Posted on 06/20/2004 9:22:21 AM PDT by Mia T
This story merits its own book, but what deserves immediate comment is the willingness of the Clintons to risk everything to keep the cash pipeline open. Schwartz kept it open and full. Before he was through, Schwartz and Loral would donate roughly $2 million to the Clinton cause. Whether Schwartz gave additional money or favors off the books is a question that deserves asking.
A second question that deserves asking is just how much damage Schwartz, Berger and the Clintons did to America's national security.
A third question worth asking is whether Ron Brown's very real threats to expose these machinations led to his death.
Some dare call it treason: |
Rampant '60s liberalism was not the underlying rationale for The Gorelick Wall.
Rather, The Gorelick Wall was the underlying rationale for--The Gorelick Wall was (insofar as '60s liberalism was the Wall's apparent impetus) a cynical cover for --the willful, methodical malpractice and malfeasance that was the product of the virulent clinton strain of rampant '60s liberalism.
While it is true that The Gorelick Wall was the convenient device of a cowardly self-serving president, The Wall's aiding and abetting of al Qaeda was largely incidental, (the pervasiveness of the clintons' Nobel-Peace-Prize calculus notwithstanding).
The Wall was engineered primarily to protect a corrupt self-serving president. The metastasis of al Qaeda and 9/11 were simply the cost of doing business, clinton-style.
Further confirmation of the Wall-as-cover-for-clinton-corruption thesis:
Conversely, that it never occurred to anyone on the commission that Gorelick's flagrant conflict of interest renders her presence on the commission beyond farce calls into question the commission's judgment if not its integrity. Washington's mutual protection racket writ large, I suspect.
The Gorelick Wall is consistent with, and an international extension of, two essential acts committed in tandem, Filegate, the simultaneous empowering of the clintons and disemboweling of clinton adversaries, and the clinton Putsch, the firing and replacement of every U.S. attorney extant.
Filegate and the clinton Putsch,
The Common Man
Allegations of international clinton crimes swirling around the White House in 1995 and beyond support The-Wall-as-cover-for-international-clinton-crimes thesis.
Once the clintons' own U.S. attorneys were in place, once the opposition was disemboweled by the knowledge that their raw FBI files had been in the possession of the clintons, once domestic law enforcement was effectively blinded to foreign data by Gorelick's Wall, the clintons were free to methodically and seditiously and with impunity auction off America's security, sovereignty and economy to the highest foreign bidder.
Gorelick Agonistes
The Commission is interviewing nearly every major law enforcement and defense figure in two Administrations, and surely a Deputy AG was one of them. More than that, Ms. Gorelick was the author of a memo that has now become central to the debate over what went wrong before 9/11 in the way the U.S. dealt with terror threats.
Yet Ms. Gorelick now claims she can judge everyone else as a Commissioner....
No serious person on either side of the aisle doubts that the "wall" of separation between intelligence agents and criminal investigators... in her memo was a problem. Everyone also now agrees that poor intelligence sharing was one of the key reasons U.S. authorities failed to detect the September 11 plot....
Far from being unnecessary, Ms. Gorelick's testimony goes to the heart of the U.S. government's 1990s' failure to get its antiterror act together....
What is clear is that for some reason the nature and height of "the wall" underwent a qualitative change in the 1990s, as any investigator or prosecutor who dealt with it now says.
Whereas previous interpretations of the FISA statute had limited the ability of prosecutors to produce certain intelligence in court, the new rules effectively prohibited people from communicating at all....
[W]e won't have a clear picture until she and some of the other major players--including members of the FISA court--testify.
The 9/11 Commissioners are only undermining their own credibility in rallying to Ms. Gorelick's defense. Her conflict of interest can't be solved merely by recusing herself from discreet portions of the probe, since as a Commissioner she will still serve as judge and jury on everyone else in government. She should have recused herself entirely from even questioning John Ashcroft. We also take no comfort in Republican Orrin Hatch's endorsement, since one of Ms. Gorelick's former law partners represented him in the BCCI case and he whisked her through Senate confirmation in 1994.
The 9/11 Commission was supposed to be a fair-minded, non-partisan probe that would help our democratic government learn from its mistakes. Ms. Gorelick's failure to resign and testify herself in the face of a clear conflict of interest is reason enough for the American public to distrust its ultimate judgments.
