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Keyword: prewarintelligence

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  • The "Saddam Had Nothing to Do with Bin Laden" Canard

    09/23/2008 4:18:44 PM PDT · by GoingBacktoCali · 7 replies · 258+ views
    The Neocon Latina ^ | 9/23/08 | GoingBacktoCali
    The Democrats' essential argument on Iraq is that Saddam had absolutely nothing to do with Bin Laden. But what this argument overlooks is that Saddam offered Bin Laden safe haven in Iraq in late 1998 and/or 1999 -- the very timeframe during which 9/11 attacks were being planned. In fact, that was the conclusion of the 9/11 Commission Report, although it was all but ignored by the mainstream media.
  • Bush wasn't the only one who believed Iraq had nukes...

    09/16/2008 1:36:18 PM PDT · by andymin · 5 replies · 170+ views
    YouTube ^ | 4/1/07 | Fosizzle
    Bush wasn't the only one who believed Iraq had nukes...
  • I want to find a concise summary of justifications for invading Iraq (Vanity)

    09/08/2008 11:04:18 AM PDT · by Nomen Klatura · 60 replies · 233+ views
    I want to provide my spouse with a good, cocktail-party-length explanation for why we invaded Iraq. She wants to be better informed and more conversant, and while I can give her the 1/2 hour version, I need it distilled down to about 2 or 3 minutes. Otherwise, she will be lecturing her friends (which she won't do). Care to help? To whatever the FR forum provides, I will add (because I never hear anyone else say it) that Hussein declared that he had extensive WMD after Desert Storm. He actually listed them. He later told the UN that he destroyed...
  • Joe Biden 2008 - You Know Saddam was a threat to the US and could have hidden or rebuilt his WMDs

    08/31/2008 10:51:31 AM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 2 replies · 138+ views ^ | August 31, 2008 | williamamos
    Meet the Press interview from earlier this year.
  • Flashback to 1998: U.S. Says Iraq Aided Production Of Chemical Weapons in Sudan (Iraq, WMD's, Osama)

    08/25/2008 10:42:18 AM PDT · by faq · 11 replies · 129+ views
    New York Times ^ | August 25, 1998 | Steven Myers
    The United States believes that senior Iraqi scientists were helping to produce elements of the nerve agent VX at the factory in the Sudan that American cruise missiles destroyed last week, Administration and intelligence officials said today. The evidence cited today as justification for the attack consisted of a soil sample secretly obtained months ago outside the factory, the Shifa Pharmaceutical Industries, the officials said. Publicly, the Administration has refused to describe its evidence in any detail, or to say how it was obtained. ... The connection with Iraq emerged as a key part of the Administration's argument for why...
  • Video- FReeper Interview Joseph Shahda translator of captured Iraqi documents: Part 1 and part 2

    08/17/2008 9:52:21 AM PDT · by april15Bendovr · 59 replies · 1,612+ views
    Townhall ^ | 8/17/08 | Chris Donohoe
    "This is an interview conducted by freeper Chris Donohoe (April15bendovr) with freeper Joseph Shahda (jveritas) about Saddam regime WMD programs and their relations to terrorism based on his translations of some captured Saddam regime documents. Also he talks about some Al Qaeda-captured documents. On the WMD issue, Joseph Shahda reveals that the documents clearly indicate that the Saddam regime opted to build the precursors required to make chemical weapons rather than the final chemical weapons product. They did this for two reasons. First because these precursors are dual-use materials and Saddam could always claim that they are used for civilian...
  • Tenet statement on Suskind

    08/05/2008 12:24:50 PM PDT · by KC Burke · 27 replies · 132+ views
    Politico ^ | 8/5/08 | Politico Staff
    Snip-- CIA director George J. Tenet regarding the publication of “The Way of the World,” by Ron Suskind: ... the book is seriously flawed. One supposed “news” item from the book apparently asserts that British intelligence had a high-placed Iraqi source who convincingly told them before the start of the war that Iraq had no WMD and that the British relayed this to the United States. As Mr. Suskind tells it, the White House directed (and CIA allegedly went along with) burying that information so that the war could go ahead as planned. This is a complete fabrication. In fact,...
  • Book says White House ordered forgery

