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Keyword: antiamericanism

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  • Nolte: ‘Captain America’ Star Tells Europe Captain America Shouldn’t Represent America

    01/28/2025 7:01:19 AM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 63 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 01/28/2025 | John Nolte
    The Disney Grooming Syndicate handed the Captain America franchise to a star who doesn’t believe Captain America should represent … America. This is a kind of Dixie Chicks moment because the idiot did it overseas in Italy. Due to extensive reshoots, Captain America: Brave New World’s budget is reported to have hit something like $400 million. The sequel hits theaters in about two weeks and arrives after Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania and The Marvels tanked. Nevertheless, here is America’s new Captain America, Anthony Mackie, making it clear that he does not believe that a character named Captain America who...
  • Trump’s 5% NATO Goal 'Unrealistic' - German Vice Chancellor

    01/09/2025 9:56:40 AM PST · by marshmallow · 166 replies
    MOSCOW (Sputnik) - German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck called US President-elect Donald Trump's demand that NATO allies increase their defense spending to 5% of gross domestic product unrealistic, in an interview out on Thursday. "What Donald Trump is proposing is unrealistic. We will not end up with 5%," Habeck told the Funke media group. The Greens minister called for increasing defense spending to 3.5% of GDP, stressing that the increase would be temporary. "3.5% is roughly what is currently being discussed in NATO as a medium-term goal... If we ensure a reasonable level of security for Germany...
  • Get Ready For a ‘Wartime Scenario’ in Europe and Be Wary of Russia and China, Top NATO Officer Warns

    11/25/2024 12:21:49 PM PST · by 13Sisters76 · 84 replies
    Breitbart ^ | Nov. 25, 2024 | Oliver JJ Lane
    "Europeans must be ready to sacrifice some “luxuries” to pay to support Ukraine and to prevent a “wartime scenario” coming to the nations of the continent if they are insufficiently prepared, NATO’s most senior military officer said in a speech namechecking both Russia and China as threats..."- from the article
  • Mexico Builds New Interoceanic Railway to Compete With Panama Canal

    09/29/2024 10:46:18 AM PDT · by nickcarraway · 75 replies
    Greek Reporter ^ | September 29, 2024 | Christopher Gomez
    Mexico is building the Interoceanic Corridor railway to compete with the Panama Canal and ease international trade. The new railway would aim to relieve the burden on the Panama Canal, which is struggling to receive shipments due to a drought. The Panama Canal has raised toll prices nearly eight-fold, and water levels at an all-time low make ship passage through the canal challenging. Mexico’s Interoceanic Corridor The $7.5 billion dollar project will stretch 188 miles across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. The railway will move containers from ships to the train and transport them to ships on the other side that...
  • The United States Was Just Called a "Plague" by [Palestinian Authority] Mahmoud Abbas. Now what?

    08/20/2024 2:18:31 PM PDT · by Freeleesy · 31 replies
    CFR ^ | Aug 16, 2024
    Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas just told the Turkish parliament that "America is the plague, and the plague is America." Will the United States tolerate such attacks? What do Palestinian leaders say when they are not speaking in English? For decades, Yasser Arafat spoke of peace in English—but only in English. In Arabic, not a word about peace and compromise. In Arabic, not a word about peace and compromise. (Here, from 1997, is an example of the many articles about this phenomenon.) But Arafat has been dead since 2004, and Mahmoud Abbas has been the leader of the PLO, Fatah Party,...
  • Italy’s Meloni Signs Three-Year ‘Action Plan’ with Communist China to Bolster Business Ties

    07/28/2024 11:26:41 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 8 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 07/28/2024 | BREITBART LONDON
    BEIJING (AP) – Italy and China signed a three-year action plan on Sunday to implement past agreements and experiment with new forms of cooperation, Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on an official visit to the Chinese capital. Meloni is trying to reset relations with China as fears of a trade war with the European Union are interwoven with continued interest in attracting Chinese investment in auto manufacturing and other sectors.
  • A Controversial Opinion: There is No downside to the Nippon Steel/U.S. Steel merger deal

    05/08/2024 10:52:39 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 17 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 05/08/2024 | Leif Larson
    Growing up in San Bernardino, California in the 1980s was an experience that shaped me in many ways. One of the highlights of those years was playing high school football, and one of our fiercest rivals was Fontana High School. Fontana was known for having one of the toughest football teams in San Bernardino County, and our games against them were always intense and hard-fought. But Fontana was more than just a football rival. It was a town with a long and proud history of steel production. The Kaiser steel production facility, a major employer in the area, closed its...
  • Rutgers Caves to Pro-Hamas Mob, Agrees to 8 of the 10 Demands

