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  • Why China Could Vanquish The U.S. In New Space Race

    05/30/2021 8:07:46 PM PDT · by blam · 25 replies
    Real Clear Politics ^ | 5-30-2021 | Brandon J. Weichert
    There are now only two nations in the history of humanity that have successfully landed rovers on the surface of the Red Planet: The United States and the People’s Republic of China. You can expect this to be the dominant headline in all matters related to space for many years to come. After all, humanity is due for another round of great state competition and it seems that the two major contenders in this strategic competition will be the United States and China. For too long Western observers have downplayed China’s rapidly growing space technology industry. The Chinese Martian rover,...

    09/20/2002 2:30:45 AM PDT · by Liz · 45 replies · 163+ views
    NY POST ^ | September 20, 2002 | JESSICA SOMMAR
    <p>As lawmakers prepare to grill Global Crossing and Qwest Communications execs next week, a handful of damaging e-mails seems to prove they used sham trades to boost profits. "I wish this company would just come clean with the Street regarding our guidance. This swap crap is going to kill us in the long run and I'm personally very fed up," wrote Global Crossing senior finance executive Joey Wong to colleagues last fall.</p>
  • Hillary: Most Republicans ‘Cowards, Spineless Enablers’; ‘Literally Sick To My Stomach’ Thinking Of Trump Win

    10/26/2020 5:20:04 PM PDT · by Rummyfan · 166 replies
    Daily Wire ^ | 26 Oct 2020 | Amanda Prestigiacomo
    Twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called most Republicans “cowards” and “spineless enablers” for supporting President Donald Trump, who defeated Clinton during the 2016 presidential election with zero political experience. According to a report by Axios, Clinton told New York Times Opinion podcast host Kara Swisher on Sunday that “most Republicans are going to want to close the page” and “want to see [Trump] gone as much as we do, but they can’t say it publicly.” Most Republicans, Clinton claimed, “have been cowards, spineless enablers” of the president. The former secretary of state also said it makes her “literally sick”...
  • Remember Bill Clinton's Asiagate Scandal?

    07/12/2017 7:35:40 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 13 replies ^ | July 12, 2017 | Brent Bozell
    The talking heads at CNN and MSNBC are positively giddy. Aha! A Russia connection. Donald Trump Jr. met with Russians! It's best when they can find a liberal guest to say what they're thinking, and they have plenty from which to choose. Here's a sentence of hyperbole from Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., on CNN: "I think we are seeing an unprecedented amount of contacts, personal, political and financial, that Trump, his family, his team, his business had with Russia prior to the election." The use of the word "unprecedented" displays amnesia, or ignorance, or simply a rewrite of recent American...
  • Think You Know How Bad the Clintons Are?

    10/24/2016 4:54:56 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 22 replies
    American Thinker ^ | October 24, 2016 | Jack Cashill
    "The White House is like a subway. You have to put in coins to open the gates." Such were the immortal words of one Johnny Chung, who admitted to a Senate committee in 1997 that he funneled $100,000 from the Chinese military to the Democratic National Committee. In the Clinton White House, it was pay to play all the way. That either Bill or Hillary had a political life after their treasonous run on Asian piggy banks is a testament to the ever escalating corruption of the American media. The White House honcho who made the subways run on time...
  • Remembering Clinton and the Episodic Apologists

    02/24/2011 6:42:25 AM PST · by Kaslin · 4 replies · 1+ views ^ | February 24, 2011 | Emmett Tyrrell
    Frankly, I did not think of Chris Matthews as an episodic apologist until I watched his MSNBC documentary this week, "President of the World: The Bill Clinton Phenomenon." The episodic apologists are a familiar fixture of the Clinton administration, much as the court historians are a fixture of the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Whereas the court historians always could be relied upon to spin history FDR's heroic way, the episodic apologists always end up slobbering all over the Clintons -- albeit with a twist. The court historians were always pretty straightforward. They adored FDR from the beginning to the...
  • Chinese National Charged with Economic Espionage Involving Theft of Trade Secrets...

