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I need help with my turn page paper on the collapse of communism
| 4/30
| johnmartineu, author of the NY Times bestseller, "kittens ripped my turn page paper"
Posted on 04/30/2004 10:13:23 AM PDT by johnmartineu
Hi! My name is John Martineu. Im 18 and a student of Dover high School in Dover Delaware. I have been assigned a final term project. We are to do a 20 page turn paper on different subjects. I am doing one on the collapse of communism. Since you coservatives know alot about this, I was wondering if you could help me out.
First Id like to know what communism is and how it is different from socialism? Second I would also like to know about why Russia collapsed. Third could you tell me why you refer to certain people such as Ann Goodman and Helen Thomas as Communists? Finally Id like to know the advatages of Captialism.
Every bit of information will help me with typing this up. Its due in a month and I hope to pass with flying colors. I might even post it on Freerepublic when it's done. Thanks alot guys
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To: johnmartineu
This sums up the best that I have read to date describing what communism is.
Reason it is the best because it is a letter from a father to his children describing what is a "religion", and the communists "gods" flopped "big time".
To: johnmartineu
My best freind has to his Term uh TURD paper on Enron!Good. Be sure he covers how most of Enron's fraudulent accounting occurred during the Clinton Administration.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:42:08 AM PDT
(John Kerry - Hillary without the fat ankles and the FBI files...)
To: The_Victor
Did you know that John Kerry served in Vietnam? LOL!
posted on
04/30/2004 10:42:26 AM PDT
("Being a 'moderate' Muslims means you only want to kill the Jews." - Michael Graham)
To: johnmartineu
Okay, I don't want to insult your spelling or grammar, but sweetheart...spellcheck is your friend. Your professor will knock off a lot of points just on that issue.
Now regarding your term paper, I would start with Google. First you need to know the origins of communism. Always check and make sure the site is factual and not personal opinion. Then you need to trace how communism spread, and what happened when it engulfed each particular country.
Statistics are good. Show before and after stats about mortality, production, and other important facts. End your term paper with a summary of what happens when totalitarianism goes bad. Also read Alexander Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archepelago". Your professor will be impressed....or scared to death ;-) Good luck!
posted on
04/30/2004 10:42:42 AM PDT
(Torrance of the flying monkeys)
To: johnmartineu
To: eyespysomething; All
yeah. we should thank this child for all his help in coining what must be a record number of new FR typing accomplishments!
can we get someone to list them all?
posted on
04/30/2004 10:43:06 AM PDT
(keep your mind open and somebody will fill it with something for you))
To: camle
so how come when this guy mispells he gets off the hook?
Still, Im getting alot of good stuff here. I think I'll print this stuff out and take it home after this. I like you guys! You like comedians and everything! I think I should come here more often and post stuff about conservatism.
Now could someone tell me who the two hot chicks you guys go one about are? I forget.
To: johnmartineu
The clock is ticking if found Free Republic you can do a google search starting with authors Daniel Pipes and Robert Conquest who have written definitive books on the collapse of communism at least in Europe.
To: johnmartineu
that one blond lady who got fired from MSNBC Yeah, right. You've gone too far.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:43:34 AM PDT
(Destroy the dark; restore the light)
To: freedomson
I believe it could be a high school student. Maybe it is one of the Moby Dicks.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:43:45 AM PDT
(JFinKerry used the words Medals and Ribbons interchangeably before he didn't.)
To: So Cal Rocket; camle; Xenalyte
"It's misspelled... I think he means a "tern paper": No, no.
A tern paper is what you under a byrd handing out his diarama in class. Or the Senate, whichever is pewing more on any given day.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:43:53 AM PDT
Robert A Cook PE
(I can only donate monthly ... But Kerry's ABBCNNBCBS press corpse lies every day.)
To: TheSpottedOwl
It's alright! I have microsoft word at home!
To: So Cal Rocket
I like the look of that little guy! He looks like he's squawking, or maybe singing opera.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:44:09 AM PDT
(I may not agree with your bumper sticker, but I shall defend to the death your right to stick it)
To: johnmartineu
Nothing personal, but go to your Father, or your Mother, if your Father doesn't live with you and ask them to hire a lawyer.
Tell the lawyer that you have wasted 12 years of your life in government schools with nothing to show for it.
TC Rider
posted on
04/30/2004 10:44:35 AM PDT
TC Rider
(The United States Constitution © 1791. All Rights Reserved.)
To: johnmartineu
posted on
04/30/2004 10:44:36 AM PDT
("I really don't care; they're all gonna die," US Marine in Fallujah)
To: Rebelbase
posted on
04/30/2004 10:45:01 AM PDT
(I'm not always cranky.)
To: johnb838
Deep book for a high school kid.
To: johnmartineu
Something to consider.......has communism really collapsed or is it a mirage being fed to us by the media? Take a hard look at the Communist Manifesto and you'll see that almost every aspect of it has been implemented by our fedgov over the past few decades. Everything from the federal control of education, a central bank, heavy progressive income tax, corporate farms/regional planning, etc. has been or is being implemented right under our collective noses and somewhere Karl Marx is in his grave with a great big smile on his face.
To: johnmartineu
"Term uh TURD paper on Enron!"
Tell your friend to check out the "Kyoto Treaty" and there he will find the story of ENRON, why do you think Robbem Rubin called the Treasury Department to help bail Enron out.
To: johnmartineu
posted on
04/30/2004 10:45:58 AM PDT
(The Barbarians are at the Gates. Don't give Kerry the key!)
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