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I need help with my turn page paper on the collapse of communism
| 4/30
| johnmartineu, author of the NY Times bestseller, "kittens ripped my turn page paper"
Posted on 04/30/2004 10:13:23 AM PDT by johnmartineu
Hi! My name is John Martineu. Im 18 and a student of Dover high School in Dover Delaware. I have been assigned a final term project. We are to do a 20 page turn paper on different subjects. I am doing one on the collapse of communism. Since you coservatives know alot about this, I was wondering if you could help me out.
First Id like to know what communism is and how it is different from socialism? Second I would also like to know about why Russia collapsed. Third could you tell me why you refer to certain people such as Ann Goodman and Helen Thomas as Communists? Finally Id like to know the advatages of Captialism.
Every bit of information will help me with typing this up. Its due in a month and I hope to pass with flying colors. I might even post it on Freerepublic when it's done. Thanks alot guys
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To: johnmartineu
comupter and see me sometimes
(not really troll, just another misspelling to laugh at)
posted on
04/30/2004 10:50:33 AM PDT
(The Barbarians are at the Gates. Don't give Kerry the key!)
To: johnmartineu
First, go to this site; and educate yourself.
Now, get a good spell checker and someone who knows how to write to proofread your paper.
ALWAYS follow this format: In the opening paragraph, give an opening statement about what your paper is about along with a quick outline.
Next: Following the outline in your first paragraph, discuss in detail each point in order, paragraph by paragraph.
Then at the end of each section, write a summation of the section.
Finally, give a summation of the whole paper.
My outline would look something like this:
The origins of Communism/socialism and the
definitions of each and s/c various pseudonyms such as liberalism and "progressive" and Democrat,
the rise of those political ideals,
countries that became totally or partially socialist/communist and why,
communist fighters in the U.S. in the early days,
what s/c SAYS that it is vs. the reality of what it is,
the successes vs. the failures of s/c (be realistic here, socialism has MUCH more failures than successes),
what s/c did to the churches and ANYONE who dared to oppose them
what certain people and countries did to fight and ultimately destroy s/c and what a sad shape the USSR and their satellite countries were REALLY in.
countries and organizations that STILL support the proven failed ideal of s/c and their current states of disrepair.
Conclusion: Socialism/communism, whatever you want to call it will never work because it rewards poor behavior exactly the same as good behavior.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:51:03 AM PDT
Blood of Tyrants
(Even if the government took all your earnings, you wouldn't be, in its eyes, a slave.)
To: All
I wonder if that was Al Franken getting material for his show?
posted on
04/30/2004 10:51:11 AM PDT
("Being a 'moderate' Muslims means you only want to kill the Jews." - Michael Graham)
To: Steven W.
Peace and FreedomAmen. Add to that personal rights and their attendant responsibilities, and equality of opportunity as opposed to the socialist/communist insistence on equality of outcome.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:51:14 AM PDT
To: freedom moose
fool kid could have banged out ten pages in the time it has taken him to sit here and bug us!
posted on
04/30/2004 10:51:26 AM PDT
(keep your mind open and somebody will fill it with something for you))
To: johnmartineu
im not a liberal okay! So you apparently don't take issue with being called fat, drunk and stupid. LOL, rationality! I know it's hardly fair to take on someone as mentally diminished as you are, but you keep coming back here, apparently seeking punishment for something in your life, so who are we to refrain from providing it to you?
posted on
04/30/2004 10:51:47 AM PDT
(John Kerry - Hillary without the fat ankles and the FBI files...)
To: johnmartineu
Do you know Sean Endres ?
To: The_Victor
Did you know that John Kerry served in Vietnam? I hear that he was even a hero in the Vietnam War. I suspect that he could even be considered a "hero" to both sides (just like Benedict Arnold was).
posted on
04/30/2004 10:52:11 AM PDT
(JFinKerry used the words Medals and Ribbons interchangeably before he didn't.)
To: jtminton
that's OK, he can eat all the yellow snow he wants.
go ahead kid, it's nutritious!
posted on
04/30/2004 10:52:35 AM PDT
(keep your mind open and somebody will fill it with something for you))
To: johnmartineu
Communism = "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" and the government decides. And it hasn't fallen yet.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:52:39 AM PDT
To: johnmartineu
All you're turn page paper are belong too us!
posted on
04/30/2004 10:53:36 AM PDT
(We cannot defeat foreign enemies of the Constitution if we yield to the domestic ones.)
