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Genocidal Arab Islamic leaders, 1930s, 1940s, 1960s and recent..
Posted on 08/04/2020 2:50:49 PM PDT by Marinario
Genocidal Arab leaders, 1930s, 1940s, 1960s and recent...
Politische Studien - Volume 41, Issues 309-314 - Page 535- 1990
1929 wieder Unruhen , Pogrome in Hebron , Jerusalem , Jaffa und der sich seit damals immer wiederholende Ruf : » Atbach al Yahud « ( schlachtet die Juden ) . Als die Unruhen 1936 bis 1939 ausbrachen , änderten die Engländer ihren ...
The Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas on September 21, 1938 · Page 3
Nearly 2,000 Persons Killed in Two Years of War Waged by Arabs To Drive Jews Into Sea Palestine Has Become Home of Murder, Arson and Pillage on Wholesale Scale, Knickerbocker Declares (Editor's Note: Nearly 2,000 persons have been killed in the two years of war waged by Arabs to drive the Jews into the sea and the British out of Palestine. H. R. Knickerbocker, the noted foreign correspondent of International News Service, reveals in the following article, third of a series of 12 on "War in the Holy Land." In this installment, the Pulitzer prize winning journalist tells how Palestine has become the home ol mm der, arson and pillage on a wholesale scale not equalled elsewhere in the world except in the war...
AIM TO OUST JEWS PLEDGED BY SHEIKH; Head of Moslem Brotherhood Says U.S., British 'Politics' Has Hurt Palestine Solution
By Dana Adams Schmidt
Aug. 2, 1948
August 2, 1948, Page 4.
CAIRO, Egypt, Aug. 1 -- Sheikh Hassan el-Bana, head of the Moslem Brotherhood, largest of the extremist Arab nationalist organizations, declared in an interview today: "If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea ...
Daily News from New York, New York on April 6, 1948 · 162
Syrian Leader Blasts Jews With French 75s By ROBERT CONWAY (Staff Correspondent.. Jerusalem, April 5. Fawzi Bey el Kaukji, field commander of Syrian troops in Palestine, today blasted the Jewish colony of Mishmar Haemek with French 75s....his initial big scale action "to drive the Jews into the sea."
The Daily Times from New Philadelphia, Ohio on August 17,
1951 · Page 6 -
The greatest immediate danger to peace in the Near East today is the Arab refusal to become reconciled to the existence of Israel on the shores of the Holy Land. Grave fears prevail among American and other Western diplomats in the area that the recent assassination of King Abdullah of Jordan may lead to a resumption of Arab hostilities against the Jewish state. The
ill-fated King, who was shot through the heart in Jerusalem by an Arab terrorist whose motives remain mysterious, was the strongest restraining influence in the Arab world in respect to Israel. He was the man on whom Western diplomatic hopes centered to lead the Arab nations eventually into peaceful relations with the Jewish state. It would have been a tough task even for Abdullah. A survey of sentiment in the Arab countries has convinced this correspondent that the issue of Israel will keep the Near East in a state of turbulent tension for a long time to come. This burning issue is fanning the flames of
religious fanaticism and fostering fierce nationalism. It is blinding the Arab leadership and people to the danger of Soviet imperialism. It is serving as Soviet Russia's strongest, instrument for undermining the influence and prestige of the Western world in the Near East...
Denied by the Western powers the arms they would like to secure for another effort to drive the Jews into the sea....
Tel Aviv officials contend there is no reason for the Arabs to fear Israeli expansion because there is plenty of land available to handle the incoming refugees in the Jewish state as it now exists. They add that Israel is unlikely to face an over population problem for at least twenty years...
As for the economic threat, Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett told the writer in an exclusive interview in Jerusalem that his government would be prepared to cooperate with the neighboring Arab states in a joint program for raising the standard of living if the Arabs would make peace. Let them Join us in the march for progress, Sharett said.
History Today - Page 266 -
Peter Quennell - 1959
They were confident of their ability to drive the Jews into the sea .
One such was Abdul Qadir Hussaini , a cousin of the Mufti, who played a prominent part in cutting off Jewish Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, until he was killed in April 1948, Another was Fawzial Kaukji.
