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  • 'Qatar is Hamas, and Hamas is Qatar'

    02/11/2025 7:45:30 PM PST · by SeekAndFind · 14 replies
    The Gatestone Institute ^ | 02/11/2025 | Khaled Abu Toameh
    The Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas and other Palestinians on October 7, 2023 could have been released a long time ago had the Biden administration exerted pressure on Qatar to use its good relations with the Islamist group to force it to do so.All Qatar had to do was to summon the Hamas leaders in Doha and give them an ultimatum to release all the hostages immediately or face deportation from the Gulf state. It is hard to see how the Hamas leaders would have been able to say no to their major political and financial patrons and backers.... The...
  • Muslim Brotherhood founder spied for the Nazis

    05/24/2024 7:30:09 AM PDT · by Freeleesy · 14 replies
    JewishRefigees ^ | May 9, 2024
    Chikli posted a letter found in the British archives to coincide with Yom Hashoah. The confidential letter was sent to the British Prime Minister by the Foreign Office. The letter said that al-Banna had sent secret messages to the Germans from his apartment in Cairo, which served as a front for a law office. Al-Banna founded the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928 in order to re-establish the caliphate after the fall of the Ottoman empire. The organisation was inspired by Nazism and antisemitic tropes from the Prototocols of the Elders of Zion and Mein Kampf. It advocated violence and martyrdom in...
  • Muslim Brotherhood Leader: Oct 7 Paves Way for Conquest of Rome - "Rome will one day be in our hands, and every house and every tent will have a Muslim in it."

    03/06/2024 7:22:27 AM PST · by MtnClimber · 30 replies
    Front Page Magazine ^ | 6 Mar, 2024 | Daniel Greenfield
    The first rule of Islamic fight club is that non-Muslims aren’t allowed to talk about it. And if it must be talked about, it has to be treated as a local phenomenon. That means insisting that Hamas is attacking Israel for political reasons, the Houthis are shooting at ships for political reasons, the Fulani are massacring Christians in Nigeria for political reasons, the Pakistanis, the Taliban, the Iranians, the Syrians, the Iraqis, ISIS and Mohammed who decided to stab someone on a train are all doing it for completely unrelated reasons. On the other side, devout Islamic leaders focus on...
  • Repercussions for Obama: Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. After the terrorist attack in Israel the Muslim Brotherhood leaders must be banned in America as they were banned in France

    10/13/2023 1:54:51 AM PDT · by Ezequiel Doiny · 13 replies
    Conservative Papers ^ | 10/11/2023 | EZEQUIEL DOINY
    Repercussions for Obama: Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. After the terrorist attack in Israel the Muslim Brotherhood leaders must be banned in America as they were banned in France By Ezequiel Doiny The Office of the Director of National Intelligence DNI.GOV explains "HAMAS formed in late 1987 at the beginning of the first Palestinian intifada (uprising). Its roots are in the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, and it is supported by a robust sociopolitical structure inside the Palestinian territories. The group’s charter calls for establishing an Islamic Palestinian state in place of Israel and rejects...
  • Islamofascism: Hitler's table talk / Palestine Mufti, (Albert) Ahmed Huber / Nada Youssef, Muslim Brotherhood / Al Qaeda / Islamic-Caliphate dream

    03/15/2023 6:00:01 AM PDT · by Milagros · 7 replies
    Various books
    Michael, George. The enemy of my enemy.... United States: University Press of Kansas, 2006, p.115.[W]e Muslims were fascinated by the Third Reich in the 1930s because Hitler had some ideas at the political level and the economic level , and the cultural field , which were very close to the political, economic, and cultural So this man and his movement were fascinating to many Muslim intellectuals all during the 1930s. And since 1945, Muslims have been studying all of these things . And we judge him in a different way. Even if now, of course, when the Muslims protest against...
  • Smotrich: "This is an expression of confidence in our resistance against Abbas and the Muslim Brotherhood"

    11/01/2022 3:18:57 PM PDT · by Conservat1 · 9 replies
    Ynet ^ | Nov 1, 2022
    R' Zionist Chairman Bezalel Smotrich commented on the sample results of the 25th Knesset elections, saying that "this is a broad expression of confidence in our resistance against Abbas and the Muslim Brotherhood. We stood as a wall against this, we fought and exposed Abbas' fraud." He added: "The entire national camp united with us - together with the Likud led by Netanyahu and the religious parties, we managed to overthrow this evil government. With God's help we will establish a government of the national camp."
  • United Arab List RA'AM mourn [Sheikh] supporter of suicide bombings

