Posted on 12/16/2017 5:26:27 AM PST by DWW1990
Perhaps the most guarded tenet of all of modern liberalism is the idea that people should be able to do whatever they wish in the sexual realm. Whether killing children in the womb, redefining the oldest institution in the history of humanity, fighting for the right of men to use womens restroomsand for women to cheat at sports, and for men to take trophies from womencelebrating the sexualization of children, everything else in the perverse LGBT agenda, and so on, much of what modern liberals hold dear hinges on sexual hedonism.
Thus, as others have already well noted, the sex scandals that have rocked Hollywood and Washington D.C. are some of the least shocking things to come across the news wire since learning that Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, et al, bloated their baseball stats with the aid of performance enhancing drugs.
In other words, seeing media reports that reveal that many Hollywood and D.C. liberals are sexual deviants is like a 60 Minutes story that reveals that fat men like fried chicken. But hey, at least in large part, the liberal perverts in politics and entertainment are not hypocrites. Theyre only practicing what they preach. And preach they do.
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I guess the writer can't read. Let see, Sodom and Gamora, Babylon, ancient Greeks, Romans, Persians....
Solomon said there was nothing new under the sun. We can see and hear it all now is the only difference.
Yep. Herbert Marcuse - “father of the new left”....
...subverted the ability of the culture to resist whilst simultaneously instigating the Cold War and fattening the golden calf in anticipation of the slaughter.
[The Architects of Western Decline: A Study on the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism]
Solomon said there was nothing new under...
Nothing New Under the Aten!
Perhaps the author should have said the “return to sexual immorality”.
He is absolutely correct. Sex without any restraint is one of the highest “values” on the left.
Author should have said they wrote the book on it in our country. It might have been a plagiarized book but they wrote it for the U.S.
Well now, we all know who’s been working according to those plans, eh?
Liberalism = moral relativism = libertinism
Same ol’ state establishing Ba’al manure, different municipal toilet.
Inaccurate title. A truly accurate title would be,
Liberals Wrote the Book on Immorality.
Not just sexual immorality but all manner of immorality.
It's not just sex, it's all behavior. No restraint. And why would there be when there's no such thing as right and wrong? When the only authority to whom you answer is your own desire?
1960’s comes to mind and then America legalized child sacrifice.
I saw that somewhere recently! “Sexual assault” was far down the list of his crimes.
Pretty much the case.
Liberals are a two face critter always in season.
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