The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on September 11,
1964 · Page 25
He said that publicly
Nasser still ranted about "pushing the Jews Into the sea." But as Arab leaders go, Mr. Ben-Yaacov said, Nasser is by no means the worst ..
The Observer from London, Greater London, England on September 13,
1964 · 2
But in the past few months
President Nasser has taken the lead in explaining to his fellow Arabs some of the difficulties involved in " liberating " Palestine and in "driving the Jews into the sea."
The Vincennes Sun-Commercial from Vincennes, Indiana on February 21, 1969 · 3
- (AP Wirephoto). Arab Guerrillas Hoping For Support, Sympathy In Fight With Israel AMMAN, Jordan (AP) Despite the Zurich attack on the Israeli airliner, most of the Arab guerrilla movement hopes to win sympathy and support for its fight against Israel by projecting a new image of moderation.
Threats to drive the Jews into the sea are now taboo.
O Jerusalem! - Larry Collins, Dominique Lapierre -
Simon and Schuster, Sep 4, 2007 - History - 656 pages
....the Jews into the sea... Mufti.. Fawzi el Kaukji....Kamal Irekat...
Arab testimony
Dr. Fadhil Jamali, Iraqi Representative to the United Nations, speaking to the Arab League, February 6, 1955:
International affairs - Page 234 - Muḥammad Khalīl - 1962
I asked them (Arab League members) how Palestine was lost. It had been lost for two basic reasons: one, because we deluded ourselves by underestimating the power of our opponent and by thinking that the Jews were not powerful. The highest official in the League said that with 300 soldiers or North African Volunteers we could throw the Jews into the sea. The war started and His Excellency then said that with 3,000 North African Volunteers we could throw them into the sea. The second reason was that we thought that we were strong enough to face the world but the fact was that we did not estimate our own strength correctly. This then was the issue of Palestine. It seemed a trifling thing at the time but we did not know that behind the Jews of Palestine stood World Zionism with its resources in every major country.
February 10, 1969
Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania
Monday, February 10, 1969. Page 2
Six Arab Youths Expelled by Israel
Amman Radio reported a possibly significant concession from Iraq. It said Iraqi Information Minister Abdullah Sal- Hum Samarrai told a news conference the Arabs should no longer advocate throwing the Jews into the sea or exterminating them. He said Iraq favors establishment of a democratic ; Palestinian Arab state of Arabs and Jews" as a move toward settlement of Middle East ...
Saudi Cleric Abikan: The Arabs Started the 1967 War and Are Responsible for Escalation of Violence
#260 | 02:34
Source: MBC TV (Saudi Arabia)
Sep 11, 2004
The following are excerpts from the weekly religious-ruling show of Sheik Abd Al-Muhsen Al-Abikan, Saudi Justice Ministry legal advisor:
At first, some Palestinians sold their homes and lands to Jews, a long time ago, and then the Jews had a place of their own, and later a very small state, before the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (were occupied). Matters became complicated, and UN soldiers from a few countries were stationed there. These forces separated between the Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and between the Jews in the Israeli State.
Who made them start their expansionism? History is very clear about this. President Jamal 'Abd Al-Nasser is the one who started it by telling (the UN forces): "Get out and we will throw them into the sea. We will throw the Jews into the sea." I tell you the problem is that those who caused the destruction were Muslims. I heard him when I was small. He said in his speeches, "Let's throw them in the sea." Afterwards
the forces left. He told those forces to leave. He is the one who began fighting the Jews, and then there was defeat.
When some Arabs began fighting the Jews, they took over the West Bank and Gaza. We know that after the Jews took the West Bank and the Gaza Strip things stabilized: There was no killing and we didn't hear a thing. Later, there was
some people with interests brought troubles upon them. It started with all (the talk about) "children of the stones
" we would always hear about "the children of the stones." As if adults weren't even involved. Only the children: the "children of the stones
the children of the stones
" Things developed. At first it was merely stones and such, and then it developed into destroying houses, killing people, and using weapons. Later, things got worse. This is what caused (former Saudi Mufti) Sheik 'Abd Al-'Aziz Ibn Baz to say, "You must make peace." But they did not respond.
The New Middle East, Issues 16-39 - New Middle East 1970 - p.4
Mr Shukairy claims that when in his days of glory he publicly advocated the liquidation of Israel and sweeping of the Jews into the sea, he reflected the accepted official Arab outlook, an outlook that was changed only by the outcome of the war of 1967.
