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I'm so stupid, I signed up and got the Zot.

Posted on 12/21/2004 12:25:42 PM PST by hk409

Edited on 12/21/2004 12:54:14 PM PST by Admin Moderator. [history]



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To: NicknamedBob; sionnsar; international american; freedumb2003; tuliptree76; queenkathy; All

It's that time for me, again. All of you be safe tonight, and take care of you and yours. I'll see you tomorrow!


PS: We got up to a nice 91 degrees today! Woo-HOO! *BIG sunshiney smiley!*


20,121 posted on 04/13/2005 5:18:38 PM PDT by Monkey Face (*tagline is humming funeral march*)
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To: airborne

I think you'll do just fine!
Driving is one of my favorite things, so I'll be with you in spirit every step of the way, including in the peanut gallery!

I'll be waiting to hear all the details! (Take some photos!)

XO 'Face

20,122 posted on 04/13/2005 5:21:53 PM PDT by Monkey Face (*tagline is humming funeral march*)
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To: Monkey Face

Hi face......bye face.

20,123 posted on 04/13/2005 5:38:31 PM PDT by international american (Tagline now flameproof....purchased from "Conspiracy Guy Custom Taglines"LLC)
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To: Monkey Face

I get to officially break in the new Monte Carlo. 4300 miles on her, and it's time for the interstate treatment!

20,124 posted on 04/13/2005 5:40:58 PM PDT by airborne (Dear Lord, please be with my family in Iraq. Keep them close to You and safely in Your arms.)
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To: Monkey Face; SandyInSeattle
G'night, Face!

91F? Not nice at all! I'll stick with my cool, damp, dark Pacific Northwet woods. ("Nasty Yellow Face, we hatess it..")

20,125 posted on 04/13/2005 5:45:25 PM PDT by sionnsar (†† || Iran Azadi || Where are we going, and why are we in this handbasket?)
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To: sionnsar; Darksheare

I can just picture you, hanging out in the mushroom plantings.

You might want to stick with Darksheare, and keep a regular eye on things down in the dungeon areas.

That way, the bright artificial lighting will not be unpleasant for you.

Most of the public areas will follow a standard twenty-four hour lighting cycle. Some agricultural zones will have virtually unlimited "sunshine" to maximize their productivity.

The "long-boats" will be offset from the Castle zone by eight hours earlier and later, respectively. Residences for those acting as crew will be scattered among the three time-zones. In this way, when someone comes on duty, it will always be morning for that individual, and fatigue should not be a problem.

It also means that if you like to take twilight or midnight strolls, there will be places you can do this at any time of the "day."

Another reason for having this arrangement is that it will be more comfortable for those who arrive from time-zones on other continents, and they can maintain their biological clock settings.

20,126 posted on 04/13/2005 6:07:25 PM PDT by NicknamedBob (Brevity is the soul of wit. -- That's why we all look funny in our briefs.)
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To: NicknamedBob

Olaf Pilaf, Soup Salesman to the Stars

20,127 posted on 04/13/2005 6:08:48 PM PDT by King Prout (blast and char it among fetid buzzard guts!)
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To: NicknamedBob; sionnsar

Yeah, even artificial sunlight hurts somewhat.

20,128 posted on 04/13/2005 6:13:39 PM PDT by Darksheare (#####This tagline has been viciously run down to prevent it's escape. It has tire marks on it. #####)
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To: King Prout

We should be well-equipped to be able to manufacture all kinds of freeze-dried and dehydrated soup essences, either for eventual sale when we return, or as emergency rations in the event of agricultural misfortune.

They would also make good additions to our extra-vehicular activity suits. One never knows how long that excursion could be, and I for one, believe in being prepared, and in not going hungry if I can avoid it.

20,129 posted on 04/13/2005 6:14:42 PM PDT by NicknamedBob (Brevity is the soul of wit. -- That's why we all look funny in our briefs.)
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To: Darksheare
"...even artificial sunlight hurts somewhat"

It really can't be avoided. We'll need the plants to scrub our atmosphere and replenish the oxygen.

You should see the modifications we made to have artificial rain!

20,130 posted on 04/13/2005 6:18:54 PM PDT by NicknamedBob (Brevity is the soul of wit. -- That's why we all look funny in our briefs.)
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To: NicknamedBob

Very impressive, at least for the fifteen minutes before I started to really burn.
Heading off to the crypts for the, er.. 'overnight' hours.

