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  • Bloomberg ready to spend at least $100M if he runs for White House in 2020

    12/27/2018 4:29:24 PM PST · by E. Pluribus Unum · 58 replies
    The Hill ^ | 12/27/18 01:31 PM EST | MAX GREENWOOD
    Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is prepared to spent upwards of $100 million should he mount a 2020 bid for the White House, according to CNBC. Howard Wolfson, the billionaire business magnate's top political advisor, told the news outlet that Bloomberg spent more than $100 million in his last campaign for New York City mayor in 2009. "Last time I looked, NYC is a fraction of the size of the country as a whole," Wolfson said in an email to the outlet. ADVERTISEMENT Wolfson added that Bloomberg would spend "whatever is required" on his own campaign if he...
  • Bloomberg eyed Sec'y of State position in Clinton's cabinet, latest release of hacked emails reveals

    10/15/2016 4:45:13 PM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 6 replies
    The New York Daily News ^ | October 15, 2016 | Laura Bult
    Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg had his sights set on being Hillary Clinton’s Secretary of State, emails from the latest WikiLeaks release reveal. WikiLeaks published a new batch of hacked Clinton campaign emails on Saturday which includes a June 3 exchange between Bloomberg aide Howard Wolfson and Clinton surrogate Neera Tanden about whether the former mayor would launch a presidential bid. Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress, emailed Wolfson a Twitter link to an article titled “NY Dems push Bloomberg to run for president” and asked him “What is up.” Wolfson quickly shut down hearsay that Bloomberg would launch...
  • Hillary's Former Spokesman: Lieberman Made 'An Effective Case for McCain'

    09/03/2008 11:50:33 AM PDT · by neverdem · 28 replies · 337+ views ^ | September 02, 2008 | Jim Geraghty
    Howard Wolfson, former spokesman for Hillary Clinton, just told Fox News that Joe Lieberman made "effective case for McCain" and gave "a pretty good speech." Chris Wallace, closing out his interview. "I guess payback is a... a whatever. Back to you, Brit."
  • Olbermann: Hillary's Wolfson 'Tokyo Rose' for Working for Fox

    08/26/2008 7:08:30 PM PDT · by governsleastgovernsbest · 29 replies · 2,538+ views
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann put their own feud aside to agree on something tonight. Hillary honcho Howard Wolfson is a puppet, nay, a Tokyo Rose traitor, for going to work for Fox News. It was the McCain campaign's use in its ads of Hillary's anti-Obama statements that triggered the outburst. KEITH OLBERMANN: Irony upon irony, instead of the commercials designed to destroy Hillary Clinton, [the Republicans] are using Hillary Clinton in commercials designed to destroy the Democratic nominee. CHRIS MATTHEWS: Those are crocodile tears. And you wonder whether an objective person, either rational or post-rational, would be able to...
  • Former Clinton Strategist Declares Obama Swiftboater D.O.A. [Howard Wolfson BARF Alert]

    08/20/2008 10:18:37 AM PDT · by freespirited · 25 replies · 187+ views
    Washington Independent ^ | 8/20/08 | Ari Melber
        Howard Wolfson, a former strategist for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and current Fox News analyst, has concluded that the first Republican attempt to swiftboat Sen. Barack Obama is a failure. In an analysis posted Tuesday night on his new blog, Gotham Acme, Wolfson discusses the contrast between Jerome Corsi's new book, "Obama Nation," and the effective lies of the 2004 swiftboat attacks:“The Obama Nation” contains no real revelation or new criticism about Senator Obama. ”Unfit for Command” purported that Senator Kerry did not deserve his medals and was not really a war hero. This was a big, easily...
  • Matthews Foresees 'Howards End' in Wolfson Move to Fox News

    07/08/2008 6:42:26 PM PDT · by governsleastgovernsbest · 16 replies · 166+ views
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    You'd think Chris Matthews might wish Howard Wolfson well on the news that the former top aide to Hillary Clinton has joined Fox News as a Dem analyst. Think again. The Hardball host has ungraciously predicted that the move to Fox could spell the end of Wolfson—and in doing so revealed his own pop-culture roots. Here was Matthews on this evening's Hardball: CHRIS MATTHEWS: Fox News loves presenting itself as the alternative to the other news networks. Roger Ailes, the guy behind the network, figures that the Hillary campaign needs a new home, now that she's out of the race...
  • All In: Matthews, Wolfson Play White, Puerto Rican Cards

