To: Theodore R.
Judges run unopposed. Voters give them an up or down vote. I voted "no" last year when I saw Greer's name.
68 posted on
09/21/2003 7:11:13 PM PDT by
floriduh voter
To: floriduh voter
I did not know how FL elected judges. I think that format is also used in MO.
I still don't know the party affiliation of Greer. My first hunch was that he is Democrat. Then I thought that he is GOP because of his friendship with the Republican sheriff. It seems to me that his judicial philosophy is Democrat, however. Schiavo would be Democrat, it seems, because of his outrage at Jeb Bush.
To: floriduh voter
Help Terri by visiting (aka Creator's Syndicate). You can individually email columnists from the entire U.S. and beyond. Some of their columnists are already following Terri's story, i.e. Debra Saunders from San Francisco. and are also on top of Terri's fight. The media who is following Terri's fight needs to know that we are too. Fregards, FV
71 posted on
09/21/2003 7:25:11 PM PDT by
floriduh voter
To: floriduh voter
I thought that I read that Greer comes up for election in 2004. This must not be true, if he won "reelection" in 2002. The terms could not possibly be for just two years. So he probably does not face a plebiscite until 2008, by which time he would think any "inconvenience" from Terri's plight will have died down and no longer haunt him. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson