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TERRI SCHINDLER SCHIAVO CALLING ALL FREEPERS Pt2 Disabled FL woman given Death Sentence by FL Courts
09-21-03 | pc93

Posted on 09/21/2003 12:13:53 PM PDT by pc93

Terri's Call to Action Part 1 is over 5000 posts. If you don't want to get caught up to speed at Part 1:

Simply visit Terri's official web site at:

There are contact numbers at her web site for her core media team, legislators, media and for press updates.

See flash movies of Terri interacting with her mother, responding to a physician and see for yourself that she's not in PVS "persistant vegetative state").

In addition to access a text file with a lot of information see:

If you want to join Terri's fight, it's important for us to CONTACT BUREAUCRATS, THE MEDIA and also your friends and family. It's up to you how you choose to Help Terri.

Pinellas Pasco Judge Greer set October 15, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. for her feeding tube to be removed. There's something wrong with Florida's exit protocols and the way the courts handle new information re: criminality (misrepresentation, attempted murder, etc.) affecting a case. There was no living will, only the assertion of a very suspect, so-called husband, his brother, etc. that Terri would not want to live on life support. Terri is not on life support, she is not comatose or PVS and she is not living "artificially". She does get sustenance from a feeding tube but only because she has been denied rehabilitation by her so-called husband after he won a malpratice lawsuit three years after her collapse (cause unknown but probably due to strangulation or physical abuse, or both) which is why Terri needs an army of supporters to spread her story from coast to coast. Terri has retained rights that are being sidestepped because she is disabled and has been denied rehabilitation! The technologies of rehabilitation have greatly improved exponentially yet Judge Greer has not let Terri have a chance to learn to eat or to be able to learn to speak/communicate again. Also new information bearing on the case which shows criminality on husband's side has not been considered by the 2nd District Court of Appeals who handed down Mandate for termination of Terri's feeding based upon testimony of criminal husband and brother as above stated. Who is next?

Let's make a difference! Thank you for your efforts.

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KEYWORDS: actiivism; activism; actnow; ada; attemptedmurder; attorneygeneral; berniemccabe; birthright; charliecrist; civicresponsibility; constitution; corruption; corruptjudge; courts; crime; deathsentence; defendersoffreedom; dehydration; disability; disabled; doj; drdeath; euthanasia; everyman; exitprotocol; federaljudiciary; feduciary; felony; felos; florida; flsupremecourt; freedom; georgewbush; goodwilltoman; guardianship; hospice; jebbush; johnashcroft; legislators; legislature; liberty; malpractice; massiveactions; mediaoutlets; michaelschiavo; murder; politics; premeditated; president; pvs; rally; rehabilitation; representation; responsibility; retainedrights; righttolife; semantics; skullduggery; speakout; starvation; statejudiciary; supremecourt; supremecourts; terri; terrischiavo; terrischindler; terrorism; terrorize; thegoodfight; therapy; ussupremecourt; wardofthestate
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To: pbmaltzman
Seems that maybe the rumors of criminal wrongdoing on his part are more than just rumors... particularly after the bone scan findings of multiple major traumas.

My impression is that even if Mr. Schiavo had attempted to strangle Terri, the statute of limitations for that action has expired. On the other hand, if Terri were ever to recover and testify that her husband had tried to kill her, a court could probably be convinced that his subsequent actions also constituted attempted murder. I would suspect that in that the state would have no trouble finding jurors who were willing to personally rip Mr. Schiavo limb from limb, boil him in oil, and feed the remains to the dogs.

Mr. Schiavo thus can't afford to divorce his wife, since if he did he would be unable to prevent her recovery. He doesn't know what she might be able to testify to, and thus can't take that chance.

I'll admit I'm speculating, but it's the only scenario that makes any sense whatsoever. If Mr. Schiavo didn't think his wife would get well, he'd be better off financially having others try to treat her. The only reason he'd be spending money trying to ensure her death is if he specifically does not want her to get well.

61 posted on 09/21/2003 6:12:22 PM PDT by supercat (TAG--you're it!)
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To: GWB and GOP Man
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation

The Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation has two basic goals. The goals of the Foundation are as follows:


Aid Terri and the Schindlers the resources that they need to keep the court from allowing Terri to die.

