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SAY "NO!" TO CLINTON-DEM TREASON / Demand Full MEMOgate Investigation / SIGN PETITION ^ | 11.08.03 | Mia T, jmstein

Posted on 11/08/2003 6:22:54 PM PST by Mia T

MEMOgate: democrat party treason

Secret Democrat manifesto detailing the undermining of President Bush in wartime
by the seditious misuse of classified intelligence data from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.




Full investigation into "Memo Gate"


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To:  Senate Ethics Committee

The Democrat senators on the Senate Select Intelligence Committee are putting American lives at risk.

The Democrat memo that surfaced last week uncovered a detailed "plan" by Democrats on the Select Intelligence Committee to use the resources of that committee as a political tool against the White House. Under the guise of a non-partisan "investigation" the Democrats plan, as revealed by the memo, is to find something, anything, to"castigate the majority" and make it appear that "senior administration officials who made the case for. . . war [used]. . . dubious motives and methods." They have already concluded that BEFORE conducting an investigation!

The memo admits that "[the Democrats] don't know what [they] will find," yet they have already arrived at their conclusion! All they know is that they have an opportunity to use the power of the Select Intelligence Committee against the President, for political gain, and they "intend to take full advantage of it."

Senator Zell Miller, a Democrat himself, had this to say about the memo:

"I have often said that the process in Washington is so politicized and polarized that it canít even be put aside when weíre at war. Never has that been proved more true than the highly partisan and perhaps treasonous memo prepared for the Democrats on the Intelligence Committee.

"Of all the committees, this is the one single committee that should unquestionably be above partisan politics. The information it deals with should never, never be distorted, compromised or politicized in any shape, form or fashion. For it involves the lives of our soldiers and our citizens. Its actions should always be above reproach; its words never politicized.

"If what has happened here is not treason, it is its first cousin. The ones responsible - be they staff or elected or both should be dealt with quickly and severely sending a lesson to all that this kind of action will not be tolerated, ignored or excused.

"Heads should roll!"

We agree with Senator Miller. The Democrats are taking a very dangerous path. They are fostering distrust that will prevent the committee from getting information integral to saving American lives ñ such as the locations of terrorists with RPG launchers that can be used to down American helicopters. The Democrats have gone too far this time ñ they are forsaking American lives for political gain.

Under the principle of respondeat superior, the Democrat senators must be held responsible for the actions of their staff.

For all the above reasons, inter alia, we, the undersigned implore you to:

Conduct an exhaustive ethics investigation into the source of the memo and those associated with it.

Expel any members of the Senate found to be associated with the memo.


The Undersigned


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MEMOgate: democrat party treason

Secret Democrat manifesto detailing the undermining of President Bush in wartime
by the seditious misuse of classified intelligence data from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.


Saturday, November 08, 2003


If what has happened here is not treason, it is its first cousin. The ones responsible - be they staff or elected or both - should be dealt with quickly and severely sending a lesson to all that this kind of action will not be tolerated, ignored or excused.

Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga.

Raw Data: Dem Memo on Politicizing Intelligence
Fox News ^ | 11-5-03 | Fox News

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Following is the text of a memo written by a Democrat on the staff of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that suggests how to make the greatest gain off of intelligence data leading to the war against Iraq. The memo was obtained by Fox News.

Transcript of a memo written by a Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee staff suggesting how to make the greatest gain off of intelligence data leading to the war against Iraq.

We have carefully reviewed our options under the rules and believe we have identified the best approach. Our plan is as follows:

1) Pull the majority along as far as we can on issues that may lead to major new disclosures regarding improper or questionable conduct by administration officials. We are having some success in that regard. For example, in addition to the president's State of the Union speech, the chairman has agreed to look at the activities of the Office of the Secretary of Defense as well as Secretary Bolton's office at the State Department. The fact that the chairman supports our investigations into these offices and co-signs our requests for information is helpful and potentially crucial. We don't know what we will find but our prospects for getting the access we seek is far greater when we have the backing of the majority. (Note: we can verbally mention some of the intriguing leads we are pursuing.)

2) Assiduously prepare Democratic "additional views" to attach to any interim or final reports the committee may release. Committee rules provide this opportunity and we intend to take full advantage of it. In that regard, we have already compiled all the public statements on Iraq made by senior administration officials. We will identify the most exaggerated claims and contrast them with the intelligence estimates that have since been declassified. Our additional views will also, among other things, castigate the majority for seeking to limit the scope of the inquiry. The Democrats will then be in a strong position to reopen the question of establishing an independent commission (i.e. the Corzine amendment).