    05/03/2024 8:32:07 AM PDT · by conservative98 · 27 replies
    Legal Insurrection ^ | MAY 3, 2024 11:00 AM | MARY CHASTAIN
    Rutgers President Jonathan Holloway agreed to eight of the ten demands given to him by the pro-Hamas mob that forced the school to cancel final exams on Thursday when they occupied Voorhees Mall.
  • Justin Amash of Michigan: The choice is clear

    04/27/2024 10:37:07 AM PDT · by RandFan · 27 replies
    Twitter/X ^ | April 27 | Former Rep. Justin Amash
    @justinamash The GOP field is now set for U.S. Senate in Michigan, and the choice is clear. I’m the only candidate with a record of following the Constitution, cutting spending, protecting free speech, fighting the surveillance state, and opposing the forever war. On August 6, we win big.
  • Macron outlines his vision for Europe to become an assertive global power . . . [Macron beats drum]

    04/26/2024 8:04:34 AM PDT · by aspasia · 22 replies
    AP/ Brittanica ^ | April 25, 2024 | BARBARA SURK and SYLVIE CORBET
    PARIS (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron warned Thursday that Europe could “die” if it fails to build its own robust defense as Russia’s war in Ukraine rages on, or if it fails to undertake major trade and economic reforms to compete with China and the U.S. . . . “Our Europe today is mortal,” Macron said. “It can die and that depends solely on our choices,” he added. He called on people to make those choices now because, “it’s today that Europe is between war and peace.”
  • The End of the Electoral College Is Finally in Sight | Opinion

    04/19/2024 2:31:03 PM PDT · by Baladas · 121 replies
    Newsweak ^ | Apr 19, 2024 | David Faris Associate Professor, Roosevelt University
    Earlier this week, Maine Gov. Janet Mills (D) decided not to veto an obscure law called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPV), which calls for the state's 4 Electoral College votes to be awarded to the presidential candidate who gets the most votes nationally regardless of the outcome in the state. The law doesn't go into effect, however, until states totaling 270 electoral votes join the compact. That's the number of Electoral College votes required to win the presidency. Once dismissed as an unworkable, almost farcical fantasy, the NPV just tallied its 209th electoral vote with Maine, and now...
  • Katie Couric: Class Resentment, Anti-Intellectualism, and Anti-Elitism Is Driving Anti-Establishment Trump Voters

    04/16/2024 8:30:38 AM PDT · by yesthatjallen · 78 replies
    Real Clear Politics ^ | 04 15 2024 | Ian Schwartz
    Katie Couric said resentfulness stemming from globalization is driving the anti-establishment Trump voter to the voting booth in an interview with Bill Maher on his podcast 'Club Random.' "I think that is a huge problem that we have to address," Couric said. "Globalization and the transition from an industrial to a technological society. I don't know if you've ever been jealous of what someone else has or resentful. It is such a corroding and bitter, almost vile feeling. I think that when people who are really struggling see people who have everything and are on top of that looking down...
  • Katie Couric: Many Trump Voters Motivated by ‘Anti-Intellectualism

    04/16/2024 10:41:18 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 120 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 04/16/2024 | Pam Key
    Former CBS ”Evening News” anchor Katie Couric said Sunday on comedian Bill Maher’s podcast “Club Random” that many of former President Donald Trump’s voters were driven by anti-intellectualism. Couric said, “I’m talking about overall income inequality and even taking race out of it, the huge chasm between the uber, uber, uber wealthy and people who don’t have 400 dollars in and emergency, it has never been such a stark divide.” She continued, “The socio-economic disparities are a lot and class resentment is a lot and anti-intellectualism and elitism is what is driving many of these anti-establishment, which are Trump voters,...
  • Indiana school facing backlash after forcing student to remove American flag from truck

    03/10/2024 11:35:30 AM PDT · by Skywise · 77 replies ^ | March 10, 2024 | Michaela Springer and Phil Sanchez
    A high school in southeastern Indiana came under fire on Thursday after forcing a student to remove an American flag from his vehicle. The student’s mother relayed the events in a social media post. Cameron Blasek, a senior at East Central High School in St. Leon, was called into the principal’s office on Thursday and was told to remove the flag or be written up for insubordination. The post says that after being told to take the flag off his truck, he pulled out the school’s handbook and “pointed out that nowhere in the handbook does it mention the word...
  • EU aims to shift European arms industry to ‘war economy mode’