Cause a change in the guardian laws that can cause a situation like Terri's. Current guardian laws can allow spouses to have TOTAL control over a loved one, and may even allow his or her death against the parents' will.


The Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation has been created to address several immediate needs that Terri has to survive this court battle. Her immediate needs are:

Financial contributions to help pay for the extensive legal costs that her appeal will require. This is Terri's greatest need.
Support from those who believe that her life is sacred to help spread the word. For any grass roots campaign to be successful, people have to know what is happening.
By writing the media about how we feel, we can encourage them to provide more coverage about Terri and spread the word even further.
Pressure on Government Officials on two major issues. The first, of course, is Terri's current situation. The second is for reform of the state's and nation's guardian laws, which can exclude a child's parents from a decision which can mean life or death.
If you recovered from brain damage caused by lack of oxygen, or are a doctor who has worked with a patient under these conditions, and can help us would you please contact us. We need your help.


How long would it take to cause a change in the guardianship laws if Jeb decided to call an emergency session in the legislature?
62 posted on 09/21/2003 6:26:13 PM PDT by pc93 (Terri is a human being. Judge Greer "I know that." Blood is on his hands & other elected officials)
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To: GeekDejure

Thanks for helping Terri.
63 posted on 09/21/2003 6:34:22 PM PDT by Deo volente (God willing, Terri Schiavo will live.)
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To: supercat
I'll admit I'm speculating, but it's the only scenario that makes any sense whatsoever.

Not at all. The chances of Terri making that much recovery are very, very slim, and I doubt that he is concerned about them.

The scenario which is very right is that this is simply yet another of the same situations which have taken place numerous times in the past. There is little unique or unusual about this situation except that the Schindlers have gone so far and fought so hard to save this country from the coming culture of death.

It is actually fairly uncommon for family to decide to allow a member to die by terminal dehydration. It is only when the family members disagree that it makes the news.

There is a long line of victims who have gone before Terri - I offer their stories here for your perusal.

Ella Bathurst

Hugh Finn

Tony Bland

Baby Doe

Paul Brophy

Steven Becker

Marcia Gray


Marjorie Nighbert

Nancy Cruzan

Christine Busalacchi

64 posted on 09/21/2003 6:37:04 PM PDT by MarMema
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To: supercat
I'll admit I'm speculating, but it's the only scenario that makes any sense whatsoever.

Not at all. The chances of Terri making that much recovery are very, very slim, and I doubt that he is concerned about them.

The scenario which is very right is that this is simply yet another of the same situations which have taken place numerous times in the past. There is little unique or unusual about this situation except that the Schindlers have gone so far and fought so hard to save this country from the coming culture of death.

It is actually fairly uncommon for family to decide to allow a member to die by terminal dehydration. It is only when the family members disagree that it makes the news.

There is a long line of victims who have gone before Terri - I offer their stories here for your perusal.

Ella Bathurst

Hugh Finn

Tony Bland

Baby Doe

Paul Brophy

Steven Becker

Marcia Gray


Marjorie Nighbert

Nancy Cruzan

Christine Busalacchi

65 posted on 09/21/2003 6:37:12 PM PDT by MarMema
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To: MarMema
Sorry for the double post. I don't know what happened.
66 posted on 09/21/2003 6:38:10 PM PDT by MarMema
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To: Theodore R.; pc93
I think you can do whatever you want. The new thread has a more current title with more urgency and tighter opening paragraphs.

I got bored with scrolling down Part 1 to read all the posts. This is easier for me and pc93 did a good job. If you want pings to Part 2, do a post. If my tv or local radio is on, I'll type what I hear. I won't be opining any more because there's have enough opinion on this matter to fill the Grand Canyon. I'll leave it to others. The main thing is public awareness and it's not like we're a splinter group over here.

67 posted on 09/21/2003 7:09:20 PM PDT by floriduh voter (
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To: Theodore R.
Judges run unopposed. Voters give them an up or down vote. I voted "no" last year when I saw Greer's name.
68 posted on 09/21/2003 7:11:13 PM PDT by floriduh voter (
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To: Theodore R.
Gee, Atty Felos said on The Factor that Terri's case isn't about euthanasia, it's about "her wishes". Hubby is an expert on euthanasia now or just a proponent?
69 posted on 09/21/2003 7:20:16 PM PDT by floriduh voter (
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To: floriduh voter
I did not know how FL elected judges. I think that format is also used in MO.

