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TERRI SCHINDLER SCHIAVO CALLING ALL FREEPERS Pt2 Disabled FL woman given Death Sentence by FL Courts
| pc93
Posted on 09/21/2003 12:13:53 PM PDT by pc93
Terri's Call to Action Part 1 is over 5000 posts. If you don't want to get caught up to speed at Part 1:
Simply visit Terri's official web site at:
There are contact numbers at her web site for her core media team, legislators, media and for press updates.
See flash movies of Terri interacting with her mother, responding to a physician and see for yourself that she's not in PVS "persistant vegetative state").
In addition to access a text file with a lot of information see:
If you want to join Terri's fight, it's important for us to CONTACT BUREAUCRATS, THE MEDIA and also your friends and family. It's up to you how you choose to Help Terri.
Pinellas Pasco Judge Greer set October 15, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. for her feeding tube to be removed. There's something wrong with Florida's exit protocols and the way the courts handle new information re: criminality (misrepresentation, attempted murder, etc.) affecting a case. There was no living will, only the assertion of a very suspect, so-called husband, his brother, etc. that Terri would not want to live on life support. Terri is not on life support, she is not comatose or PVS and she is not living "artificially". She does get sustenance from a feeding tube but only because she has been denied rehabilitation by her so-called husband after he won a malpratice lawsuit three years after her collapse (cause unknown but probably due to strangulation or physical abuse, or both) which is why Terri needs an army of supporters to spread her story from coast to coast. Terri has retained rights that are being sidestepped because she is disabled and has been denied rehabilitation! The technologies of rehabilitation have greatly improved exponentially yet Judge Greer has not let Terri have a chance to learn to eat or to be able to learn to speak/communicate again. Also new information bearing on the case which shows criminality on husband's side has not been considered by the 2nd District Court of Appeals who handed down Mandate for termination of Terri's feeding based upon testimony of criminal husband and brother as above stated. Who is next?
Let's make a difference! Thank you for your efforts.
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Comment #561 Removed by Moderator
To: Robert Drobot
"will be permitted" which is not the same as "is ordered and adjudged". Now get away from my computer screen. lol
To: kimmie7
In the alternative, if Crist is simply a slick politico, and is a lousy lawyer, he could appoint counsel to do the grunt work and appear for the AG's office.
It would seem logical ( I know, were talking law and lawyers here. ) that should those state statutes be found to violate Terri federal Constitutional rights, it would follow that the Death 'r US state may be behind the proverbial eight ball - open to wrongful death suits from the estates of those that state has already murdered.
Florida must answer Terri's complaint. Crist or someone with brains will be standing in that court on the 10th. Should Florida do a no-show, I hope that state has a recall procedure to remove Bush, Crist and any other officer/agent of the state involved in their death industry.
posted on
09/25/2003 12:54:05 PM PDT
Robert Drobot
(God, family, country. All else is meaningless.)
To: Robert Drobot
I think that if the side supporting life wins out, there will simply be a move to close any "loophole" left. And that will be another battle for another day. At this time, I'm focusing prayers and conservative, legal activism toward Terri's particular case.
In the future I feel it my responsibility as both a Christian and a citizen to do what I can to prevent new 'death' laws and repeal old ones. It's the absolute least I can do to attempt to better the world my offspring must live in.
posted on
09/25/2003 1:02:17 PM PDT
(Terri's story must be told to the masses. Pray with us for this woman and her family.)
To: Robert Drobot
First of all, the Order does not "order" AG Crist to get involved. It only states that the constitutionality of the Florida statutes has been called into question by this new pleading, and that the state "will be permitted to intervene in this proceeding..."
This is something that the judge has to do, a formality, if you will.
He has to notify the Attorney General's office, but the AG is not required to do ANYTHING.
Remember that issues of constitutionality are ultimately decided by federal courts, not by Florida's attorney general, and the final arbiter is the U.S. Supreme Court.
Have you considered the possibility that he might do NOTHING, and wait to see what the judge does?
When you speak of the "function AG Crist will/must play to defend the dastardly statutes enacted by the Death 'r Us state" , are you not assuming that he WILL defend the Florida statutes? Where is there any indication that he will defend these statues? The Order only tells him to let the court know by Oct. 6 " WHETHER (my emphasis) the State of Florida will intervene in this case and participate in all future proceedings."
As to people playing "games", I don't know about you, but I sense that the other people on this thread are just doing their level best to help, so please chill out a bit.
posted on
09/25/2003 1:03:22 PM PDT
Deo volente
(God willing, Terri Schiavo will live.)
Comment #566 Removed by Moderator
To: libravoter; All
Not to worry. Your idea has been implemented. This has been going on in well over 5000 posts. I'm going on a free republic "free" vacation. I'll help Terri but not here.
If anyone crosses the line, you can report them to the admin moderator for BANNING.
How many posters have headed for the hills due to RD? He's a disruptor and I am outta here.