    05/08/2008 3:37:27 PM PDT · by governsleastgovernsbest · 13 replies · 90+ views
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    Was it Hardball—or the World Series of Poker? Interviewing Clinton communications director Howard Wolfson today, Chris Matthews accused the Clinton campaign of playing the white race card. Just minutes later, when Wolfson accused Matthews of discriminating against Puerto Rican voters, Chris protested "don't play that card on me." Matthews began the showdown by rolling tape of Hillary repeatedly telling USA Today that she had stronger support than Obama among "white" voters. View video here.
  • Who's a Hoosier? Mitchell Turns Wolfson Jab Back on Hillary

    05/01/2008 12:24:11 PM PDT · by governsleastgovernsbest · 9 replies · 49+ views
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    It's turning out to be a red-letter day for Hoosiers. This morning, Joe Scarborough tricked Mika Brzezinski into agreeing that the famous coach of the Indiana basketball team was Bear Bryant, of all people, rather than Bobby Knight. This afternoon on MSNBC, when Howard Wolfson questioned the Hoosier bona fides of a superdelegate who today announced he was switching from Clinton to Obama, Andrea Mitchell turned the Clinton aide's gambit back on Hillary with a vengeance.
  • 'Howard Wolfson's Always Calling Around Threatening People'

    02/25/2008 7:42:40 PM PST · by governsleastgovernsbest · 39 replies · 496+ views
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    Tucker Carlson, on his show tonight, describing the Clinton campaign's press relations . . . TUCKER CARLSON: They're awful to the media: let's be totally blunt. They're awful to the press. They treat the press like enemies. [Clinton Communication Director] Howard Wolfson's always calling around threatening people. Threatening people! News organizations! They do that! People hate you if you do that. I mean, they've earned the enmity of the press, in my view. They have. I mean, it's been hard but they've done it. The affable Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post tried to take the edge off. EUGENE ROBINSON:...
  • Scarborough: Hillary's Wolfson Might Have Feeling 'Running Down His Leg'

    02/13/2008 7:10:38 AM PST · by governsleastgovernsbest · 34 replies · 48+ views
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    As fellow NewsBuster Brad Wilmouth has documented, last night an inspired Chris Matthews exclaimed that in watching Barack Obama speak, "I felt this thrill going up my leg." Joe Scarborough has offered a graphic variation on the metaphor to depict how the Clinton folks might be feeling this morning. It came at 7:05 AM ET during today's Morning Joe, subsequent to a discussion of Matthews' thrill-up-his-leg line. JOE SCARBOROUGH: Look at these numbers; the percentages of victories. You're talking about feelings? If I were running Hillary Clinton's campaign right now, if I were Howard Wolfson, I might have a feeling...
  • Exposing Hillary's Illegalities In Los Angeles Court To Begin Feb. 21! (status conference)

    01/31/2008 1:35:03 PM PST · by OPS4 · 85 replies · 17,848+ views
    Peter Paul Project ! ^ | january 2008 | Intermeddler
    The Hillary Clinton Accountability Project will shortly launch its fundraising drive to raise $500,000 to support the most important citizen’s legal initiative of 2008. The landmark civil fraud suit of Paul v Clinton et al which the California Supreme Court ordered to proceed against the Clintons, Grammys Producer Gary Smith and Clinton agent Jim Levin, will be set for trial and a discovery schedule at a special conference to be held in Los Angeles Superior Court on February 21, 2008. The first law suit in American history to bring a President and a Senator to court for defrauding the Senator’s...
  • Hillary Will Be at the Laff Shack All Week

    01/03/2008 8:41:45 AM PST · by governsleastgovernsbest · 15 replies · 179+ views
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    If things don't work out for Hillary with this presidential thing, she can always do stand-up comedy out in LA. Or not. If you didn't catch her side-splitter on last night's Letterman, you can view it here, as rebroadcast on MSNBC this morning. For those taking nitrates who might not want to risk a sudden drop in blood pressure by watching the clip, here's the text of Hillary's rib tickler: Dave has been off the air for eight long weeks because of the writers' strike. Tonight he's back. Oh well. All good things come to an end. Hillary, stop. You're...
  • Clinton Camp Pre-Spinning Possible BAD NEWS IN IOWA: Third-Place Finish Would Not Be Disappointing