3) Prepare to launch an independent investigation when it becomes clear we have exhausted the opportunity to usefully collaborate with the majority. We can pull the trigger on an independent investigation at any time-- but we can only do so once. The best time to do so will probably be next year either:

A) After we have already released our additional views on an interim report -- thereby providing as many as three opportunities to make our case to the public: 1) additional views on the interim report; 2) announcement of our independent investigation; and 3) additional views on the final investigation; or

B) Once we identify solid leads the majority does not want to pursue. We could attract more coverage and have greater credibility in that context than one in which we simply launch an independent investigation based on principled but vague notions regarding the "use" of intelligence.

In the meantime, even without a specifically authorized independent investigation, we continue to act independently when we encounter foot-dragging on the part of the majority. For example, the FBI Niger investigation was done solely at the request of the vice chairman; we have independently submitted written questions to DoD; and we are preparing further independent requests for information.


Intelligence issues are clearly secondary to the public's concern regarding the insurgency in Iraq. Yet, we have an important role to play in the revealing the misleading -- if not flagrantly dishonest methods and motives -- of the senior administration officials who made the case for a unilateral, preemptive war. The approach outline above seems to offer the best prospect for exposing the administration's dubious motives and methods.

A former member of the Clinton administration is being linked to a bombshell Senate Intelligence Committee memo outlining a strategy to use information gathered by the committee to help drive President Bush from office in 2004.

In an editorial Friday, the Wall Street Journal reports:

"[Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Jay Rockefeller, D-WV] refuses to denounce the memo, which he says was unauthorized and written by staffers. If that's the case, at the very least, some heads ought to roll. A good place to start would be minority staffer Christopher Mellon, who serves as deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence in the Clinton administration."

One of Mellon's former bosses, former first lady Hillary Clinton, has been sharply critical of the Bush administration's policy in Iraq. Last week she accused the White House of trying cover-up battlefield casualties and said Bush's decision to invade Iraq was "the antithesis of the rule of law."

The Journal recommended that, until those responsible for Democrats' decision to politicize intelligence are fired, the Intelligence Committee should be "shut down, cleaned out and reconstituted later, preferably after the next election."

Clinton Appointee Linked to Bombshell Anti-Bush Intel Memo ^ | 11/07/03 | Carl Limbacher and Staff

YOO-HOO Ds! (espec. Howard & Susan)
How to use MEMOGATE to take your party back. . .


by Mia T, 11-05-03

CEMOGATE INDIRECTION: Rockefeller and Daschle are decoys, more cutout than cutthroat, less sockdolager than sock-puppet. Rockefeller's too genteel; Daschle's too "concerned." Neither, frankly, has the requisite utter disregard for life. And perhaps most important, (insofar as decoy suitability is concerned), each is sufficiently insipid to ensure insufficient opposition ire.

No. Memogate bears the indelible mark of clinton.

hillary talks: On White House Coverups

(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
missus clinton's REAL virtual office update




The scheme is more manifesto than memo; it is ludicrous to think that it could have been concocted by anyone other than the clintons. The clintons control the Democratic Party, have impressive presidential-coup field experience (on both ends, spanning three decades), and are beginning to understand that, for reasons ranging from Rudy to rape, they don't have forever to make their move. Hence, the scheme... and the memo.


If what has happened here is not treason, it is its first cousin. The ones responsible - be they staff or elected or both - should be dealt with quickly and severely sending a lesson to all that this kind of action will not be tolerated, ignored or excused. --Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga.

If the Ds really want their party back, they should make their move now. Someone out there can finger the clintons. He should do it. Now.

He mustn't delude himself into imagining that the Invertebrate Party will nail her. That will never happen. (Which, by the way, will cost the GOP votes. We will never again tolerate a party that puts its own power above national security... and that is precisely what the GOP will be doing if it allows a clinton (once again) to remain in office. (Didn't you guys learn ANYTHING from 911???))

P.S. Note the increase in defensive, diversionary dem mudslinging since the memo surfaced, especially by hillary's Boy in Harlem. Rangel's been on the tube 24/7 calling for Rummy's resignation. That should tell you something about hillary clinton's vulnerability...

 hillary talks: ON CHINA
EXPENSIVE CHINA: the clinton legacy

(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)

missus clinton's REAL virtual office update


Hear Bush 41 Warn Us--October 19, 1992*

*Thanx to Cloud William for text and audio

LEHRER: President Bush, your closing statement, sir.


