I have a stupid question after scanning the article. Some of the victoms of the pox were buried hastily some times in a posible unmarked grave? Would it be possible, since imbalming was not done then, would the body make a good host to provide storage to the virus? With all the new construction plowing into a lost cemetary could it release the longivity type of pox?
According to another site our immunity has laspsed. Ten years is the max. Also the formula was changed in the early to mid fifties because they used the monkey pox. They discovered is had a carcenigen in it thats why most 90% of the population that was vaccinated 1955 and back have cancer!
Unfortunately when the s**t hits the fan; if through a bad mis coculation and they take me alive. I will be tried as a adult. As to your other point they are not here just me and some of my closest friends. As for the church I quit preaching along time ago; every one thought the tv had all the true answers. {BE WELL IN YOUR QUEST!}