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  • Guaranteed House Fire

    10/24/2021 6:08:19 AM PDT · by NOBO2012 · 16 replies
    MOTUS A.D. ^ | 10-23-21 | MOTUS
    Although Halloween isn’t until next Sunday I declare today the start of Halloween week as the local Authorities have relegated Saturday, October 30th as Trick-or-Treat day. So time to turn your thoughts to the holiday that officially launches the Christmas season.You might want to consider what sort of treats you intend to hand out as trick-or-treaters have grown much pickier and judgmental over the years.Also note that while in days of yore disgruntled looters would be satisfied simply egging old Crabby Appleton’s house, the hijinks of the disaffected and disappointed have escalated in recent years.Disgruntled Portlandians express their displeasure last...
  • Jusstice and More Guud News

    12/10/2021 5:16:35 AM PST · by NOBO2012 · 2 replies
    MOTUS A.D. ^ | 12-10-21 | MOTUS
    Today we have several things to celebrate: Jussie finally got justice: guilty of 5 out of 6 charges. The charge he was acquitted of was “being a good actor.”More good news: Legacy Media tells us everything else is fine.See?JOBLESS CLAIMS LOWEST IN HALF CENTURY...Biden delivering fastest recovery in history…CRAMER: Economy is 'a juggernaut' now... 'Strongest I've Ever Seen'...But wait - what’s this?Inflation At 40-Year High Shocks Americans, Spooks Washington...It’s almost as if we’re living in parallel universes or something.Victim? Perp? Juggernaut? I’m so confused.I’ll just wait for Peppermint Psaki to explain why this isn’t really inflation but rather some sort...
  • Only One Color In the Box

    10/02/2020 6:27:50 AM PDT · by NOBO2012 · 5 replies
    MOTUS A.D. ^ | 10-2-20 | MOTUS
    The news that President Trump and Melania both tested positive for COVID-19 will allow the loathsome Left to demonstrate their true colors. “Paint it Black Hand” 2014, Shepard Fairey, alias Obey Giant They only have one color in their box of Crayolas. Black is technically not a color but the absorption of all colors and the reflection of none I anticipate that, as usual, they will not disappoint. Don’t worry troops, our President will find a way to beat this and turn it to his advantage. And let’s face it, better to happen now than the week before the election....
  • Pan Am games Child Fencing Model makes a “sacrifie” - Too Sexy For My Shirt

    08/12/2019 6:06:31 AM PDT · by NOBO2012 · 22 replies
    MOTUS A.D. ^ | 8-11-19 | MOTUS
    Unlike his assumed hero, Colin Kaepernick, Olympic fencer Race Imoden has a pretty good lock on his career: he has a day job as a super man-child model. Race Imoden’s publicity photo for the Wilhelmina Agency Why do you care? You probably don’t but Race (who names their kid “Race” – weenie liberal parents, that’s who) is the Olympic fencer who took a knee on the podium last week after his team won gold at the Pan Am games. Then used the opportunity to tweet his feeble mind: Never mind that he signed a statement promising to refrain from demonstrations...
  • Giddy-Up Cowboy, We’re Going To Make America Great Again!

    01/19/2017 7:25:30 AM PST · by NOBO2012
    Michelle Obama's Mirror ^ | 1-19-2017 | MOTUS
    Hey Hollywood Elite, # NeverTrumpers and Snowflakes United: are you boycotting the Inauguration? Need an “Inaugural Survival Guide?” Then I’ve got just the place for you; come to the Sundance Film Festival in Park City! I promise you’ll feel at home and will be entertained with all the politically correct and anti-American movies you can stomach. The inauguration of President-Elect Donald Trump is January 20, 2017 — which is also the first full day of the Sundance Film Festival. That’s already inspired multiple festival attendees to discuss how they might arrange marches or protests, and now the festival has gone...
  • Hillz is entitled to be Presidette, and if you don’t agree, you’re a sexist.

    03/28/2015 8:51:06 AM PDT · by NOBO2012 · 9 replies
    Michelle Obama's Mirror ^ | 3-28-2015 | MOTUS
    Ah, it’s good to be King Queen (is that sexist?)“We learned today, from her attorney, Secretary Clinton unilaterally decided to wipe her server clean and permanently delete all emails from her personal server,” he continued. “While it is not clear precisely when Secretary Clinton decided to permanently delete all emails from her server, it appears she made the decision after October 28, 2014, when the Department of State for the first time asked the Secretary to return her public record to the Department.” National Review Unfortunately, her emails were under subpoena at the time, so this could pose a...
  • 4 Weeks Left: Still Hitting Singles and Doubles Along With a Few Flies

    10/07/2014 7:07:19 AM PDT · by NOBO2012
    Michelle Obama's Mirror ^ | 10-7-2014 | MOTUS
    "But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them."Can we suck these eggs any harder?Today is your 4 week warning, people: the midterms are on November 4th. In order to assist you with your decisions I was going to recap all of Big Guy’s achievements during his first 3 historic quarters of play.Butt I see that Don Surber has already done that for us: nearly a trillion dollar stimulus that didn’t stimulate, a Cash for Clunkers program that was a clunker, Solyndra Solar which sunset shortly after the loan was gone, Obamacare – need...
  • 9/11 Memorial: If you can’t say something nice about Islam, #JustShutUp.

    05/16/2014 6:11:48 AM PDT · by NOBO2012 · 13 replies
    Michelle Obama's Mirror ^ | 5-16-2014 | MOTUS
    Finally, the 9/11 Memorial Museum opened yesterday.This New York urban renewal project brought to you by the Al Qaeda arm of Islamic terrorismThe memorial opened its doors after nearly 13 years of bickering with CAIR over how best to honor Muslims’ non-participation in this “man-caused” disaster.Deferring to the spirit of the adage “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all,” I’ll keep this brief. Like BO’s remarks: “Mr. Obama’s remarks were crisp and short. He was given just three minutes on the program, although he took nine, an unusually short speech for a president at...
  • Obama Has No Time to Discuss Benghazi, But He's Got Time to Change Punctuation Marks

    11/02/2012 8:48:53 AM PDT · by NOBO2012 · 3 replies
    Michelle Obama's Mirror ^ | 11-2-2012 | MOTUS
    Some time last week the Big Brains decided to change the period to an exclamation point in our ironic iconic campaign motto. And I must say, Lady M wears it well: So let’s have a little discussion about the proper use of punctuation marks: Use an exclamation point [ ! ] at the end of an emphatic declaration, interjection, or command. "No!" he yelled. "You do not have authorization! Stand down! Or you will be relieved of your command!" An exclamation mark may be used to close questions that are meant to convey extreme emotion, as in “Where’s our backup!”...