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I'm so stupid, I signed up and got the Zot.

Posted on 12/21/2004 12:25:42 PM PST by hk409

Edited on 12/21/2004 12:54:14 PM PST by Admin Moderator. [history]



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To: Darksheare

Have you taken any Life Painting classes or do you just take your pad to nude beaches? LOL!!!

34,241 posted on 07/17/2005 1:33:49 PM PDT by Lady Jag (Honor - Dignity - Courage - Loyalty)
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To: NicknamedBob
Was that a pun? I just want to be sure.
34,242 posted on 07/17/2005 1:35:13 PM PDT by Lady Jag (Honor - Dignity - Courage - Loyalty)
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To: NicknamedBob

I wasn't thinking about grok. I was distracted.

34,243 posted on 07/17/2005 1:35:56 PM PDT by Lady Jag (Honor - Dignity - Courage - Loyalty)
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To: NicknamedBob

34,244 posted on 07/17/2005 1:45:41 PM PDT by King Prout (I'd say I missed ya, but that'd be untrue... I NEVER MISS)
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To: Lady Jag
"Was that a pun? I just want to be sure."

*NnB scratches head*

No pun intended, or even recognized.
34,245 posted on 07/17/2005 1:45:44 PM PDT by NicknamedBob (Mighty and enduring? They are but toys of the moment to be overturned by the flicking of a finger.)
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To: Lady Jag

I draw best from live models, but finding people who will sit still for a sketch is proving to be maddeningly difficult.

34,246 posted on 07/17/2005 1:58:45 PM PDT by Darksheare (Hey troll, Sith happens.)
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To: NicknamedBob
No pun intended, or even recognized.

Good, I'm thankful.

34,247 posted on 07/17/2005 2:08:31 PM PDT by Lady Jag (Honor - Dignity - Courage - Loyalty)
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To: Darksheare

Why not take a class, then, if you can't get any volunteers from the general population.

34,248 posted on 07/17/2005 2:11:40 PM PDT by Lady Jag (Honor - Dignity - Courage - Loyalty)
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To: King Prout

More interesting reading. I liked this:

"...despite sporadic low levels of funding, NTR(Nuclear Thermal Rocket) is the only credible option that makes sense for what we want to do."

... and the section on Solid core elements in the form of Uranium and Zirconium Carbides was very useful, but I am convinced the fuel rods or elements will need more cladding to operate at the higher temperatures. Iridium, Osmium, and even Tantalum could perhaps be combined with more common substances like Molybdenum to yield a corrosion resistant high-temperature cladding material that would allow the heat to be transferred without exposing any Uranium to oxidation or loss.

34,249 posted on 07/17/2005 2:13:30 PM PDT by NicknamedBob (Mighty and enduring? They are but toys of the moment to be overturned by the flicking of a finger.)
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To: Lady Jag

No such classes in my area that don't require you to be doing other things like enrolled in a degree program or also taking classes that have absolutley zip to do with improving your art skills.

Any such courses are way out of the way for me.
Already looked into that.

34,250 posted on 07/17/2005 2:32:14 PM PDT by Darksheare (Hey troll, Sith happens.)
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To: Darksheare

Even if you offer to pay them they are still suspicious. Even friends won't do it. People are too jumpy these days.

34,251 posted on 07/17/2005 2:52:13 PM PDT by Lady Jag (Honor - Dignity - Courage - Loyalty)
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To: Darksheare

Sometimes classes are hard to find, but they are out there. There are several in each surrounding town here.

34,252 posted on 07/17/2005 2:53:53 PM PDT by Lady Jag (Honor - Dignity - Courage - Loyalty)
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To: Darksheare
Google "town art association", substituting "town" for your town and for surrounding towns. You'll find classes. Those sorts of classes are for people like you and me who want to study what we want to study and curricula(um) be darned! They're more like salons with a mentor.
34,253 posted on 07/17/2005 3:02:15 PM PDT by Lady Jag (Honor - Dignity - Courage - Loyalty)
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To: Lady Jag

Anything like that is spread by word of mouth around here.
Trick is, finding the people to speak to.