I still don't know the party affiliation of Greer. My first hunch was that he is Democrat. Then I thought that he is GOP because of his friendship with the Republican sheriff. It seems to me that his judicial philosophy is Democrat, however. Schiavo would be Democrat, it seems, because of his outrage at Jeb Bush.
70 posted on 09/21/2003 7:21:52 PM PDT by Theodore R.
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To: floriduh voter
Help Terri by visiting (aka Creator's Syndicate). You can individually email columnists from the entire U.S. and beyond. Some of their columnists are already following Terri's story, i.e. Debra Saunders from San Francisco. and are also on top of Terri's fight. The media who is following Terri's fight needs to know that we are too. Fregards, FV

71 posted on 09/21/2003 7:25:11 PM PDT by floriduh voter (
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To: pc93
I just looked at Terri's website and only heard about her plight this week. I signed the petition. For this woman to be systematically starved to death would be a criminal act.
She is reponsive to many stimuli and reacts to her mother's loving care. I hope something can be done to stop the removal of her feeding tube. That would be nothing less than murder.
72 posted on 09/21/2003 7:28:02 PM PDT by stanz (Those who don't believe in evolution should go jump off the flat edge of the Earth.)
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To: kimmie7
Please add me to your ping list.
73 posted on 09/21/2003 7:30:22 PM PDT by stanz (Those who don't believe in evolution should go jump off the flat edge of the Earth.)
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To: stanz
The flash movie defies the court's logic that she's pvs.
74 posted on 09/21/2003 7:30:51 PM PDT by floriduh voter (
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To: pc93
Why won't Bush call a special session? Don't tell me he is concerned about "costs" of a special session. Politicians are never concerned about "costs" when an issue is important to them. I am afraid that the governor is just not interested in the disabled, or not in this case. His father signed the Americans With Disabilities Act, and don't the Bushes always stick together?
75 posted on 09/21/2003 7:32:23 PM PDT by Theodore R.
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To: floriduh voter
I thought that I read that Greer comes up for election in 2004. This must not be true, if he won "reelection" in 2002. The terms could not possibly be for just two years. So he probably does not face a plebiscite until 2008, by which time he would think any "inconvenience" from Terri's plight will have died down and no longer haunt him.
76 posted on 09/21/2003 7:35:06 PM PDT by Theodore R.
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To: Deo volente
Pinellas Co. is not "south" FL but on the central part of the Gulf Coast.
77 posted on 09/21/2003 7:37:24 PM PDT by Theodore R.
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To: floriduh voter
When Terri was dehydrated for 60 hours (was it 2001?), was she allowed to try to eat from a spoon? This has not been clarified. I assume that she could in no way pick up a spoon. And Schiavo won't let Mrs. Schindler feed her daughter.
78 posted on 09/21/2003 7:40:17 PM PDT by Theodore R.
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To: MarMema
MarMema, you have done wonderful research on the earlier cases of euthanasia even though the liberal establishment does not call this "euthanasia." Instead, they say it is a "natural process."

You seem to think that the starvation orders are the result of the growing popularity of the philosophy of "mercy killing" more so than money from insurance, trust funds, etc. going to the survivors.

I would imagine that has been true in some of these cases. Surely though Hugh Finn's murder was clearly one of a desire for life insurance by the estranged wife.

You are saying that Michael Schiavo is more motivated by the euthanasia doctrine than he is in collecting the remaining money in the trust fund. Also, he has no expectation of Terri ever recovering sufficiently to say what happened when she collapsed in 1990. Could Schiavo have been brainwashed by Felos?

As we discuss this case, this young woman's life is slipping away second by second. And we can do virtually nothing -- we do not feel empowered.
79 posted on 09/21/2003 7:46:58 PM PDT by Theodore R.
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To: Theodore R.
bttt. If you want to help us out, could you change your location to the U.S. Flag and then put an announcement there to visit You could give the Terri freeper links too. Borrow our Title if you'd like. FV
80 posted on 09/21/2003 7:54:38 PM PDT by freeparoundtheclock (
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