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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)
Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate
why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!
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kickmeimtrollish; killthisthread; killthisthreadplease; kilroy; kilroywashere; kilroywasthere; kingofthebritons; kingproustpretender; kingproutlives; kittyfood; kittylitter; kittypoo; kittyvomit; kiwiword; kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk; klingon; klingonmacbeth; knightsofcolumbus; knowledgedecisions; konichiwa; kookkookkachoo; kwvandals; lastkeyword; lastpost; lavrenti; learntospelljews; leaveittobeeber; letthegoodtimesroll; letthisthreaddie; liberal; library; likeablackhole; limitto75000; llllllllllllllllllll; longestzotthread; lostpost; lotofstuffboutnuttin; lotsofkeywords; luigisloogies; makersmarkrules; marsupialbeeber; marsupialroadkill; massalama; maxx; me; meaddakeywordtoo; megathread; messagemassage; metallica; michaeldeeeeehiggins; migrationscultures; mikeiniraqwuzheretoo; milfmilfmilf; ministryoflove; ministryofpeace; ministryofplenty; ministryoftruth; mmmeggsandcoffee; mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm; moderatemyass; moderatorinstigator; modsareinonit; molassesmiasma; monkeybutt; monkeyfacerules; 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why; willthisthreaddie; winbensteinsmoney; winery; winterinoklahoma; wmdbrandcoffee; woohooo; woooooooooooooo; worstthreadever; wow; wtc911; wwf; wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; yar; yeaandweremadtoo; yesitis; yetisex; yojimbo; youhavetoomuchtime; yousuck; youtalkingtomehuh; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy; zipperheadsrus; zombiethreadfromhell; zot; zotbait; zotbetagamma; zotfest; zotjimmycartercom; zotmeagain; zotmebabyonemoretime; zotmeister; zotorama; zotpeterson; zottedagain; zottokill; zuluoscartango; zz13139posts; zzgettingreallyoldzz; zztop; zztoprulz; zzzscott0347; zzzzz; zzzzzzhimonkeyface; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzpoopoo; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz50; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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To: Conspiracy Guy
Closing Credit Music.
Zot City (sung to the tune of Surf City)
1st Verse
I drive a ninety two Civic,
And it's got a big woofer.
Zot City Im a bum.
I got a college degree,
Can't get a job as a roofer.
Zot City Im a bum.
Well I aint got a job,
Cause I'm stupid as crap.
My parents think I'm lazy,
But I got a bad rap.
And Now I'm going to Zot City
Cause I hear it's fun.
Yeah I'm going to Zot City,
So I've gotta run.
And now I'm going to Zot City
I don't need a job.
I'll just go to Zot City
And remain a slob, Now.
Two Zots for every troll!
2nd Verse
When I get to Zot City,
Ill be wearing an earring.
Zot City Im a bum.
Ill post some stupid remark,
Then run away cause Im nothing.
Zot City Im a bum.
I wont answer replies,
Or make a lick of sense.
Id have to be twice as smart,
To be called dense.
And Now I'm going to Zot City
Cause I hear it's fun.
Yeah I'm going to Zot City,
So I've gotta run.
And now I'm going to Zot City
I don't need a job.
I'll just go to Zot City
And remain a slob, Now.
Two Zots for every , Two Zots for every troll!
Ah oooooo Ah oooooo.
Conspiracy Guy 2/20/04
posted on
07/01/2004 4:51:51 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
To: KangarooJacqui
It is a stubborn thread. I just posted closing credit music.
posted on
07/01/2004 4:56:19 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
To: Conspiracy Guy
Hey, that could be MY theme song!
Kangaroo Jacqui, formerly The Quiet American...
posted on
07/01/2004 4:57:11 AM PDT
(I'm here, I'm conservative, if that's queer, you'll just have to live... with it!)
To: KangarooJacqui
posted on
07/01/2004 4:59:28 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
To: Fedora; Conspiracy Guy
"So far I've ID'd we four who can kill threads almost instantly by merely being on them. (My thread killing powers are weird. Fedora has a theory about them..)" I'm here now, so this thread is officially "dead as Elvis".
Time for prune juws.
To: Conspiracy Guy
I got a college degree, Can't get a job as a roofer.
Zot City Im a bum.