    09/28/2022 8:01:37 AM PDT · by Conservat1 · 4 replies
    Hakol ^ | Sep 28, 2022 | S Friedman
    United Arab List RA'AM mourn [Mufti] supporter of suicide bombings The Islamic movement paid tribute to Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one of the senior leaders of the "Muslim Brotherhood" and the head of the instigators against Israel. "Dedicated his life to the defense of Islam" Senior officials in the Ra'am party and the southern faction of the Islamic movement paid tribute to Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one of the leaders of the "Muslim Brotherhood" and the greatest instigator against Israel, after he died during Rosh Hashanah. In the obituary issued by the southern faction of the Islamic movement affiliated with the Ra'am party, and...
  • The Nazi Roots of Islamist Hate (broad research by famed historian)

    08/21/2022 8:07:37 PM PDT · by Conservat1 · 20 replies
    Tablet ^ | Jul 6, 2022 | Jeffrey Herf
    The Nazi Roots of Islamist Hate A review of recent scholarship on the shaping of the modern Middle East in the aftermath of the Holocaust BY JEFFREY HERF JULY 06, 2022 TABLET MAGAZINE In early June 1946, Haj Amin el-Husseini, also known as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, escaped from a year of pleasant house arrest in France and flew to Cairo. Husseini, by then often referred to in Egypt simply as “the Mufti,” was internationally renowned as a collaborator with Nazi Germany as a result of his meeting with Adolf Hitler in Berlin in November 1941, and his Arabic...
  • Muslim Brotherhood Scholar: "Muslims Are Allowed to Join Either Side of the Russia-Ukraine War, in Order to Pit Them against One Another; They Will Be Rewarded for Killing Infidels, or .. Become Martyrs"

    03/16/2022 4:09:53 PM PDT · by Conservat1 · 26 replies
    Muslim Brotherhood Scholar Dr. Yasser Al-Naggar: Muslims Are Allowed to Join Either Side of the Russia-Ukraine War, in Order to Pit Them against One Another; They Will Be Rewarded for Killing Infidels, or Be Killed and Become Martyrs #Ukraine #Russia #Islam— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) March 16, 2022
  • Over 150 Social Media Accounts Linked To Hamas Removed From Platforms (Pallywood: Many posed as young women, to manipulate)

    12/13/2021 10:13:23 PM PST · by Conservat1 · 3 replies
    I24NEWS ^ | Dec 2, 2021
    Over 150 Hamas Muslim Brotherhood accounts with 407,000 followers have been removed from social media. Many posed as young women, with the intent to “manipulate public debate for a strategic goal where fake accounts are central to the operation.
  • The missing photo of Hitler and the Mufti of Jerusalem. ( Holocaust Museum )

    11/29/2021 8:24:36 AM PST · by george76 · 24 replies
    Arutz Sheva ^ | Nov 27 , 2021 | Shalom Pollack ,
    When Yad Vashem exhibits were redone, a telling photo was not returned to the prominent position it had had before. Why not? ... a notorious Nazi SS general, a leading Muslim cleric and the father of a nation - all in one. This person is Haj Amin al Husseini. Husseini was the powerful patriarch of the leading Arab clan in Palestine in the first half of the twentieth century. He used his political power and religious influence for his life's motif - the murder of Jews. ... in 1929, there was no Zionist "apartheid occupation”, no "occupied territories" nor "settlers";...
  • Biden Unveils Policy Honoring Osama bin Laden’s Old Friend

    03/04/2021 6:06:09 AM PST · by SJackson · 9 replies
    Frontpagemagazine ^ | Mar 4, 2021 | Daniel Greenfield
    Jamal Khashoggi hated America and Jews. That’s why Biden loves him. Secretary of State Antony Blinken began his confirmation hearing by reciting a family history of antisemitism. A month later he unveiled a ban named in the memory of an antisemite. “Jamal Khashoggi paid with his life to express his beliefs,” Blinken claimed. Those beliefs that Khashoggi gave his life for included his contention that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were real, and that Jews were deceivers with no connection to Israel. It also included the Muslim Brotherhood member’s support for the Hamas war against Israel. Last October,...
  • 2 Tennessee college (Muslim) students charged with stealing $114,000 from student groups (Muslim Student Association / MSA)

    09/15/2021 10:23:59 AM PDT · by Conservat1 · 25 replies
    NBC ^ | March 10, 2021 | Minyvonne Burke
    2 Tennessee college students charged with stealing $114,000 from student groups Mohamed Gure and Mohamed Osman are accused of stealing student activity fees while the heads of two Middle Tennessee State University student organizations. Authorities allege that Gure and Osman, both 22, stole student activity fee payments while they were the heads of the school's Somali Student Association and Muslim Student Association, according to a news release by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.
  • The Jihad Within Israel (by Arabs)