    09/01/2010 2:02:34 AM PDT · by Cindy · 8 replies · 1+ views
    NOTE The following text is a quote: Chinese National Charged with Economic Espionage Involving Theft of Trade Secrets from Leading Agricultural Company Based in Indianapolis WASHINGTON—Kexue Huang, aka John, 45, has been arrested and charged in a 17-count indictment with economic espionage intended to benefit a foreign government and instrumentalities, and interstate and foreign transportation of stolen property, announced Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney Timothy M. Morrison for the Southern District of Indiana. Huang was arrested on July 13, 2010, in Westborough, Massachusetts by FBI agents, and today made his initial appearance...
  • The Chinagate/Buddhist temple cash skeletons in Gary Locke’s closet

    02/25/2009 8:53:21 AM PST · by AngelesCrestHighway · 9 replies · 634+ views
    Michelle Malkin ^ | February 24, 2009 | Michelle Malkin
    Is it possible for Barack Obama to pick a Commerce Secretary nominee who’ll actually make it past first base? Bill Richardson withdrew in the midst of a pay-for-play scandal. Judd Gregg withdrew in the midst of a humiliating power play over the Census and porkulus bill. Now, former Democrat Gov. Gary Locke — a lawyer for international firm Davis, Wright, and Tremaine who specializes in China — is rumored to be the next nominee for the post. The MSM is pulling for him. WaPo writes: “Locke is regarded as a safe choice by senior officials in the Obama administration given...
  • The Chinagate/Buddhist temple cash skeletons in Gary Locke’s closet (Next Commerce Secretary?)

    02/24/2009 9:20:26 PM PST · by smoothsailing · 9 replies · 609+ views
    Michelle ^ | 2-24-09 | Michelle Malkin
    The Chinagate/Buddhist temple cash skeletons in Gary Locke’s closet By Michelle Malkin  •  February 24, 2009 09:53 AM Is it possible for Barack Obama to pick a Commerce Secretary nominee who’ll actually make it past first base? Bill Richardson withdrew in the midst of a pay-for-play scandal. Judd Gregg withdrew in the midst of a humiliating power play over the Census and porkulus bill.Now, former Democrat Gov. Gary Locke — a lawyer for international firm Davis, Wright, and Tremaine who specializes in China — is rumored to be the next nominee for the post. The MSM is pulling for him. WaPo...
  • The Chinagate/Buddhist temple cash skeletons in Gary Locke’s closet

    02/24/2009 3:59:00 PM PST · by pissant · 6 replies · 572+ views
    Is it possible for Barack Obama to pick a Commerce Secretary nominee who’ll actually make it past first base? Bill Richardson withdrew in the midst of a pay-for-play scandal. Judd Gregg withdrew in the midst of a humiliating power play over the Census and porkulus bill. Now, former Democrat Gov. Gary Locke — a lawyer for international firm Davis, Wright, and Tremaine who specializes in China — is rumored to be the next nominee for the post. The MSM is pulling for him. WaPo writes: “Locke is regarded as a safe choice by senior officials in the Obama administration given...
  • Clinton papers reveal donor, embargo ties

    03/23/2008 9:46:10 PM PDT · by jdm · 51 replies · 3,370+ views
    Washington Times ^ | March 24, 2008 | by Jerry Seper
    ** EXCERPT ** With a large charitable donation in hand, Indonesian businessman Mochtar Riady flew to Little Rock to dine with first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton at a 1993 gala honoring her as an "Arkansan of the Year" at a time his company, a multibillion dollar banking conglomerate, was seeking an end to a 30-year trade embargo with Vietnam. Five days after the March 4, 1993, dinner at the Excelsior Hotel, Mr. Riady took the embargo question directly to President Clinton, saying in a four-page letter that its demise would bring political reforms in that communist country. By that time,...
  • Submit a question to Hillary Clinton for her Feb. 3 town hall meeting

    02/03/2008 11:25:57 AM PST · by doug from upland · 121 replies · 440+ views
    The Beast's website ^ | 2-3-08 | The Beast
  • Exposing Hillary's Illegalities In Los Angeles Court To Begin Feb. 21! (status conference)

    01/31/2008 1:35:03 PM PST · by OPS4 · 85 replies · 17,848+ views
    Peter Paul Project ! ^ | january 2008 | Intermeddler
    The Hillary Clinton Accountability Project will shortly launch its fundraising drive to raise $500,000 to support the most important citizen’s legal initiative of 2008. The landmark civil fraud suit of Paul v Clinton et al which the California Supreme Court ordered to proceed against the Clintons, Grammys Producer Gary Smith and Clinton agent Jim Levin, will be set for trial and a discovery schedule at a special conference to be held in Los Angeles Superior Court on February 21, 2008. The first law suit in American history to bring a President and a Senator to court for defrauding the Senator’s...
  • Hillary Clinton's Massive Conflict of Interest

    01/18/2008 9:47:39 PM PST · by america4vr · 17 replies · 507+ views
    Fox News ^ | January 18, 2008 | Dick Morris and Eileen McGann
    As American banks go hat in hand to foreign financial institutions and governments, begging for capital to help them get out of the mess into which their subprime loans have landed them, the question arises as to whether the United States should permit nations like China, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the banks they control to acquire part ownership of our leading banks. The presidential candidates discussed this issue in their Nevada debate and Hillary was asked about it in an interview with Neil Cavuto on the FOX Business Network yesterday. She replied that she would not...
  • Brittany, Hillary, and Redemption

