Keyword: gorelickswall
Last month presiding FISA judge Rosemary Collyer announced she would be stepping down early due to ‘health issues.’ Chief Justice Roberts tapped Judge James Boasberg, an Obama appointee to replace Collyer. On Friday, Judge Boasberg announced in an order that he has appointed Obama-era national security leader at the DOJ David S. Kris as amicus counsel to review the reforms the FBI will be making to its FISA application process. This order was in response to the FBI abusing the FISA process after it obtained a total of four FISA warrants on Carter Page. The government had until Friday January...
The City of Chicago is engaged in a legal battle against the Trump administration over the Justice Department’s policies towards sanctuary cities, and they’ve hired a firm that’s quite familiar with the President. Well, his family, anyway. The city is being represented by the law firm WilmerHale, with one of the attorneys on the case being Jamie Gorelick. Yup, the same Gorelick who up until recently was representing Jared Kushner in the Russia investigation, and still serves as his counsel (and Ivanka Trump‘s) for issues including security clearance and ethics compliance. Gorelick also served as Deputy Attorney General under President...
Although Ivanka Trump lacks a formal White House job, the president’s older daughter is moving into her own West Wing office, an administration representative said — a move that increases her profile as an influential, although unofficial, adviser to her father. Ivanka Trump will not be on the government payroll or officially bound by its ethics rules, but she said in a statement to Politico that she will “voluntarily” follow those restrictions. She also acknowledged the unusual nature of her emerging role. “I will continue to offer my father my candid advice and counsel, as I have for my entire...
Merrick Garland born and raised in Obama's Chicago Harvard Law ScoolJamie Gorelick's principal deputy In 1993, Garland joined the new Clinton administration as deputy assistant attorney general in the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. The following year, then-Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick—a key mentor of Garland's—asked Garland to be her principal deputy.
<p>WASHINGTON (AP) - A former senior executive at the National Security Agency was charged Thursday with lying and obstruction of justice in an investigation of leaks of classified information to a newspaper. Federal prosecutors said Thomas Drake, 52, served as a source for many articles about the NSA in an unidentified newspaper, including articles that contained classified information.</p>
We cannot let the moron appoint this woman to succeed Robert Mueller! This person is a national natural disaster.
Chris Wallace (filling in for Bret Baier)just reported that Fox News confirms that the CIA was tracking Northwest Airlines flight 253 bommber Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab since August. He did not say more than that. No wonder Obama spoke out again today about a systemic failure. He knew tis news was going to come out.This terrorist getting through our defenses is going to be the responsibility of his administration, not President Bush's.
October 01, 2006 Oh, The Mistakes We Made By Richard Reeves NEW YORK -- At the beginning of September, Time magazine gave over a big chunk of its space to a British historian, Niall Ferguson, to try to make sense of what happened in the United States after Sept. 11, 2001. He wrote looking back, as if it were the year 2031. It was an interesting idea and a smart enough piece, but confusing. The "looking back" device did not work very well. A reader had to keep looking back to figure out whether Ferguson was talking about 2031, 2006...
<p>FORMER PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON ON NOT CAPTURING BIN LADEN: 'At least I tried. That's the difference between me and some, including all the right wingers. They ridicule me for trying. They had eight months to try, they did not try. I tried. So I tried and failed'...</p>
Grab yourself a cup of coffee and head on over to TKS for the best summation of Able Danger as things presently stand. Or stay here and I'll summarize it for you. In very, very brief summation: The 9-11 commission did know about Able Danger; some of its staff were briefed on it twice, and the information got to some but not all of the commissioners What seems increasingly likely, based on the TKS summary and others, is that the commissioners who knew of Able Danger dismissed it because its Mohammed Atta timeline didn't agree with theirs. That in and...
Contact: Jeff Lungren or Terry Shawn, 202-225-2492, both of the House Judiciary Committee Staff WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 /U.S. Newswire/ -- House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-Wis.) released the following statement regarding the status of the House-Senate PATRIOT Act conference agreement: "Two days ago, House and Senate negotiators reached an agreement on a conference report that provides those entrusted with protecting the American people with the tools and resources necessary to do their jobs. The agreement was reached after an extensive and bipartisan legislative and oversight process. The House Judiciary Committee, which I chair, takes its oversight responsibilities...