Mr Shukairy is indignant that such extremism should be fathered on him alone ...
Arab Guerilla Power,' 1967-1972, Edgar O'Ballance, 1973, p.37:
Shukairy sank into obscurity, and later (in May 1971) published his apologia, which he called Dialogues and Secrets with Kings (in Beirut in Arabic).
In it he defended his notorious demand 'to liquidate the state of Israel and throw the Jews into the sea' as being the accepted view then of the Arab heads of state, Arab politicians, who had since turned on him and prised him from office and the Arab press...
Israel Studies: IS. - Volume 8 - Page 78 - 2003
... his statement 'in my estimate none of them would remain alive' obviously sounded like the intention to destroy or liquidate the Jews and that their fate was sealed. It certainly lent credibility to the claim that he had called for throwing the Jews into the sea.
Abstracts 11 [BGU.AC.IL]
Did Shuqayri Call to Throw the Jews into the Sea?
Moshe Shemesh
On the eve of the Six Days War, Ahmad al-Shuqayri, the PLO Chairman in the
years 1964-1967, made a statement in Amman...
... Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that it is clear from his statement that his aim was to annihilate the Jews when he said I think none of them will remain alive, thus there would be no question of their future survival.
Arab Admission by uttering a shift
The Disinherited: Journal of a Palestinian Exile - Page 128
... hopes for its solution got buried under the heavy weight of the first speech pledging the driving of the Jews into the sea. Had the Arabs ...
Fawaz Turki - 1974
The Post-Standard
Syracuse, New York
12 Oct 1974, Sat Page 8
Kuwait Envoy Sees Mideast Facts Emerging By LINDA R. MYERS
Al - Sabah pointed out American popular misconceptions about the Arab oil cartel last fall. Contrary to belief, he said, "the cartel started in Iran. Then the Arabs said, 'why not?'...
We are not coming to buy American industry," he added. "We don't have the people to manage it. "We cannot take General Motors and run it," he said. The priorities of the Arab countries are not to drain the power of the West, he said. "We are a rich nation," he admitted, "but we're going to use our dollars to develop our he noted. "Yet that doesn't mean we'll drive the Zionists into the sea. "Both should live together like the American nationalities,"
Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida on July 23, 1950 · 47
Abdullah of Jordan--ln Troubled Middle East.
He Is Political Titan
A ragged desert Bedouin climbs the steep road to a palace on a hill overlooking Amman.
He strides past sturdy Circassian Guards to tell the court chamberlain he wishes to see King Abdullah. It is 6 a. m. The king is starting his audiences for the day. The Bedouin stalks into the royal chambers. Bedouin and king embrace, kissing on the cheek in the traditional Bedouin fashion. They have never met before, but by the desert code any subject can have audience with the ruler.
The same Abdullah goes to London and dines with the King and Queen of England, conversing with ease through an interpreter on literature, politics, philosophy. Abdullah wears a dagger in his belt, hut he can't draw It. It's soldered in it sheath. Too often in the past, he's come close to knifing a subject when his mercurial temper was aroused. A devout man he claims direct descent from Mohammed, prophet of Islam Abdullah bows to Mecca in his five-times-a-day prayers, the first around sunrise.
Every Friday he prays at the mosque. With much fanfare he led a group of Arab armies in the ill-fated 1948 war "to push the Jews into the sea." Other Arab leaders accused him, however, of conducting secret negotiations with the Jews during the fighting. They said Abdullah's famed Arab Legion pulled its punches by orders of the British, who control it.
King Abdullah is the most controversial figure in the Arab
He has come close to breaking up the Arab League, the regional organization of seven Arab states. King Farouk of Egspt and King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia frankly detest him. Yet Abdullah sometimes is hailed as tbe most stabilizing factor in the chaotic, strategic, oil rich Middle East. American and British diplomats say he
is the only Arab leader who's had the common sense to realize that Israel Is in the Middle East to stay. He is willing- to talk permanent peace. The other Arabs won't.
London, Greater London, England
25 Jan 1956, Wed Page 6
MIGs OVER CXlRO , If Russian MIG fighters have been seen over Cairo, as the Minister of Defence suggested in the House of Commons yesterday...
