Posted on 06/05/2009 1:48:03 PM PDT by NYer
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) It was tough enough to get New Hampshire's lawmakers and governor to approve gay marriage, but Episcopal Bishop V. Gene Robinson says there's an even tougher job ahead: getting churches to fully embrace gay marriage and gay people.
"What we have to work against is countless centuries of tradition which has judged homosexual people to be an abomination before God," said Robinson, the Episcopal church's only openly gay bishop.
Robinson sat in the front row of the gallery in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, hands clasped at times, praying for lawmakers to push a little green button that indicates a "yes" vote.
In the end, there were 198 green lights to legalize gay marriage, and 176 red ones.
The gallery erupted and Robinson was caught up in a sea of hugs, which continued as he walked through the Statehouse to a rally outside.
"There are a lot of people standing here who, when we grew up, could not have imagined this," Robinson said. "You can't imagine something that is simply impossible. It's happened, in our lifetimes."
But Robinson, who was elected bishop six years ago this month, said more must happen, in churches.
"The law says that every church gets to choose what it will do," he said, meaning they can refuse to perform gay marriages.
The law spells out that churches, their employees and religious groups cannot be forced to officiate at gay marriages or provide other services.
They were key elements pushed by Gov. John Lynch to win his approval.
But gay marriage opponents said the constitution already provides those protections to religious institutions. They argued the protections should be expanded to cover commercial vendors, such as photographers and caterers. That drew fire from gay marriage supporters who said the state's anti-discrimination laws would be unraveled by allowing people to discriminate at will.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Not in the Catholic Church!
Catholic Ping
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Good luck changing God's mind, girlie man.
Ugh, New Hampshire. The weekend refuge of me childhood. What's become of ye? Wherein clappeste ye hand with the Devil?
“I want to know what sort of classes these bitter women took as undergraduates.”
What happened? Massholes.
No,Mr's not the homosexuals *themselves* that God sees as an's their homosexual *acts*.
New Hampshire......Swish free or die.
“What we have to work against is countless centuries of tradition which has judged homosexual people to be an abomination before God,” ..showing his stripes? Gay marriage isn’t about “marriage” it is about rebellion against God (and since they can’t attack Him directly), they’ll attack those who profess Him (and work for Him) into trying to 1st (~Educate~/Indoctrinate) those who don’t believe homosexuality is immoral (most strongly resistant because of their Christian Faith), (2ndly WHEN this fails mostly-they’ll try to marginalize those who dont believe in homosexuality), 3rdly they’ll try to FORCE (discrimination/P.C.-using police states powers and politically connected laws to FORCE those who don’t believe in Homosexuality to accept it). FINALLY they’ll kill (not all becuase some will listen and repent, and some will be reaonable, but ultimately they’ll) kill Christians (and other hardcore anti-gay people) to keep from acknowledging the fact that they’re wrong! That’s the ultimate goal..(and everyone knows it, they’re just too afraid to say it sometimes).
Yeah, I wouldn’t expect this phony to know what Christian morality actually says about homosexual acts, but instead he distorts it to make it an attack on “homosexual people”, the better to demonize and discredit it. Robinson is a really twisted piece of work.
New Hampshire-—victim of metastatic carcinogenic liberaloma
of the brain epidemic.
I wonder how many pages he has ripped out of his Bible?
Uh, tip for the "bishop" - that's not tradition, that's scripture AND tradition, which in this case are in perfect agreement.
And it's not "homosexual people" that are an abomination before God, it's homogenital behavior.
hey Gene..enjoy that millstone.
Give it a year or so, they'll be voting again to make this tradition and practice illegal too.
Episcopal Bishop...
Who would’ve guessed.
Bishop John McCormack on Passage of Same-Sex Marriage Bill
Posted By The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary On June 3, 2009
Manchester (for news story, see Gay marriage bill signed into law in New Hampshire [1]) Bishop McCormack released the following statement today:
I am deeply disappointed that the bill to legalize same sex marriage in New Hampshire was signed into law today. The new law passed our Legislature through the narrowest of margins with precipitous haste and without extensive study. The law strikes a blow to the cornerstone on which our entire civilization is built and sustained: the marriage between one man and one woman.
In a manner unlike any other relationship, the union of a husband and wife makes a unique and irreplaceable contribution to the common good of society. A man and a woman in a marriage bring children to life and model the way in which women and men live interdependently and commit, for the whole of life, to seek the good of each other. Our state has an obligation to protect the unique gift of marriage between one man and one woman.
As bishop, I will continue to teach that marriage is a faithful, exclusive, lifelong union of a man and a woman joined in an intimate community of life and love. This is a natural truth that has been confirmed by divine Revelation in Sacred Scripture.
As a citizen of this state, I am troubled that those who respect and treasure marriage as it has been understood for thousands of years have been marginalized while others position same sex marriage as a civil rights issue. Marriage and same-sex unions are essentially different realities. Upholding marriage as it has always been understood is just and neither offends the dignity nor the rights of homosexual persons. Indeed, the New Hampshire civil union law passed by the Legislature in 2007 expressly conferred the same rights offered to heterosexual couples to same-sex couples.
I pray that the citizens of this state will recognize the clear need for a constitutional amendment on marriage.
Remember when degenerates were simply called...degenerates?
Perhaps they can celebrate with a black mass.
I'd hate to tell ya, Vicky Robinson, even the Devil finds sodomy repulsive.
but the primary cause was Massachusetts.
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