    08/05/2008 11:33:10 AM PDT · by Alter Kaker · 37 replies · 568+ views
    Politico ^ | 7/5/08 | Mike Allen
    A new book by the author Ron Suskind claims that the White House ordered the CIA to forge a back-dated, handwritten letter from the head of Iraqi intelligence to Saddam Hussein. Suskind writes in “The Way of the World,” to be published Tuesday, that the alleged forgery – adamantly denied by the White House – was designed to portray a false link between Hussein’s regime and al Qaeda as a justification for the Iraq war. The author also claims that the Bush administration had information from a top Iraqi intelligence official “that there were no weapons of mass destruction in...
  • President Bush was Right, As Evidenced by This Month’s Sale of Saddam’s Uranium and More

    07/12/2008 7:22:49 PM PDT · by Yomin Postelnik · 39 replies · 252+ views
    Canada Free Press ^ | 07/12/2008 | Yomin Postelnik
    If anyone doubts the need to have ousted Saddam, a news release in the past few days should put such doubts to rest. The report is that the US has sold 550 tons of yellowcake uranium that had been found in Iraq to Cameco, a Canadian company. The uranium will now be used as fuel and poses no severe risk if properly stored and sealed. While the report contains no new information per se, it brings to the forefront pertinent facts that, while widely available, were also widely ignored. But when analyzing military and security matters, we can ill afford...
  • Why Iraq Was Inevitable

    07/09/2008 12:21:53 PM PDT · by SJackson · 17 replies · 331+ views
    Commentary ^ | 7-9-08 | Arthur Herman
     Why Iraq Was Inevitable Arthur Herman July/August 2008 E-mail This Article to a Friend Subject: Why Iraq Was Inevitable Yes, I would like to receive periodic updates and information via e-mail from Commentary. Recipient Addresses: Separate each address with a comma. Your E-mail Address: Message: E-mail This Article to a Friend Thank You A link to "Why Iraq Was Inevitable" has been emailed to your friends. Most E-mailed articles: The Mind of Seymour HershWhy Iraq Was InevitableDictatorships & Double StandardsAre We Winning the War on Terror?Hugo Chávez's Jewish Problem According to an April 2008 poll in U.S. News &...
  • The 550 Tons of Yellowcake

    07/08/2008 10:35:21 AM PDT · by pissant · 24 replies · 613+ views
    American Thinker ^ | 7/8/08 | Randall Hoven
    For years, the media and Democrats have sold the public an understanding that Gerorge W. Bush fabricated a story that Saddam Hussein had a WMD program in order to justify invading Iraq, which invasion then becomes "based on a lie." About 550 metric tons of yellowcake concentrated uranium were recently shipped out of Iraq. It had been part of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program. That much was recently reported by the Associated Press . I wrote an article for American Thinker that commented on that story the day it appeared. That yellowcake stockpile pre-dated 1991, and had been under the UN's...
  • Saddam's Nukes

    07/07/2008 6:04:19 PM PDT · by rabscuttle385 · 25 replies · 302+ views
    Hear about the 550 metric tons of yellowcake uranium found in Iraq? No? Why should you? It doesn't fit the media's neat story line that Saddam Hussein's Iraq posed no nuclear threat when we invaded in 2003.
  • Saddam's Nukes

    07/07/2008 5:56:39 PM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 11 replies · 857+ views
    WMD: Hear about the 550 metric tons of yellowcake uranium found in Iraq? No? Why should you? It doesn't fit the media's neat story line that Saddam Hussein's Iraq posed no nuclear threat when we invaded in 2003. It's a little known fact that, after invading Iraq in 2003, the U.S. found massive amounts of uranium yellowcake, the stuff that can be refined into nuclear weapons or nuclear fuel, at a facility in Tuwaitha outside of Baghdad. In recent weeks, the U.S. secretly has helped the Iraqi government ship it all to Canada, where it was bought by a Canadian...
  • Defense Personnel Transport Uranium Ore Out of Iraq (What was that lie again about no YellowCake?)