34,254 posted on 07/17/2005 3:09:46 PM PDT by Darksheare (Hey troll, Sith happens.)
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To: Darksheare

If you find the art associations, you'll find the classes. The art associations are the umbrella for artists in the area and all have at least judged art show a year where you can show your work. Contact an association and you will have your pick. Trust me.

34,255 posted on 07/17/2005 3:22:38 PM PDT by Lady Jag (Honor - Dignity - Courage - Loyalty)
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To: tiamat; Irish_Thatcherite
Heh, heh.

I wonder how many people would have bothered to see that-by all accounts, absolutely atrocious-movie "The Fantastic Four," if Jessica Alba wasn't starring in it.


-good times, G.J.P. (Jr.)

34,256 posted on 07/17/2005 3:43:56 PM PDT by Do not dub me shapka broham
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To: Lady Jag

I know of one person to speak to, but the issue is 'pricing'.
(As always!)

34,257 posted on 07/17/2005 4:16:13 PM PDT by Darksheare (Hey troll, Sith happens.)
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To: Darksheare

Just do it. You don't know what you're missing. It's not expensive here, $85-150 for 10 weeks in high cost of living areas.

34,258 posted on 07/17/2005 4:55:55 PM PDT by Lady Jag (Honor - Dignity - Courage - Loyalty)
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To: Lady Jag; Darksheare; scott0347; timpad; Conspiracy Guy; NYC GOP Chick; MeekOneGOP; Fedora; OSHA; ..

For anyone who loved Roald Dahl's book, go and see the new "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", starring Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka.

This Tim Burton film by Warner Brothers manages to capture Dahl's dark humor, and is simply FUN. If the Gene Wilder movie bored you, (or made you mad like it did me when I saw it when I was 12) there IS therapy available in this new movie.

"Charlie" follows the plot of Dahl's book closely, (with a few minor exceptions) and Johnny Depp is amazingly weird as Willy Wonka. It's startling to realize that this guy (who comes off as even stranger than Michael Jackson) is the SAME guy who played Captain Jack Sparrow in Disney's "Pirates of the Carribean". . I guess that's why they call it acting. Oh, and Willy's wardrobe is to DIE for!

The sets are great. Charlie Bucket's home is Dickensian in nature, just as it should be. The Garden set around the Chocolate Waterfall is NOT Gene Wilder's sacharine-sweet setting where he sang his song and bit the edge off of a daffodil. THIS "eatible" Garden IS alluring, but it is also somewhat forboding, and ...well, it has tentacles. Honest.

The best change was the Oompa-Loompas. I never DID like the little orange guys with the green hair, who sang their smarmy songs about each of the Bad Children to the same tune.

THESE Oompa-Loompas seem to come from SE Asia, have a wicked sense of humor, and they use Dahl's orioginal lyrics, and each song has it's own style and tune. "Veruca Salt the little brute, has just gone down the garbage chute....etc".

BEST of all, the horrible plot complication of Charlie and Granpa Joe stealing an Everlasting Gobbstopper and then holding out on Mr. Wonka for the Industrial Spy's coin is GONE.

Didn't happen in the book, didn't happen here.

There's lots of "in-jokes". Just WAIT till you see what happens with the giant Wonka bar in the TV room, and hear the theme music. LOTS of "eye-candy" in this movie, and yes, the pun IS intended!

The ending IS a little different than in the book, but it all turns out right in the end. The Moral Lessons are more piquant, and EVERYONE gets what they deserve.

Movie sound-track is done by Danny Elfman, so it has that "Harry Potter" feel to it.

My companion for this matinee was a middle aged Army Vet who has never read the book and who HATED the Gene Wilder movie.

(Yes, this was a bit of a hard-sell to get him to go)

He loved "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and laughed so hard I thought he would aspirate his pop-corn.

"Charlie" is going to be on my Christmas Wish list when it comes out on DVD for sure.

34,259 posted on 07/17/2005 5:17:09 PM PDT by tiamat ("If some guy named Marduk calls, tell him I'm not home!")
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To: Do not dub me shapka broham

I have not seen that.

MIGHT catch it on DVD when Netflix has it.

Considering "Shark Boy and Lava Girl" and Howl's Moving Castle"

Look just above to find out a little bit about "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".

34,260 posted on 07/17/2005 5:19:16 PM PDT by tiamat ("If some guy named Marduk calls, tell him I'm not home!")
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