Posted on 07/07/2008 5:56:39 PM PDT by Free ThinkerNY
WMD: Hear about the 550 metric tons of yellowcake uranium found in Iraq? No? Why should you? It doesn't fit the media's neat story line that Saddam Hussein's Iraq posed no nuclear threat when we invaded in 2003.
It's a little known fact that, after invading Iraq in 2003, the U.S. found massive amounts of uranium yellowcake, the stuff that can be refined into nuclear weapons or nuclear fuel, at a facility in Tuwaitha outside of Baghdad.
In recent weeks, the U.S. secretly has helped the Iraqi government ship it all to Canada, where it was bought by a Canadian company for further processing into nuclear fuel thus keeping it from potential use by terrorists or unsavory regimes in the region.
This has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media. Yet, as the AP reported, this marks a "significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy."
Seems to us this should be big news.
After all, much of the early opposition to the war in Iraq involved claims that President Bush "lied" about weapons of mass destruction and that Saddam posed little if any nuclear threat to the U.S.
This more or less proves Saddam in 2003 had a program on hold for building WMD and that he planned to boot it up again soon.
This is clear, since Saddam acquired most of his uranium before 1991, but still had it in 2003, when invading U.S. troops found the stuff. (The International Atomic Energy Agency seems to have known about the yellowcake in the 1990s, but did nothing to force Saddam to get rid of it. It's duplicating its error today with Iran and North Korea).
That means Saddam held onto it for more than a decade. Why? He hoped to wait out U.N. sanctions on Iraq...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
To the MSM this is a non-story.
But Joe Wilson said they didnt want yellowcake. Oh wait he did but then he didnt. I found the silence in the media regarding the yellocake typical.
Supposedly, this huge amount of yellowcake was known about for thirty years (30).
Reply #31:
"This is not remarkable news- I believe this material was from Tuwaitha and the stockpile there dated back to the late 1970s when Iraq bought Nigerien yellowcake to produce fuel for its Osirak facility - which Israel destroyed in 1979?
After DESERT STORM The UN had the Tuwaitha stockpile pretty much under its observation, if not outright control.
The controversy with Joe Wilson and Niger was over whether Iraq was planning an additional future yellowcake purchase - this did not occur but plenty of good reporting indicated the prospects were at least explored by Iraq
which would have been necessary to establish a secret fuel materiel stockpile not under UN observation, possibly not even in Iraq but possibly in a country cooperating with Iraq (Libya?)"
What I’d love to know and I’m sure someone where did this 550 metric tons come from? I have not seen any news on where Saddam bought this stuff.
Sorry...forgot to add....I know ETL’s post suggests it was bought in Niger in the 70s, but that is the point the media chooses to ignore since it would suggest that Saddam would head right back to the place where he bought the first pile of yellow cake. That would make Wilson and Plame look really stupid and we can’t have that.
I can’t confirm it with a link but I believe I read on FR yesterday that it came from Nigeria but it was France that sold it to Saddam.
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