    07/05/2021 1:20:48 PM PDT · by Humane1 · 3 replies
    Besa ^ | May, 2021
    BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 2,027, May 13, 2021 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The explosion of mass violence by Israeli Arabs against their fellow Jewish citizens is nothing short of a religious war and has to be treated as such. When synagogues and religious seminaries are torched, it is a religious war. When Torah scrolls are desecrated, it is a religious war. When cars are torched only after verification that they belong to Jews, it is a religious war. When Jewish drivers and passengers are dragged from their cars to the shouts of “Allah Akbar” and beaten up, it is a religious...
  • Islamic attached grievances is also a form of Jihad (Ahmad Aliwi Al Issa, Noah Green)

    04/05/2021 12:03:37 PM PDT · by Humane1 · 2 replies
    various sources
    In light of recent Muslim murderers with grievances and a mixture of posting about adherence to Islam linked themes/prrsonalities and/with their "personal problems": March 22, 2021, Ahmad Al issa's Facebook Posts About Islam, Hacking and ..., and April 2, 2021 U.S. Capitol attacker Noah Green was troubled Nation of Islam followerOne should remember, Jihadism, though mainly is anti non-Muslim or anti the-wrong-kind-of-Muslim, in addition, it is often also linked with that salad of grievances and Islam adherence. Barry M. Rubin: 'Political Islam: Strategies and tactics: Islamism among Arabs' Routledge, 2007, p.358 The expansion of violence to targets that were initially...
  • Genocidal Arab Islamic leaders, 1930s, 1940s, 1960s and recent..

    08/04/2020 2:50:49 PM PDT · by Marinario · 9 replies
    Genocidal Arab leaders, 1930s, 1940s, 1960s and recent... 1920 Politische Studien - Volume 41, Issues 309-314 - Page 535- 1990 1929 – wieder Unruhen , Pogrome in Hebron , Jerusalem , Jaffa und der sich seit damals immer wiederholende Ruf : » Atbach al Yahud « ( schlachtet die Juden ) . Als die Unruhen 1936 bis 1939 ausbrachen , änderten die Engländer ihren ... The Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas on September 21, 1938 · Page 3Nearly 2,000 Persons Killed in Two Years of War Waged by Arabs To Drive Jews Into Sea Palestine Has Become Home of...
  • Iran nuclear deal played large part in Mueller probe: John Solomon (Lou Dobbs video)

    06/21/2020 7:36:36 PM PDT · by bitt · 19 replies
    / ^ | 6/18/2020 | FoxNews
    Jun. 18, 2020 - 5:09 - Fox News contributor John Solomon says Dr. Walid Phares was the fifth person targeted in the Mueller probe in an attempt to sideline President Trump's foreign policy agenda. He also discusses former National Security Adviser John Bolton's controversial new book.
  • Obama Used National Security to Spy on Americans Opposed to Islamic Terrorists - Greenfield

    06/08/2020 3:08:00 PM PDT · by Louis Foxwell · 37 replies
    FrontPage Magazine ^ | Mon Jun 8, 2020 | Daniel
    Obama Used National Security to Spy on Americans Opposed to Islamic Terrorists Obamagate redefined opposition to Islamic terrorism as a national security threat. Mon Jun 8, 2020 Daniel Greenfield 55 Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism. We know when Obamagate ended, but we don’t know when the policy of spying on Americans began. The tangled roots of the domestic surveillance of political opponents by the NSA predate the alarmism about Russia. Tracing them back into the fetid swamp takes us not toward...
  • Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter

    06/06/2020 2:24:29 AM PDT · by Mount Athos · 32 replies
    accuracy in media (AIM) ^ | January 12, 2016 | James Simpson
    The Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) casts itself as a spontaneous uprising born of inner city frustration, but is, in fact, the latest and most dangerous face of a web of well-funded communist/socialist organizations that have been agitating against America for decades. The Black Lives Matter movement claims that only whites can be racists. And while justifying violence to achieve “social justice,” the movement’s goal is to overthrow our society to replace it with a Marxist one. Many members of the black community would be shocked to learn that the intellectual godfathers of this movement are mostly white Communists, “queers”...
  • FBI Raid Reveals Muslim Brotherhood Plot to Destroy America

    04/08/2020 4:32:31 PM PDT · by Jyotishi · 50 replies
    Conservative Base ^ | March 3, 2020 | NACOP Chiefs of Police - James Kouri
    (Featured photo: Yusuf al-Qaradawi at Dar al-Hijrah) During a raid by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Annandale, Virginia agents discovered what appears to be of a three-decades plan by upper-echelon members of the Muslim Brotherhood to “deconstruct” the United States of America through inside operations. While President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and National Security Advisor Susan Rice all spoke about – and treated – the Muslim Brotherhood as a “moderate political group,” Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and other nations have added the Muslim Brotherhood to their list of terrorist organizations. During the...