PRESIDENT BUSH: Three weeks from now--two weeks from tomorrow, America goes to the polls and you're going to have to decide who you want to lead this country ...

On foreign affairs, some think it's irrelevant. I believe it's not. We're living in an interconnected world...And if a crisis comes up, ask who has the judgment and the experience and, yes, the character to make the right decision?

And, lastly, the other night on character Governor Clinton said it's not the character of the president but the character of the presidency. I couldn't disagree more. Horace Greeley said the only thing that endures is character. And I think it was Justice Black who talked about great nations, like great men, must keep their word.

And so the question is, who will safeguard this nation, who will safeguard our people and our children? I need your support, I ask for your support. And may God bless the United States of America.



play tape



It's time to take out the trash...
A Senate en passant capture is THE MOVE...

NEW AUDIO! Hear the Bill Bennett (PARDONGATE) epilogue


Tag-Line Musings:
Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.)

by Mia T, 10.29.03


Permit me to highlight my Free Republic tag line; the acronym really is the message.

Posted on 10/29/2003 6:35 AM EST by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))

The clintons have, for the last decade--most recently, behind (they would say "between" (as in "interregnal")) the scene(s)--set into motion the democrats' seemingly psychopathic--but certainly suicidal and seditious--undermining of America...

As the nine dwarfs labor mightily to render their unfitness unequivocal, bill clinton and the little missus (almost too casually for my taste) assume an ersatz elder stateman pose sufficiently colorable to fool some--perhaps enough-- of the people, in order to revise his legacy... and to reprise hers.

Thoroughly clintonized, (which Andrew Cuomo would tell you also means "clueless,") the democrats are completely inverting (perverting) the sea captain's refrain.

"Down with the ship" does not mean "the ship goes down with me."

The Democratic Party's Problem Transcends Its Anti-War Contingent


hyperlinked images of shame
copyright Mia T 2003.

by Mia T, 4.6.03


If Act I was a thinly veiled allegory about naked clintonism, then Act II is a parable about the plan for world domination by the Establishment, aged hippies in pinstripes all, with their infantile, solipsistic world view amazingly untouched by time.




Al From is sounding the alarm. "Unless we convince Americans that Democrats are strong on national security," he warns his party, "Democrats will continue to lose elections."

Helloooo? That the Democrats have to be spoon-fed what should be axiomatic post-9/11 is, in and of itself, incontrovertible proof that From's advice is insufficient to solve their problem.

From's failure to fully lay out the nature of the Democrats' problem is not surprising: he is the guy who helped seal his party's fate. It was his Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) that institutionalized the proximate cause of the problem, clintonism, and legitimized its two eponymic provincial operators on the national stage. The "Third Way" and "triangulation" don't come from the same Latin root for no reason.

That "convince" is From's operative word underscores the Democrats' dilemma. Nine-eleven was transformative. It is no longer sufficient merely to convince. One must demonstrate, demonstrate convincingly, if you will… which means both in real time and historically.

When it comes to national security, Americans will no longer take any chances. Turning the turn of phrase back on itself, the era of the Placebo President is over. (Incidentally, the oft-quote out-of-context sentence fragment alluded to here transformed meaningless clinton triangulation into a meaningful if deceptive soundbite.)

Although From is loath to admit it -- the terror in his eyes belies his facile solution -- the Democratic party's problem transcends its anti-war contingent.

With a philosophy that relinquishes our national sovereignty -- and relinquishes it reflexively… and to the UN no less -- the Democratic party is, by definition, the party of national insecurity.

With policy ruled by pathologic self-interest -- witness the "Lieberman Paradigm," Kerry's "regime change" bon mot (gone bad), Edwards' and the clintons' brazen echoes thereof (or, alternatively, Pelosi's less strident wartime non-putdown putdown)… and, of course, the clincher -- eight years of the clintons' infantilism, grotesquerie and utter failure -- the Democratic party is, historically and in real time, the party of national insecurity.

The Democrats used to be able to wallpaper their national insecurity with dollars and demogoguery. But that was before 9/11.