Newly released Justice Department memos show that September 11 panel commissioner Jamie S. Gorelick was more intimately involved than previously thought with hampering communications between U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement agencies fighting terrorism.
As the No. 2 person in the Clinton Justice Department, Ms. Gorelick rejected advice from the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, who warned against placing more limits on communications between law-enforcement officials and prosecutors pursuing counterterrorism cases, according to several internal documents written in summer 1995.
"It is hard to be totally comfortable with instructions to the FBI prohibiting contact with the United States Attorney's Offices when such prohibitions are not legally required," U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White wrote Ms. Gorelick six years before the 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and at the Pentagon.
"Our experience has been that the FBI labels of an investigation as intelligence or law enforcement can be quite arbitrary, depending upon the personnel involved and that the most effective way to combat terrorism is with as few labels and walls as possible so that wherever permissible, the right and left hands are communicating," she wrote.
The documents -- released yesterday by the Justice Department at the request of two Senate Republicans -- drew renewed calls for Ms. Gorelick to testify publicly before the September 11 commission about the so-called "wall" between law enforcement and intelligence agencies that many have blamed for allowing the 2001 terrorist attacks to occur.
Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican, said yesterday that Ms. Gorelick's policies regarding the wall contributed to "blinding America to this terrible threat."
Also, he said, the newly released memos raised apparent conflicts with statements Ms. Gorelick has made recently defending herself and her role in the Clinton Justice Department.
"These documents show what we've said all along: Commissioner Gorelick has special knowledge of the facts and circumstances leading up to the erection and buttressing of 'that wall' that, before the enactment of the Patriot Act, was the primary obstacle to the sharing of communications between law enforcement and intelligence agencies," Mr. Cornyn said.
In a June 19, 1995, memo, Ms. White recommended a series of changes to a Gorelick policy that went beyond legal requirements in separating law- enforcement and intelligence agencies.
Memos show Gorelick involvement in 'wall'
(MP3, REAL, WINDOWS MEDIA, WINAMP)e would have it backwards and miss the point entirely if we were to attribute The Gorelick Wall and the attendant metastasis of al Qaeda during the clintons' watch, (which, incidentally, was then in its incipient stage and stoppable), to the '60s liberal mindset.
committed in tandem,
the product of a careful criminal calculus,
at once empowered clinton
and disemboweled his opponents.
clinton was now free to betray with abandon
not only our trust,
but the Constitution as well.
Mia T
February, 1998
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
missus clinton's REAL virtual office update
Her refusal to resign taints the 9/11 Commission.
Saturday, April 24, 2004 12:01 a.m.
Opinion Journal
from The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page
Jamie Gorelick has now issued her defense for staying on the September 11 Commission, and the usual media and Democratic suspects are rallying behind her. So let's put the issue as simply as possible: If Clinton-era Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick were not already a Commission member, does anybody doubt that she would be called to testify before it?
Charles Hurt and Stephen Dinan
Published April 29, 2004
The Mary Jo White Memo:
The memo explicitly warned that the protective wall the clintons and Gorelick were busy erecting (doubtless to blind domestic law enforcement to the clintons' illegal foreign schemes) would (also) blind domestic law enforcement to terrorist plots foreign and domestic.
From this it follows that Gorelick's Wall was not the clintons' and Gorelick's simple (albeit monumental) blunder.
Rather, Gorelick's Wall was no less than the clintons' and Gorelick's malfeasance--willful, self-serving and seditious--with the metastasis of al Qaeda and 9/11 the sorry endpoint.
NOTE: Bin Laden declared war on America throughout the clintons' watch. Had the clintons understood that this was war, not crime, that a terrorist war requires only one consenting player, Gorelick's Wall would be just another clintoncorruption footnote.
"The Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him [bin Laden].
bill clinton
It is critical to understand that this same terrorism-is-crime-not-war flawed, dangerous thinking animates John Kerry, and the left, generally.
A post-9/11 America must never again put these dangerous pre-9/11 dinosaurs in any positions of leadership. To do so would be to place at grave risk no less than our very existence.
copyright Mia T 2004
Documentation of clintons' and Gorelick's willful, seditious malfeasance
ary Jo White's memo is documentation of the clintons' and Gorelick's willful, seditious malfeasance.
