Keyword: shukairy
"Nasser's Anti-Jewish Propaganda." Publication Date: July 8, 1965. CIAOctober 1961: The Palestine Arab Delegation sent to all U.N. delegations a formal statement of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem declaring: "The enmity of Nazis to Jews was based on (supposed) well-documented[sic] research [sic] and studies" which showed that the Jews were "a strong factor" in bringing about the defeat of Germany in World War I and dominated[sic] the "political, economic, and professional life of Germany." August 1, 1961: "The Crescent and the Cross," newsletter of the Palestine Arab Delegation, adopted the anti-Semitic canard of the Khazar...' The P.A.D. was first managed...
When Yad Vashem exhibits were redone, a telling photo was not returned to the prominent position it had had before. Why not? ... a notorious Nazi SS general, a leading Muslim cleric and the father of a nation - all in one. This person is Haj Amin al Husseini. Husseini was the powerful patriarch of the leading Arab clan in Palestine in the first half of the twentieth century. He used his political power and religious influence for his life's motif - the murder of Jews. ... in 1929, there was no Zionist "apartheid occupation”, no "occupied territories" nor "settlers";...
Survey of China Mainland Press. Hong Kong: American Consulate General, 1965. p. 35 Delegation of Palestine Liberation Organization Visits Military Academy in Wuhan (NCNA-English, Wuhan, March 24, 1965) "Our common target is US imperialism" said Ahmed Shukairy president of the Palestine Liberation Organization.. FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1965. 032456 -- "Delegation of palestine liberation organization visits military academy in Wuhan" Wuhan, March twenty fourth (hsinhua) -- "Our common target is US imperialism" said Ahmed Shukairy president of the palestine Liberation organization. When he and the delegation visited he is leading visited a military academy of the cChinese people's Liberation army here...
In June, 1966, Shukairy defiantly declared that the Palestine Liberation Army was receiving military assistance as well as training from the Chinese Communists. In the same month, as a corollary, PLO announced , in programs broadcast over Radio Cairo, that it was preparing to intervene in the Vietnam war.
Unreliable Haaretz deceving headline about Arabs who fought on British side in WW2On Haaretz "celebrating" a headline about Arab Palestinians fighting on British side based on shaky "research".Many Arabs were not from Palestine but came over from Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.Many did so with the intention to get arms.Jews paid Arabs to be enlisted.Abbasi chose selective sources, yet neither the quantitative nor the qualitative aspect of his theory is supported by the evidence.Shukairy's own testimony in his book states that (1940) almost no one adhered Britain's call to join a Palestine force to help the Allies.Conclusion:The patched up concocted Abbasi...
Oct 17, 1961 - "Birthday" of 'apartheid slur' by Arab Nazi From Shukeiri to Shakir - the big racist lie 1927. Ahmad Shukeiri agitates at university in Beirut. He is expelled. 1935. March, the Templars' Das Wort reports that Istiqlal Party, which began to reorganize, also adopted Nazi ideas. Adding: "This party's publication shows a clear sympathy for Nazism and fights fiercely against the Jewish boycott of Germany." The Istiqlal party was founded 3 years earlier by Shukeiri and others. 1939. Shukeiri helps Mufti murder his brother, a moderate, Dr. Anwar Shukeiri June-8-1939 ('Maariv', Oct 21, 1949. p. 11). [Mufti's...
Nazi Arab: 1930s, 1940s & beyond Hitler was clear about his disdain for the Arab world, writing in Mein Kampf: "As a völkisch man, who appraises the value of men on a racial basis, I am prevented by mere knowledge of the racial inferiority of these so-called 'oppressed nations' from linking the destiny of my own people with theirs".[1] And the Grand Mufti al-Husseini has said "that after the Jews, the Germans would destroy the Arabs— he knew this."[46]In the 1930s, Arab students returning from studying in Europe were determined to found the Arab Nazi party.[2]In February, 1932, the predominat...
BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 2,027, May 13, 2021 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The explosion of mass violence by Israeli Arabs against their fellow Jewish citizens is nothing short of a religious war and has to be treated as such. When synagogues and religious seminaries are torched, it is a religious war. When Torah scrolls are desecrated, it is a religious war. When cars are torched only after verification that they belong to Jews, it is a religious war. When Jewish drivers and passengers are dragged from their cars to the shouts of “Allah Akbar” and beaten up, it is a religious...
In Search of Facts, Ideas and Challenges, Volume 5, Issue 80. Volume 8, Issue 159Institute for the Study of Relevant Progressivism, 1976 The P.L.O. - What Sort of Precendent? This Once Even the Right Could be Right professing its genocidal ambition openly, without hiding it in any disguise whatever. Its leader, Ahmed Shukairy, kept making a point of it that the Arabs were absolutely literal when speaking of pushing the Israelis into the sea. Following the military disaster Israel that year inflicted on the Arabs, they were internationally overheard discussing the public relations error of their past genocidal candor....
The Detroit Jewish News. Friday, February 03, 1967. Page 9 Antiwar Group Warns Public of PLO Leader Shukairy(Direct JTA Teletype Wire - to The Jewish News)NEW YORK — In a letter to the editor published in Wednesday's New York Times, Dr. Albert Simard, secretary of the Society for the Prevention of World War Three warns of the "dangerous" background and activities of Ahmed Shukairy, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization who, he said, had expressed hatred of the West. Recalling the pro-Hilter activities "highest levels of government" of Shukairy when he was associated with the notorious Grand Mufti of Jerusalem....
