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Articles Posted by Will_Zurmacht

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  • Finding her own voice..again.

    01/13/2008 5:11:45 AM PST · by Will_Zurmacht · 29 replies · 66+ views
    Newsweek ^ | 1/13/2007 | Will_Zurmacht
    Ok. Just saw Hillary has the cover of Newsweek with the "finding her voice" line. What struck me about this is the exact same line comes from Carl Bernstein's "A Woman in Charge". There is the section after the dems lose the house where she goes into a depression and she turns to new age guru's and Eleanor Roosevelt in order guessed it, find her own voice. The end result was the publication of "It takes a village". I can't believe she is reusing shtick from a decade and a half ago and people are buying it again.
  • Democrats in Striking Distance of Taking Senate

    10/02/2006 2:33:23 PM PDT · by Will_Zurmacht · 80 replies · 1,942+ views
    NEW YORK - Five weeks out from the midterm elections, MSNBC/McClatchy polls, conducted by Mason-Dixon in eight states, show Democrats are in striking distance of taking control of the Senate. The Democrats are very likely to gain several Senate seats with some races still rated as toss-ups. In the Senate, Democrats need to gain six seats to regain control of the chamber. Our polls show that this is certainly possible as five races are toss-ups, one now narrowly shows a gain for Democrats -- Pennsylvania -- and the party maintains control of Sen. Maria Cantwell’s Senate seat in Washington. In...
  • 30 Days-The Outsourcing Episode

    08/02/2006 7:12:26 PM PDT · by Will_Zurmacht · 13 replies · 332+ views
    If anyone is interested Morgan Spurlock's next 30 Days is on. A guy who was outsourced is moving to India for his old job...
  • Filling in for Art BEll-Kevin Mitnick talks with Steve Wozniak on Coast to Coast

    04/30/2006 10:28:12 PM PDT · by Will_Zurmacht · 299+ views
    Steve Wozniak-Apple Co-Founder-woz.orgGuest Host: Kevin Mitnick Filling in for Art Bell, Kevin Mitnick (email) will talk with Apple Computer co-founder Steve Wozniak.
  • KS Employers close so workers can join Immigration protests

    04/30/2006 8:24:47 PM PDT · by Will_Zurmacht · 80 replies · 3,231+ views
    Web-posted Apr. 29, 12:40: PM Rally to advocate positive immigration reform By Pablo Candia Dodge City Daily Globe Dodge City’s Latino community will participate in a two-day event Sunday and Monday to advocate positive immigration reform and defend immigrant worker rights. The first part of the event has been named "A Day of Unity" and will run from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Sunday, and "A Day of Action” will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday. The Regional Latino Affairs Council of Southwest Kansas will promote these activities in Wright Park. Organizers said they want to have a positive movement...
  • Why does my hotmail certificate link to the French National Police?

    04/06/2006 1:12:23 PM PDT · by Will_Zurmacht · 16 replies · 658+ views
    4/6/06 | me
    Sorry for the wierd post, but I went to check my hotmail and Firefox came up with a "Certificate warning" box. While it looked like i was going to hotmail via "secure.footprint", The certificate was actually linked to "" I looked at the detail and the organization which issued the cert showed "Gendarme Nationale"... So.. Have the frogs taken over hotmail security? Are cheese eating surrender monkeys hacking me? Or is this just your general web-based wierdness?
  • The Case for a Conservative Party

    03/27/2006 2:51:59 PM PST · by Will_Zurmacht · 30 replies · 415+ views
    Vanity Rant | 3-27-06 | Will
    I'm sitting here watching kids run rampant in the streets, demanding open borders, while our "conservative" President is singing "Don't Fear the Illegal" Meanwhile, My hometown has been inundated with people of questionable citizenship, we have beuiolt four new schools, two new jails, and the infrastructure of my old home town is on the verge of collapse. Wages are depressed, taxes are increasing, and my so-called "conservative" Republican party keeps telling me to bend over and enjoy it... When is enough enough? I'm at wits end with this issue, and I can only conclude that the Republicans and the Democrats...
  • Vanity-Any legal freepers with advice?