To: Vigilantcitizen
posted on
07/01/2004 5:02:59 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
To: Vigilantcitizen
Good song ain't it? We need to get it recorded and make it a standard Viking Kitties post.
posted on
07/01/2004 5:04:19 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
To: Conspiracy Guy
Good song ain't it? We need to get it recorded and make it a standard Viking Kitties post. Bump.
To: Conspiracy Guy
I'm not a troll NOW - but there was a time when folks here felt different...
I could look up the thread, but the references have probably been removed anyway. But I didn't have a very auspicious debut here, that's for sure. (And I don't mean just when I "appeared" on my husband's obituary thread - actually Jim and the mods decided to let me back in, and they first gave me back my first name, until they realised that someone had suggested I commit suicide (precisely what my husband ended up doing). So I got back the name I made up as a spur-of-the-moment joke, and was zotted under before ever posting. (Hence my signup date being nine months or so before my first post.)
posted on
07/01/2004 5:07:11 AM PDT
(I'm here, I'm conservative, if that's queer, you'll just have to live... with it!)
To: Vigilantcitizen
I wrote a John Kerry Version with slightly different words.
John Kerry (sung to the tune of Surf City)
1st Verse
John Kerrys like Al Gore.
I drive a ninety two Civic,
And it's got a big woofer.
(John Kerry hes the one.)
I got a college degree,
Can't get a job as a roofer.
(John Kerry hes the one.)
Well I aint got a job,
Cause I'm dumb as crap.
My parents think I'm lazy,
But I got a bad rap.
And Ill vote for John Kerry
Cause he is the one.
Yeah Ill vote for John Kerry
I dont own a gun.
And when I vote for John Kerry
I don't want a job.
I'll just Vote for John Kerry,
And remain a slob, Now.
John Kerrys like Al Gore!
2nd Verse
When I vote for John Kerry,
Its because Im not thinkin.
(John Kerry hes the one.)
I hate my mom and my dad,
My brain is rotten and stinkin.
(John Kerry hes the one.)
I have no logic at all,
Dont make a lick of sense.
Id have to be twice as smart,
To be called dense.
And Ill vote for John Kerry
Cause he is the one.
Yeah Ill vote for John Kerry
I dont own a gun.
And when I vote for John Kerry
I don't want a job.
I'll just Vote for John Kerry,
And remain a slob, Now.
John Kerrys like Al, John Kerrys like Al Go o ore!
Ah ouuuuuuuuh ah ouhh ah ouuuuuuuuh
Conspiracy Guy 3/5/4
posted on
07/01/2004 5:09:06 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
To: KangarooJacqui
Rough start. How is the weather today?
posted on
07/01/2004 5:11:32 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
To: KangarooJacqui; MeekOneGOP; Conspiracy Guy
Hey...what are my JUSTAMY friends doing on this crazy thread?
posted on
07/01/2004 5:11:37 AM PDT
To: Conspiracy Guy
How is the weather today? I wish it would rain. /sarcasm
To: PGalt; MeekOneGOP
Round round post around,
We post around, yeah.
Post around round round,
We post around.
We post around,
Cause it's sound.
We hit any thread,
Make sure the trolls are dead.
posted on
07/01/2004 5:15:29 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
To: Vigilantcitizen
Rain. I'll send you rain. Unless you're in Texas.
posted on
07/01/2004 5:16:32 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
To: KangarooJacqui
You were married to "Trapped in Liberal Hell"?
Damn, I didn't know that. My sincere condolences.
BTW...Bad a$$ tat ya got there.
To: jj_fate
Buh-bye, troll.
I just had to get in on this one.
posted on
07/01/2004 5:18:51 AM PDT
7.62 x 51mm
(• Veni • Vidi • Vino •)
To: Conspiracy Guy
Proof positive a thread can live on a thumping gizzard...
posted on
07/01/2004 5:24:40 AM PDT
("He who is always looking up seldom finds others' lost change...")
To: jj_fate
Professor Fate: You cheated! Cheated! I hate you! I refuse to accept! I won't win any way but my way, you've ruined my reputation, do you hear?! You I hate! You and your hair that's always combed, your suit is always white, your car is always clean! I refuse to accept! I challenge you to another race! P>
posted on
07/01/2004 5:27:43 AM PDT
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