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Keyword: dennisprager

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  • The latest Dennis Prager health update from his brother Dr. Kenneth Prager (making progress, hopeful he can move again)

    12/24/2024 11:12:17 AM PST · by vespa300 · 27 replies
    AM560 ^ | 12/24/2024 | AM560
    The latest Dennis Prager health update comes from his brother Dr. Kenneth Prager on PragerU.
  • Dennis Prager Can Now Mouth Words

    12/12/2024 12:09:22 PM PST · by Angelino97 · 35 replies ^ | December 5, 2024 | Luke Ford
    In a video released Dec. 2, Julie Hartman says she spent eight hours in the hospital with Dennis. “So many of you are asking for information… All we want is information. This is going to be weeks, months for him to recuperate. If we’re not telling you information, it’s not because we are withholding it. We don’t have information… Dennis is 100% mentally there. He even said it to me with his limited ability to mouth words.” I find it odd how everybody who knows Prager’s condition won’t say much about it. It must have to do with his boss...
  • What Happened to Dennis Prager? Mark Davis Asks for Prayers for Dennis

    11/13/2024 5:20:57 PM PST · by fidelis · 57 replies
    MSN ^ | November 13, 2024 | Ivy Griffith
    Dennis Prager is best known for founding PragerU, a conservative site that offers 5-minute video breakdowns of issues that matter to conservative voters. As an American conservative talk show voice and podcast host, Dennis, through PragerU has had influence over the political sphere for well over a decade.Yet it's not his politics making headlines this week. It's his health. Colleague Mark Davis called for prayers for Dennis on X (formerly known as Twitter), and Dennis's Instagram explained that he was dealing with a health issue. Here's what we know about what happened to Dennis and why fans are praying for...
  • An Update on Dennis Prager

    11/17/2024 7:06:14 PM PST · by SeekAndFind · 63 replies
    Red State ^ | 11/17/2024 | Jennifer Van Laar
    Our Salem colleague Dennis Prager, who's an absolute legend in the world of conservative media, talk radio, and truth-telling, was seriously injured last Tuesday in a fall at his home, and has been hospitalized since that time. We've all been praying for Dennis to have a speedy recovery since the moment we heard the— Dennis Prager (@DennisPrager) November 13, 2024On Sunday afternoon Julie Hartman, Dennis' podcast partner on "The Dennis and Julie Show," provided an update on Dennis' condition. She revealed that Dennis had surgery following his fall and that, "This is not a 'he will be back next...
  • Friends urge prayer for Dennis Prager amid hospitalization for 'serious' back injury

    11/14/2024 4:29:58 PM PST · by Twotone · 32 replies
    Christian Post ^ | November 14, 2024 | Jon Brown
    Friends of conservative author and radio host Dennis Prager urged prayer and poured out encouragement after the PragerU founder was hospitalized this week following a fall that left him seriously injured. "On Tuesday morning, PragerU founder and our dear friend, Dennis Prager, suffered a serious back injury following a fall," the X account of PragerU tweeted. "He's resting in a local Los Angeles hospital as doctors assess treatment options. We will keep you informed of his condition. In the meantime, Dennis welcomes the healing power of your prayers." Prager, 76, has been a nationally syndicated radio host since 1999. Prager,...
  • 4 Dennis Prager responses to Candace Owens on Israel and antisemitism

    10/07/2024 11:32:42 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 46 replies
    Christian Post ^ | 10/07/2024 | Samantha Kamman
    Dennis Prager implored people to read his letter to Candace Owens regarding her remarks about Israel and Jews, stating that although he wishes the letter wasn’t necessary, the pundit has made many claims that must be addressed. Prager, who was raised in an Orthodox Jewish home, is the host of "The Dennis Prager Show" and co-founder of PragerU, which promotes conservative viewpoints on various political issues. Owens hosted a podcast on PragerU from 2019 to 2021 before she began working for The Daily Wire (DW), a conservative news outlet. The pundit has since launched her own podcast after her public...
  • People Hate Those Who Fight Evil More Than Those Who Are Evil

    10/01/2024 4:57:53 AM PDT · by Stepan12 · 45 replies
    Townhall ^ | October 1, 2024 | Dennis Prager
    I realized something very important about the human condition when I was in high school.I realized that people tend to hate those who fight evil far more than they hate those engaged in doing evil.What made me come to this conclusion was the way in which many people reacted to communism and to anti-communism.To my amazement, a great many people -- specifically, all leftists and many, though not all, liberals -- hated anti-communists far more than they hated communism.Because of my early preoccupation with good and evil, already in high school, I hated communism. How could one not, I wondered....
  • Charlottesville and Trump: Will the Big Lie Finally Die?

