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NEW! virtual hillary (talks) movie: WHEN TO BOMB
missus clinton's mouth, "Losing bin Laden-How Bill Clinton's Failures Unleashed Global Terror"
| 2.13.04
| Mia T
Posted on 02/13/2004 8:59:14 AM PST by Mia T
TOPICS: Anthrax Scare; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government; Israel; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Arkansas; US: Illinois; US: New York
KEYWORDS: 60minutes; 911; 911attacks; 911commission; 911investigation; abunidal; abuseofpower; abuseofwomen; agitpropmachine; alqaeda; alqaedairaq; alqaida; alqaidairaq; antisemitism; arkansas; arnold; arnoldschwarzenegger; autoimpeach; autoindict; bayh; betseywright; biggestloser; bigot; bigots; bill911; billclinton; billydale; bimboeruptions; blameamericafirst; bobdole; bookdeal; bot; broaddrick; caelectoralvotes; california; cbs; cbsnews; cbsviacom; charlieyahlintrie; china; chinagate; chinaresources; chinesetakeout; clinton; clinton911; clintonarrogance; clintonbigot; clintonbigots; clintoncontempt; clintoncorruption; clintondemagoguery; clintondysfunction; clintonfailure; clintonfelons; clintonineptitude; clintonintimidation; clintonism; clintonjunkets; clintonlegacy; clintonliars; clintonobstruction; clintonpredation; clintonpsychopathy; clintonracism; clintonrage; clintonrape; clintonrapes; clintonrevisionism; clintons; clintons911; clintonsedition; clintonsrrapists; clintonstupidity; clintontreason; clintonviolence; collui; confess; congenitalliar; corapist; costind; coverup; coverupqueen; denial; ethnicslurs; evanbayh; eyeswideshut; failedcrook; falseaffidavits; faustianbargain; fkingjewbastard; footinmouth; gandhi; gandhijoke; gasstation; google; googleloser; googling; gulpingforair; halfabrain; halfahouse; harrywu; heilhitlery; helltopay; herheinous; hildebeast; hillary; hillary911; hillaryblog; hillarybot; hillaryclinton; hillaryconfesses; hillaryknew; hillaryliar; hillaryrape; hillaryraped2; hillaryrapedtoo; hillarysedition; hillaryspeaks; hillaryssedition; hillarystinear; hillarystreason; hillarytalks; hillarytalksorg; hillarytalksus; hillarytreason; hillarywho; hoosegow4hillary; indict; inoculation; intimidation; iowa; iraq; jamesriady; jewbastard; johnhuang; johnnychung; juanita; juanitabroaddrick; kathleenwilley; keywordspam; launderingmachine; lauriemylroie; letatcestmoi; lippo; lippobank; mediabias; memogate; memogate1; ministering; ministeringgirls; mistakenconceptzia; moctarriady; mohamedatta; moneylaundering; moseleybraun; nationalsecurity; nglapseng; noeyecontact; notratrulock; nword; obstructionofjustice; paulfray; payoff; pla; predator; predators; quidproquo; rape; rapist; rapistclintons; rapists; recall; reddragonrising; revisionism; riady; safire; schwarzenegger; secretpolice; sedition; seebs; seebsnews; selfimpeach; selfindict; sheknewsheraped2; simonschuster; slushfund; standbyyourman; tammywynette; tessellationsplanet; thanksgiving; thepredator; theterrorismstupid; thomaskean; tinear; travelgate; treason; turkey; turkeys; utterfailure; viacom; viacommie; victimizer; virtualhillary; wearethepresident; whitewater; wot; youknow; zeitgeist; zipperhoisted
posted on
02/13/2004 8:59:41 AM PST
Mia T
To: jla
thx for the find ping
posted on
02/13/2004 9:01:35 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: WorkingClassFilth; Brian Allen
hillary talks: ON TERROR
(reinstalling clintons in White House-1 advantage over suicide)
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: L'Etat, c'est moi! (Iowa parsed)
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: ON STANDING BY MY MAN (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: ON CHINA
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: ON VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: clintons KAY-oed
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
hillary talks: On Gandhi & Gas Stations
(Why it DOES matter...)
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: On Military Tactics WHEN TO BOMB
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: ON CLINTON "FINANCES"
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: ON PREDATORS
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: ON TRAVEL OFFICE
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: On White House Coverups
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
hillary talks:
"You know."
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: ON MILITARY TACTICS The Easy Part
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: On White House "ministering"
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: On Ethnic Slurs
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: On White House Intimidation
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
copyright Mia T 2004 |
posted on
02/13/2004 9:13:39 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: Mia T
I actually checked out the official website for "friends of hillary". Has anyone read the gushing notes of support on there? Bleeeech. How much trouble can I get into, if I tell Hill how much I appreciate her existence on earth?
posted on
02/13/2004 9:24:33 AM PST
(Until Kofi Annan rides the Jerusalem RTD....nothing will change.)
