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Keyword: sexualimmorality

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  • The Penalty For Sexual Immorality Proverbs 5:11

    03/06/2021 12:38:27 PM PST · by OneVike · 47 replies
    The Reason For My Faith ^ | 3/5/21 | Chuck Ness
    Today, more than at any other time in our society, our rejection of God’s moral standards has led to an epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases and infections. This commentary will be a devastating one about our society. It will show you how we have become no better than past societies of the Romans, Greeks, Babylonians, and yes those of Sodom and Gomorrah. I suggest you have a shower ready to scrub yourself clean after learning how truly disgusting our society has become. As you look at the graph below, you can see that by the mid 1990's STDs started to...
  • Liberals Wrote the Book on Sexual Immorality

    12/16/2017 5:26:27 AM PST · by DWW1990 · 21 replies ^ | 12/15/2017 | Trevor Grant Thomas
    Perhaps the most guarded tenet of all of modern liberalism is the idea that people should be able to do whatever they wish in the sexual realm. Whether killing children in the womb, redefining the oldest institution in the history of humanity, fighting for the “right” of men to use women’s restrooms—and for women to cheat at sports, and for men to take trophies from women—celebrating the sexualization of children, everything else in the perverse LGBT agenda, and so on, much of what modern liberals hold dear hinges on sexual hedonism. Thus, as others have already well noted, the sex...
  • Church of England Chief Backs 'Re-Christenings' After Sex Changes: Officials Risk Furious Backlash

    06/17/2017 4:32:58 PM PDT · by marshmallow · 27 replies
    The Daily Mail (UK) ^ | 6/17/17 | Steve Doughty
    * Church of England suggests offering transgender Christians re-christenings * Move is believed to provoke a furious backlash among some traditionalists* Last year committee said rules that might stop people changing sex should be abolishedThe Church of England yesterday suggested it will offer transgender Christians ‘re-christenings’ with their new names. Vicars cannot re-baptise those who have changed sex but could use existing ‘services of welcome’ to announce a new name before God, the most senior official said. The advice is likely to be endorsed next month by the Church’s parliament, the General Synod. It will ease pressure on Archbishop of...
  • Nancy Pelosi "San Francisco is the 'model' for living the gospel (video)

    12/01/2014 4:09:22 PM PST · by Beowulf9 · 58 replies ^ | December 1, 2014 | P.W. Adams
    Even though San Francisco has been known to be home of the radical gay agenda, and where selective abortion based upon sex has been pushed by government officials, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi seems to think the city is on par with Biblical scripture. During a Thanksgiving day speech at the San Francisco Interfaith Council, Nancy Pelosi stated that San Francisco is the “model” for living the gospel (20:30-20:42): “And I think that we have to challenge all of us in public policy, certainly not in San Francisco which is the model of living the gospel, but in public policy to say,...
  • Transgender priest to preach at National Cathedral

    06/21/2014 5:16:01 PM PDT · by don-o · 117 replies
    AP via Fox News ^ | June 21, 2014
    WASHINGTON – An openly transgender Episcopal priest is set to preach at Washington National Cathedral. The Rev. Dr. Cameron Partridge, the Episcopal chaplain at Boston University, will be a guest preacher on Sunday. He'll be the first openly transgender priest to preach from Canterbury Pulpit at the cathedral.
  • The Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah is not about “Hospitality”

    12/05/2012 2:30:46 PM PST · by NYer · 45 replies
    Archdiocese of Washington ^ | December 4, 2012 | Msgr. Charles Pope
    Late last week on the blog I made mention of the sins that “cry to heaven for vengeance.” The traditional list, is summarized in the Catechism which states The catechetical tradition also recalls that there are “sins that cry to heaven”: the blood of Abel, the sin of the Sodomites, the cry of the people oppressed in Egypt, the cry of the foreigner, the widow, and the orphan, injustice to the wage earner (# 1867).It probably does not surprise you that I got push-back from certain homosexuals who wrote in to “remind” me that the sin of Sodom “has nothing...
  • A Sad Walk Through An ELCA Seminary

    10/31/2013 3:38:03 AM PDT · by rhema · 44 replies
    Exposing the ELCA ^ | 10/30/13 | Tom Brock
    (I received this the other day. It's written by Pastor Tom Brock) -Today I walked through my old alma mater, Luther Theological Seminary in St Paul, Mn. It is known as probably the most conservative of the ELCA seminaries. You wouldn’t know it from the number of gay/lesbian bumper stickers in the parking lot. Upon entering the main building a sign was up promoting a new book at Luther’s Bookstore, “Pastrix” by ELCA Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber. She was a favorite speaker at the ELCA Youth Assembly and a few months ago spoke at the historic Central Lutheran Church in downtown...
  • Episcopal Church promotes the “T” in LGBT equation

