Posted on 09/22/2011 7:00:14 AM PDT by flowerplough
I was stationed on Guam in the mid-1980s. My squadron flew search and rescue while on the island and made regular deployments to sea. Aside from my duties as a naval aviator, I was also a division officer and had enlisted men and women reporting to me. Guam is only 13 degrees north of the equatorbeach weather every day. Most military people used the military beaches; I was one of the folks who liked to travel around the island.
Thats how I discovered one of my men was gay. He was on the beach with his boyfriend, and although there was nothing going on that couldnt be in a G-rated movie, there was no doubt that they meant more to each other than two buddies enjoying a day in the sun. When he looked my way, he froze, and I saw a flicker of fear on his face. These were the days before dont ask, dont tell (DADT), so his legal problems would have been criminal, not administrative.
I did what needed to be done: I walked over, said hello to my sailor and introduced myself to his boyfriend. We chatted about the nice weather and I bid them a good day and left the beach so they could relax. We never discussed it again.
Fast forward to 2008. I was driving home on a Friday afternoon, looking forward to a summer weekend, when my cell phone rang. It was a 202 area-code number (Washington, D.C.) and since Im a member of the Chief of Naval Operations Executive Panel (CEP), I thought it might be important, so I answered it. It turned out to be an acquaintance, retired Rear Admiral Jamie Barnett. He asked me, When are you going to talk to Admiral [Mike] Mullen about ending dont ask, dont tell?
I responded, Great idea. How am I going to get an appointment with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs? and he gave me an insight: Admiral Mullen had appointed me to be on the CEPhed take my call.
May 11, 2011; (With Much Regret, and with Despairing Sneers cast at the Interfering Congressmen) Navy Halts Move to Allow Gay Marriages by Chaplains After Complaints From Lawmakers
Read more:
The sun is shining brighter, the flowers smell better, food is tastier, Bob’s sex organ feels better in Maurice’s anal canal.......yadayadayada.
ok..I'll bite! do u think they are called “Rear” Admirals???
Having an extensive background in the NAV and knowing some of the “players” who backed this, I have been sick to my stomach over this repeal...
the dynamics of military service will be changed forever and NOT for the good of the country, IMO.
The PC “leaders” of our military who went along with this should always be reminded of their culpability...
Time will tell if I’m right - if I’m not, so be it...
in the 80’s?
he had a duty to report that. The story is a fake.
The next time some Drill Sergeant (or whatever the Naval equivalent is) questions some recruits manhood during boot camp (or womanhood as the case may be), he (or she) is going to get slapped with a hate crime charge.
Anchors aweigh.
This is not about gays serving, never has been. There were more than just a couple gays in while I served. Everyone knew it. It was in the background. DADT repeal is not about tolerance, it is about forced acceptance. And now that the DOD “endorses” homosexuality the gays will move forward in their assault on normalcy, gay marriage and forced acceptance by the church.
In fact, I think we should show the enemy how tolerant and accepting we are by posting all-gay checkpoints about a mile in front of all heterosexual checkpoints.
And just to make sure the enemy is able to identify the checkpoints as being manned by homosexuals, they should fly the rainbow flag and the troops should all be dressed as Corporal Klinger.
Take that, terrorists! HA!
Totally agree!
And the church “acceptance” will be forced by making Catholic chaplins either go against the teachings of the Church or get out of the chaplin corps...
and ADM Mullen is a “Catholic”.
We are done as a republic. It’s over.
What will happen if two gays or lesbos get married while in the service and later try to get a divorce in a state that does not recognize gay marriage?
as of right now, they can only divorce in a state that allows homosexual based marriage. A supermajority of states have constitutional and statutory prohibitions.
It is much like no state is required to recognize civili unions that pretend to be marriage.
I STRONGLY suspect this story is 100% fake.
It will be interesting to see which Service has the best cornhole team when play begins at all military installation soon.
To help you keep score, here are the rules:
If Mullen were a Moromon —would he be a Jack Mormon —but what to they call a Catholic who acts in his Official capacity as anything other than a Catholic in good standing?
I remember a gay couple - lesbos I think - tried to get a divorce in Texas about a year ago. IIRC, they were told to go back to Mass. to get divorced.
flowerplough has a history of pushing the vile homo agenda on FR. He has been warned by Jim Robinson to stop. He tries to continue under the radar.
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. Attributed to Sun Tzu
LJ, my caustic, frail, myopic, online stalker...
Homos and lesbians exist, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and are generally the political enemies of conservatives. Many conservatives find the enemies information occasionally useful. (And many of Joan Jetts songs from the Reagan years make me smile when I hear them on the radio, if my taglines also bothering you.) Please forward this to Robinson, if you feel the need; I refuse to bother him with you and your insignifica.
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