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Forum: News/Activism

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  • Activist calls for Pilgrim shutdown: But authorities want capacity kept high

    09/11/2001 6:30:54 PM PDT · by BansheeBill · 5 replies · 189+ views
    The Patriot Ledger (Quincy, MA) ^ | 9/11/2001 | JULIE JETTE and SUE REINERT
    By JULIE JETTE and SUE REINERTPatriot Ledger staff A member of a local town's nuclear advisory committee called for the Pilgrim power plant in Plymouth to close in the wake of terrorist attacks on the United States today. Energy companies increased security, however, and the agency running the region's power grid asked for a high level of capacity. Independent System Operator of New England instructed power plants to postpone maintenance, said Craig Kazin, a spokesman. "It makes all of the resources of the system available to the ISO in case we need them," Kazin said. The agency also cut dial-up ...
  • Schwarzkopf Calls Terrorists "Bastards"

    09/11/2001 6:26:51 PM PDT · by Lurking2Long · 132 replies · 256+ views
    NBC News | 9/11/2001 | L2L
    Just now on NBC during an interview, Schwarzkopf said the difference between America and these "bastards" (the terrorists) is that we took pains to protect civilians in Iraq while they (the terrorists) targeted civilians in America. Nothing follows...
  • Which planes went where when?

    09/11/2001 6:20:01 PM PDT · by TricornHat · 21 replies · 233+ views
    various news sources
    8:45 am EST World Trade Center (North) -American Airlines Flight 11: A Boeing 767 en route from Boston to Los Angeles. The plane was carrying 81 passengers, nine flight attendants and two pilots. 9:03 am EST World Trade Center (South) -United Airlines Flight 175: A Boeing 767. The flight was bound from Boston to Los Angeles. It was carrying 56 passengers, two pilots and seven flight attendants. 9:43 am EST Pentagon -American Airlines Flight 77: A Boeing 757 en route from Dulles Airport near Washington to Los Angeles. The plane was carrying 58 passengers, four flight attendants and two pilots. ...
  • The Times (U.K.) editorial and comments (combined to save bandwidth)

    09/11/2001 6:13:39 PM PDT · by Pokey78 · 6 replies · 225+ views
    The Times (U.K.) ^ | 09/12/2001 | various
    Terror for all: The day that changed the modern world By The Editors The United States, its allies and the civilised world are at war today against an enemy which, while undeclared, is as well organised and as ruthless as any that a modern state has confronted. Four aircraft, simultaneously hijacked and deployed in suicide attacks, have been used to kill thousands of civilians, to destroy two of America’s best known landmarks, to wreck the Pentagon, force the evacuation of the White House and bring the normal business of government to a halt. New Yorkers suffered an urban avalanche; the ...
  • ** Plastic Knives — Simple Airport Security By-Pass **

    09/11/2001 6:13:38 PM PDT · by Rosencrantz · 86 replies · 716+ views ^ | 09.11.01 | Rosencrantz
    We may be too quick to point fingers at the airline industry for lapses in security at large airports. If initial reports are accurate, as they no doubt are, hijackers took airplanes by force with knives. Plastic knives could easily have been smuggled past metal detectors. Disturbingly, a simple search for "plastic knives" online yields a number of hits, including THESE.
  • More than 200 firefighters feared dead in Trade Center Attack

    09/11/2001 6:11:39 PM PDT · by Walkin Man · 53 replies · 293+ views
    More than 200 firefighters feared dead in Trade Center attack Please pray for the firefighters loved ones.
  • Target: Humanity

    09/11/2001 6:09:35 PM PDT · by rebdov · 8 replies · 50+ views
    Times of India ^ | Sept. 11, 2001 | editorial staff
    The Times of India ">TODAY'S EDITORIALSTarget: Humanity he scenes of devastation were truly horrific. Huge swelling clouds of smoke, towering buildings collapsing, screams and sirens renting the air, as piercing as shrapnel. It could have been Kosovo, Beirut, or the West Bank. But in fact, it was New York City and Washington DC, the very heart of the fortress of democracy, now sought to be made even more impregnable by the Bush administration-proposed National Missile Defence. The loss in both material and human terms is collosal and will take months, if not years, to fully compute, let alone for ...
  • The Declining Terrorist Threat

    09/11/2001 6:05:46 PM PDT · by Nick Danger · 42 replies · 4,447+ views
    New York Times | July 10, 2001 | Larry C. Johnson
    The Declining Terrorist Threat By Larry C. Johnson July 10, 2001 WASHINGTON - Judging from news reports and the portrayal of villains in our popular entertainment, Americans are bedeviled by fantasies about terrorism. They seem to believe that terrorism is the greatest threat to the United States and that it is becoming more widespread and lethal. They are likely to think that the United States is the most popular target of terrorists. And they almost certainly have the impression that extremist Islamic groups cause most terrorism. None of these beliefs are based in fact. While many crimes are committed ...
  • Attacks-Victims-Capsules

    09/11/2001 6:04:20 PM PDT · by Irma · 6 replies · 377+ views
    AP ^ | 9-11-2001 | AP
    Some of those killed on flights commandeered by terrorists Tuesday: BARBARA OLSON, 45, was the wife of U.S. Solicitor General Theodore Olson. She was aboard American Flight 77 from Dulles International Airport when it crashed into the Pentagon. She twice called her husband as the plane was being hijacked and described some details, including that the attackers were using knife-like instruments. Barbara Olson was a chief investigator for the House Government Reform Committee in the mid-1990s. She later became a lawyer on the staff of Senate Minority Whip Don Nickles, before branching out on her own as a TV ...
  • The Telegraph (U.K.) editorials and comments (combined to save bandwidth)

    09/11/2001 6:03:21 PM PDT · by Pokey78 · 13 replies · 55+ views
    The Telegraph (U.K.) ^ | 09/12/2001 | various
    War to the death between America and Islamic terrorists By Daniel Johnson ALL we can do is to pray for the victims. As I write, we can only guess at casualties, but their number is evidently legion. The scale of the catastrophe was already clear to anybody watching the almost surreal pictures of the World Trade Centre reduced to an inferno, of the Pentagon in flames, of Manhattan wreathed in smoke, the Statue of Liberty rising above the billowing clouds like St Paul's in the Blitz. The destruction wrought by Islamic terrorists in New York and Washington constitutes a declaration ...
  • The Whore of Babylon?