June 9, 1967
A Publisher Extra Newspaper
The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania · Page 27
Free World Owes Huge Debt to Israel
BY ITS own stamina and courage and resolution Israel has made the whole free world its debtor. By its brave and brilliant defense Israel has not only secured its own survival, but has done much, more. It has brought into being an opportunity upon which a more durable peace in the Middle East can be built. Israel's military success has demonstrated that neither Egypt nor the Arab nations together in one emotional splurge can drive the Jews into the sea or make them disappear. If the Arabs can summon the minimum of sense and realism, they will learn from this painful lesson that the only alternative to repeated self-inflicted defeats is peaceful coexistence with the Israeli state. But Israel has done more.
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress
United States. Congress - 1967
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress
United States. Congress · 1967 · Law
May 24, 1966, Syrian Defense Minister Hafez Assad: We say: We shall never call for, nor accept peace. . . . We have resolved to drench this land with our blood, to oust you, aggressors, and throw you into the sea for good.
The Minority of One - Volume 9 - Page 19 -
M. S. Arnoni - 1967
Not unexpectedly, in the course of the public debate that followed, an American- Jewish "progressive ..
Radio Cairo was vowing, on May 25, 1967: The Arab people is determined to wipe Israel off the map.
Ahmed Shukairy, the then indisputed leader of Palestinian Arabs and would-be ruler of a conquered Israel, solemnly vowed: There will be no Jewish survivors in the Holy War of liberating Palestine.
While Syrian President Nureddin el-Attassi was pledging "total war," his Defense Minister, Hafiz Asad, pledged on May 24,
We shall never call for nor accept peace..
.. We have resolved to drench this land with our blood, to oust you, aggressors, and throw you into the sea for good. ...
Houari Bourn- ediene, too, was swept away by the mob's cry for blood when, on June 4, 1967, he broadcast this pledge to his people: The Arab struggle must lead to the liquidation of Israel . . .
Rights and wrongs in the Arab-Israeli conflict: to the anatomy of the forces of progress and reaction in the Middle East - Menachem S. Arnoni
Minority of One Press, 1968 - Arab-Israeli conflict - 191 pages - p.118
Bring Forth the Mighty Men: On Violence and the Jewish Character - Howard Singer - 1969 - p.7
Radio Cairo , however , broadcast the warning : We shall not spare women and children . ..
Arab leaders did plan to eliminate Israel in Six-Day War
Op-ed: During the 1967 war, Israel seized Egyptian and Jordanian operational documents with clear orders to annihilate the civil population. Nevertheless, different academics are distorting the facts in a bid to turn the Arabs into victims and Israel into an aggressor. Heres the real story.
Ben-Dror Yemini
Published: 05.29.17 , 18:28
More than anything else, the Six-Day War has turned into a rewritten war. A sea of publications deal with what happened at the time. Gamal Abdel Nassers Egypt, the revisionists assert, had no ability to fight Israel, and anyway, he had no intention to do so.
Its true that he made threats. Its true that he sent more and more divisions to Sinai. Its true that he expelled the United Nations observers. Its true that he incited the masses in Arab countries. Its true that the Arab regimes rattled their sabers and prepared for war. Its true that he closed the Straits of Tiran. Its true that Israel was besieged from its southern side. Its true that this was a serious violation of international law. Its true that it was a casus belli (a case of war).
All that doesnt matter, however, because there is a mega-narrative that obligates the forces of progress to exempt the Arabs from responsibility and point the accusing finger at Israel. And when there is a narrative, who needs facts? After all, according to the mega-narrative, Israel had expansionist plans, so it seized the opportunity. Different scholars are distorting the facts in a bid to turn the Arabs into victims and Israel into an aggressor.
Excuse us for winning
I was a child, an elementary school student. I remember fear, a lot of fear. There were no shelters in the house I lived in. It was clear that there would be bombings, so we dug pits in the yard.
Occasionally, we are reminded of the sound of thunder from Cairo to remind us of the annihilation threats. But in fact, they were much more serious. Both the Arab League and the leaders of all neighboring states announced in an unequivocal manner that the plan was annihilation. I repeat: Annihilation. Arrogant talk? Considering the fact that the Arab and Muslim world was engaged in endless self and mutual massacres, it was pretty clear that what they were doing to themselvesand its still going onthey would also do to Israel.
