Posted on 03/06/2021 12:38:27 PM PST by OneVike
Today, more than at any other time in our society, our rejection of God’s moral standards has led to an epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases and infections. This commentary will be a devastating one about our society. It will show you how we have become no better than past societies of the Romans, Greeks, Babylonians, and yes those of Sodom and Gomorrah. I suggest you have a shower ready to scrub yourself clean after learning how truly disgusting our society has become.
As you look at the graph below, you can see that by the mid 1990's STDs started to rocket up. This is directly related to the leadership of the country. In 1992, when Bill Clinton became President. Clinton was an immoral man who eventually admitted he was having sex wioth Mionica Lewinski. The Clinton administration's attitudes on sex effected the nations immorality.
It was Bill Clinton's surgeons general, Joycelyn Elders who, in response to a psychologist who asked her whether "a more explicit discussion and promotion of masturbation could help slow the spread of AIDS". World which direction the sexual standards of America was headed.
It must be understood that throughout history, societies have always reflected the morality of their leaders. Look at the way bad Kings of Scriptures lead the nation into immorality, while Godly Kings led the nation back to GOD. Leaders always set the moral tone of the society they rule. In the graph above, the reason things continually skyrocketing under George Bush's leadership, was because he left the education system pretty much in control of the same people Bill Clinton had appointed. Then things just continued under President Obama.
With the push for women to be equal with men, men to be considered women, and for children to explore their sexual desires with whomever they so desire, we have now taken all segments of our societies down the dark path of sexual immorality that thrived in Sodom and Gomorrah. Is it any wonder that diseases which were once on the decline are now at record levels, with both women and children being effected the most. In October of 2019 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the staggering results of the leftist push for the, "Love who your with" ideology from k-College in our education system.
According to the annual Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance Report, STDs increased for the fifth consecutive year – with nearly 2.5 million combined cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. Cases of congenital syphilis – syphilis passed from a mother to her baby during pregnancy– increased 40 percent from 2017-2018. Congenital syphilis can result in miscarriage, stillbirth, newborn death, and severe lifelong physical and neurological problems. CDC
And you mourn at last,
When your flesh and your body are consumed, Proverbs 5:11-13
“thy flesh and thy body are consumed” And you groan at your final end,
When your flesh and your body are consumed; Proverbs 5:11
Consider the following tragic consequences of sexual immorality as reported by the American Sexual Health Association;
Hollywood has glamorized sexual sins, but there is no hiding the reality that there is nothing glamorous about where adultery will end—cries of regret and emotional self-flagellation.
- More than half of all people will have an STD/STI at some point in their lifetime.
- Recent estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Infection show that there are 19.7 million new STIs every year in the U.S.
- The total estimated direct cost of STIs annually in the U.S. is $15.6 billion (2010 US dollars).
- Each year, one in four teens contracts an STD/STI.
- One in two sexually active persons will contract an STD/STI by age 25.
So this is a warning to all Americans, that we must consider the risks we take by having promiscuous sex.We do so by heeding God's Words, and using His Wisdom to properly understand the consequences of our immoral behavior. Below is are medical facts abut just two types of STD's and their long term effects on a persons health.
- AIDS: Does its damage by attacking our immune system - making us weak and unable to fight disease. It's final stages make us prone to having numerous different cancers, pneumonia, skin diseases, as well as other diseases that attack various organs in our body.
- Syphillis: In its final stages causes paralysis, numbness in our bodies, blindness, as well as involuntary muscle movements that we cannot control. Worst of all is insanity which comes as our brains are systematically attacked by the disease.
It's just sex, right? Well these two sexually transmitted diseases will destroy your life. You can see what God was so serious when He warned that this type of rebellion will cost us our health. Even the secular scientists warn us about the consequences of sexual immorality. Oh that we would learn from these warnings concerning the medical consequences of walking contrary to God's prescepts when it comes to our sexual behavior.
The only that surprises me about the numbers is that they are so low.
I would have thought they’d be at least three times those numbers.
I’ve only started noticing recently that one of the consequences of sin and disobenience to God, mentioned frequently in the Bible - is one’s wealth, property and labor being taken or distributed to others or to “foreigners.”
Well, the Israelites learned the hard way also. If you want to live like the heathens of the World, then God will take what you have, give it to them, and then let them take you away to be their slaves.
When we live like rats, the place will go to the rats.
Well the most devastating one is chlamydia. 1.7 ,million women had it by 2018. Chlamydia will make a woman sterile, because it creates scaring on their fallopian tubes, so the egg cannot attach itself and thus it passes on without having a chance to get fertilized. Thus sterilization.
If 1.7 million women had it then, that meant that 1.7 women out of every 350 have it. That is not a low number. That is devastating to a society. It goes directly to the decline of birth rates in the country. Which is what we need to sustain our lives.
God is limiting our ability to sustain our race, so that we will be replaced.
If only there were a way to show this to all the male Freepers who say adultery is A-OK if the wife’s body doesn’t look the same after delivering 5 kids...;page=51
I’ve been here 10 years and never read anyone writing such a thing.
