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Keyword: clintondysfunction

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    12/27/2005 9:58:50 AM PST · by Mia T · 54 replies · 5,140+ views
     AFTERWORD: ON CLINTON SMALLNESS--BRINKLEY MISSES THE POINT THE FAILED, DYSFUNCTIONAL CLINTON PRESIDENCY(DECONSTRUCTING CLINTON'S HOFSTRA SPEECH) part1: The "Brinkley" Lie   by Mia T, 12.27.05   One of the American historians I most admire, Douglas Brinkley out there, sitting here, was quoted in the paper today as saying that I would be viewed as a great president except for the fact of the impeachment, which is just there. bill clintonHofstra apologia November 11, 2005 clinton's ranking will likely get worse over time. Economic issues fade in importance. Moral issues presist and grow. (paraphrase) Douglas Brinkley February 2000(discussing C-SPAN PRESIDENTS POLL)...
  • Listen to this + ask yourself if America Ever Had the Remotest Chance Under a clinton to Avoid 9/11

    08/17/2005 7:15:13 AM PDT · by Mia T · 29 replies · 3,171+ views
    various | 8.17.05 | Mia T
    Listen to this and ask yourself if America Ever Had the Remotest Chance Under a clinton to Avoid 9/11(To paraphrase Einstein: "The unleashed power of terrorism has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophes.") by Mia T, 8.17.05 hat we are witnessing in real time with the discombobulated, self-contradictory 9/11 commission et al. is the implosion of the Washington mutual protection racket writ large. They have miscalculated this time, so it seems. To paraphrase Einstein: "The unleashed power of terrorism has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift...

    07/15/2005 8:22:28 AM PDT · by Mia T · 87 replies · 13,468+ views
    bin Laden, bill clinton, hillary clinton, NRO | 7.15.05 | Mia T
    BIN LADEN FINGERS CLINTON FOR TERROR SUCCESS (SEE FOOTAGE)THE THREAT OF TERRORISM IS AS CLOSE AS A CLINTON IS TO THE OVAL OFFICE by Mia T, 7.15.05 BIN LADEN CREDITSCLINTON COWARDICE, DISLOYALITY + BLACK HAWK DOWN DEBACLE,FOR TERROR SUCCESSSEE FOOTAGE OF BIN LADEN INTERVIEW, BLACK HAWK DOWN DEBACLEhillary talks: ON MILITARY TACTICS (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) hillary talks:ON TERROR (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)   INTERVIEW Osama bin Laden (may 1998)   In the first part of this interview which occurred in May 1998, a little over two months before the U.S. embassy...
  • cinéma-vérité NOT:AUTEUR KERRY'S MOVIE (self-confessed war criminal morphs into self-promoter hero)

    07/29/2004 1:56:56 PM PDT · by Mia T · 21 replies · 1,485+ views
    7.29.04 | Mia T
    new movie! in 4 (self-loading) parts UNFIT #9-JOHN KERRY: DEADLY OPPORTUNIST SELF-CONFESSED WAR CRIMlNAL MORPHS INTO SELF-PROMOTER WAR HERO includes KERRY'S cinéma-not-so-vérité BATTLEFIELD REENACTMENTS COMMENTARY BY NIXON, KERRY'S COMMANDERS, CREWMATES, ETC. JOHN KERRY IS UNFIT SERIES: taking the measure of a would-be commander-in-chief by Mia T, 7.29.04   (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) missus clinton's REAL virtual office updatehttp://hillarytalks.blogspot.comhttp://virtualclintonlibrary.blogspot.comhttp://demmemogate.blogspot.comhttp://www.hillarytalks.us  COPYRIGHT MIA T 2004   THE DEMOCRATS ARE GONNA GET US KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES 2KERRY-DEMOCRAT CONTEMPT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY[annotated]THE DEMOCRATS-ARE-GONNA-GET-US-KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES1dox in sox on lummox...

