Keyword: gandhi
President Richard Nixon had threatened the head of the CIA, saying: “I know who killed JFK.” When he was driven out of office, Nixon refused the protection of the Secret Service. This recent attempted assassination was according to their proven playbook. Use a claimed lone shoot, kill him to make sure there is never a trial, and the problem is eliminated. I have often said that history is merely a map to the future, for human nature never changes. ... There were assassinations and attempted assassinations of Roman emperors by rivals and sometimes bureaucrats who were trying to weasel in...
A charity named after Winston Churchill has provoked fury by rebranding itself amid concerns over his views on race. The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust has removed pictures of the wartime leader from its website and is changing its name to the Churchill Fellowship. Volunteers at the trust said it was 'rewriting history'. One told The Sun: 'He was voted, by the people, as the Greatest Briton in a BBC poll in 2002 but is now erased from his own charity by the woke brigade. ... ...Controversies surrounding his rule include whether he could have acted more decisively to prevent the...
Gandhi once famously said, “BE the change that you wish to see in the world.” Those words have never held more significance for me than they do now. I believe that people who hold traditional values have made a grave mistake by falling to the temptation to react to the evil we see all around us. Of course, there is a need to defend our values, and to point out lies and hypocrisy where we see it. As an American, it is clear as day that we are under unprecedented and unrelenting attack. This site has made this defense on...
An Indian MP has caused outrage after she claimed that she is protected from coronavirus because she drinks cow urine every day. Pragya Thakur, a controversial MP from Narendra Modi's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), also claimed that the urine can cure lung infections caused by the virus. Her bizarre comments come just days after Indian doctors urged people not to cover themselves in cow dung and urine as a treatment for Covid, saying it risks spreading the disease faster.
A petition to remove a statue of Mahatma Gandhi in Leicester has received nearly 5,000 signatures. The online petition accuses the Indian independence campaigner of being "a fascist, racist and sexual predator". Last year, students from Manchester called for a similar statue of Gandhi to be removed because of his "well-documented anti-black racism". Leicester East MP Claudia Webbe called the petition a "massive distraction" from the Black Lives Matter movement. The Labour politician said Gandhi "was part of creating a movement in the same way that Martin Luther King created a movement". "His form of peaceful protest, like Black Lives...
In a desperate bid to atone for his previous words and deeds that many are now criticizing as racist, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden asserted that “the murder of George Floyd has had a bigger impact on the world than the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King. King ignored the importance of race. He preached that character was more important than skin color. As events subsequent to his death have shown, he was wrong. Putting character ahead of color is white thinking. Nothing is more important than skin color. Fortunately, the murder of Floyd has brought this truth to light.”...
The defacement of Mahatma Gandhi’s statue by unknown miscreants was a “disgrace , U.S. President Donald Trump has said, days after it was vandalised with graffiti and spray painting during the nationwide protests against the custodial killing of African-American George Floyd. The statue, which is across the road from the Indian Embassy, was vandalised on the intervening night of June 2 and 3, prompting the Indian embassy to register a complaint with the local law enforcement agencies.
As 1968 began, Paul Ehrlich was an entomologist at Stanford University, known to his peers for his groundbreaking studies of the co-evolution of flowering plants and butterflies but almost unknown to the average person. That was about to change. In May, Ehrlich released a quickly written, cheaply bound paperback, The Population Bomb. Initially it was ignored. But over time Ehrlich’s tract would sell millions of copies and turn its author into a celebrity. It would become one of the most influential books of the 20th century—and one of the most heatedly attacked. The first sentence set the tone: “The battle...
When Martin Luther King Jr. visited the villa in Mumbai, India, where Mohandas Gandhi stayed in the 1920s, he had a special request: He wanted to spend the night in Gandhi's bedroom. ........................................................ Now, six decades later, many black Africans are calling Gandhi a racist. #MeToo activists are questioning his sexual practices. Hindu nationalists are rejecting Gandhi's vision of a pluralistic India that is strengthened by diversity.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi promised to unite the country on Thursday after a big election win, with his party on course to increase its majority on a mandate of business-friendly policies and a tough stand on national security. Official data from the Election Commission showed Modi’s Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ahead in 300 of the 542 seats being contested, up from the 282 it won in 2014 and more than the 272 seats needed for a majority in the lower house of parliament. That would give it the first back-to-back majority for a single party since 1984. “Together...
