Hobbies (Bloggers & Personal)
... and it shall be named: POST-MENOPAUSAL ANGRY MIDDLE-AGED GUN-TOTIN' WOMEN FOR TRUMP!". I'll inform everyone soon as to when we're scheduled to hold a Zoom meeting, or whatever. LOL! -Silvie
On Monday, May 27, a cinnamon color phase of the common black bear entered the home of a long-time resident of Lake Tahoe, California. The bear has been reported to be a yearling. Yearling bears, recently separated from their mothers, have a difficult time establishing a territory of their own. Sometimes, sows, cubs, and young bears will keep close to human habitations to avoid being killed and eaten by adult male bears. A majority of young bears who do not reach adulthood are killed by mature male bears. It appears this young bear disputed the ownership of the house with...
Hello, I'm planning a trip to Dallas in the next couple of weeks. I know nothing about Dallas so I am relying on your collective experience to help me out. I plan on making a trip to Dealy Plaza and visit the 6th Floor Museum. Not much of an itinerary but that is what I got. I plan on being there on a weekday afternoon, spend one full day and fly out the next day. Looks like Dallas Fort Worth Airport will be my starting point. Any suggestions on motel/hotel places to stay-no AirBNB, good tourist places to visit during...
Not trying to sell anything to anyone, I am looking for anyone who has this radio and what their thoughts are. From all the articles and videos, I've seen, it's a Baofeng UV-5R modernized to 2024, which is easily hackable to expand the frequencies you can listen to. There is a ton of free public domain firmware available for download. I have one coming for $30 and I'm looking forward to finding out what this device is capable of, it seems like a cheap way to expand my knowledge and to throw into my emergency communications kit.
Demonstration of a LASER cleaning device in an automobile restoration shop.
Some people are born with natural talents that leave others in awe, and this includes amazing dancers. However, it turns out that dogs can also possess incredible dancing skills. On December 6, TikTok user Clarke (@kimberly5904) shared a video of his dog, Billy, who has some serious moves. This funny French Bulldog challenges his owner to a "dance-off" and definitely steals the show.
Have you ever seen a dog with extraordinary skills that make you question whether it's a four-legged creature or a wonder on wheels? Meet Lucky, a Belgian Malinois dog who is taking the skateboarding world by storm. With his insane skateboarding skills, Lucky is capturing the hearts of dog lovers all over the world. In a viral video on Pinterest, Lucky effortlessly glides through the streets, conquering every obstacle that comes his way. From stairs to turns, there's nothing that can stop this talented pup.
I inherited this candle holder, it came unglued, it is made of Silver and wood, I think it might be special but nothing comes up on an image search. There is some engraving but it seems to be mostly warn off. If any Freeper can figure it out I will send you 10 bucks in Starbucks or make a freerepublic donation for $20.
When a small black kitten arrived at a shelter in California, little did anyone know that she had just a few months to live. Despite her short time, this kitten named Footloose embarked on a heartwarming journey to fulfill her very own "bucket list". With the love and care of her foster parent, Footloose experienced an abundance of joy before passing away peacefully. This heartwarming story has touched the hearts of many, as seen by the overwhelming response on social media.
Freepers, I need some help and advise. The smart asses can take a time out. This has to be dealt with. It's destroyed my life. Grateful for legit thoughts. I have to get back to who I was. This cost me my family and everything else. Pre Obama freepers comments preferred. This will take a few days. Regards! Founded
For years, people have been purchasing solvent traps and following Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) procedures to legally convert the devices into suppressors by filling out an ATF Form 1, paying for a $200 tax stamp, and going through all the checks and balances. The ATF has recently started rejecting all applications to make a suppressor. In a letter written to federal firearms licensees (FFLs) on November 20, the Bureau claims that solvent traps never existed under federal law and most have always been unregistered silencers. Solvent traps are devices used to catch fluids from cleaning firearms....
Are you ready for a dose of cuteness overload? I've stumbled upon a video that will surely make your heart melt. This delightful footage, widely shared on Pinterest, showcases the remarkable synchronization between the dogs and their trainer as they effortlessly leap and skip the rope, achieving an impressive 11 skips in a mere 10 seconds.
Poor actions always have poor consequences. Here’s an incident that revolves around similar plot! A netizen recently asked, “Am I a jerk for suing my girlfriend after she had my 1967 Impala project taken to the scrapyard?”. We need you to find out! The Original Poster (OP) had a 1967 Impala 4 door that he bought in Feb 2019. A couple of months ago he bought his first house that had a 2.5 acre car garage. OP moved the car in and started tearing it down for a complete restoration. “I had the body in one bay and the chassis...
Sammie Nowakowski and Stephanie Buckman are indistinguishable twins, sharing an uncanny resemblance that would lead one to believe that their own families could effortlessly tell them apart. However, this assumption holds true for most of their relatives, with the exception of Buckman's son, Noah. A delightful video, posted on their TikTok channel, captures Nowakowski and Buckman seated on the ground, donning matching black ensembles, their arms extended in a welcoming gesture.
Need identification for this gun.
Welcome to The Bicycle Thread. A monthly PING List for bicycle enthusiasts to share experiences, information and ideas. 🚴♂️👍
Chess.com and Lichess will halt their relationships with St. Louis Chess Club and no longer provide support for or cover any of their tournaments in the wake of allegations of sexual misconduct, The Wall Street Journal revealed on Wednesday. In an exclusive story, the influential newspaper reveals how the two biggest chess servers no longer will broadcast, provide news coverage of or support tournament at the Saint Louis Chess Club.
Our friends at Factory Entertainment are boldly setting a new course… one where you’ll need deep pockets to follow. The company today announced a new line of planned studio-scale and studio-quality Star Trek starship models — the first of Factory Entertainment’s planned FE MasterWorks line — which aims to bring Hollywood-level recreations of the franchise’s greatest vessels out to those willing to meet the hefty price tag. We’ve got exclusive first-look video showcasing the detail in these large-size constructions here at TrekCore, so be sure to check them out below! Launching officially at San Diego Comic Con later this month,...
Poet Emma Lazarus was born on July 22nd, 1849 in New York City. She is most famous for the words: “Give me your tired, your poor,/ Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,/ The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me ....." She also had some great thoughts about the dangers of anti patriotic crap: "“Let our first care today be the re-establishment of our physical strength, the reconstruction of our national organism, so that in future, where the respect due to us cannot be won by entreaty, it may be commanded, and where...