White's 1995 memo effectively put the clinton-Gorelick cabal on contemporaneous notice that Gorelick's Wall was placing America at grave risk from terrorism.
Sunday, Aug. 11, 2002
Clinton Reveals on Secret Audio:
I Nixed Bin Laden Extradition Offer
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
NEW virtual john kerry can bore + snowboard at the same time series
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
This story merits its own book, but what deserves immediate comment is the willingness of the Clintons to risk everything to keep the cash pipeline open. Schwartz kept it open and full. Before he was through, Schwartz and Loral would donate roughly $2 million to the Clinton cause. Whether Schwartz gave additional money or favors off the books is a question that deserves asking. A second question that deserves asking is just how much damage Schwartz, Berger and the Clintons did to America's national security. A third question worth asking is whether Ron Brown's very real threats to expose these machinations led to his death. Some dare call it treason: |
Rampant '60s liberalism was not the underlying rationale for The Gorelick Wall. Rather, The Gorelick Wall was the underlying rationale for--The Gorelick Wall was (insofar as '60s liberalism was the Wall's apparent impetus) a cynical cover for --the willful, methodical malpractice and malfeasance that was the product of the virulent clinton strain of rampant '60s liberalism. While it is true that The Gorelick Wall was the convenient device of a cowardly self-serving president, The Wall's aiding and abetting of al Qaeda was largely incidental, (the pervasiveness of the clintons' Nobel-Peace-Prize calculus notwithstanding). The Wall was engineered primarily to protect a corrupt self-serving president. The metastasis of al Qaeda and 9/11 were simply the cost of doing business, clinton-style. Further confirmation of the Wall-as-cover-for-clinton-corruption thesis: Conversely, that it never occurred to anyone on the commission that Gorelick's flagrant conflict of interest renders her presence on the commission beyond farce calls into question the commission's judgment if not its integrity. Washington's mutual protection racket writ large, I suspect. The Gorelick Wall is consistent with, and an international extension of, two essential acts committed in tandem, Filegate, the simultaneous empowering of the clintons and disemboweling of clinton adversaries, and the clinton Putsch, the firing and replacement of every U.S. attorney extant. Filegate and the clinton Putsch, The Common Man Allegations of international clinton crimes swirling around the White House in 1995 and beyond support The-Wall-as-cover-for-international-clinton-crimes thesis. Once the clintons' own U.S. attorneys were in place, once the opposition was disemboweled by the knowledge that their raw FBI files had been in the possession of the clintons, once domestic law enforcement was effectively blinded to foreign data by Gorelick's Wall, the clintons were free to methodically and seditiously and with impunity auction off America's security, sovereignty and economy to the highest foreign bidder. REVIEW & OUTLOOK Gorelick Agonistes The Commission is interviewing nearly every major law enforcement and defense figure in two Administrations, and surely a Deputy AG was one of them. More than that, Ms. Gorelick was the author of a memo that has now become central to the debate over what went wrong before 9/11 in the way the U.S. dealt with terror threats. Yet Ms. Gorelick now claims she can judge everyone else as a Commissioner.... No serious person on either side of the aisle doubts that the "wall" of separation between intelligence agents and criminal investigators... in her memo was a problem. Everyone also now agrees that poor intelligence sharing was one of the key reasons U.S. authorities failed to detect the September 11 plot.... Far from being unnecessary, Ms. Gorelick's testimony goes to the heart of the U.S. government's 1990s' failure to get its antiterror act together.... What is clear is that for some reason the nature and height of "the wall" underwent a qualitative change in the 1990s, as any investigator or prosecutor who dealt with it now says. Whereas previous interpretations of the FISA statute had limited the ability of prosecutors to produce certain intelligence in court, the new rules effectively prohibited people from communicating at all.... [W]e won't have a clear picture until she and some of the other major players--including members of the FISA court--testify. The 9/11 Commissioners are only undermining their own credibility in rallying to Ms. Gorelick's defense. Her conflict of interest can't be solved merely by recusing herself from discreet portions of the probe, since as a Commissioner she will still serve as judge and jury on everyone else in government. She should have recused herself entirely from even questioning John Ashcroft. We also take no comfort in Republican Orrin Hatch's endorsement, since one of Ms. Gorelick's former law partners represented him in the BCCI case and he whisked her through Senate confirmation in 1994. The 9/11 Commission was supposed to be a fair-minded, non-partisan probe that would help our democratic government learn from its mistakes. Ms. Gorelick's failure to resign and testify herself in the face of a clear conflict of interest is reason enough for the American public to distrust its ultimate judgments. Newly released Justice Department memos show that September 11 panel commissioner Jamie S. Gorelick was more intimately involved than previously thought with hampering communications between U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement agencies fighting terrorism. As the No. 2 person in the Clinton Justice Department, Ms. Gorelick rejected advice from the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, who warned against placing more limits on communications between law-enforcement officials and prosecutors pursuing counterterrorism cases, according to several internal documents written in summer 1995.