    03/09/2024 10:45:25 AM PST · by Olog-hai · 55 replies
    Reuters ^ | March 5, 2024 1:00 PM UTC | Andrew Gray
    The European Commission will propose on Tuesday ways for the European Union to boost its arms industry so it can shift to “war economy mode” in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Thierry Breton, the European industry commissioner, will lay out proposals to encourage EU countries to buy more weapons together from European companies, and to help such firms increase production capacity, according to EU officials. “We need to change the paradigm and move into war economy mode. This also means that the European defense industry must take more risks, with our support,” said Breton, previewing the package. Breton, a...
  • You're more likely to live the American dream in Germany, Denmark, or Australia

    06/23/2023 12:34:45 AM PDT · by Cronos · 35 replies
    Business insider ^ | 22nd June 2023 | Matt Turner
    The American dream promises upward mobility. But a child born in poverty in America is more likely to face poverty in adulthood than in many Western countries. The American Dream might look a little different for everyone. But at its heart, it promises upward mobility, the opportunity to attain success no matter what situation you might be born into. Recent research shows that's more likely to happen in Denmark, Germany, Australia, and the UK. In a recent paper titled The Intergenerational Persistence of Poverty in High-Income Countries, academics at Bocconi University and Rockwool Foundation and Stockholm University explored how...
  • Why America Will Lose this War As every one Since WWII

    03/30/2023 11:58:43 AM PDT · by delta7 · 58 replies
    Armstrong Economics ^ | 30 Mar 23 | Martin Armstrong
    A number of people have asked why does Socrates say that the United States will lose this war. One states: “The standalone American firepower without UK/ France, etc, itself is tremendous. How does Socrates say that America will lose the war? It may lose financially. The Chinese have the worst track record in any war.” Perhaps I should just say, cyclically – it’s just TIME. The Neocons are in charge of this war. They are trying conventionally for their constant goal of REGIME CHANGE. They are doing what Khrushchev had threatened Communism would win and we will bury you. This...
  • How the world works (for dummies)

    01/23/2023 5:45:25 AM PST · by MtnClimber · 8 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 23 Jan, 2023 | Robert Arvay
    Poverty in America is so bad that some people can barely afford their cell phones. In much of the rest of the world, poor people starve to death, or die of what in America are ordinary, survivable diseases or injuries. In America, injustice is so bad that many lawyers appointed by the court cannot get their clients acquitted of the crimes they committed, and must settle for a plea bargain. Elsewhere, to be accused is to be found guilty and imprisoned in hell-hole cellars, innocence being irrelevant to the courts of so-called justice. In the U.S., police sometimes bruise a...
  • A war Russia set to win - - The Europeans have been nicely played by the Americans

    10/17/2022 6:49:09 PM PDT · by elpadre · 35 replies ^ | October 17, 2022 | MK Bhadrakumar - Former Ambassador
    (interesting pro-Russian article out of India - elpadre) Two massive terrorist strikes misfired spectacularly and a terrible beauty is born in the Ukraine war. These two carefully planned attacks in quick succession — on Nord Stream gas pipelines and Crimean Bridge — were intended as a knockout blow to Russia. According to President Vladimir Putin, people ‘who want to finally sever ties between Russia and the EU, weaken Europe’ are behind the Nord Stream blasts. He named the US, Ukraine and Poland as ‘beneficiaries’. Last Wednesday, Russia’s domestic intelligence service FSB identified Ukraine’s military intelligence chief, Kyrylo Budanov, as the...
  • Eastern Economic Forum plenary session On the Path to a Multipolar World

    09/07/2022 8:53:44 AM PDT · by Cathi · 2 replies
    President of Russia ^ | September 7, 2022 | Vladimir Putin
    The President took part in a plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum. The theme this year is On the Path to a Multipolar World. September 7, 202212:40 Russky Island, Primorye Territory The event was also attended by Chairman of the State Administration Council, Prime Minister of the Caretaker Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Myanmar Min Aung Hlaing, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, Prime Minister of Mongolia Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai, and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China Li Zhanshu. Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of Malaysia Ismail Sabri...