    01/07/2008 6:54:30 AM PST · by Congressman Billybob · 19 replies · 621+ views
    Special to FreeRepublic ^ | 7 January 2008 | John Armor (Congressman Billybob)
    Every time there’s another story about Brittany Spears’ infantile, self-destructive behavior, I condemn the American press for covering that subject like a horse blanket. And I watch as the national I.Q. drops two points in a day because the Brittany story is everywhere, on all channels. But the performances of Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail and in presidential “debates” in Iowa and New Hampshire, demonstrate parallels between Brittany and Hillary. The comparisons are in favor of the singer, not the lecturer. The most incredible thing that Hillary has said, in front of God and everybody, is this, “I have...
  • The Clinton Cow in the China Shop - Part 1

    01/07/2008 12:56:25 PM PST · by SonnyCorleone · 7 replies · 260+ views ^ | 12/7/2007 | Dagny D'Anconia
    Hillary Clinton has been playing a dangerous game with China. After over a decade of illegal contributions to the Democratic party and special favors by the Clintons, Hillary has turned on her old Chinese friends and sold them out in a desperate bid to win in 2008. The American dollar and economy have suffered collateral damage in this Clinton double cross with China. "Chinagate" was the name for numerous illegal campaign contributions from the PRC to the Democrats that helped them to win the 1996 elections. As you may remember back in 1996, the Clinton administration's apparently traded missile secrets...
  • Shaken Clinton Camp prepares for Trench Warfare (After N.H.)

    01/06/2008 9:58:11 PM PST · by tcrlaf · 96 replies · 561+ views
    The Hillary Project ^ | 1-07-08 | Thomas B. Edsall
    Hillary Clinton's campaign, anticipating probable defeat here in New Hampshire on January 8, is gearing up for an extended trench-warfare battle against Barack Obama. The former First Lady is planning to fight Obama in South Carolina on January 26, and in the gargantuan nationwide primary on Tuesday, February 5 -- with contests in 19 states, including New York, California, New Jersey, Georgia, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Colorado. If she remains competitive, Clinton's plan is to continue to compete in Louisiana on February 9, in Virginia and Maryland on February 12, in Wisconsin on February 19, in Ohio on March 4 --...
  • The Tyranny of Super-Delegates (will Super Delegates save Hillary?)

    01/05/2008 11:24:42 AM PST · by doug from upland · 108 replies · 1,265+ views
    nation ^ | jan 2007 | the always entertaining moonbat Katrina vanden Heuvel
    The Tyranny of Super-Delegates Barack Obama's stirring victory in Iowa was also a good night for our democracy. The turnout broke records and young people – who were mobilized and organized – participated in unprecedented numbers. And now that Iowans have spoken – the first citizens in the nation to do so – here's the Democratic delegate count for the top three candidates (2,025 delegates are needed to secure the nomination): Clinton – 169 Obama – 66 Edwards – 47 "Huh?" you say. "vanden Heuvel, you made a MAJOR typo." In fact, those numbers are correct: the third-place finishing Sen....
  • Hillary is the candidate of retribution, not of hope

    01/05/2008 11:36:06 AM PST · by Aristotelian · 12 replies · 285+ views
    London Guardian ^ | January 5, 2008 | Martin Kettle in New Hampshire
    It is hard not to feel sorry for Hillary Clinton. She is, in so many ways, the perfect presidential candidate for the Democrats. She has the brains and the name, the money and the machine. (snip) And yet, when actual voters are given the chance to seal the deal, too many of them balk, as they did in Iowa this week. Coming third in Iowa, with more than two-thirds of the voters choosing other candidates, is a shocking blow to the Clinton campaign. Yet the pollsters have always known what her problem is. Her problem is that a lot of...
  • New probe urged for Hillary crimes (FEC "aiding and abbetting" in felony)

    01/02/2008 7:39:19 AM PST · by doug from upland · 13 replies · 491+ views
    world net daily ^ | 1-2-07 | ART MOORE
    New probe urged for Hillary crimes Charges that if FEC rejects, agency will have 'aided and abetted' in felony By Art Moore © 2008 The top donor to Sen. Hillary Clinton's 2000 campaign has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission asking the agency to re-open an investigation into illegal contributions and to probe alleged continuing violations of the law by the Democratic presidential candidate. The complaint by business mogul Peter Franklin Paul also asserts the Clinton campaign's 2005 conciliation agreement with the FEC – in which a finance aide was fined $35,000 – effectively let Clinton and...