're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business." And the following day, during a televised town hall Monday night, Clinton said "we didn't lose a single person" in Libya, failing to mention the deadly 2012...
Clinton's 'deplorables' gaffe touches off merch, meme frenzy Just days after Hillary Clinton said she regretted calling half of Donald Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables,” some of those supporters are embracing the title -- while enterprising web retailers seize the moment by quickly churning out a line of "deplorables" merchandise. Some pro-Trumpers, however, are adopting the "deplorable" name on social media, or at least having a lot of fun with it. One Internet meme that zipped around showed a doctored version of a poster for the 2010 movie “The Expendables,” replaced with key figures of the Trump campaign and...