20,131 posted on 04/13/2005 6:22:54 PM PDT by Darksheare (#####This tagline has been viciously run down to prevent it's escape. It has tire marks on it. #####)
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To: NicknamedBob; SandyInSeattle
I can just picture you, hanging out in the mushroom plantings.
You might want to stick with Darksheare, and keep a regular eye on things down in the dungeon areas.
That way, the bright artificial lighting will not be unpleasant for you.

I think this goes a bit too far. Many years ago I was involved with a group looking at developing environmental controls for mushroom farms. I'm not that much a troglodyte.

All I ask for are darkened gray skies, a soft rain on my face, and a light breeze to waft me home. A Pacific Northwesterner's prayer.

(A bit o' thunder and lightning would be okay too!)

20,132 posted on 04/13/2005 6:24:54 PM PDT by sionnsar (†† || Iran Azadi || Where are we going, and why are we in this handbasket?)
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To: sionnsar; Monkey Face

91 degrees? In April? That's just wrong.

I'll keep the nice hail storm and cloudy skies, thanks!

20,133 posted on 04/13/2005 6:25:19 PM PDT by Not A Snowbird (Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Pajama Duchess of Green Leafy Things)
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To: SandyInSeattle

Me too. The thing I hate worst is this light overcast.

20,134 posted on 04/13/2005 6:36:39 PM PDT by sionnsar (†† || Iran Azadi || Where are we going, and why are we in this handbasket?)
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To: sionnsar

Ok I have this question about FreeRepublic etiquette...Any takers? What are the rules concerning disagreements on here.

20,135 posted on 04/13/2005 6:52:26 PM PDT by queenkathy (Can't think of anything cute for my tagline)
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To: sionnsar
"All I ask for are darkened gray skies, a soft rain on my face, and a light breeze to waft me home."

And you think such an environment can be found in a flying castle and two longboats spinning like a toothless face between planets?

Never mind. There may be something you can do for us. Up above the artificial lighting zone, in the catwalks made slippery with condensation, strangely lit by the greenish reflection from below, we need to have someone patrol and maintain the equipment.

If the height doesn't bother you, (and no one should venture off-planet if it does!), this may be as close to the "ideal" environment you describe, as we can provide.

There is a "maintenance shack" up there, and it's connected to the delivery and communications systems.

It's gray, cool, and damp. Nobody wants to volunteer for the post, calling it dismal and spooky. I would imagine a few practice sessions with your pipes would guarantee your privacy.

20,136 posted on 04/13/2005 7:02:26 PM PDT by NicknamedBob (Brevity is the soul of wit. -- That's why we all look funny in our briefs.)
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To: queenkathy
Are you saying you want to organize a debate club?

"What are the rules concerning disagreements on here."

Does anybody remember whether anyone has said anything disagreeable in the last 85000 posts? Other than jj fate and old what's his name, hk1428, or whatever it was?

20,137 posted on 04/13/2005 7:07:53 PM PDT by NicknamedBob (Brevity is the soul of wit. -- That's why we all look funny in our briefs.)
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To: NicknamedBob
Are you saying you want to organize a debate club? No, no debate from me! I just wondered what are the rules because I've been having a hard time on another thread and part of me wants to hit the abuse button and the other part wants to just quit responding. I'm not sure there has been any "abuse" so to put it...Just some real nasty talk about Bible prophecy and some Christian leaders.
20,138 posted on 04/13/2005 7:11:49 PM PDT by queenkathy (Can't think of anything cute for my tagline)
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To: queenkathy

If there's been abuse, the Mods will handle it.

And if you're not comfortable there, why go there?

In the words of Chucky Finster, of the rug rats, "I've got an idea! Let's just quit!"

20,139 posted on 04/13/2005 7:19:42 PM PDT by NicknamedBob (Brevity is the soul of wit. -- That's why we all look funny in our briefs.)
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To: NicknamedBob

Well at first I was an innocent by-stander! Just posting every now and then. You know, making some points, etc...Then it got nasty. Then it got down and dirty and it became the principle of the thing...That old principle thing going on! Do the mods read all of the posts? Well anyways, I think the person I was "debating" with went and got re-inforcements and they beat me up pretty bad! My crown is tipped sideways on my head...And my purple robe is a little tattered! But I can quit anytime..That's right I can quit right now..But gosh I do like to get down and get dirty sometimes you know...

20,140 posted on 04/13/2005 7:22:58 PM PDT by queenkathy (Can't think of anything cute for my tagline)
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