In a wide-ranging exclusive interview with GSN on August 23, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, the military intelligence operative who collaborated with Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) to draw worldwide attention to the Able Danger intelligence unit, described Able Danger’s origins, explained how it tracked terrorists as they visited individual mosques around the world, discussed the CIA’s refusal to cooperate with the program, acknowledged the supporting technical role played by the Raytheon Company, and described Able Danger’s ultimate demise.
<p>The Pentagon appears to have reversed its position on Able Danger, the Army intelligence collection team.</p>
<p>A Pentagon spokesman now says “there’s no reason to doubt the specific recollections” of the growing number of team members. The team members say the project had pre-Sept. 11 intelligence on al Qaida, which Defense Department lawyers prohibited them from sharing with the FBI.</p>
WASHINGTON -- Pentagon officials said Thursday they have found three more people who recall an intelligence chart that identified Sept. 11 mastermind Mohamed Atta as a terrorist one year before the attacks on New York and Washington. But they have been unable to find the chart or other evidence that it existed. Last month, two military officers, Army Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer and Navy Capt. Scott Philpott, went public with claims that a secret unit code-named Able Danger used data mining _ searching large amounts of data for patterns _ to identify Atta in 2000. Shaffer has said three other...
Congressman Curt Weldon (R - Pennsylvania) gave another exclusive interview to Dom Giordano this evening (Monday) and broke the news that he will be giving a speech on September 8th (next Monday) during which he will present yet another 'Able Danger' witness. This new witness will attest (and will swear under oath when called) that he was "ordered to destroy records" relating to the 'Able Danger' program. This order to destroy the records occurred prior to 9-11-01. Weldon intimated that it happened during the Clinton Administration. The witness, who Weldon did not name, says that he was ordered to destroy...
VIDEO OF REP. CURT WELDON IN 2002, PRESENTING MUCH OF THE SAME INFO THAT HE NOW SAYS HAS BEEN AVAILABLE BUT IGNORED BY THE 911 COMMISSION: May 23, 2002 Featuring: Rep. Curt Weldon (R – PA) United States House of Representatives Hosted by: Kim Holmes, Ph.D.
What the team leader found that Sunday morning was nothing less than a complete documented record of operational ties between Iran and al-Qaeda for the critical months just prior to September 11. "The documents showed Iran was facilitating the travel of al-Qaeda operatives, ordering Iranian border inspectors not to put telltale stamps on their passports, thus keeping their travel documents clean," the team leader told me. "The Iranians were fully aware that they were helping operatives who were part of an organization preparing attacks against the United States." ... Most troubling among the seventy-five documents the team read that Sunday...
Even so, Czech intelligence informed the U.S. about this meeting shortly after the 9 – 11 attacks. In addition, other intelligence documents indicate that two of the four terrorists that piloted the hijacked airliners were in Germany from late 2000 to early 2001. It was during that time that German authorities arrested two Iraqi agents on charges of spying. One of the hijacker pilots, Ziad Jarrah, left Germany the same week that the Germans arrested the Iraqi agents. Reporting on the arrests, the Paris-based Islamic newspaper al-Watan al-Arabi linked Iraq to radical Islamic groups and Osama bin Laden. The paper...
BRYN MAWR - Tied up in traffic on I-95 from Washington, U.S. Rep. Curt Weldon arrived an hour late last Thursday for his book talk at the Bryn Mawr Barnes & Noble.The 10-term Republican congressman from Delaware and Chester counties' 7th District made up for it with an hour-and-a-half of chilling - some might say inflammatory - examples of how he says the U.S. intelligence establishment continues to miss or even ignore information about potential terrorist attacks that could eclipse the horror of 9/11.
"I am absolutely positive that he [Atta] was on our chart among other pictures and ties that we were doing mainly based upon [terror] cells in New York City," Smith said. .... Rep. Curt Weldon (search), R-Pa., arranged the media roundtable with Smith. Weldon drew attention to Able Danger by speaking about it on the House floor months ago and has publicly called for the Sept. 11 commission to explain why the intelligence information wasn't detailed in its final report. Besides Smith, Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer (search) and Navy Captain Scott Philpott (search) have also gone on the record, saying...