    07/29/2004 1:15:45 PM PDT · by Mia T · 18 replies · 48,250+ views
    7.29.04 | Mia T
    new movie! in 4 (self-loading) parts UNFIT #9-JOHN KERRY: DEADLY OPPORTUNIST SELF-CONFESSED WAR CRIMlNAL BECOMES SELF-PROMOTER WAR HERO includes KERRY'S cinéma-not-so-vérité BATTLEFIELD REENACTMENTS COMMENTARY BY NIXON, KERRY'S COMMANDERS, CREWMATES, ETC. JOHN KERRY IS UNFIT SERIES: taking the measure of a would-be commander-in-chief by Mia T, 7.29.04   (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) missus clinton's REAL virtual office updatehttp://hillarytalks.blogspot.comhttp://virtualclintonlibrary.blogspot.comhttp://demmemogate.blogspot.comhttp://www.hillarytalks.us  COPYRIGHT MIA T 2004 THE DEMOCRATS ARE GONNA GET US KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES 2KERRY-DEMOCRAT CONTEMPT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY[annotated]THE DEMOCRATS-ARE-GONNA-GET-US-KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES1dox in sox on lummox in box...
  • JOHN KERRY IS UNFIT SERIES: taking the measure of a would-be commander-in-chief (w/additions)

    07/27/2004 11:55:47 PM PDT · by Mia T · 26 replies · 3,769+ views
    7.28.04 | Mia T
    JOHN KERRY IS UNFIT SERIES:taking the measure of a would-be commander-in-chiefcoming soon!#9-DEADLY OPPORTUNIST: SELF-CONFESSED WAR CRIMlNAL BECOMES SELF-PROMOTER WAR HERO   (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) missus clinton's REAL virtual office updatehttp://hillarytalks.blogspot.comhttp://virtualclintonlibrary.blogspot.comhttp://demmemogate.blogspot.comhttp://www.hillarytalks.us  COPYRIGHT MIA T 2004 #1-making the tough choices in a post-9/11 world (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) thanx to jla for research #2-understanding the job description (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)   #3-sang-froid and the "nuclear" button (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)   #4 - Kerry champions tolerance for terrorists(TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER vs. TERRORIST ANNIHILATOR) ...
  • DEM CONTEMPT 4 NATIONAL SECURITY/Democrats are gonna get us killed (kerry-clinton-berger's pants)2

    07/26/2004 5:13:29 AM PDT · by Mia T · 13 replies · 3,322+ views
    BrookesNews.Com ^ | 7.26.04 | Mia T
    THE DEMOCRATS ARE GONNA GET US KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES 2KERRY-DEMOCRAT CONTEMPT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY[annotated]WHY JOHN KERRY IS DANGEROUS FOR AMERICA by Mia T, 7.26.04 [Kerry Advisor] Berger's contempt for US national security [annotated] Scott JordanBrookesNews.ComMonday 26 July 2004 "[Lindsey's] nicknames have run the gamut from "the Enforcer" to "the Consigliere," the Sicilian word for a trusted counsel to a Mafia chieftain." -- Time Magazine, March 23 19981   he astonishing admission of Samuel "Sandy" Berger, Bill Clinton's longtime National Security Advisor, that he stuffed "code-word"-class secret documents into his pants, sneaked them out of a...
  • THE DEMOCRATS-ARE-GONNA-GET-US-KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES: #1

    07/24/2004 12:55:20 PM PDT · by Mia T · 59 replies · 7,817+ views
    7.24.04 | Mia T
    THE DEMOCRATS-ARE-GONNA-GET-US-KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES: #1WHY JOHN KERRY IS DANGEROUS FOR AMERICA by Mia T, 7.24.04   dox in socks on lummox in box on fox (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) COPYRIGHT MIA T 2004 Look, Larry... [W]e were... not at war in the 1990s... and young Americans were not deployed... under President Clinton. What American would not trade the movement in the right direction that we had under President Clinton?   John KerryLarry King LiveJuly 8, 2004 kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)...
  • dox in socks? (the kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants series)