    01/02/2006 12:05:49 AM PST · by Will_Zurmacht · 182 replies · 2,501+ views
    1/1/06 | Will_Zurmacjt
    A quick question for legal minded fellow freepers. It seems I'm being sued in small claims court. It stems from an incident 6 months ago, I was looking to move and spoke with a realtor. I never signed a contract. I did fill out a "credit application". He advised me that the apt wouldn't be available for at least a month. The real estate guy told me he needed to "hold" a check for the first months rent. He advised he would not cash it until he received the contents of my credit check and a signed contract. He advised...
  • Mirecki hospitalized after beating (KU Relig. prof. who mocked religion)

    12/05/2005 8:13:08 PM PST · by Will_Zurmacht · 758 replies · 37,798+ views
    Lawrence Journal World ^ | 12/05/05 | Ron Knox
    Mirecki hospitalized after beating By Ron Knox, Eric Weslander (Contact) Originally published 05:37 p.m., December 5, 2005 Updated 06:31 p.m., December 5, 2005 Douglas County sheriff’s deputies are investigating the reported beating of a Kansas University professor who gained recent notoriety for his Internet tirades against Christian fundamentalists. Kansas University religious studies professor Paul Mirecki reported he was beaten by two men about 6:40 a.m. today on a roadside in rural Douglas County. In a series of interviews late this afternoon, Mirecki said the men who beat him were making references to the controversy that has propelled him into the...
  • Vanity? Question regarding a false accusation?

    05/07/2005 4:53:15 PM PDT · by Will_Zurmacht · 38 replies · 559+ views
    Sorry for the vanity, but I need to know what to do when someone has falsely accused me of attempted assault....I know it sounds wierd but it just happened about 2 hours ago! I was studying for finals today in the library of my campus and some ditzy gal comes in and sits across the room and starts talking on her cell phone... no big deal, but after a nearly a half hour it became really distracting, so I went over and asked her to "cut the talking, I'm actually trying to study here." ok, maybe not polite but it's...
  • Chat with Iraqi's..

    06/08/2004 5:57:38 PM PDT · by Will_Zurmacht · 7 replies · 172+ views
    Road of a Nation ^ | 6-8-4 | me, vanity
    Iraqi Blogs are moving into great new realms, many have areas where you can actually post with iraqi's. Didn't know how many went to these sites, just figured i'd give a heads up so fellow freepers could check them out.
  • Portest in D.C

    09/26/2002 8:22:26 PM PDT · by Will_Zurmacht · 14 replies · 3+ views
    Okay, I know this is just a silly vanity but I was reading about the scheduled "protest" of the World Bank, etc. I just got to thinking how funny it would be if some freepers in the area showed up and "infiltrated" the smellys. Dress up like the biggest tree huggin fool, pony tail wig, and granny glasses. Carry some easily read signs that say stuff like "President Daschle will end all War!" " Vote Democratic...End the Evil Capitalist War machine!", just some really over the top lefty $#!*. If at all possible seek out interviews with reporters, speak in...
  • Shootout in Ole Dodge City.....Pheng Phommachanh the Kid on the run..

    07/12/2002 6:33:29 PM PDT · by Will_Zurmacht · 5 replies · 39+ views
    Dodge City Daily Globe ^ | 7/12/2002 | Eric Swanson
    Police investigating shooting Two people shot early Wednesday; suspect still at large By Eric Swanson Dodge City Daily Globe A Dodge City woman and her brother were shot early Wednesday morning at 1705 W. Beeson Road, and the suspect in the shooting was still at large as of Wednesday afternoon. At about 12:28 a.m. Wednesday, officers from the Dodge City Police Department and the Ford County Sheriff's Office responded to a report of a shooting at the home at 1705 W. Beeson Road, according to a press release from the police department. Deputy Police Chief Tom Bos said Wednesday he...
  • Russia Proposes manned team to Mars

    07/05/2002 8:39:21 PM PDT · by Will_Zurmacht · 53 replies · 412+ views
    Associated Press ^ | July 5, 2002 | Mara Dellaby
    Russia Proposes Sending Team to Mars Fri Jul 5, 3:58 PM ET By MARA D. BELLABY, Associated Press Writer MOSCOW (AP) - Russian space officials proposed an ambitious project on Friday to send a six-person team to Mars by the year 2015, a trip that would mark a milestone in space travel and international space cooperation. Russia's space program hopes to work closely with the American agency NASA ( news - web sites) and the European Space Agency to build two spaceships capable of transporting the crew to Mars, supporting them on the planet for up to two months and...