    07/07/2008 4:54:51 PM PDT · by SandRat · 11 replies · 195+ views
    WASHINGTON, July 7, 2008 – Defense personnel have completed the transfer of 550 metric tons of Iraqi uranium ore to Canada, Defense officials said here today. The Iraqi government asked the United States to help transfer the yellowcake -- as the ore is known -- from Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center near Baghdad to its buyer in Canada, Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said today. The military dubbed the movement Operation McCall, and it ended July 5. DoD’s portion of the operation involved the transfer of the ore. Yellowcake is a uranium ore that can be processed to become nuclear fuel. State...
  • Important WMD Reminder on Page 6

    07/07/2008 12:51:56 PM PDT · by PurpleMountains · 3 replies · 249+ views
    From Sea to Shining Sea ^ | 7/7/08 | Purple Mountains
    It was on page 6 of my daily newspaper that an important reminder of Saddam’s capacity for WMD was published: the movement in secrecy of 550 tons of ‘yellowcake’ uranium from Iraq to Canada on July 5. 550 tons! Can they really continue their lies about no possibility of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Saddam’s Iraq? I know they will try to spin this, but can any honest person now still maintain that Saddam was not able to reconstitute his nuclear weapons’ capability left to his own devices? Can any honest person continue the nonsense of “Bush lied”? Although U.N....
  • Iraq removes uranium left over from Saddam era (Fear Not People! Saddam Had No WMD! /s)

    07/07/2008 9:18:37 AM PDT · by tobyhill · 24 replies · 148+ views
    Reuters ^ | 7/7/2008 | reuters
    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's government has removed 550 tonnes of natural uranium left over from Saddam Hussein's era and sold it to a Canadian company, government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said. The uranium, called yellowcake, had been stored in a compound at Tuwaitha, south of Baghdad, which was once the centre of Saddam's nuclear weapons programme. A U.S. embassy spokeswoman confirmed the U.S. military helped safely ship the uranium out of the country. "The Iraqi government decided to get rid of the uranium, which amounted to 550 tonnes, because of its potentially harmful affects on Iraq and the region and because...
  • Niger Uranium - Why the Forgeries

    07/07/2008 6:47:20 AM PDT · by ETL · 28 replies · 162+ views
    Useful Fools ^ | July 13, 2003 | John Moore
    Got this off some blog a while back, but the person makes some interesting observations. His central point is that, since the forgeries were such obvious fakes, were they 'planted' specifically to be exposed as frauds? (i.e., not to actually convince anyone)... July 13, 2003Niger Uranium - Why the Forgeries During the lead-up to the Iraq war, documents surfaced which purported to show an attempt by Saddam to buy Niger uranium. These documents turned out to be forgeries. Nobody is asking: Why were these forgeries made and who made them?They certainly served a purpose: they cast serious doubt on any...
  • 3500 Barrels Of Yellowcake Uranium Transported From Iraq To Canada

    07/07/2008 4:43:04 AM PDT · by Quaker · 19 replies · 1,542+ views
    Stuck On Stupid ^ | July 7, 2008 | Quaker
    550 metric tons of yellowcake uranium worth millions of dollars were shipped out of Iraq to Canada. The uranium was transported in 37 military flights in 3,500 secure barrels. Though the yellowcake had been in Iraq for some time and had been discovered by the United Nations inspectors after the first Gulf War in during the Senior President Bush’s presidency the material has finally been removed. This is a fact the Democrats don’t want publicized and the MSM will oblige.
  • Disconfirmations Disconfirmed: Saddam Had Nuke Program

    07/06/2008 3:59:22 PM PDT · by neverdem · 136 replies · 641+ views
    American Thinker ^ | July 06, 2008 | Randall Hoven
    <p>The media have been telling us for years that Saddam had no WMD, so "Bush's War": was based on a "lie." And those who believed Saddam did have WMD or WMD programs were delusional or worse.</p> <p>And multiple devices that could be used in a nuclear weapon.</p>
  • President Bush exonerated of 'misleading statements' leading to Iraq war

    07/06/2008 3:16:41 PM PDT · by smoothsailing · 41 replies · 281+ views
    American Thinker ^ | 7-6-08 | Vincent Gioia
    Return to the Article July 06, 2008President Bush exonerated of 'misleading statements' leading to Iraq warVincent Gioia In 2003 newspaper columnist Robert Novak wrote his now infamous "Mission to Niger" (published on July 14, 2003) in which he mentioned an allegedly failed attempt by Saddam Hussein to purchase uranium reported by the husband of a (not so) secret CIA agent, Valerie Plame, and mentioned her by name. Mrs. Wilson's husband, former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, stated in a number of interviews and in subsequent writings (as listed in his 2004 memoir The Politics of Truth) that members of President...