Note, this February, 1967 era was months before the six-day war and years before the concept of 'anti war' became a mere tool, politically. The Detroit Jewish News. Friday, February 03, 1967. Page 9. Antiwar Group Warns Public of PLO Leader Shukairy (Direct JTA Teletype Wire played a most active role in keep- to The Jewish News) NEW YORK — In a letter to the editor published in Wednesday's New York Times, Dr. Albert Simard, secretary of the Society for the Prevention of World War Three warns of the "dangerous" background and activities of Ahmed Shukairy, head of the Palestine...
Issa Nakhleh: Holocaust denier, the fraud of a man, the cruelty of a liar Updated, Aug.2020 Issa Nakhleh: Holocaust denier, Hitler's canard - recycler, pushing Neo-Nazi inventions on WW2, Nazi-Germany glorifier since 1952, and long time agitator in S. America   {Advisor UN 'Palestinian' Delegation The Arab Higher Committee for 'Palestine'. Author of "Palestine encyclopedia"} * June.17.1949: He can be considered the pioneer in vicious vitriol. Hyped imaginary terminology to "shock". At UN, he accused/defined in June-1949, acts as being "exceeding in brutality"[1] than those of "the Nazis." This "language" was picked up by Shukairy in 1960-2. That was 23 years before he denied the Holocaust...
Genocidal Arab leaders, 1930s, 1940s, 1960s and recent... 1920 Politische Studien - Volume 41, Issues 309-314 - Page 535- 1990 1929 – wieder Unruhen , Pogrome in Hebron , Jerusalem , Jaffa und der sich seit damals immer wiederholende Ruf : » Atbach al Yahud « ( schlachtet die Juden ) . Als die Unruhen 1936 bis 1939 ausbrachen , änderten die Engländer ihren ... The Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas on September 21, 1938 · Page 3Nearly 2,000 Persons Killed in Two Years of War Waged by Arabs To Drive Jews Into Sea Palestine Has Become Home of...
Mundo Árabe, la-Reforma - Jorge Sabaj Zurob: 'Arab world' magazine, excerpts from its vile racism and propaganda_________ 1933 Editor-Propietario: Jorge Sabaj Z."La Reforma" Santiago, 13 de abril, 1933La política anti sionista en Alemania Hitler en un poderoso se ha hechado la carga encima de sanear a Alemania. Cueste lo que cueste Noble empeño de un verdadero patriota ..."hay que limpiar la casa" ha dicho uni de los grandes políticos que dirige políticos dirigentes de partido nacista.. ... desde luego , como una medida sana y inevitable ha separado a todos los empleados de origen judío por ser peligrosos o indeseables. Esta...
When Shukairy admitted calling to throw the Jews into sea [Shukeiri, Shuqayri PLO] The New Middle East, Issues 16-39, New Middle East 1970, p.4: Mr. Shukairy claims that when in his days of glory he publicly advocated the liquidation of Israel and "sweeping of the Jews into the sea," he reflected the accepted official Arab outlook, an outlook that was changed only by the outcome of the war of 1967. Mr Shukairy is indignant that such extremism should be fathered on him alone ...'Arab Guerilla Power,' 1967-1972, Edgar O'Ballance, 1973, p.37: Shukairy sank into obscurity, and later (in May 1971)...
THE MUFTI HAJ AMIN AL-HUSSEINI LEADER OF ARAB PALESTINE 1. Pushed to the Hebron 1929 massacre where an Arab "mob slaughtered 63 Jews while over 400 were saved by local Arab families" ________ 2. Helped in Nazi pushed Arab massacre of Jews in Iraq 1941. The FARHUD, where 179 Jews died. _________ 3. In organizing SS Nazi Muslim division in Yugoslavia especially detriment to Hungarian Jews. to Christians in the Balkan __________ 4. Met Adolf Hitler in November-28-1941, who said he is not "pure arab" in blood ( ) but the nazi leader still refused to shake his...
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Volume 107, Part 24 - United States. Congress - U.S. Government Printing Office, 1961 - Law In 1958 the society issued a special release exposing Shukairy's political background. Our interest in this gentleman stemmed from the fact that, when an emergency session of the UN was convened to alleviate tensions in the Middle East, he "poured scorn on the search for a durable peace and threatened the West with the spectre of war." Shukairy summed up the Arabs' bellicose attitude towards the West and staked out Nasser's claim to empire, in a speech whose tone...
Some anniversaries in Arabs' racist war on Israel/Jews 1921-2011 Within a few days, next to the term "Palestine" we are bound to be subject to hear that filthy blanket-for-Arab-crimes: "occupation" mantra [this despite the falsehood of the term, like, for instance, that the Arab "Palestinians" never really 'HAD' the disputed territories, nevertheless], being thrown around at the Arab lobby's hijacked United Nations. Let's put, then, some anniversaries in perspective, especially their pre-1967 anti-Israel, or more accurately anti-Jewish war. 1921 - The founder of the Arab-Israeli conflict, infamous agitator Haj amin al-Husseini is appointed the Mufti [Islamic supreme authority] of Palestine...