You guys can deal with him because he's just creating chaos and planting half truths here. The chaos won't end after I leave unless someone reports him.
His disruptions don't help Terri. So long, freepers. See you back on campaign threads. I'm looking forward to interacting with Democrat lurkers who are pleasant in comparison.
To: Deo volente
statues = statutes
posted on
09/25/2003 1:28:43 PM PDT
Deo volente
(God willing, Terri Schiavo will live.)
To: syriacus
Your reasoning is quite brilliant, and I have to admit I had never thought of it that way.
posted on
09/25/2003 1:38:42 PM PDT
To: floriduh voter
I'm going on a free republic "free" vacation. I'll help Terri but not hereWhoa. Whoa. Whoa. That's the opposite of what I want you to do.
posted on
09/25/2003 1:39:35 PM PDT
(Live from the People's Republic of Cambridge)
To: libravoter; Pegita; kimmie7; All
This is an emotional topic for all of us, I bet. I know it is for me. I had asked Kimmie to not ping me so I could take a break from it, but then I kept reading things.
What is happening is horrific and barbaric and it is surely difficult for us all to deal with outside of the thread. I have personally been ill and not eaten because of the horrors of this killing of people who are disabled. I never knew of these horrors until a few weeks ago and I am still trying to accept that human beings are doing this to others.
We need Pegita to come and help us with prayers, perhaps.
I think the evil in this is enormous. I often feel like I want to cloak myself in something for protection because of the evil in these cases.
Certainly being here and caring about Terri has taken a toll on us all emotionally, and we are probably all responding with defensive mechanisms to keep our sanity.
We should, though, try to follow Christ and not be unkind to all other fellow human beings, imo. Many FR Christians have forgiven me for posts I have made in which I crossed the line. Let's all try to love one another as Christ loves us.
posted on
09/25/2003 1:55:41 PM PDT
To: floriduh voter
Several months ago I was in a situation where I was complaining about poor treatment by those around me. And my dear friend reminded me that Christ was spit on, hit, and jeered at.
So that death could be overcome and we could have eternal life. Then I realized that I was a small nothing to ask to be treated more kindly than even Christ had been treated.
posted on
09/25/2003 2:04:04 PM PDT
To: MarMema
"Let's all try to love one another as Christ loves us."
posted on
09/25/2003 2:04:15 PM PDT
Deo volente
(God willing, Terri Schiavo will live.)
To: All
Be The One by Al Denson
In a world full of broken dreams
Where the truth is hard to find
For every promise that is kept
There are many left behind
Though it seems that nobody cares
It still matters what you do
Cause there's a difference you can make
But the choice is up to you
Will you be the one
To answer to His call
Will you stand
When those around you fall
Will you be the one
To take His light
Into a darkened world
Tell me will you be the one
Oh sometimes it's hard to know
Who is right and who is wrong
And where are you supposed to stand
When the battle lines are drawn
There's a voice that is calling out
For someone whose not afraid
To be a beakon in the night
To a world that's lost it's way
There are still some battles
That I must fight from day to
Yet the Lord provides the power
For me to stand and say
I will be the one
To answer to His call
I will stand
When those around me call
I will be the one
To take His light
Into a darkened world
I will be the one
copyright@1990 Paragon Music Corporation
To: GWB and GOP Man; All
That is really beautiful. Can you tell me more about this? I think I may have heard this recently on a Christian radio station. Some of it sounds familiar.
Anyway, I was coming back to post this reminder for all of us here.
"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends; as for the prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood. So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. (I Corinthians 13:1-13)
posted on
09/25/2003 2:22:54 PM PDT
To: phenn
Do you answer emails?
I have contacted the offices of four well known Christian artists and have proposed a benefit concert for Terri. I really need to talk to you. Each person I spoke with was absolutely horrified about this case and felt a lot of sympathy for Terri and this cause.
It's a long shot because the time is so short but it's possible people will be motivated to do something simply because of the sense of urgency.
Also concerning the TV slot in Atlanta. The host only wants to talk to family members and/or people who are personally connected with Terri. I made an offer via private message that still stands.
To: All
Different slant on the same. For those who have read the sickening commentary today from Mary Jive Melone, this columnist took a very different approach. Doesn't quite sound like she's made her mind up about the situation in its entirety (fair enough), but she's certainly done a nice, little rhumba on Felos. That amuses me. -P-
posted on
09/25/2003 2:31:22 PM PDT
To: MarMema
The song "Be the One" is a popular song on Contemporary Christian Music radio. It's a great song. Al Denson is one of my favorite artists.
To: phenn
I have not read her article. I don't think I have the stomach for it, at the moment. The headline was enough to turn my stomach. No doubt Mary would have fit in nicely with the Nazi Propaganda machine during World War II.
She (MM) is nothing more than a sick and evil witch.
To: phenn
Too bad she didn't do any slam dancing but yeah a little rhumba is good. :-)
posted on
09/25/2003 2:39:39 PM PDT
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