To: WorkingClassFilth; jla; Gail Wynand; Brian Allen; Lonesome in Massachussets; thesummerwind; ...
posted on
02/13/2004 9:29:15 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: Mia T
When to bomb, when Bill has screwed up.
posted on
02/13/2004 9:39:02 AM PST
(<a href="" target="_blank">miserable failure)
To: Mia T
posted on
02/13/2004 9:41:52 AM PST
(Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965
To: Mia T
G-d save US FRom these loathsome and fearsome lying, looting, thieving, mass-murdering, co-serial-rapist traitor bastard spawn of more than seven decades of unchecked Communist Party of America-descended "DemocRAT" control of the feral gummint's confiscation and looting and squandering of scores of Trillions of Good American Dollars.
posted on
02/13/2004 10:00:30 AM PST
Brian Allen
("I don't belong to no organized political party -- I'm a Republykin!" - With Apologies to J Robinson)
To: TheSpottedOwl
That is the list of enemies of the state and mal-contents.
Every generation has them.
Ops4 God Bless America!
posted on
02/13/2004 11:40:18 AM PST
To: Brian Allen; All
Lopez: You sorta defend Clinton against "wag the dog" criticisms in regard to that infamous August 1998 (Monica times) bombing of a pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan and some bin Laden strongholds in Afghanistan. That wasn't the problem, was it &emdash; that we fired then?Miniter: Certainly the timing is suspicious. The day before the East African-embassy bombings, Monica Lewinsky had recanted her prior affidavit denying a sexual relationship with Clinton. The sex scandals kicked into overdrive. Still, the president wasn't doing too much in combating bin Laden because of his sex scandals &emdash; he was doing too little. He should have launched more missile strikes against bin Laden and the hell with the political timing. Besides, after the East African-embassy bombings, any president would have been negligent not to strike back. If he had not, it would be open season on Americans. He would have been as ineffectual as Carter was during the Tehran hostage crisis. Indeed, this was the mistake made following the attack on the USS Cole. But Clinton was distracted by sex and campaign-finance scandals and his political support was already heavily leveraged to get him through those scandals. If he fought bin Laden more vigorously, the leftwing of the Democratic party might have deserted him &emdash; which could have cost him the White House. Instead Clinton's token, ineffectual missile strikes that only emboldened bin Laden. He believed that America was too intimidated to fight back &emdash; and was free to plan one of the most-murderous terrorist attacks in history.
THE MOVIE hillary talks: On Military Tactics WHEN TO BOMB
Miniter's reasoning here is a bit weak. It is precisely the clintons' bin-Laden-emboldening inaction to the attack on the USS Cole and the clintons' bin-Laden-emboldening token, ineffectual, August 1998 missile strikes of aspirin factories and empty tents that eliminate "bin-Laden-emboldenment avoidance" as the rationale for the latter decision and support "wag the dog," instead. Taken together, feckless clinton inaction and feckless clinton action serve only to reinforce the almost universally held notion: the clinton calculus was, is, and always will be, solely self-serving. In the case of the non-response to the attack on the Cole, an unambiguous act of war, the clinton rationale, according to no less than Madeleine Albright, was a clinton Nobel Peace Prize by Arab appeasement. i.e., a clinton Nobel Peace Prize by bin-Laden-emboldenment. And in the case of the curiously-timed, ineffectual (and, therefore, bin-Laden-emboldening) token missile strikes, the clinton rationale was Lewinsky-recantation distraction -- clearly not bin-Laden-emboldenment avoidance. (This is not to say there wasn't a Nobel factor here, too. Obsolete intelligence, bolstered by the redundancy of a clinton tipoff, ensured that both bin Laden and the Mideast Muslim ego would escape unscathed.) |
- WASHINGTON -- Two Norwegian public-relations executives and one member of the Norwegian Parliament say they were contacted by the White House to help campaign for President Clinton to receive this year's Nobel Peace Prize for his work in trying to negotiate peace in the Middle East.
Clinton Lobbies for Nobel Prize: What a Punk White House Lobbied For Clinton Nobel Peace Prize Updated Friday, October 13, 2000 By Rita Cosby -
- There's been speculation in the last few months that Clinton was pursuing a Mideast peace accord in an effort to win the prize and secure his legacy as president.
- At the time, clinton observed: "I made more progress in the Middle East than I did between Socks and Buddy." Retrospectively, it is clear that clinton's characterization was not correct.
Buddy Death Report Raises More Questions Than It Answers
COMING APART: What clinton was REALLY saying. . . and why. . . when he bashed Bush in Canada ADDENDUM 12.13.03:
As for pathologic self-interest, check out Richard Miniter's C-SPAN interview; the interview is contained in my latest virtual hillary movie (below), hillary talks:ON TERROR; it is absolutely devastating for the clintons. Miniter lays out in sickening detail the clintons' monumental failure to protect America.
Note in particular Madeleine Albright's shocking reason given at the time of the USS Cole attack why the clinton administration should not respond militarily. It tell us everything we need to know about the clintons. It tell us why clinton redux is an absolutely suicidal notion. Notwithstanding their cowardice, corruption, perfidy and essential stupidity, the clintons, according to Albright, made their decision not to go after the terrorists primarily to enhance their own legacy and power. The clintons calculated that such inaction would MAXIMIZE THEIR CHANCES TO RECEIVE THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE. No matter that that inaction would also maximize the terrorists' power, maximize America's danger. |
Mia T, The Democratic Party's Problem Transcends Its Anti-War Contingent2
Mia T,The Nobel as clinton Pavlovian stimulus--a timeline
posted on
02/14/2004 3:46:53 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: All
posted on
02/15/2004 9:22:38 AM PST
Joy Angela
(**Keep Hillary FAR Away **)
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