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NEW virtual hillary movie! hillary talks: clintons KAY-oed
David Kay Testimony to Armed Services Committee on Status of Iraqi WMD Programs (01/28/2004) ^
| 2.03.04
| Mia T
Posted on 02/03/2004 7:54:28 AM PST by Mia T
A Scoundrel's Pythagorean Imperative
Mia T, 12.14.03
z = distance between flag lapel pin and chin
d = distance between midpoint of chin and jowl
y = distance between the midpoint of chin and top button
x = distance between top button and flag lapel pin
- by Mia T, December 7, 2003
issus clinton failed to notice: 'living history' begets a certain symmetry. How fitting it is that the clintons were forced to reveal their inept and treasonous hand on this day, exactly 62 years post Pearl Harbor.
One has to surmise from hillary clinton's Sunday-Circuit, post-Turkey, pink-suited panic that clinton in-house polling has the missus out-polling Jane Fonda for the Tokyo-Rose prize.
(Incidentally, someone ought to clue in clinton's dresser: exculpation-by-pink-suit can work only once; notwithstanding, a treasonous middle-aged matron in a pink suit reads: "dowdy treasonous middle-aged matron in pink suit"... or to the sharper subset, "fatuous dowdy treasonous middle-aged matron in pink suit attempts ingÈnue exculpation ploy." What could they be thinking? Surely, clinton "infrastructure" knows that such a scheme requires freshness of face, not mouth....)
It is common knowledge that missus clinton limits the frequency, intensity and content of her cozy clintonoid interviews of the Colmes kind. Tim Russert's (Meet the Press, NBC) stomach-turning HILLARY 2004! boosterism and nonexistent follow-ups ("And why do you suppose there aren't enough troops to fight a war, missus CLINTON?") made it clear that she had the latter two -- intensity and content -- covered today. It was frequency that did her in.
Tokyo Rose also aided and abetted our enemies by using psychological warfare designed to lower the morale of our troops; and she was convicted of treason. One could easily argue that clinton's betrayal, because it is ultimately self-serving, is an even greater iniquity. And then, of course, there are the clintons' other self-serving treasonous acts....
Russert, therefore, was not only on the wrong page. He was in the wrong book.
The question isn't, "Who in his right mind would ever want the clintons back in the Oval Office?"
The question is,-- "Who in his right mind would want the seditious, America-undermining clintons unconfined?"
hillary talks: ON MILITARY TACTICS The Easy Part
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
hillary's Iraq Turkeys
1996 -- Another Self-Serving clinton Thanksgiving Jaunt
- Thou art arm'd that hath thy crook'd schemers straight.
Cudgel thy brains no more, the clinton plots are great.
Mia T, On Neutered and Neutering by Mia T and Edward Zehr (EZ)
Hear Bush 41 Warn Us--October 19, 1992*
CNN's favorite general, Wesley Clark, has also been heard to opine that our troops are getting bogged down in Iraq. His competence to judge American generals is questionable since his command was limited to working for NATO. We prefer to hear from American generals. Clark's contribution to international relations consisted of mistakenly bombing the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. In his zeal to prevent troop casualties, he ordered pilots to fly at such high altitudes that the pilots complained that they were being forced to incur unnecessary civilian casualties.
Ann Coulter The enemy within World Net Daily March 26, 2003
*Thanx to Cloud William for text and audio
LEHRER: President Bush, your closing statement, sir.
PRESIDENT BUSH: Three weeks from now--two weeks from tomorrow, America goes to the polls and you're going to have to decide who you want to lead this country ...
On foreign affairs, some think it's irrelevant. I believe it's not. We're living in an interconnected world...And if a crisis comes up, ask who has the judgment and the experience and, yes, the character to make the right decision?
And, lastly, the other night on character Governor Clinton said it's not the character of the president but the character of the presidency. I couldn't disagree more. Horace Greeley said the only thing that endures is character. And I think it was Justice Black who talked about great nations, like great men, must keep their word.
And so the question is, who will safeguard this nation, who will safeguard our people and our children? I need your support, I ask for your support. And may God bless the United States of America.
TOPICS: Anthrax Scare; Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government; Israel; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Arkansas; US: Illinois; US: New York
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posted on
02/03/2004 7:54:47 AM PST
Mia T
To: jla; WorkingClassFilth
posted on
02/03/2004 7:59:16 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: FBD; M. Thatcher; Mudboy Slim; sultan88; Treasa
posted on
02/03/2004 8:14:00 AM PST
To: WorkingClassFilth; jla; Gail Wynand; Brian Allen; Lonesome in Massachussets; thesummerwind; ...
virtual hillary movie
posted on
02/03/2004 8:21:06 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: Mia T; All
After viewing that I couldn't help but to think back to the 80's, when freedom's antagonists, aka The Left, were bellowing at uncommon decibel levels of how Ronald Reagan would lead the U.S., and the world, into WWIII if he was allowed to go on with his 'ridiculous notion' of not only standing up to Communist expansion, but eradicating it.