    01/02/2008 1:06:50 PM PST · by rface · 53 replies · 395+ views
    ABC News ^ | 01.02.08 | RICK KLEIN
    As the presidential candidates engage in furious pre-caucus spin, one of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's most prominent Iowa supporters said Wednesday that she's already accomplished what she needs to in Iowa, and can declare success even if she finishes in third place. Asked if the order of finish matters, Former governor Tom Vilsack, D-Iowa, deflected the question. "She absolutely had to be competitive and she's accomplished that," he said. "Obviously everybody's interested in winning, and I think we're going to do well. It's tight. There's no question about that." In May, Vilsack was quoted in the Washington Post, saying, "There's...
  • Clinton errs on Pakistan

    01/01/2008 6:15:12 PM PST · by 2ndDivisionVet · 34 replies · 448+ views
    The Politico ^ | January 1, 2008 | Ben Smith
    Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton was praised in the wake of the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto for demonstrating her command of the players and the issues at stake in Pakistan, even as another candidate, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, was criticized for stumbling over details. But in two confident television appearances, on CNN and ABC, Clinton made an elementary error about Pakistani politics: She described President Pervez Musharraf as a "candidate" who would be "on the ballot." In fact, Musharraf was reelected to the presidency in October. The upcoming elections are for parliament, and while Musharraf's party...
  • The Bubba Factor, And Other Maladroit Clintonisms

    12/31/2007 6:51:20 AM PST · by jdm · 11 replies · 414+ views
    Captain's Quarters ^ | Dec. 31, 2007 | Ed Morrissey
    The Politico notes that Bill Clinton has fallen back on Bubbalistic campaigning in Iowa. The homespun wisdom of the former Rhodes scholar comes along with his wife's various regional accents, but as Ben Smith notes, usually much farther away from the press: Before he was a silver-haired elder statesman, ex-president, and globe-trotting do-gooder, Bill Clinton was Bubba. And out in rural Western Iowa, Bubba is back. ... While his speech differed little from the one he gives in upscale audiences, his presence there indicates both the potential his wife’s campaign sees in the West and the fact that the former...
  • felons removed from Clinton's TN steering committee

    12/25/2007 2:32:24 PM PST · by SJackson · 39 replies · 1,010+ views
    WBIR ^ | 12-25-07
    <p>Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign has revised its list of Tennessee supporters on its statewide steering committee to remove the names of two convicted felons.</p> <p>The original list of more than 100 committee members had included former state House Majority Leader Tommy Burnett and West Tennessee Democratic Party activist Gladys Crain.</p>
  • Hillary Clinton Net Worth $34.9 MILLION

    12/15/2007 6:13:01 PM PST · by COUNTrecount · 81 replies · 2,863+ views
    San Francisco Sentinel ^ | 15 December 2007
    WHAT SHE’S GOT Cash and Bonds: $30.1 million Life Insurance: $140,000 Retirement Funds: $33,000 Alternative Investments: $248,000 Houses: $5.9 million Mortgages: $1.5 million WORTH: $39.9 MILLION 2006 Income: $12.1 million WHERE SHE GOT IT When Bill Clinton first ran for President in 1992, Hillary provided most of the couple’s income working for the Rose law firm in Little Rock; he earned only $35,000 a year as governor of Arkansas. Although she takes in $165,200 a year as a senator, these days Bill is breadwinner-in-chief. His presidential pension is $201,000 a year, and he grabbed a $12 million advance for his...
  • Roadblocker: Hillary to hit all six morning shows Monday (sleep in tomorrow)

    12/16/2007 9:40:11 PM PST · by ClarenceThomasfan · 30 replies · 353+ views
    Time Magazines The Page blog ^ | 12/16/07 | Mark Halperin
    Clinton tries to extend Big Mo/turn-the-page storyline with Monday TV appearances on all six morning shows from Iowa.
  • Clinton on Skis: 'I Would Just Go Straight Down'

    12/07/2007 10:49:52 AM PST · by keepitreal · 95 replies · 356+ views
    ABC News Blog ^ | December 6, 200y | Eloise Harper
    Sen. Hillary Clinton, speaking at a ski lodge in New Hampshire, told voters she learned how to ski in the Granite State. "I would just get to the top and I would just go straight down. I never took a lesson. I thought I was a great skier because I was just rolling down that hill,"
  • Democratic Fundraiser Norman Hsu Indicted on Federal Fraud Charges (Hillary Fundraiser)

    12/04/2007 10:27:47 AM PST · by Ooh-Ah · 111 replies · 524+ views
    Fox News and AP ^ | December 4, 2007
    Just reported on Fox News