    07/23/2004 11:26:33 AM PDT · by Mia T · 27 replies · 5,028+ views
    AP, NRO, The Washington Weekly | 7.23.04 | Mia T
    dox in socks?(the kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants series) by Mia T, 7.21.04   (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)    "I wish I knew who leaked it. It's interesting timing." bill clinton   There were two major techniques that we used to implement McCurry's strategy of getting all the bad news out early and helping reporters write bad stories. The first was overt and fully approved within the White House chain of command... "document dumps." The second method was covert, both to the outside world and within the "official" channels of the White House -...
  • kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants

    07/20/2004 10:27:00 AM PDT · by Mia T · 58 replies · 10,290+ views
    Look, Larry... [W]e were... not at war in the 1990s... and young Americans were not deployed... under President Clinton. What American would not trade the movement in the right direction that we had under President Clinton. John KerryLarry King LiveJuly 8, 2004 kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) johnkerryisdangerousforamerica.blogspot.commissus clinton's REAL virtual office updatehttp://hillarytalks.blogspot.comhttp://virtualclintonlibrary.blogspot.comhttp://demmemogate.blogspot.comhttp://www.hillarytalks.us President Clinton's national security adviser, Samuel R. Berger, is the focus of a criminal investigation after removing highly classified documents and handwritten notes from a secure reading room while preparing for the September 11 commission hearings. Mr....
  • THE REAL "REAL DEAL" (what Kerry's commanders and crewmates REALLY think of him--with transcripts)

    07/19/2004 3:23:30 PM PDT · by Mia T · 86 replies · 8,832+ views
    THE REAL "REAL DEAL" (what Kerry's commanders and crewmates REALLY think of him--with transcripts) by Mia T, 7.18.04     KERRY SWIFT-BOAT-VET FRAUD!  (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) KERRY A 'LOOSE CANNON' I do not believe John Kerry is fit to be the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States. This is not a political issue. It is a matter of his judgment, truthfulness, reliability, loyalty and trust all absolute tenets of command. His biography, Tour of Duty , by Douglas Brinkley, is replete with gross exaggerations, distortions of fact, contradictions and...
  • Did John Kerry pick a running mate or hire a lawyer when he selected John Edwards?

    07/19/2004 3:11:24 PM PDT · by Mia T · 28 replies · 5,190+ views
    kerry ad ^ | 7.19.04 | Mia T
    Did John Kerry pick a running mate or hire a lawyer when he selected John Edwards? by Mia T, 7.18.04  PLAINTIFF PETTIFOGGER EDWARDS' 1ST JOB AS KERRY RUNNING MATE: KERRY DEFENSE LAWYER (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)   "There is no one better prepared to keep the American people safe than this man. And if you have any question what John Kerry is made of, just spend three minutes with the men who served with him 30 years ago who still stand by his side. [Emphasis added.] They saw up close that this man is a...

    07/17/2004 10:29:57 PM PDT · by Mia T · 34 replies · 2,981+ views
    kerry ad ^ | 7.18.04 | Mia T
    PLAINTIFF PETTIFOGGER EDWARD'S 1ST JOB AS KERRY RUNNING MATE: KERRY DEFENSE LAWYER by Mia T, 7.17.04 UNFIT! Hear Kerry's Commanders + Crewmates("Three Minutes" - the REAL "Real Deal")  (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)   "There is no one better prepared to keep the American people safe than this man. And if you have any question what John Kerry is made of, just spend three minutes with the men who served with him 30 years ago who still stand by his side. [Emphasis added.] They saw up close that this man is a leader and he has...
  • UNFIT! Hear Kerry's Commanders + Crewmates ("Three Minutes" - the REAL "Real Deal")

    07/17/2004 6:46:21 AM PDT · by Mia T · 42 replies · 7,173+ views
    7.17.04 | Mia T
    UNFIT! Hear Kerry's Commanders + Crewmates("Three Minutes" - the REAL "Real Deal")  (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) COPYRIGHT MIA T 2004

    07/13/2004 8:42:00 PM PDT · by Mia T · 41 replies · 5,754+ views
    Larry King Live ^ | 7.13.04 | Mia T
      UNFIT #6: The Deadly Kerry-Hollywood Axis HOW CAN YOU PUT YOUR CHILDREN'S LIVES IN ITS HANDS? WHY JOHN KERRY IS DANGEROUS FOR AMERICA by Mia T, 7.13.04 (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) "Well, I haven't been briefed [about the new al Qaeda plans of a large-scale attack on the United States] yet, Larry. They have offered to brief me; I just haven't had time." John KerryLarry King LiveJuly 8, 2004   "I think most Americans subconsciously believe something [another terror attack on the United States] is going to happen. It's a matter of when, and...
  • vetting missus clinton...