    02/12/2024 9:38:34 AM PST · by SeekAndFind · 12 replies
    American Greatness ^ | 02/12/2024 | Steve Cortes
    Despite the clear transcript and video evidence exonerating Trump for the hoax surrounding Charlottesville, millions of Americans still believe that the 45th President was an open, brazen racist.“Hard to Kill” is a Steven Seagal action thriller from 1990 that garnered scornful reviews, though I loved it as a then-teenager. But that phrase, hard to kill, also aptly describes the “Very Fine People” hoax surrounding Charlottesville and the lingering myth that President Trump praised bigots there.In recent days, liberal social media rabble-rouser actor Michael Rapaport stated on the Patrick Bet-David podcast that “the Charlottesville, that I ranted about, I was wrong…...
  • American Jews Who Worked for a Secular America Made a Fatal Error

    11/28/2023 12:05:46 PM PST · by Paal Gulli · 28 replies
    Jewish World Review ^ | November 28, 2023 | Dennis Prager
    American Jews Who Worked for a Secular America Made a Fatal Error By Dennis Prager Published November 28, 2023 Since World War II, most American Jews have believed that the more secular American society is, the more secure their status.This has been, as I have argued all of my life, a colossal error. Indeed, it may turn out to be a fatal error. With the outburst of unprecedented levels of antisemitism, American Jews are living the famous warning: "Beware what you wish for; you just may get it."The primary reason American Jews have lived in the most Jew-friendly, even Jew-honoring,...
  • 15 Reasons Liberal US Jews Shouldn’t Be Shocked by Fellow Leftists’ Siding With Hamas

    11/10/2023 9:25:17 AM PST · by Roman_War_Criminal · 30 replies
    Daily Signal ^ | 11/9/23 | Dennis Prager
    Left-wing American Jews feel betrayed by the Left. It’s a Left that remains anti-Israel even after the greatest single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, and even though most Palestinians and their supporters explicitly call for the destruction of the Jewish state: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Progressive American Jews are shocked by their fellow progressives. But the only thing that is shocking is their shock. Here’s why: The Left has been calling for an economic boycott of Israel for decades and has labeled Israel an “apartheid” state. The Left labels America, the most tolerant,...
  • Test Your Knowlegde Of Israel-Middle East with Prager U

    10/31/2023 8:50:03 AM PDT · by Wuli · 20 replies
    Parger University ^ | 10/31/2023 | Prager University
    Take the Quiz and enjoy it too.
  • The Hamas Slaughter Confirmed Everything I Have Believed

    10/24/2023 11:48:52 AM PDT · by TBP · 36 replies
    Townhall ^ | Oct 24, 2023 | Dennis Prager
    Since the 1970s, when I was a graduate student at the Middle East Institute of Columbia's School of International Affairs, I knew what the Middle East conflict was about: Muslim rejection of a Jewish state in the middle of the Muslim world. To the best of my recollection, my professors -- most of them fluent in Arabic and all experts on the Middle East -- had it wrong. Being secular themselves and usually having a sympathetic view of the Arab world, they believed and taught that the issue was about land. They were wrong. It was always about Muslim rejection...
  • Moral Equivalence Means Either Moral Confusion or Hatred of Israel

    10/18/2023 8:59:11 AM PDT · by Paul46360 · 8 replies
    The Daily Signal ^ | 10-17-23 | Dennis Prager
    Moral equivalence has two purposes. One is to enable the morally confused to hide their confusion. The other is to enable the immoral to hide their immorality. Here are two examples as applied to the Israeli-Arab conflict: One is the assertion we hear regarding the latest Israel-Hamas war by members of the Western Left, by Muslim supporters of the Palestinians and even by a few individuals on the Right: “Palestinian babies are as precious as Israeli babies.” Professor Cornel West, a lifelong progressive running for president as a Democrat: “As I have said for the past 50 years, a precious...
  • Dennis Prager was wrong about thought and behavior in Judaism

    08/10/2023 8:15:43 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 19 replies
    Christian Post ^ | 08/10/2023 | Dr. Michael Brown
    What are we to make of the recent comments by Dennis Prager that Judaism only calls actions evil, not thoughts? And what should we think of his comments that someone deriving sexual pleasure from watching animated child porn was not doing something “evil”? (See here and here for relevant clips.)Christian readers are familiar with the words of Jesus, spoken in the Sermon on the Mount: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27–28)....
  • Arizona State University Loses Top Donor, Faces Probe from Lawmakers