We must remember one thing, therefore: The alternative to victory was annihilation. So excuse us for winning. Because an occupation without an annihilation is preferable to an annihilation without an occupation.
Our goal is clear: To wipe Israel off the map
The Arab states never accepted the State of Israels existence, not for a moment. There was no occupation from 1949 to 1967, but a Palestinian state wasnt established, because the leaders of the Arab world didnt want another state. They wanted Israel. They didnt hide their intentions for a minute.
The new stage began in 1964. On the backdrop of a conflict over the water sources, the Arab League convened in Cairo and announced: ... collective Arab military preparations, when they are completed, will constitute the ultimate practical means for the final liquidation of Israel.
Two years went by, and then-defense minister Hafez Assad, who went on to become Syria's president, declared: "Strike the enemys settlements, turn them into dust, pave the Arab roads with the skulls of Jews. And to erase any doubt, he added: "We are determined to saturate this earth with your (Israeli) blood, to throw you into the sea.
Six-Day War. Those who rewrite history are winning
Nine days before the war broke out, Nasser said: The Arab people want to fight. Our basic aim is the destruction of the State of Israel. Two more days passed before Iraqs president, Abdul Rahman Arif, joined the threats: This is our chance
our goal is clear: To wipe Israel off the map.
Two days before the war broke out, PLO founder and leader Ahmad Shukieri said: Whoever survives will stay in Palestine, but in my opinion, no one will remain alive. Yes, that was the atmosphere. Does anyone still seriously think that those were just declarations? Does anyone think that their intention was an enlightened occupation? Does anyone think that there would not have been a mass slaughter like the one Egypt carried out in Yemen and later on in Biafra?
Hussein: No annihilation orders, 'as far as I know'
In order to understand that these were not false statements, it should be noted that in a meeting held after the war between Israels Ambassador to London Aharon Remez and British Foreign Secretary George Brown, Remez said that Israel had seized documents of the Jordanian army on operational orders, from May 25 and 26, about two weeks before the war's outbreak, which included orders to exterminate the civil population in the communities that were planned to be occupied as well. They believed at the time that it was indeed going to happen.
It isnt clear, Remez said at the time, whether Hussein was aware of these orders, but they were very similar to the annihilation orders issued by the Egyptian army. This appears both in Michael Orens book about the Six-Day war and in Miriam Joyces book about Husseins relations with the United States and Britain, as well as in Dr. Moshe Elads book (Core Issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict). At first, Hussein rejected the claims about the annihilation orders out of hand, but later added: As far as I know.
Clear and simple facts
The days passed. The threats increased. More and more forces were sent to Sinai. More Arab countries joined the war coalition. Its unclear whether Nasser really wanted a war, Oren wrote in his book. But he and the Arab countries did everything in their power to deteriorate the situation. Nassers appetite kept growing, and immediately after blocking the straits, he declared: If we managed to restore the conditions that existed before 1956 (the Straits of Tiran are blocked), God will surely help us and urge us to restore the situation that existed in 1948.
The late Yitzhak Rabin, who served as IDF chief of staff at the time, told the government that it will be a difficult war
There will be many losses. He estimated that 50,000 people would be killed. And Oren, who had read almost every document that had been declassified, concluded: The documentation shows that Israel wanted to prevent a war with all its might, and that up to the eve of the battles it tried to stop the war in every possible wayeven at a heavy strategic and economic cost for the state. These are the facts. But those who rewrite history are winning.
The political debate over the Israeli control of the territories has led to a situation in which political opinions disrupt the factual research. The political debate is important. Its certainly legitimate. But there is no need to rewrite history to justify a political stance. It should be the other way around: Facts should influence political views. And the facts are clear and simple: The Arab states leaders did not only settle for declarations on an expected annihilation, they even prepared operational orders.
Did Arab States Really Promise to Push Jews Into the Sea? Yes!
Feb 20, 2014 · In 1973 [British MP Christopher Mayhew] offered £5,000 to anyone who could produce evidence that Nasser had stated...
Recent years
Kill a Jew Go to Heaven
Tue., January 25, 2005 12:00 a.m.