The bigger issue of promiscuous sex is not so much the medical issue as is the consequences on not only your life but all those involved.
We do not think about the damage it creates not just for those involved but the secondary damages it creates for the extended families.
If we live in sin are we really happy. I suggest that people study the life of Solomon who lived about 900+/- BC. He was the wisest man, the richest man in the world.
His life is a study of what happiness is and is not. Read the book of Ecclesiastes and see what was true then which is true now.
Two and half M cases is chump change in a country of 320M+ population. Americans are a lot less sexual than I thought
Of course Herpes is not reported.
I’ll offer you the same comment I did to another whpo thought the same thing
Well the most devastating one is chlamydia. 1.7 ,million women had it by 2018. Chlamydia will make a woman sterile, because it creates scaring on their fallopian tubes, so the egg cannot attach itself and thus it passes on without having a chance to get fertilized. Thus sterilization.
If 1.7 million women had it then, that meant that 1.7 women out of every 350 have it. That is not a low number. That is devastating to a society. It goes directly to the decline of birth rates in the country. Which is what we need to sustain our lives.
God is limiting our ability to sustain our race, so that we will be replaced.
The most sexually promiscuous and careless group in society are blacks. Considering the number of abortions blacks have they don’t seem to have any fertility crisis
Diseases did you catch by being a slut( yes I’m talking men and women ) are merely end result of your behavior
The much more serious consequences of having your life ruled by lust are that you never will have comfort in your life!!! that’s so much more severe !!
The point of the heavenly creator placing mankind upon this earth is relationship.
It is the relationship , the love between human beings ,that is the important part of this planet
If you even have a small part of your mind that thinks that any other human being is an object your mind is 100% ruled by lust
Lust is not satiable. Look at the great numbers of pathetic powerful men that can never get enough of young nubile females for example
The good Lord has given us marriage - this is the bonding ; the heavenly bonding ! between a man and a woman to walk together on this earth through this life and through all eternity
Sex actually means very little
Other than of course creating new human beings!
Let me give you gentlemen you husbands out there a little hint
Learn how to give your wife a full body massage , and accept any and all comments she has about it!!!
Start there and then get back to me
OK, so I’m guessing you never had a conversation with these “gentlemen” in the link I provided in my original post
To: conservative98
Sometimes its just worth it....
9 posted on 8/16/2020, 3:29:53 PM by Newbomb Turk
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To: conservative98
The new wife is hot. Old wife is unnattractive. He could have done better based upon his looks.
Marriages with one spouse way better looking never last. The good looking ones always upgrade later on.
15 posted on 8/16/2020, 3:39:14 PM by setter
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To: setter
The old wife has 20 years on the new wife.
31 posted on 8/16/2020, 4:06:54 PM by CaptainK (’No collusion, no obstruction, he’s a leaker’)
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To: conservative98
That’s the way it goes in Hollywood. When the wife changes from not guilty to guilty, it’s time to trade her in for a younger model.
42 posted on 8/16/2020, 4:39:05 PM by GrandJediMasterYoda (As long as Hillary Clinton remains free equal justice under the law will never exist in the USA)
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This is not even going into the Freepers who blame the wife for daring to divorce a man who intentionally and repeatedly broke his marriage vows.
To: conservative98
Just another reason more men are CHOOSING to stay SINGLE!
Marriage is simply not worth it today.
21 posted on 8/16/2020, 3:44:31 PM by Artcore (Trump 2020!)
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To: ConservaTexan
Family Court: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
29 posted on 8/16/2020, 4:03:55 PM by HombreSecreto (The life of a repo man is always intense)
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To: HombreSecreto
Unless you’re a woman. To them, family court is the promised land.
Note to men: NEVER get divorced in Washington State. We are the spawn of Satan in family law here.
30 posted on 8/16/2020, 4:06:53 PM by datura
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To: datura; HombreSecreto
In law school I was always amazed how even the dimmest back-bencher females had an innate understanding of Family Law.
37 posted on 8/16/2020, 4:18:49 PM by martin_fierro (< |:)~)
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To: martin_fierro
In law school I was always amazed how even the dimmest back-bencher females had an innate understanding of Family Law.
I wonder if their first words weren’t “Mama” and “Dada” but “Community Property?”
38 posted on 8/16/2020, 4:24:07 PM by HombreSecreto (The life of a repo man is always intense)
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To: martin_fierro
Predatory females ... best to avoid at all costs.
40 posted on 8/16/2020, 4:26:39 PM by Nothingburger
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When someone tries to tell me how adultery is a victimless crime all that tells me is that s/he has never had to get an STD check because of a spouse’s infidelity or, if male, support a child that wasn’t actually his.
Amen, Good comment
Great response.
A person is *so* much more credible when his grammar is correct.
Mark Twain said that everyone needs an editor. If he did, I do. There’s no shame in it.
How many of that cohort are infected versus the total population of the cohort?
God will be Judging those who violated the laws he has ordered
in both the New and Old Testaments. Read Revelation and the design of the Final Judgement.
Even if one does not believe I say better to error on the side of The Laws outlined by God. every society that has opposed these Laws has been self destroyed.
God Bless America!
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