"It is hard to be totally comfortable with instructions to the FBI prohibiting contact with the United States Attorney's Offices when such prohibitions are not legally required," U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White wrote Ms. Gorelick six years before the 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and at the Pentagon. "Our experience has been that the FBI labels of an investigation as intelligence or law enforcement can be quite arbitrary, depending upon the personnel involved and that the most effective way to combat terrorism is with as few labels and walls as possible so that wherever permissible, the right and left hands are communicating," she wrote. The documents -- released yesterday by the Justice Department at the request of two Senate Republicans -- drew renewed calls for Ms. Gorelick to testify publicly before the September 11 commission about the so-called "wall" between law enforcement and intelligence agencies that many have blamed for allowing the 2001 terrorist attacks to occur. Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican, said yesterday that Ms. Gorelick's policies regarding the wall contributed to "blinding America to this terrible threat." Also, he said, the newly released memos raised apparent conflicts with statements Ms. Gorelick has made recently defending herself and her role in the Clinton Justice Department. "These documents show what we've said all along: Commissioner Gorelick has special knowledge of the facts and circumstances leading up to the erection and buttressing of 'that wall' that, before the enactment of the Patriot Act, was the primary obstacle to the sharing of communications between law enforcement and intelligence agencies," Mr. Cornyn said. In a June 19, 1995, memo, Ms. White recommended a series of changes to a Gorelick policy that went beyond legal requirements in separating law- enforcement and intelligence agencies. Memos show Gorelick involvement in 'wall'
(MP3, REAL, WINDOWS MEDIA, WINAMP)e would have it backwards and miss the point entirely if we were to attribute The Gorelick Wall and the attendant metastasis of al Qaeda during the clintons' watch, (which, incidentally, was then in its incipient stage and stoppable), to the '60s liberal mindset.
committed in tandem,
the product of a careful criminal calculus,
at once empowered clinton
and disemboweled his opponents.
clinton was now free to betray with abandon
not only our trust,
but the Constitution as well.
Mia T
February, 1998
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
missus clinton's REAL virtual office update
Her refusal to resign taints the 9/11 Commission.
Saturday, April 24, 2004 12:01 a.m.
Opinion Journal
from The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page
Jamie Gorelick has now issued her defense for staying on the September 11 Commission, and the usual media and Democratic suspects are rallying behind her. So let's put the issue as simply as possible: If Clinton-era Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick were not already a Commission member, does anybody doubt that she would be called to testify before it?
Charles Hurt and Stephen Dinan
Published April 29, 2004
The Mary Jo White Memo:
The memo explicitly warned that the protective wall the clintons and Gorelick were busy erecting (doubtless to blind domestic law enforcement to the clintons' illegal foreign schemes) would (also) blind domestic law enforcement to terrorist plots foreign and domestic. From this it follows that Gorelick's Wall was not the clintons' and Gorelick's simple (albeit monumental) blunder. Rather, Gorelick's Wall was no less than the clintons' and Gorelick's malfeasance--willful, self-serving and seditious--with the metastasis of al Qaeda and 9/11 the sorry endpoint. NOTE: Bin Laden declared war on America throughout the clintons' watch. Had the clintons understood that this was war, not crime, that a terrorist war requires only one consenting player, Gorelick's Wall would be just another clintoncorruption footnote. "The Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him [bin Laden]. bill clinton It is critical to understand that this same terrorism-is-crime-not-war flawed, dangerous thinking animates John Kerry, and the left, generally. A post-9/11 America must never again put these dangerous pre-9/11 dinosaurs in any positions of leadership. To do so would be to place at grave risk no less than our very existence.
copyright Mia T 2004
Documentation of clintons' and Gorelick's willful, seditious malfeasance
ary Jo White's memo is documentation of the clintons' and Gorelick's willful, seditious malfeasance.