To: weegee
don't forget that kerry got that life-threatening scratch during his first month.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:54:33 AM PDT
(keep your mind open and somebody will fill it with something for you))
To: saveliberty
Anyone else getting the idea that this is a radio broadcast (or show prep) from the bucktoothed moron?
posted on
04/30/2004 10:54:59 AM PDT
(JFinKerry used the words Medals and Ribbons interchangeably before he didn't.)
To: weegee
Anyone else getting the idea that this is a radio broadcast (or show prep) from the bucktoothed moron?Nah, too coherent and humorous for that.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:55:38 AM PDT
(John Kerry - Hillary without the fat ankles and the FBI files...)
To: johnmartineu
If you want to know about Capitalism, begin by telling your teacher something that is historically important, for example about:
1.) Adam Smith and the "Invisible Hand". You can further state that Adam Smith developed the concept of "Absolute Advantage". This is a Macroeconomic concept.
2.) You should then mention David Ricardo and his development of the concept of "comparative advantage", which expands on the concept of absolute advantage developed by Adam Smith.
Oh, and by the way, in case you don't already know:
Macroeconomics- Economics as it affects nations
Microeconomics- Economics as it applys to business / firms.
Now you need to get into Communism. Begin by learning this:
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
Karl Marx developed much of what he knew from Hegel. Marx was not an Economist, and had a flimsy grasp of economic concepts and economics in general. He was in fact, a historian. An idiotic one at that.
Every country which experimented with Communism, quickly learned that it was a miserable failure.
Lenin learned this by 1924, and thus developed his NEP (New Economic Plan) to try to inject a little capitalism into the - by then - failing Russian economy.
Hungary allowed free enterprise to some extent to ameliorate the abject failure of communist systems, and they called it "Goulash Communism".
Poland also allowed a fairly large measure of private property ownership, enterprise and private agriculture for the production of domestic staples.
East Germany coped with the failures of Communism by building a wall to keep its unhappy subjects as prisoners. The first known example of a country building a wall to actually keep people in a country!
North Korea copes by starving millions of its people to death each year, so that the succeeding year, has less mouths to feed.
Communist China allows a large measure of capitalism now, therefore, people there are no longer starving to death. You now have a totalitarian state, with corrupt politicians allowed to practice capitalism... albeit tightly controlled (fascism by definition.)
Chile was lucky, Augustus Pinochet shot and killed the commies, and installed a successful system which rescued Chile from the ravages of the marxist Allende government. Chile to this day, has the best economy in all of Latin America.
Cuba has an interesting model. Since Castro took over, they cannot support themselves. They can no longer depend upon sugar production. One thing which brings Cuba lots of money is the tourism industry. It is popular with Europeans as a "sex-tourism" location because the poverty that Communism ensures, creates a desperate situation among the residents. Mix that with tourism, and you have rampant prostitution on an epic scale.
Some important names to look up:
Milton Friedman
Friedrich Hayek
Ludwig von Mises
Joseph Schumpeter
Ronald Reagan
Ayn Rand
Some imbeciles you should be aware of:
Che Guevera
Eric Honecker
Michail Gorbachev
Nikita Kruschev
Josef Stalin
Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov)
Mao Tse Tung (Mao Zedong)
Salvador Allende
Kim Il Sung
To: johnmartineu
There is a spell function when you post here. I have a son in high school, so I can't dismiss you as a disruptor from another site. His spelling and grammar makes me weep. Educate yourself, because the public schools won't.
Good luck with your term paper, and please read the book I recommended.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:56:02 AM PDT
(Torrance of the flying monkeys)
To: johnmartineu
posted on
04/30/2004 10:56:17 AM PDT
(JFinKerry used the words Medals and Ribbons interchangeably before he didn't.)
To: Diddle E. Squat
busted, lol
posted on
04/30/2004 10:57:06 AM PDT
(The Barbarians are at the Gates. Don't give Kerry the key!)
To: Rebelbase
To: camle
+ ?
posted on
04/30/2004 10:57:39 AM PDT
(If you could see what a drag it is to be you)
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