TOPICS: Announcements; Constitution/Conservatism; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
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1 posted on 11/08/2003 6:22:58 PM PST by Mia T
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To: jmstein7
sorry abt typo :(
2 posted on 11/08/2003 6:24:31 PM PST by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: StarFan
ny ping
3 posted on 11/08/2003 6:25:55 PM PST by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: WorkingClassFilth; Gail Wynand; looscannon; Lonesome in Massachussets; IVote2; Slyfox; ...
petition-signing ping
4 posted on 11/08/2003 6:27:42 PM PST by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T
Nice work, Mia T.

Bumping for more signatures.
5 posted on 11/08/2003 6:29:33 PM PST by RGVTx (Treason is the Reason Democrats must be gone!)
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To: Mia T
I signed it earlier, but will always bump your threads.
6 posted on 11/08/2003 6:37:54 PM PST by ladyinred (Talk about a revolution, look at California!!! We dumped Davis!!!)
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To: Mia T
I'm #374.
7 posted on 11/08/2003 6:40:37 PM PST by freedom4ever
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To: Mia T
Thanks for the ping, Mia. I'm going to sign the petition now, then will ping my lists!
8 posted on 11/08/2003 6:45:23 PM PST by nutmeg ("The DemocRATic party...has been hijacked by a confederacy of gangsters..." - Pat Caddell, 11/27/00)
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To: Mia T
Signed. Great job. We can not let this stand. We have to do more.
9 posted on 11/08/2003 6:47:52 PM PST by bulldogs
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To: StarFan; Dutchy; alisasny; Black Agnes; BobFromNJ; BUNNY2003; Cacique; Clemenza; Coleus; DKNY; ...

Please FReepmail me if you want on or off my infrequent ‘miscellaneous’ ping list.

10 posted on 11/08/2003 6:49:51 PM PST by nutmeg ("The DemocRATic party...has been hijacked by a confederacy of gangsters..." - Pat Caddell, 11/27/00)
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To: Mia T
Mia T: How Great thou art!!! Post this thing every hour on the hour to get to all those who get on now and then but always miss some of these great posts. I get on three or four times a day but usually only read the first page. If your post would have been on the top of the second page, I would have missed it. Others do the same.
I am saving all of your posts. I have many of Alamo Girl's posts and have copied most of her archives and have them in a binder to show my friends.

I am sending this to all on my list and they will sign too. In my 76 years I have seen it all.. up till now. I hope this will take hold and bring "them" down. America must win in this. I can't wait till the 17th when Rush comes back.
11 posted on 11/08/2003 6:50:05 PM PST by Stretch
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To: Gracey; Alamo-Girl; RottiBiz; bamabaseballmom; FoxGirl; Mr. Bob; xflisa; lainde; dixierose; ...
FoxFan ping!

Please FReepmail me if you want on or off my FoxFan list. *Warning: This can be a high-volume ping list at times.

12 posted on 11/08/2003 6:50:50 PM PST by nutmeg ("The DemocRATic party...has been hijacked by a confederacy of gangsters..." - Pat Caddell, 11/27/00)
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To: Mia T
# 121
13 posted on 11/08/2003 6:52:49 PM PST by HuntsvilleTxVeteran (CCCP = clinton, chiraq, chretien, and putin = stalin wannabes)
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To: Mia T; jmstein7
Thanks for the ping Mia. I'd say this is a match made in heaven. );

I see the democraps got their hands on it already.

14 posted on 11/08/2003 6:53:59 PM PST by StarFan (Life is in session, are you present?)
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To: Mia T
15 posted on 11/08/2003 6:55:29 PM PST by Brian Allen ( Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God - Thomas Jefferson)
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To: Mia T
Thanks for the ping
16 posted on 11/08/2003 6:56:22 PM PST by firewalk
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Disregard my freepmail. He decided to go with a petition.
17 posted on 11/08/2003 6:58:21 PM PST by StarFan (Life is in session, are you present?)
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To: Mia T
sorry abt typo :(

LOL, I missed it but I love tyhpos. Good post, Mia T

Here try one of these:


18 posted on 11/08/2003 7:00:06 PM PST by Syncro
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To: Mia T
19 posted on 11/08/2003 7:01:49 PM PST by eyespysomething (As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17))
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To: Mia T
Bumping for signatures. Sign the petition, folks.
20 posted on 11/08/2003 7:16:00 PM PST by RGVTx (Treason is the Reason Democrats must be gone!)
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