A top Israeli official says the Palestinian Authority, even under new President Mahmoud Abbas, is promoting genocide against Jews.
Natan Sharansky, Israels Diaspora Affairs minister, marked the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz Tuesday with a presentation entitled Kill a Jew Go to Heaven..
Jews of Israel will be annihilated by Muslims - Palestinian Media Watch
Jun 16, 2015 · Antisemitic Sheikh praises Allah for having PMW expose his hate speech; Jews of Israel will be annihilated by Muslims
PMW reports lead to second arrest of Antisemitic teacher at the ...
Nov 12, 2015 · Antisemitic Sheikh: "Allah can annihilate all the Jews down to the last one...
Fatah official: Allah willing, our state will be from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea; The Jews want to gather so they can be annihilated
Al-Alam TV (Iran) | May 29, 2018
Iranian Al-Alam TV program Guest and Dialogue, on International Al-Quds Day and US President Donald Trump's Middle East peace plan, hosting Fatah Central Committee member and Fatah Commissioner for Arab and China Relations Abbas Zaki
May 29, 2018
Hamas official to Israelis: The day of your slaughter, extermination, and annihilation is near. Al-Aqsa TV, Hamas | May 15, 2019 · Voice off-screen: "O beloved resistance member, strike - strike Tel Aviv
Palestinian Authority fights Jews to defend all humanity
The pervasive Palestinian antisemitism is the direct result of the PAs teachings.
By I. Marcus
Jan. 21, 2020 22:19
Nasrallah alleges Christian Zionist plot
Oct. 23, 2002 | 12:00 AM
However, Nasrallah added, if they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.
Hizbullah Al-Manar TVs Children's Claymation Special: Jews Turn Into Apes & Pigs, are Annihilated & Cast into the Sea
December 16, 2005
The Iranian Regime on Israel's Right to Exist
The foreign minister says his country is friendly to Jews. But his country seeks the elimination of the country in which nearly half the world's Jews live.
MARCH 9, 2015
Mohammad Khatami, the former president of Iran: If we abide by real legal laws, we should mobilize the whole Islamic world for a sharp confrontation with the Zionist regime
if we abide by the Koran, all of us should mobilize to kill. (2000) []
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: It is the mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to erase Israel from the map of the region. (2001) []
Hassan Nasrallah, a leader of Hezbollah: If they [Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide. (2002) []
Nasrallah: Israel is our enemy. This is an aggressive, illegal, and illegitimate entity, which has no future in our land. Its destiny is manifested in our motto: Death to Israel. (2005) []
Yahya Rahim Safavi, the former commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps: With Gods help the time has come for the Zionist regimes death sentence. (2008) []
Mohammad Hassan Rahimian, Khameneis representative to the Moustazafan Foundation: We have manufactured missiles that allow us, when necessary to replace [sic] Israel in its entirety with a big holocaust. (2010) []
Mohammad Reza Naqdi, the commander of the Basij paramilitary force: We recommend them [the Zionists] to pack their furniture and return to their countries. And if they insist on staying, they should know that a time while arrive when they will not even have time to pack their suitcases. (2011) []
Khamenei: The Zionist regime is a cancerous tumor and it will be removed. (2012) [,7340,L-4184838,00.html]
Ahmad Alamolhoda, a member of the Assembly of Experts: The destruction of Israel is the idea of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and is one of the pillars of the Iranian Islamic regime. We cannot claim that we have no intention of going to war with Israel. (2013) []
Nasrallah: The elimination of Israel is not only a Palestinian interest. It is the interest of the entire Muslim world and the entire Arab world. (2013)
Hojateleslam Alireza Panahian, the advisor to Office of the Supreme Leader in Universities: The day will come when the Islamic people in the region will destroy Israel and save the world from this Zionist base. (2013) []
Hojatoleslam Ali Shirazi, Khameneis representative in the Revolutionary Guard: The Zionist regime will soon be destroyed, and this generation will be witness to its destruction." (2013) []
Khamenei: This barbaric, wolflike & infanticidal regime of Israel which spares no crime has no cure but to be annihilated. (2014)