    07/19/2023 9:15:11 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 12 replies
    American Greatness ^ | 07/17/2023 | Eric Lendrum
    Arizona State University (ASU) is facing two major crises at once, staring down the barrel of an investigation from the state legislature while at least one top donor has withdrawn his funding.As Just The News reports, the controversy began with the university’s firing of Ann Atkinson, executive director of the T.W. Lewis Center for Personal Development at ASU’s Barrett Honors College. Atkinson says she was laid off last month after she organized an event titled “Health, Wealth and Happiness,” featuring the conservative commentators Dennis Prager and Charlie Kirk. ASU, by contrast, says that she was fired because the center lost...
  • Dennis Prager Is Dead Wrong About Pornography: It’s Adultery, Not Adultery Prevention

    04/21/2023 9:11:34 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 112 replies
    The Federalist ^ | 04/21/2023 | Kylee Griswold
    Conservative Talk Show Host Dennis Prager not only gives men permission to use porn but implies their wives should be glad their husbands consume it.“Men want variety. … If pornography is a substitute for one’s wife, it’s awful. If it’s a substitute for adultery, it’s not awful.”These words came courtesy of one of the biggest conservative talk show hosts in America, Dennis Prager, in response to a porn question from Jordan Peterson during a discussion of Exodus for The Daily’s Wire’s eponymous series.This is “not a religious answer,” emphasized Prager — who comes from a Judaic background and claims to...
  • Everyone At PragerU Awkwardly Trying To Avoid Shaking Dennis's Hand

    04/21/2023 9:01:04 AM PDT · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 16 replies
    The Babylon Bee ^ | April 20, 2023 | The Babylon Bee
    LOS ANGELES, CA — On the heels of conservative media pundit Dennis Prager stating his belief that consuming pornography is acceptable if it keeps spouses from engaging in adultery, reports indicate the rest of the workforce at PragerU is now awkwardly making every attempt to avoid shaking Prager's hand. "Yeah, it just feels…icky," said popular PragerU personality Amala Ekpunobi. "We all have a lot of respect for Dennis around here, but that statement definitely made us cringe a little bit. He seems like the type of guy who would be diligent about washing his hands, but…I don't know. Fist bumps...
  • Dennis Prager: Is the Conscience Reliable?

    01/10/2023 8:17:31 AM PST · by SeekAndFind · 18 replies
    Townhall ^ | 01/10/2023 | Dennis Prager
    "A person's moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one's behavior" -- the dictionary definition of "conscience." Whenever I make the common-sense argument that people need to hold themselves accountable to a morality-giving, morality-judging God -- specifically, the God of the Bible, and more specifically, the God of the Ten Commandments -- a flood of incredulous, frequently mocking, responses immediately appears in the comments section and on atheist and left-wing websites. The gist of the God-is-morally-unnecessary argument is this: "Unlike Prager and other religious people, I don't need God to tell me murder is...
  • Hanukkah Made Western Civilization Possible

    12/22/2022 10:42:13 AM PST · by nickcarraway · 16 replies
    Fox News ^ | December 22, 2022 | Dennis Prager
    Were it not for its proximity to Christmas, Hanukkah would be unknown to most non-Jews and it would not be celebrated by most non-religious Jews. The proof is that the other post-Hebrew Bible holiday, Purim, while very popular in Israel, where it is sort of a Jewish Mardi Gras, is essentially unknown to non-Jews and largely ignored by most American Jews. Too bad. Hanukkah is actually of seminal importance both to Judaism and to the world. SNIP To understand why Judaism so bothered Antiochus, one needs to understand that no pagan religion completely rejected Hellenism. Judaism did. If Antiochus wanted...
  • Young Americans Voted to Ruin Their Lives

    11/22/2022 9:13:26 PM PST · by SeekAndFind · 34 replies
    Townhall ^ | 11/22/2022 | Dennis Prager
    This week, The New York Times published a column by a left-wing academic (forgive the redundancy), John Della Volpe, director of polling at the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics. In his first sentence, Mr. Della Volpe reveals his politics. He described young Americans as "stressed and sickened by thoughts of their rights and democracy slipping away." That is what Harvard and just about every other university tells America's young people: "Because of the Right, you should be stressed and sickened -- the Right is taking away your rights and destroying your democracy." The terrible irony is that there is...