    09/11/2001 6:01:43 PM PDT · by semaj · 10 replies · 21+ views
    Book of Revelations Chapter 18 | 60-90 AD | JEHOVAH as told by Saint John The Beloved
    REV 18:1 After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor. 2 With a mighty voice he shouted: "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird. REV 18:3 For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries." REV 18:4 Then I heard another ...
  • National unity

    09/11/2001 5:58:54 PM PDT · by Cletus.D.Yokel · 9 replies · 225+ views
    CNN | Vanity
    I hope this gets through. The Catholic cardinal of LosAngeles asks that we put a candle in our front window to signify our unity in Faith. I will have my wife do that tonight. I think that is a great idea. Let's show the cowars that we still have Faith. That we still believe in freedom. That we still are the greatest nation on Earth! Freep some candles out there!!!!!
  • America Reacts: As Shock Subsides, Anger Wells

    09/11/2001 5:54:45 PM PDT · by TomServo · 97 replies · 262+ views
    AP ^ | 09/11/01 | David Foster
    Far from the smoke and rubble, Americans everywhere reeled from the blow of Tuesday's terrorism. Then, as the shock subsided, anger flooded in. "We will respond," vowed Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill. "America's been attacked. Those who attacked us will pay a price." "I feel like going to war again. No mercy," said Felix Novelli of New York, a World War II veteran who served aboard the USS Intrepid aircraft carrier. "We have to come together like '41, go after them." For many citizens, from homemakers to lawmakers, the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington were a devastating bolt from ...
  • F14 buzzes small cessna in Seattle

    09/11/2001 5:49:31 PM PDT · by too-taxed · 24 replies · 196+ views
    Eye witness ^ | Sep 14, 2001 | too-taxed
    While watching news I heard jet engines. Knowing that all aircraft were grounded, I went outside to hear and then see an F14 buzz a cessna 152/172 flying over North Seattle. Impressive sight, that I never thought that I would see in American airspace.

    09/11/2001 5:49:14 PM PDT · by athiestwithagun · 5 replies · 96+ views
    Libertarian Enterprise ^ | Sep 11, 2001 | L. Neil Smith
    Special to _The Libertarian Enterprise_ Please copy and send at will, with proper credit Professor John Lott wrote a book a few years ago, called _More Guns Mean Less Crime_, in which he said things -- the mere title was enough -- that still have the victim disarmament crowd screaming and weeping. Today, after horrifying attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, we can now safely observe that no guns mean the ultimate crime. When I started writing my first novel, _The Probability Broach_, in 1977, I was just back from a national Libertarian Party convention where I ...
  • Bush Casts A Wide Net!!

    09/11/2001 5:44:05 PM PDT · by america76 · 1 replies · 41+ views
    Bush Speach
    George Bush- "We will make no distinction between those who have committed the act and those who have supported them." As I have seen posted here several times tonight, "No Arab will sleep tonight" IT WILL SOON BE ASS KICKIN' TIME
  • The GUILD 9-11-2001 God Bless America thread 2

    09/11/2001 5:43:47 PM PDT · by Hillary's Lovely Legs · 103 replies · 73+ views
    The Guild is our safe harbor in this terrible storm. Thread One

    09/11/2001 5:26:39 PM PDT · by Ronin · 30 replies · 189+ views
    Ronin ^ | Sept. 12, 2001 | Ronin
    Fellow Freepers in JapanCivilian employees of the U.S. bases as well as all non-essential personnnel of the U.S. Embassy have been told to stay home. All U.S. bases in Japan are at a very high state of alert.The U.S. Forces newspaper Stars and Stripes on Sunday issued a strong warning to all military and civilian personnel in Japan that terrorist attacks were likely in Japan and Korea. If I can download a copy of that story from the web, I will post it later on this thread.Please review your security precautions. Gather your family and fellow citizens and make sure ...
  • Is the U.S./Canadian border open for cars?

    09/11/2001 5:22:32 PM PDT · by Scutter · 4 replies · 22+ views
    Sorry for the vanity, but I have a friend who is in Toronto. She really wants to drive home via car but is not sure if the border is open. Can anyone tell me if it is or not?

    09/11/2001 5:22:26 PM PDT · by Paul_E_Ester · 14 replies · 195+ views
    Port Authority ^ | April 26, 2001 | Port Authority
    >>>>> The World Trade Center today became the richest real estate prize in New York City history as the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey reached agreement with a major New York City developer and an international shopping center operator on a long-term lease of the famous Twin Towers and other properties at the World Trade Center. Silverstein Properties, Inc., and Westfield America, Inc. have agreed to a net lease transaction for a term of 99 years, worth an estimated $3.2 billion on a present value basis. The net lease covers four buildings at the World Trade Center, ...