Hossein Salami, the deputy head of the Revolutionary Guard: "We will chase you [Israelis] house to house and will take revenge for every drop of blood of our martyrs in Palestine, and this is the beginning point of Islamic nations awakening for your defeat." (2014) []
Salami: "Today we are aware of how the Zionist regime is slowly being erased from the world, and indeed, soon, there will be no such thing as the Zionist regime on Planet Earth." (2014) []
Hossein Sheikholeslam, the secretary-general of the Committee for Support for the Palestinian Intifada: "The issue of Israel's destruction is important, no matter the method. We will obviously implement the strategy of the Imam Khomeini and the Leader [Khamenei] on the issue of destroying the Zionists. The region will not be quiet so long as Israel exists in it ..." (2014) []
Mohammad Ali Jafari, the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guard: "The Revolutionary Guards will fight to the end of the Zionist regime ... We will not rest easy until this epitome of vice is totally deleted from the region's geopolitics." (2015)
TOPICS: History; Religion
KEYWORDS: 1929; 1948; 1967; albannah; arableaders; egypt; genocide; hamas; hezbollah; history; israel; jerusalem; jihad; letshavejerusalem; mb; middleeast; mosheshemesh; muslimbrotherhood; nasser; nassrallah; palestinians; shukairy; shukeiri; shuqayri; sixdaywar; syria; waronterror; wit; wot
posted on
08/04/2020 2:50:49 PM PDT
To: Marinario
Documented, against rewriters.
posted on
08/04/2020 2:52:14 PM PDT
To: Marinario
Kol HaKavod, Chaverli. Shalom Alachem.
posted on
08/04/2020 3:19:16 PM PDT
(The Raised Middle Finger in the Clenched Fist of the World)
To: Marinario
posted on
08/04/2020 3:22:39 PM PDT
To: TigerHawk
posted on
08/04/2020 3:50:20 PM PDT
To: Marinario
Good thing most of them are not alive today... At least half of them would probably have been elected to the U.S. Senate or House by now...
The rest of them, as typical muslim sleeper-cell members, would own liquor stores or gas stations with convenience stores and wait patiently for the call to jihad...
posted on
08/04/2020 4:18:47 PM PDT
(Where is Sam Adams now that we desperately need him)
To: Marinario
posted on
08/04/2020 4:19:47 PM PDT
Gay State Conservative
(The Rats Just Can't Get Over The Fact That They Lost A Rigged Election!)
To: SuperLuminal
In MSM, Tlaib is portrayed as a “progressive”. Truth is she uses lib. lines only towards her anti Israel real goal.
posted on
08/04/2020 8:44:02 PM PDT
To: All
Jordanian Professor Ahmad Nofal Justifies Erdogan’s Decision To Turn Hagia Sophia Into A Mosque, Adds: When We Liberate Palestine, We Will Uproot The Synagogues And the Jews And Throw Them Into The Sea
Jul 17, 2020
#8152 | 00:53
Source: Yarmouk TV (Jordan)
Jordanian professor Ahmad Nofal said on his weekly show, aired on July 17, 2020, on the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood’s channel Yarmouk TV, that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who had turned the Hagia Sophia mosque into a museum was, in fact, a Greek Dönmeh Jew. Later in the show, Nofal said that when the Arabs liberate Palestine, they will not leave the synagogues intact, but they will uproot them and throw them into the sea along with the Jews.
posted on
08/05/2020 4:54:26 AM PDT
To: Marinario
December 31, 1967
The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California, 28
Shukairy Steps Down It Might Be Said that Terror is his middle name.
“We will wipe Israel off the face of the map and no Jew will survive,” warned Ahmed Shukairy last June.
As head of the clandestine Palestine Liberation Organization for the past four years, Shukairy has been responsible for the murders of dozens of Israeli men, women and children in bloody midnight raids across the borders of Jordan and Syria.
A Jowly heavy-lidded Haifa lawyer, he fired up his followers with injunctions for a “sacred war,” like the Koran’s: “Kill them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you.” Israel and the Jews have by no means been Shukairy’s only targets. - He hates the United States nearly as much and isn’t ‘terribly fond of Jordan either. With characteristic temperance he once said that anyone “who ever dares to speak in public of Arab friendship-with the United States in any Arab village or town would be torn to pieces.” He once described Jordan’s moderate king as the “tyrant of Amman, Hussein; who betrayed Allah, the Prophet...
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