This is yet another man (Vagarie or whatever) who believes his was is the only way and if you don’t do everything as he says it, then you’re not a conservative. We’ll I am a conservative and I believe that we have to move society to the right in increments - everyone here seems to think we can just win control of everything and in one fail swoop change everything back to the way we want it.
Sounds good in theory, but impossible to affect through legislation and even if you get the legislation, we have radical communities and cities (and states) who refuse to live by the Law of the Land (e.g. Sanctuary Cities). We need a leader who can affect change in the hearts and minds of the people - who will cause people to rise up as leaders in their own community to create the society we want.
While Fred Thompson may not be the perfect conservative, he is a good man who has the potential to be a “grandfather” figure to an entire generation of upcoming leaders. I was raised with Reagan in office and his demeanor and language effected me in subconscious ways that have instilled conservative values in me. I want my children to have a president who, while perhaps not the beacon of conservative thought, will lead the way be telling the people what he thinks is right and wrong and following through on that.
George Bush may not be perfect, but I have no problem having my children listening to what he says or admiring his life - studying his life. Same goes for Ronaldus Magnus and GHW. I believe the same would be said of Fred Thompson. He will be a strong voice for our general way of life, our belief in the basic tenets of humanity and the conservative construct. I will continue to learn more about him, but right now, for m money, he is the man I want in that office when GWB departs.
Maybe that’s image over substance, but for too long conservatives have let the “image” world of Hollywood craft popular culture while the conservative “image” have been left to the left to define. LEt’s let FDT be the image of conservative.
P.S. Wouldn’t mind seeing Rudy as VP and placed in charge of directing/overseeing the war on terror. Perhaps “Minister of Terrorist Justice”, not in charge of nominating Justices or Vetoing legislation.