And here's a quote I found 100% on-the-mark:
Another point. The lower threshold to defend is, in fact, a great deterrent. If the states that support the terrorists know that we will defend at the slightest hint of a threat, they will think twice before aiding and abetting--AND FOMENTING!--the animals.
posted on
02/03/2004 8:25:51 AM PST
To: Mia T
Unmitigated chutzpa doesn't even begin to describe the behavior
of harridan Hillary!
How I long for her and BJ's comeuppance.
posted on
02/03/2004 8:34:50 AM PST
To: jla
"A Scoundrel's Pythagorean Imperative"
LOL! good one.
posted on
02/03/2004 8:43:45 AM PST
(...Please press 2 for English...for Espanol, please stay on the line...)
To: Mia T
posted on
02/03/2004 8:51:56 AM PST
(Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965
To: jla
I plan to expand on that quote, which I made to a fabulous post on the threshold issue.
posted on
02/03/2004 8:57:47 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: jla; WorkingClassFilth; Gail Wynand; Brian Allen; Lonesome in Massachussets; thesummerwind; ...
If you've already played the movie, play it again. I've just added the perfect ending, which includes arguably the best final paragraph of a clinton book extant.
posted on
02/03/2004 9:10:40 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: Mia T
Ahhhh! I literally get chills from these things!
posted on
02/03/2004 9:23:26 AM PST
(immanentizing the eschaton)
To: Mia T
Mia, please, why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel about the accomplishments of the "Former Occupant of the Oval Office, 1993-2001" and his venomous viper of a spouse?
Listen, there is nothing like having the power of the office behind you when you want to pick up a little action. I believe this was the whole attraction of seeking and gaining the office. There never was much intention or desire to carry out the duties of the office, which the both of them seemed to consider to be an imposition on their time and attention, but as a power trip, the job just can't be beat.
Think back to the days of Richard Nixon. Who was on the crew of lawyers that was writing up the indictment in the articles of impeachment that were going to be presented to the House of Representatives? No less a personage than Herself, along with several other current luminaries within the Democrat party (I do not call it the "Democratic" party, for obvious reasons, the most important is that there is nothing particularly "democratic" about their policies or activities).
Michael Moore has become one of the sane voices among the Democrats. Most of the rest of them are just that much further out there.
To: Mia T
LOL, is that Hopsons, Hobsons choice?
No the proper term is Hobbesian choice after Hobbes.
This witch knows little or nothing of philosophy.
She and her husband are "psychopaths".
posted on
02/03/2004 9:35:26 AM PST
(Liberals believe we are Crash Dummies on the hectic highway of the Cosmos)
To: Helms
Hobbling aside -- (I always thought the reference was to an English keeper of a livery stable) -- the democrat primary is the perfect Hobson's-choice paradigm.
posted on
02/03/2004 9:52:12 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: Mia T
Brilliant use of media!!!!!!!!!!!!!
............and TRUE, to boot!
PS. I watched this at work since the sheer size and complexity of programming overwhelms my home computer and modem-connection.
posted on
02/03/2004 10:00:26 AM PST
(Thats my story, and I'm sticking to it.)
To: Mia T
Search meaning/origins: Browse phrases beginning with: [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O][P][Q][R][S][T][U,V][W][X,Y,Z]
Meaning |
No choice at all. |
Origin |
Hobson was a stable owner who rented out horses. His customers were obliged to take the horse nearest the door. Cockney rhyming slang for voice. |
http:// - last updated: 28 September 2003 |
posted on
02/03/2004 11:15:55 AM PST
(Liberals believe we are Crash Dummies on the hectic highway of the Cosmos)
To: Mia T
"the democrat primary is the perfect Hobson's-choice paradigm." "
posted on
02/03/2004 12:33:41 PM PST
(Liberals believe we are Crash Dummies on the hectic highway of the Cosmos)
To: alloysteel; mia
... within the Democrat party (I do not call it the "Democratic" party, for obvious reasons, the most important is that there is nothing particularly "democratic" about their policies or activities). Quite the contrary, IMO. They are Undemocratic/Leftists. We should correct every Republican who calls them "democrat ic." Are they Democratics? If they're not Democratics then they're not Democratic.
I've heard the "D's" added the "ic" after Republicans ran adds rightfully calling them Democ RATS. he he
posted on
02/03/2004 1:43:12 PM PST
(John Kerry - The Shar Pei Candidate - Hillary for VP 2004 - Be wary!!!!)
To: All
wednesday morn bump
posted on
02/04/2004 3:00:54 AM PST
To: jla
posted on
02/04/2004 5:48:32 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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