Posted on 03/28/2015 8:51:06 AM PDT by NOBO2012
Ah, its good to be
KingQueen (is that sexist?)We learned today, from her attorney, Secretary Clinton unilaterally decided to wipe her server clean and permanently delete all emails from her personal server, he continued. While it is not clear precisely when Secretary Clinton decided to permanently delete all emails from her server, it appears she made the decision after October 28, 2014, when the Department of State for the first time asked the Secretary to return her public record to the Department. National Review
Unfortunately, her emails were under subpoena at the time, so this could pose a bit of a problem for our inevitable presumptive next President. Some are now calling for her server to be subpoenaed, claiming it may be evidence of a potential crime.
Now, before you say anything, be sure to check the 12 words/phrases of coded sexism youre not allowed to use when referring to our Queen-in-waiting:
REPRESENTS THE PAST, (Butt, thats a good thing, right?)
OUT OF TOUCH (I wouldve needed two smartphones.)
And also before you start in on Hillz, allow we to remind you she was probably forced to resign as Secretary of State because Iran refused to negotiate for their right to build nuclear bombs with a woman. That means John Kerry is going to get HER entitled deserved Nobel Peace Prize. It doesnt get much more sexist than that. We owe her, big time.
And I dare say that if Hillz had been allowed at the negotiation table, Iran would already have their nuclear bombs and bunkers. Besides, everybody lies about email/servers. So dont tell me shes not qualified to be Queen of the USA just because she broke the law.
And if you dont agree, youre probably a sexist.
Posted from: Michelle Obamas Mirror
And a racist because she’s white.
unless it’s slag, get us the server... we’ll get the data from it
And a homophobe because she’s straight. No, wait — cancel that. Sorry, got carried away there.
YEP I’m a racist....I wouldn’t vote for that old hag if she was the only person on earth!!!!
Did you order the murder of Qaddafi ?
Did you try to have Assad assassinated numerous times ?
Did you hand the Russians the overcharge reset button because they were still upset that as copresident you bombed Serbia ?
Did you have Ambassador Stevens assassinated ?
Did you sign an agreement with Japan to assure Japan that the US, unlike France and quite a few other countries, would allow Japanese products to enter the US without even being tested for radiation contamination ?
Did you help orchestrate the coup in Egypt that put the Muslim Brotherhood in charge ?
Did you help orchestrate the coup in the Ukraine in return for massive donations by Ukrainian Oligarchs to your Clinton Foundation ?
Did you help send illegal weapons to Syrian terrorist organizations through Libya ?
Did you permanently delete your emails to cover up these crimes and more ?
Gee, sure hope I was not sexist with these questions.
Like all criticism of Barack Hussein Obama is greeted with crooked, pointed fingers and accusations of racism, any criticism of princess Hillary will be greeted with cries of “sexism.” It’s commie crap like this that sinks great countries. I’m no sexist or racist just as Hillary and Barry are not leaders. They both are just college flunky, Marxist losers.
I told friends years ago, that if this corrupt c*nt ever ran for president again, that her critics would be saddled with the accusations of "sexism" for going against her. The liberals will play the same old tired PC crap they did with Obama's critics in accusing them of being racists. They have no other leg to stand on as far as policy positions to win, so they resort to these phony fallback positions of ad hominem attacks.
More of these "sexist" dog whistle words coming soon to a theater near you....
Unless she really had the server wiped, which would be a deliberate act whose only purpose was destruction of incriminating evidence, they are still there, aren’t they?
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