    08/08/2012 10:46:05 PM PDT · by WilliamIII · 28 replies
    Washington Post ^ | July 30 2012 | Becky Garrison
    Commentators at the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times may decry the Episcopal Church as a place offering pet funerals but nothing for the faithful or failing to provide anything one cannot get from purely secular liberalism. These traditionalists appear to bemoan the loss of a 1950s-era church that promoted an Eisenhower-era civil religion replete with the cross draped in the American flag. While they wax nostalgia over a past that largely existed only in TV Land,.the Episcopal Church made history at its 77th triennial General Convention by passing two gender nondiscrimination resolutions. Led by a grassroots coalition...
  • American Bishop Gene Robinson condemns Rick Perry’s anti-gay promotion

    12/27/2011 9:00:00 PM PST · by WilliamIII · 39 replies
    ATV Today ^ | Dec. 16 2011 | Ian Westhead
    The USA’s first openly gay Episcopal bishop, Gene Robinson, has responded to presidential hopeful Rick Perry's anti-gay TV promotion suggesting that "it must break God's heart to see religion used in a political campaign like this." Bishop Robinson of the Episcopal Church showed his distaste in a TV interview with MSNBC and also by writing an opinion piece in the Washington Post newspaper. Perry had stated in his commercial that “You don’t need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there’s something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t...
  • Hillary Clinton: Religious objections to homosexuality like supporting honor killings, widow burning

    12/09/2011 3:50:23 PM PST · by wagglebee · 50 replies
    LifeSiteNews ^ | 12/9/11 | Ben Johnson
    WASHINGTON, D.C. December 8, 2011 ( – In a speech designed to convince the world that “gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights,” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said religious objections to homosexuality should not stand in the way of vigorous United Nations action to promote the homosexual rights agenda. On Tuesday, Clinton said promoting the global acceptance of “gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people” is “one of the remaining human rights challenges of our time,” likening the effort to ending racial, sexual, or religious discrimination. She noted that perhaps the “most challenging issue arises when...
  • Argument For Homosexuality In The Church

    10/22/2011 7:56:36 AM PDT · by Blind Eye Jones · 176 replies · 1+ views
    Adriane Thatcher has written a book (Savage Text) where in he offers an argument for the acceptance of homosexuality in the Christian church. His argument runs along the lines that we should look at the passages that condemn homosexuality as savage text (text that renders scripture holy) – in the same way we should look to passages in the Old Testament that show God’s predilection for child killing, his wrath and vengeful wars against local tribes as savage text. These texts should not be used by the church because they contradict the loving character and message of Jesus. It should...
  • Observations on the End of DADT

    I was stationed on Guam in the mid-1980s. My squadron flew search and rescue while on the island and made regular deployments to sea. Aside from my duties as a naval aviator, I was also a division officer and had enlisted men and women reporting to me. Guam is only 13 degrees north of the equator—beach weather every day. Most military people used the military beaches; I was one of the folks who liked to travel around the island. That’s how I discovered one of my men was gay. He was on the beach with his boyfriend, and although there...
  • A Gay-Wedding Crasher [Homosexual Rights=Rights of Polygamists!]

    07/31/2011 2:47:45 PM PDT · by Steelfish · 112 replies
    LATimes ^ | July 30,2011
    <p>EDITORIAL A Gay-Wedding Crasher A law professor attempts to use a homosexual rights ruling to defend a polygamous family in Utah.</p> <p>In this file photo, (pic in URL) Kody Brown poses with his wives Janelle, Christine, Meri, and Robyn for TLC's reality TV show, "Sister Wives." The Browns' attorney, Jonathan Turley, filed a lawsuit challenging the Utah bigamy law that makes their lifestyle illegal.</p>
  • Why De-Emphasizing Marriage and Abolishing State Marriage is a Step Forward (Barf Alert)

