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'Howard Wolfson's Always Calling Around Threatening People'
NewsBusters ^
| Mark Finkelstein
Posted on 02/25/2008 7:42:40 PM PST by governsleastgovernsbest
Tucker Carlson, on his show tonight, describing the Clinton campaign's press relations . . .
TUCKER CARLSON: They're awful to the media: let's be totally blunt. They're awful to the press. They treat the press like enemies. [Clinton Communication Director] Howard Wolfson's always calling around threatening people. Threatening people! News organizations! They do that! People hate you if you do that. I mean, they've earned the enmity of the press, in my view. They have. I mean, it's been hard but they've done it.
The affable Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post tried to take the edge off.
EUGENE ROBINSON: They're not the warmest and cuddliest campaign. You know, the Obama campaign has had no history --
Clinton backer Hilary Rosen cut in to chastise Carlson.
HILARY ROSEN: Well that's a grown-up thing, Tucker.
Carslon was implacable . . .
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TOPICS: Culture/Society; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: hillaryclinton; howardwolfson; msm; tuckercarlson
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To: Behind Liberal Lines; Miss Marple; an amused spectator; netmilsmom; Diogenesis; YaYa123; MEG33; ...
Not the cuddliest campaign ping to Today show list.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Carslon was implacable Whoa. There's a concept.
posted on
02/25/2008 7:48:38 PM PST
Steely Tom
(Steely's First Law of the Main Stream Media: if it doesn't advance the agenda, it's not news.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
What? The Clintons treating people like crap, bullying them, and crushing loyal souls?? Why, that sounds like something Obama would come up with ——
posted on
02/25/2008 7:51:05 PM PST
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Hateful Clinton thug (one of many loathesome Clintonista bullies) Wolfson:

posted on
02/25/2008 7:53:38 PM PST
(When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Brian Willians and Tim Russert will be moderating the 20th and hopefully final democrat debate, I mean how many debates does it take to talk about the same ideas?
On Brian's Evening News (NBC) tonight he spoke with Tim regarding Obama's surge in the Texas and Ohio polls. Tim and Brian could not wait to discuss how Hillary has to come up with a big something to make things finally surge for her.
So, I'm thinking, why are these two democrats making it obvious to viewers that perhaps they may aid and abet her during tomorrow's debate.
They should recluse themselves if they are in her camp, or in her "testicle lock-box".
posted on
02/25/2008 7:57:48 PM PST
(Hillary worked hard for children for 35 years-2 of those years were for finding her billing records)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
To: FormerACLUmember
Wolfson looks like one of those gay bar bullies I saw in a biker movie about trans-engendered Democrat politicians.
I’ll bet this prissy little puke thinks his Shiite don’t stink, any takers?
posted on
02/25/2008 8:05:09 PM PST
(Kalifornia, a red state wannabe. I don't take Ex Lax I just read the New York Times.)
To: FormerACLUmember
The people the Clintons surround themselves with speaks volumes.
posted on
02/25/2008 8:07:55 PM PST
(Homeschool like your kids' lives depend on it.)
To: ChocChipCookie
Anyone who would hire Wolfson, Blumenthal, Carville, or Begala individually would have to be of low moral character. Imagine someone who has hired all four.
posted on
02/25/2008 8:09:52 PM PST
(Enjoy ASIAN CINEMA? See my Freeper page for recommendations (updated!).)
To: harpo11
I’d like to “recluse” myself until after the election. And maybe for the next 4 to 8 years.
posted on
02/25/2008 8:10:42 PM PST
Past Your Eyes
(Bill Clinton: Life Member of the Liars' Club.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
The media don’t know what to do when they aren’t getting their ass kissed.
To: Past Your Eyes
posted on
02/25/2008 8:12:38 PM PST
(Hillary worked hard for children for 35 years-2 of those years were for finding her billing records)
To: FormerACLUmember
Howard Wolfson - probably spent time as one of those White House basement operatives during the Clinton years.
Wolfson looks like one of those gay bar bullies ...LOL! You are right! Not that there is anything wrong with that ....
posted on
02/25/2008 8:14:51 PM PST
(When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness.)
To: EagleUSA
Stunning, I was speaking to a Obama supporter who use to be a big Hillary supporter.
We were talking about the campaign and she commented on how mean spirited Hillary has been. When I told her she wasn't telling me something I didn't already know about her, she responded by saying, "Yes, but it was okay as long as they were attacking Republicans."
posted on
02/25/2008 8:16:23 PM PST
(Americans in arm chairs doing the job that the media refuses to do.)
To: puroresu; ChocChipCookie
Anyone who would hire Wolfson, Blumenthal, Carville, or Begala individually would have to be of low moral character. Imagine someone who has hired all four. Not to mention the evil "Pelican," a very dangerous black bag thug/operative/hitman type, employed by Hillary to shut up Bill's bimbos. Anthony Pellicano is on trial as we speak. He had a safe full of high explosives and illegal wiretaps all over L.A.
posted on
02/25/2008 8:20:53 PM PST
(When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness.)
To: FormerACLUmember
He looks like Satan incarnate!
posted on
02/25/2008 8:25:31 PM PST
(Michelle Obama is Aunt Esther, without the Bible.)
To: Palladin
For Hillary’s Satan see post 18!
posted on
02/25/2008 8:27:05 PM PST
(When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness.)
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