Posted on 08/20/2008 10:18:37 AM PDT by freespirited
Howard Wolfson, a former strategist for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and current Fox News analyst, has concluded that the first Republican attempt to swiftboat Sen. Barack Obama is a failure.
In an analysis posted Tuesday night on his new blog, Gotham Acme, Wolfson discusses the contrast between Jerome Corsi's new book, "Obama Nation," and the effective lies of the 2004 swiftboat attacks:
The Obama Nation contains no real revelation or new criticism about Senator Obama. Unfit for Command purported that Senator Kerry did not deserve his medals and was not really a war hero. This was a big, easily understood attack which went to the very heart of Senator Kerrys candidacy. In contrast, The Obama Nation contends that Senator Obama is a liberal. A Republican calls a Democrat a liberal? This is news? Who cares?....
In 2008 the Obama war room, progressive organizations like Media Matters and the progressive blogosphere attacked Corsis work aggressively, pointing out the many errors in The Obama Nation and Corsis own history of inflammatory comments quickly and effectively. The media, which all too often covered the claims of Corsi and his allies uncritically in 04, have focused instead on reporting the inaccuracy of his charges in 08.
The final point is the most important. If Corsi were covered like the swiftboat crew of 2004 -- just a source with a story to tell -- his attacks would make a bigger dent. Instead, he is often being treated just like every fact-driven reporter should have covered the swiftboaters -- as a politically motivated liar bent on destroying a political opponent and perpetrating a massive fraud on the American public.
Methinks spinning is above your pay grade.
I am currently reading that book and Howie, you are snorting into the wind!
In other news, Obama’s ‘lead’ in the polls has shrunk from +7% to -5%.....
Sounds like a Hannity & Colmes cage match in the making.
Attention producers 9PM - Wolfson vs. Corsi
If no one cares then why does he deny he is a liberal?
LOL. I remember the "impartial" reporting by the media about the Swift Boat book. First, they pretended it did not exist. Then, when that failed, they went into all out attack mode.
The other point the author tries to make is that nothing Corsi says is new. Well, it may not be new to political junkies. But it is brand new to the public. It's not as if the old media has spent much time on the Ayers issue, even though it has been out there for months.
If it had been discovered that McCain and Timothy McVeigh had served together in a right-radical organization and that McCain's kickoff fundraiser had been sponsored by McVeigh, the media would have been all over this 24/7 for a full month.
Wolfson is an arrogant, lying POS.
Fox is insane to hire these left-wing idiots. How about someone in the middle to discuss both sides of the issue rather than Wolfson and other Dem “strategists” lying about ODrama and the other Marxist terrorists?
Top 5 at a Glance
1. THE OBAMA NATION, by Jerome R. Corsi
2. STORI TELLING, by Tori Spelling with Hilary Liftin
3. THE WAY OF THE WORLD, by Ron Suskind
This is too funny. Obama is doing enough on his own to show that Corsi is correct. There may be a few details in dispute with Corsi’s book, but the overall concept is correct. The polls today show that.
Is that why it’s selling so vigorously? Two weeks ago, there was a big stack of these books available at Costco....only a few left this past weekend. Freddoso’s book is also selling well.
Do you remember Lawrence O'Donnell's tirade? Or Chris Matthews?
When Democrats say "Who cares?" it means they do.
They're really worried that their Wonder Boy is losing his luster.
People are beginning to scratch below the surface, and they don't like what they see.
Beautiful. That "pay grade" line is going to pay huge benfits.
Am reading Obama Nation which is a “play on words” for “abomination” per Corsi. There are many “new” revelations in the book, but more importantly Corsi shows how Boma tries to shade the truth in his own books and words. Boma admits to being “creative” in how he portrays his past life. Corsi also describes how he has training in profiling the psychological history of others. Without going overboard, he demonstrates just how delusional and fake our boy Boma is. As another writer said today, he is a “flake”. The book is dynamite. Corsi is a great researcher and a subtle writer. He is causing great damage, by simply revealing the truth, as he did in co-writing Unfit for Command with Swiftboater O’Neill.
That's the kind of 'failure' only a fool would refuse.
It might have failed if the Democrats hadn’t shrieked like scalded cats.
Obama was swift-boated by Reverend Wright. It was a direct hit amidships and he’s been taking water ever since.
Corsi is doing the only honest analysis that Obama is going to get; he’s doing the work the straight press won’t do.
Still, it was Wright who holed him below the water line, and its Putin who is in the process of finishing him off. No one believes Obama is capable of handling Putin. Not even his supporters.
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