Posted on 09/03/2008 11:50:33 AM PDT by neverdem
Howard Wolfson, former spokesman for Hillary Clinton, just told Fox News that Joe Lieberman made "effective case for McCain" and gave "a pretty good speech."
Chris Wallace, closing out his interview. "I guess payback is a... a whatever. Back to you, Brit."
Lieberman was grrrreaaaat.
Lieberman was grrrreaaaat.
I’ve seen Wolfson on Fox a time or two...I like him. He doesn’t seem to let his party affiliation inluence his analysis.
I enjoyed Lieberman’s speech so much—light hearted yet very direct. And a few zingers.
Thank you Joe.
Hillary is telling her voters to vote McCain by not disparaging McCain, IMO. Her “endorsement” of Obama was nothing of the sort, LOL.
I want to know where she is on all this sexism. She yelled it out during her campaign. She must think this is beyond the pale if she is true to her word. Thoughts?
No thoughts beyond wondering if anyone has even taken the time to ask her about it. I think the media wants to forget about all-things-clinton now.
Wolfson also said that by backing his opponent in CT that this was what he’d been afraid of. Chris is right! Payback is a b(*$^
A few days ago - while on FOX - he was berating "the likes of Chris Mathews and Keith Olbermann" for criticising his even appearing on FOX.
The two Gold Dust Twins had apparently made disparaging remarks as to how traitorous this act was, and Wolfson didn't like it one bit. For a minute there, I thought he was gonna go Zell Miller on both of 'em...
I wish he’d have switched his affiliation to Republican during the’d give control of the Senate to the Republicans for a few months.
Fred Thompson is a good man, has the issues nailed, a wise head, a very qualified statesman, but speechifying last night was pushing it to his limit. His thoughts made me proud.
There is one line I would like to add to all the speeches I heard last night. It relates to our “winning in Iraq.” We are not the only “winners” and it isn't all about us. The Iraqis are the real “winners, “ and I'd like that pointed out IN BOX CAR LETTERS. We did it for them, we're doing it for the Afghanis. If we actually manage to bring bin Laden in, well, it's some small salve to our wounds, but we did it for others in the E.U., too.
And she has everything to win. There is no way she's going to help Obama. And as the victim of the very same smear and sexist attacks now happening to Palin, you just know she wants payback.
In the past I’ve despised Wolfson but I’ve noticed a change in him this past year. He’s pretty likable.
Well, from the standpoint of talking to the lemmings willing to vote for the Rookie, you have an effective question to ask:
“Look, you voted for Gore/Lieberman in 2004, and this year Lieberman, the guy you picked for VP is backing McCain, yet you still want to vote for Obama?
How irresponsible a choice does the left have to make before you figure you have to hold your nose and vote for a Republican? How bad does it have to get before you engage the noggin before you vote? The man you hired to be VP in 2004 did, and he backs McCain. What’s your story?”
I love that Geraldine Farrara still has not made a decision regarding who she’ll vote for.
Hillary has a third option, and it may seem like her best bet. If McCain wins and Palin disappoints us in office (perhaps in part because she is damaged by two months of vicious attacks), then Hillary doesn't have to run against Palin. In that case, she doesn't want to have angered conservative and moderate women by jumping on Palin this year, but she doesn't want to anger black voters by betraying Obama this year. The politically expedient answer is to stand aside silently, which is what Hillary is doing. I don't think she's flummoxed, her strategy is to let both of her enemies fight it out.
Lieberman did what he set out to do. He delivered a good, not great, but good speech. Probably about as good as can be expected out of Lieberman, he’s too monotonic to deliver exciting oratory, but he did deliver a good solid and decent argument for McCain.
I still to this day, and I know I’ll catch hell for saying it, but had the Democrats not gone completely insane and put Lieberman up as their presidential candidate in 04, Bush would not have won a 2nd term.
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