A statue of Mahatma Gandhi, the famed Indian independence leader, has been removed from a university campus in Ghana's capital, Accra. University of Ghana lecturers began a petition for its removal shortly after it was unveiled in 2016 by India's former President Pranab Mukherjee. The petition said Gandhi was "racist" and African heroes should be put first. In the wake of the row, Ghana's government at the time said the statue would be relocated. Lecturers and students told the BBC that the statue, originally located at the university's recreational quadrangle, had been removed on Wednesday. The university confirmed this, saying...
Why we shouldn't take our moral cues or understanding of Christianity from Gandhi.
Marc Lamont Hill used terrorist language to call for the destruction of Israel. Now he denies it. The truth is evident. Will the left accept it? Progressive CNN contributor and Temple University Professor Marc Lamont Hill significantly moved the goal posts regarding America’s position towards Israel. Speaking at the United Nations today, he used a line that Hamas and other terrorist organizations have used for years. He said that justice requires a “free Palestine, from the river to the sea.” For many years, this phrase has been the central mantra of those who wish to wipe Israel from the map....
CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill, in a Wednesday speech to the United Nations, called for violent resistance against Israel and advocated expanding Palestine “from the river to the sea,” a phrase used by those who believe that Israel should be eliminated. Hill, who has a long history of anti-Semitism, made the remarks at a U.N. event commemorating the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. He said the international community should boycott Israel and allow Palestinians more space to engage in violence against the Jewish state, arguing that violence was also employed to end “American apartheid.” "Tactics otherwise divergent...
Ghana will move a statue of Mahatma Gandhi from its main university because of his "alleged past racist comments", the foreign ministry said, while paying tribute to Gandhi's role as a civil rights leader. A group of lecturers and students began campaigning for the Indian nationalist leader's statue to be removed shortly after it was installed at the university in June as a symbol of friendship between Ghana and India. They argue that Gandhi made comments that were racist about Africans and that statues on the Accra campus should be of African heroes. In a statement late on Thursday, the...
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton held imaginary conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi as a therapeutic release, according to a new book written by Bob Woodward, says a report in Sunday's edition of The Chicago Sun-Times. The first lady declined a personal adviser's suggestion that she address Jesus Christ, however, because it would be "too personal," according to Woodward's book, "The Choice." The book, which is still to be published, takes a behind-the-scenes look at the Clintons, as well as Bob and Elizabeth Dole. Woodward says the adviser was Jean Houston, co-director of the Foundation for...
The words that the Rev. James A. Forbes chose to share with the roomful of black gay and lesbian faithful might have come straight from the civil rights struggles of the 1960s. Forbes reminded his listeners that discrimination has no place in this world and urged them to lay down the notion put forward by some black ministers that they are less favored by God. "Your job is to get up every day and be grateful to God for your DNA," Forbes said. "It took an artist divine to make this design!" Forbes, senior minister at the Riverside Church, was...
Commemorating the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel ahead of India's 69th Independence Day, US Secretary of State John Kerry has said India has stood as a beacon for the world. - John Kerry AFP photo Washington - Commemorating the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel ahead of India's 69th Independence Day, US Secretary of State John Kerry has said India has stood as a beacon for the world. "Since 1947, India has stood as a beacon for the world, as an economic power that prides innovation, as a resilient...
BEYOND DOUBT — A Dossier on Gandhi’s Assassination: Compiled by Teesta Setalvad; Tulika Books, 35 A/1 (ground floor), Shahpur Jat, New Delhi-110049. Rs. 450. TOPICS books and literature history books June 25, 1934 has got a curious connection to the three shots fired at around 5:10 pm on the fateful Friday of January 30, 1948, shots that would go on to silence the life of a 79-year-old frail but resolute Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. For it was on that day, while on a visit to Pune, that Gandhiji witnessed the first of six attempts on his life, the sixth of which...
George W. Bush Is Most Admired Man in 2004 Hillary Clinton tops list of most admired women; Oprah Winfrey a close second by Joseph Carroll GALLUP NEWS SERVICE PRINCETON, NJ -- President George W. Bush tops Gallup's annual survey of the "most admired man" for the fourth year in a row. Hillary Clinton leads the most admired woman list, with Oprah Winfrey close behind. Republicans and Democrats differ significantly in their views of this year's most admirable men and women. Republicans overwhelmingly say the president is the most admired man, and also name first lady Laura Bush and national security...