    07/02/2004 5:44:44 AM PDT · by Mia T · 10 replies · 2,847+ views
    The American Spectator ^ | 7.02.04 | Mia T
    vetting missus clinton... by Mia T, 6.04.04 There was no indication of who the "surprise" candidate was. "It could be Hillary. It's assumed that she has been vetted on a separate track from the others. At least that's the talk. No one here knows for sure," says the source. Edwards was due in Boston after the July 4th holiday for campaign appearances, at least one of which was to be with Kerry. According to a Clinton Senate staffer in New York City, late on Wednesday, a staff colleague called from the road and indicated that "the Senator may need to...
  • Deep Veep Deux (Les Deux Magots)

    07/02/2004 5:15:03 AM PDT · by Mia T · 2 replies · 921+ views
    The American Spectator ^ | 7.02.04 | Mia T
        (requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) missus clinton's REAL virtual office updatehttp://hillarytalks.blogspot.comhttp://virtualclintonlibrary.blogspot.comhttp://demmemogate.blogspot.comhttp://www.hillarytalks.us DESPERATE MEASURES Could it be that desperation is setting in a bit more, well, desperately in the Kerry campaign? Up till now, most political tea leaf readers had Kerry announcing his decision on vice president coming the week of July 11. But recent polling numbers may have Kerry advisers changing those plans. According to a Kerry campaign source, Sen. John Edwards, Rep. Dick Gephardt, Gov. Tom Vilsack, Gen. Wesley Clark, and "a surprise candidate" were each contacted on Wednesday and told to be prepared...

    07/02/2004 3:59:29 AM PDT · by Mia T · 4 replies · 2,301+ views
    7.02.04 | Mia T
    USEFUL IDIOTS by Mia T, 7.02.04   MOORE IS LESS--THE MOVIEWHY JOHN KERRY IS DANGEROUS FOR AMERICA  (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)   OORE IS LESS--THE MOVIEis, if you'll pardon the redundancy, less about Moore than about the American Left. Bush said it best. "You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists." The Left clearly made its choice. A CONSPIRACY OF USEFUL IDIOTS Kerry's reckless Tet-Offensive gambit is a conspiracy of what Lenin called "useful idiots." It is a Leftist band of blind apologists for the islamofascist-terrorist enemies of America. But I...
  • MOORE IS LESS--THE MOVIE / Why John Kerry is Dangerous for America

    07/01/2004 4:07:02 PM PDT · by Mia T · 55 replies · 8,549+ views
    2003 Oscars | 7.01.04 | Mia T
    MOORE IS LESS--THE MOVIEWHY JOHN KERRY IS DANGEROUS FOR AMERICA  (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) COPYRIGHT MIA T 2004
  • bill clinton, boy "genius," unwittingly bares all on BBC / HEAR CLINTON NOW!

    06/29/2004 4:01:09 AM PDT · by Mia T · 18 replies · 3,122+ views
    BC on BBC ^ | 6.29.04 | Mia T
    bill clinton, boy "genius," unwittingly bares all on BBC by Mia T, 6.29.04 HEAR CLINTON NOW! reveal how the clintons "trampled the little people" reveal how the clintons fomented rage -- transferred their anger onto a nation to tear it asunder reveal how the clintons committed RAPE + other "arbitrary abuse of power" reveal how the clintons went after the Nobel, power + self-gratification INSTEAD OF THE TERRORISTS reveal how the clintons methodically + seditiously + with impunity auctioned off America's security, sovereignty + economy to the highest foreign bidder.   (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)...