White's 1995 memo effectively put the clinton-Gorelick cabal on contemporaneous notice that Gorelick's Wall was placing America at grave risk from terrorism.
Sunday, Aug. 11, 2002
Clinton Reveals on Secret Audio:
I Nixed Bin Laden Extradition Offer
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
NEW virtual john kerry can bore + snowboard at the same time series
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
...and the metastasis of al Qaeda and 9/11 were simply the cost of doing business, clinton-style.
Gorelick belongs in the slammer, (at a minimum)... just like her bosses.
thx :)
You're welcome!
It was truly surreal listening to that interview when it was first broadcast. I was sitting in the parking lot of the Sikorsky helicopter assembly plant, having just turned on my radio to kill a few minutes before going inside for my appointment.
At first I didn't know it was Gorelick speaking, I just knew it was a member of the 9/11 commission, though I thought it was a mere staff member at first given the detached mode of speech.
At some point I was talking back to my radio, blaming Gorelick for the deficiencies the speaker was pointing out.
Imagine my shock at my sudden realization of Gorelick's complete & total detachment from reality, when the interviewer gave Gorelick's name at the end of the interview.
It being NPR, of course no mention was made of Gorelick's own involvement in the creation of the very (governmental) detachment she was now complaining about.
Gorelick: Detached both in mind & intelligence gathering.
BTTT...Gorelick needs to testify about her role in disempowering our intelligence agencies...MUD
This is how these people operate. Thx again.
I use various imaging, modeling, lip-syncing and animation software. Good hardware helps.
(To be sung to the Rolling Stones' "Some Girls")
Lib'rals steal yer money...Lib'rals steal yer souls!!
Lib'rals just crave Power...o'er lives that ain't their own!!
Lib'rals love their "Programs"...Lib'rals love to TAX!!
Lib'rals, we give most our bread to...We won't ever git it back!!
Lib'rals they LOATHE Liberty...DemRATS, They Love POWER!!
Lib'rals hide behind children...each time they beg fer MORE!!
So give'em all YER money...Do Just What Yer Told!!
Left takes more'n half of what I own...
But it's Right who's doin' the Chores!!
BigGuv'ment takes yer money...Leftists Corrupt Yer Souls!!
Lib'rals tax the shirt off yer back...and tell ya "You a selfish louse!!"
Lib'rals, they love JessieJay...Sharpton, they're UncleToms!!
American Left wants everything in the World...They're all TAKE and Never GIVE!!
Medyuh Whore'd...They're ALL Sissies...I can't stand 'em on TeeVee no mo'!!
Sometimes I venture over to CNN fer just a look...but I end up barfin' in the stall!!
White RATS, they're pretty funny...They think that 'Life's Soooo Sad!!'
Black Libs...they just wanna blame the damned Right!!
Self-reliance, they can't Stand!!
Chi-Com Spies are so subtle...They got Slick on his knees!!
But the Right knows 'bout what Left's cookin'...They're all Enemies of the FREE!!
Give Libs all YER money...Give Libs all YER Gold!!
Bought me a house outside the City...I'll educate MY kids in my Home!!
Yeah...gonna VOTE Dem Leftists home...
LeftWing spreads manure...Lib'rals Are Corrupt!!
Lib'rals warp their children...look at Chelsea, she's such a DUNCE!!
Give Slick half YER money...we'll put Slick behind bars...
Re-Impeach Left's Boy, I say...WE'll CONVICT the Left's Biggest Star...then Laugh!!
Make Slick his cellmate's "honey"...make'im a Prison 'HO!!
Let's CONVICT Left's Evil, FReepers...first step's to VOTE Conservative...Let's Roll!!
Mudboy Slim (9/23/2002)
bump thx
De nada, mi hermana...MUD
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