    07/26/2011 6:31:54 AM PDT · by fwdude · 13 replies
    TeraElla Post ^ | 07/25/2011 | TeraElla
    De-Emphasizing marriage and abolishing State Marriage would definitely have been seen as liberal, up until very recently. Certainly, removing state control over an area where it is not required is definitely liberal. That was the understanding when I began to back this long term goal back in 2004. (snip) ...the reason why we are fighting for marriage equality is because we have to work with the present governmental system for a while yet. Marriage equality is currently easier to achieve than getting government out of the business, but the latter should be our long term goal. As for de-emphasizing marriage...
  • Unrestrained Sex and the Celibate Witness

    08/14/2010 10:39:35 AM PDT · by markomalley · 59 replies · 1+ views
    Young, Evangelical, and Catholic ^ | 8/14/2010 | Brantly Millegan
    "As women, we have the right to make decisions regarding our bodies. These include decisions regarding the ability to control if and when we have children, regardless of whether we want several children or no children at all. Birth control is fundamental to our ability to have autonomy in our lives, and it helps us to understand our bodies and to enjoy our sexuality safely with men.” – Our Bodies, Ourselves 2005 The above quote captures the sentiment of many pro-contraceptive women, as well as men, non-Christian and Christian. The quote seems to make a good point. We do have...
  • Huckabee Likens Gay Marriage To Incest, Polygamy

    04/13/2010 10:42:15 AM PDT · by Laissez-faire capitalist · 82 replies · 1,524+ views
    AP ^ | 4/13/2010 | Natasha Metzler
    Mike Huckabee, a possible Republican presidential candidate in 2012 says the effort to allow gays and lesbians to marry is comparable to legalizing incest, polygamy and drug use... Huckabee told the interviewer that not every group's interests deserve to be accomodated if their lifestyle is outside what he called "the ideal."... "There are some people who believe in incest, so we should accomodate them. There are people who believe in polygamy, should we accomodate them?" he said. ...
  • From Sex Ed to Porn Ed

    12/15/2009 6:46:57 PM PST · by massmike · 5 replies · 485+ views ^ | 12/15/2009 | n/a
    From Sex Ed to Porn Ed That was the great Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld’s title to his WorldNetDaily article in June 2000 on the Fistgate conference. Well worth a read. What’s amazing to us is that so many in the country are just now learning the hideous truth about what’s really going on with the GLBT indoctrination in the schools, thanks to Obama's appointment of Kevin Jennings as "Safe Schools Czar." It’s not just about “respecting diversity” and “no name-calling” campaigns. It’s about graphic discussions of perverted sex acts – and recruiting our children. But we’re glad to have company in...
  • Does Adam Lambert creep you out?

    11/24/2009 10:19:45 PM PST · by RGirard · 37 replies · 2,386+ views ^ | Nov. 23, 2009 | Réne Girard
    Does Adam Lambert creep you out? He seems to be front page news these days, primarily due to a racy performace at Sunday's American Music Awards where he kissed a member of his band - a male member of his band - most likely as a publicity stunt in order to garner attention and provide an additional platform from which to speak. Since then, Adam Lambert's face and a still photo of that taboo moment have been plastered on headlines all over the internet. As a result, no one surfing the internet is safe from his Tammy Faye features and...
  • Gay Marriage: Even Liberals Know It's Bad

    06/07/2009 3:04:21 PM PDT · by Maelstorm · 14 replies · 984+ views ^ | May 26, 2008 | by Frank Turek
    Why not legalize same-sex marriage? Who could it possibly hurt? Children and the rest of society. That’s the conclusion of David Blankenhorn, who is anything but an anti-gay “bigot.” He is a life-long, pro-gay, liberal democrat who disagrees with the Bible’s prohibitions against homosexual behavior. Despite this, Blankenhorn makes a powerful case against Same-Sex marriage in his book, The Future of Marriage. He writes, “Across history and cultures . . . marriage’s single most fundamental idea is that every child needs a mother and a father. Changing marriage to accommodate same-sex couples would nullify this principle in culture and in...
  • Gay bishop rejoices in NH's gay marriage vote

    06/05/2009 1:48:03 PM PDT · by NYer · 29 replies · 1,082+ views
    Google ^ | June 4, 2009 | DAVID TIRRELL-WYSOCKI
    CONCORD, N.H. (AP) It was tough enough to get New Hampshire's lawmakers and governor to approve gay marriage, but Episcopal Bishop V. Gene Robinson says there's an even tougher job ahead: getting churches to fully embrace gay marriage and gay people."What we have to work against is countless centuries of tradition which has judged homosexual people to be an abomination before God," said Robinson, the Episcopal church's only openly gay bishop.Robinson sat in the front row of the gallery in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, hands clasped at times, praying for lawmakers to push a little green button that...